7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hi girls, just sat in the waiting room now, it's chocker! Think we might be waiting for a while.

I tried true blood but like you betty only got through season 1 then I had to stop watching it because their accents drove me mad! ! Know loads of people though that love it

I'll keep you posted girls xx
Tina.... How did your appointment go???? Hope you have some good news xx
Hi girls how is everyone???
Tina.... What happened at your appointment???
My AF arrived yesterday in full force!!! It's so awful, they are just getting worse. I'm passing huge clots and I'm coming through super tampons in less than 20mins.... Sorry TMI girls.... Ugh, it's rubbish being a woman sometimes :(
Urgh Betty that doesn't sound good! Is that because of the endo?? If it is , hopefully you will get your op soon.
Tina, hope Marks results were encouraging xx
Hi girls sorry for taking so long to reply, had a mad couple of days

So we've been told that marks sperm count has risen (it was previously 11mil and is now 33mil) but they're not moving fast enough to be able to catch the egg. His motility is at 27% and the consultant said it needs to be at least 50%. So he's put mark on a tablet called tamoxifen, which is also given to women with breast cancer believe it or not. He has to take them for 12 weeks and then go back for more sperm analysis tests.

The consultant seemed quite hopeful that these tablets should raise his motility, so fingers crossed!

He couldn't go through any of my results as he only deals with male infertility but I have an appointment to discuss them next week. I'm pretty sure everything is fine with me anyhow, though I'm wondering if they're going to suggest clomid.

Ovulation is here any day for me, had loads of EWCM and feeling slightly achey on my left side tonight.

We're off to Doncaster in the morning for 2 nights, evie is staying with my sister so she's excited!

Betty, sounds like you're having a terrible time with your AF :-( what's causing the clotting? ? Any news on a date for your op?

AB how are you feeling? Any bump pics to share? Xx
Glad they are doing something that should help Tina.

Week 17.jpg
Tina.... That's great news about hubby's sperm, is that from him just taking those vitamins??? That's amazing!!! I wonder if they would suggest clomid and IUI for you??? Not long to wait before you see what the next steps are! Exciting stuff!
How is everyone else??? Anyone got any nice plans this weekend? It's my last day at my old job tmrw, whoop!!! Might have to go out and celebrate tmrw nite!
Girls, can you believe that a year ago today I got my BFP??? How quick has that gone??? Really thought I would have had another BFP by now :( hopefully not too much longer xx
Ahh Betty time flies doesnt it! I'm positive that it won't be your last BFP though, I also haven't seen a BFP in 12 months. This time 12 months ago there's not a chance in hell that I thought we would be where we are today. I totally expected that we would have our LO by now

I'm in Doncaster this weekend, we're staying in a travel lodge and it's infested with spiders. I'm not just talking about 2 or 3 spiders, there's dozens everywhere you look. Couldn't have the window open last night in case they got in so we had to sleep in tropical heat!

We're off to the races today, here's hoping that we will be a few quid richer by tonight! Xx
Hi ladies....I have insomnia...can't get comfy, keep waking Aaron up, so I'm now downstairs on sofa making a brew!!

I've been in Manchester with joe the past 2 days. Had a great time, although the London underground was horrific!!!!

Betty, bless you.....can't believe it's been a year since your bfp! I knew it was close.......time certainly flys!! It also means we have 'known' each other for a year!!! Your period doesn't sound much fun, I hope it's eased off a bit for you now and this operation will come through soon for you Xx

Tina, even though it's not great about marks motility, it's great it has risen & they can give him something to help it move faster!! Things are moving forward now, I'm sure it won't be too long till we see your bfp!:)
I hope your having a great weekend away, I saw some pics on fb, you look amazing, so glam! Love your make up! I can't wait till I can get glammed up & in my highest heels again! X

Ab, how are you feeling?? How many weeks are you now? That's a lovely bump you have got there!! :) I'm obsessed with other people's bumps!

I feel huge now, I'm struggling to move, everything is uncomfortable!!
We went for another scan last wed & baby has grown, he's back along the middle centile line now. But the sonographer freaked me out again as he said I had alot of amniotic fluid, more than I should have for this stage.
Of course, the first thing i did was Google it.....Burst into tears in the waiting room, Aaron was really shocked bless him, he tried to calm me down. It's hard, with everything that's happened in the past, how it comes to haunt you & worry you.
The midwife looked at the chart and Said I've nothing to worry about....the fluid HAS increased, but is still within range & everyone is different! So I'm gong for another scam in 4 weeks. I just want it over with now girls.....The worry is just too much sometimes.

I hope everyone else is doing ok?? Best go & make this brew & then try and sleep! Xx
Morning girls,

Frisky just seen the pictures of your surprise baby shower! How lovely that your friends organised one for you. Did you get loads of goodies for Oscar?

Ovulation has been and gone I think. .. its been weird though, for the last 4 or so months my ovulation day has always fallen around CD18, this cycle I'm sure I ovulated around CD14-15.. do you think this is because I had the HSG? Pretty sure I've ovulation because my boobs are sore and I had loads of EWCM around those days.

Think I'm gonna try temping again next cycle to pin point ovulation day.

Let the symptom spotting begin!! Xxx
Yeah, maybe that's why tina......Do you use opk's?? I never got to grips with them, my ovulation dates were just rough estimates. I've read that it can vary from month to month though.

Baby shower was a complete SHOCK!! Az was in on it too and he's usually crap at keeping secrets! All the girls from work (minus the boss) had organised it....I'm best friends with 2 of them, so it was lovely. Got gifts for Oscar and for me! Bottle of wine been one of them! Haha
Never thought I'd have a baby shower as it's a bit American isn't it? Plus I'm away from home, so thought I'd miss out. But glad they did it, was a lovely afternoon X

How is everyone else today?? I had the BEST nights sleep last night, feel like a new woman! X
I did used to use OPKs and always got positives with them but then stopped using them because I could tell when I was ovulating anyway but it's definitely changed this cycle, I haven't ovulated this early for months! Maybe my fallopian tubes just needed a good flush through.

I never had a baby shower when I had evie, I don't think they were the in thing 4 years ago but they're becoming more and more popular now. I helped organise one for a friend a few months ago and she got sooo many presents. I think we're adapting everything from America though these days! Even school proms now are ridiculously over the top and americanised (if thats even a word!)

We've had a busy day of painting all doors and ceilings white ready to put our house up for sale. Desperately need to get out of this house, it's so small that you could barely swing a cat around.

Betty how's the new job going? ?

Want just. . Any news on your LO? Hope all is okay

Hello! Man I hate Mondays in the new job!
Frisky - great that baby fish has grown again! Pregnancy is tough at times and I think you're doing so well given what you've come through and your past experience. I'm sure Az just thinks you're amazing - what's a few tears when hormones are involved anyways?
Tina, how is Mark? Baby showers are definitely on the rise up here too.
I think I'm going to try ovulation sticks this month too. A bit wierded out by the long vs very short periods. Be good to see if I'm actually ovulating post mini-pill.
I'm just home from a very long day. Glass of vino and some apple strudel. Yum. Small comforts. Really must go to the gym again soon, piling on the pounds - not cool!
Have a happy Tuesday ladies... x
Hi ladies....I have insomnia...can't get comfy, keep waking Aaron up, so I'm now downstairs on sofa making a brew!!

I've been in Manchester with joe the past 2 days. Had a great time, although the London underground was horrific!!!!

Betty, bless you.....can't believe it's been a year since your bfp! I knew it was close.......time certainly flys!! It also means we have 'known' each other for a year!!! Your period doesn't sound much fun, I hope it's eased off a bit for you now and this operation will come through soon for you Xx

Tina, even though it's not great about marks motility, it's great it has risen & they can give him something to help it move faster!! Things are moving forward now, I'm sure it won't be too long till we see your bfp!:)
I hope your having a great weekend away, I saw some pics on fb, you look amazing, so glam! Love your make up! I can't wait till I can get glammed up & in my highest heels again! X

Ab, how are you feeling?? How many weeks are you now? That's a lovely bump you have got there!! :) I'm obsessed with other people's bumps!

I feel huge now, I'm struggling to move, everything is uncomfortable!!
We went for another scan last wed & baby has grown, he's back along the middle centile line now. But the sonographer freaked me out again as he said I had alot of amniotic fluid, more than I should have for this stage.
Of course, the first thing i did was Google it.....Burst into tears in the waiting room, Aaron was really shocked bless him, he tried to calm me down. It's hard, with everything that's happened in the past, how it comes to haunt you & worry you.
The midwife looked at the chart and Said I've nothing to worry about....the fluid HAS increased, but is still within range & everyone is different! So I'm gong for another scam in 4 weeks. I just want it over with now girls.....The worry is just too much sometimes.

I hope everyone else is doing ok?? Best go & make this brew & then try and sleep! Xx
Hi Frisky, I am 18 weeks today and feeling good thanks.
Glad that all is going well with you and that Oscar is growing xx
Glad your well ab, not long till your 20 week scan! Will you be finding out sex of baby?

Mmmmm Apple strudle sounds lush edingburgh!! My friend from work baked me a Victoria sponge as part of my baby shower present! I've already eaten Half of it to MYSELF!! It's bloody lovely!!

When I was at my mum's, I spotted her new digital scales in her bathroom. She told me NOT to use them! She knows what I'm like....but my curiosity got the better of me!! At 31weeks pregnant, I weigh 11& a half STONE!!! Arrghhh!! Think I was around 10 to start with!

Got my juice plus shakes to start after anyway, I'm not worrying too much (she says as she approaches the Victoria sponge)
Lol, we made Zara a Mr Tumble birthday cake for yesterday and I have already stopped myself from having a slice this morning. My new maternity hospital don't tell you sex, but I will ask for a potty shot. If we don't find out we have decided not to go private and have a surprise, altho I will get scans at 24,28 and 34 weeks so I am sure I will get a peek at one of them!
I think we have decided on a name for either sex anyway so not worried about that now. I would like to know so I can buy baby clothes tho xx
Hi girls,

Frisky to say that you've put a stone and a half on you are still looking brilliant. Most of that will be water retention and baby, not all of the Victoria sponge you've been eating haha. How are you feeling in yourself? Saw on Facebook that you've been struggling to sleep :-(

Edinburgh I know how you feel about piling on the pounds, I feel like I've been eating everything in sight lately. Mark made homemade millionaires shortbread a couple of nights ago and knowing that there's a huge tray of it in the fridge is doing nothing for my "diet" or lack of one!

I'm on CD21 today, my period is due in a week and feeling very not pregnant. It's mad but I don't even symptom spot anymore because at some point or another I've had every preggo symptom out there and still not been pregnant.

We're off to buy Evie's school shoes today then gonna take her to the swimming baths

Betty you've been quiet everything okay?

Hello girls..... How is everyone??? Sorry I've been AWOL, just had a bit of a manic week as I started the new job on Monday and so far I LOVE it!!! It's really interesting.... We dispense the drugs for all the clinics in the hospital so all the chemo drugs, HIV drugs etc.... It's very different to what I am used to but I think I'm gonna like it, phew!!!!! I also see about 40 pregnant women everyday getting their various medication and I'm also giving out a lot of reproductive drugs! It's a nice change and really I haven't thought about the whole TTC thing which is nice :)

Frisky, I think you look absolutely fab!!! I don't think that 1.5 stone is a lot, it's probably all water! How long do you have left??? Also will you be having a natural birth or C section???

Tina, when is your next app??? Did you manage to get down to business during ovulation this month???

Edinburgh.... Where are you in your cycle? I think we are around the same?? I'm currently cd9, had lots of sharp pains today and I have lots of creamy CM? Strange but who knows what is going on down there! :)

AB, you look fab!!! Love your little bump.... What do you think you're having??? Blue or pink??? Does this pregnancy feel different to your others??

I'm so tired at the minute, must be from working every day, early night on the cards and then tmrw I'm treating myself to a bottle of vino for getting through my first week!!!! :)
Glad you are enjoying your new job, it sounds interesting. I do feel different to when I had the girls but it could be my age lol. I think boy, but, I will find out in 9 days because I am going for a private scan. Can't wait any longer to find out lol. So excited xx

Betty, so glad you are enjoying the job! Thats great news! I bet its really interesting as each day is different!
In answer to your question, i have around 6 weeks left, i will be going in for a planned section, will find out for certain at my 34 week scan in 3 weeks xx

Ab, how exciting! I thought you were gonna hold out for a suprise? I couldnt though, could not wait to find out the sex!! Haha x

Tina, its so hard not to symptom spot isnt it? Even when you promise you wont do it, you do! Any more news or appointments your end?

No, ive not been sleeping. I go to bed fine, then wake up around 1 or 2am & stay awake for hours....its slowly affecting me as im like a zombie in the day!! Best get used to it hey? Haha xx

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