7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Oh my God!! I'm so shit at running Tina! I went with az once, I was out of breath & had to stop after 3 mins, it killed me! Az was going mad & ended up running off and leaving me! Haha but I carried on & he was waiting around the corner cheering me on! It's one of those things you have to persevere at, as it does get easier!

They called her Elisha Rose, She's so tiny.
I'm gonna start packing my hospital bag, I know it's early days, but if anything were to happen, I want to be prepared. I've been getting all kinds of pains & twinges, it'd be just my luck to go into Labour early! Need to invest in a maternity bra, I've not even had my boobs measured. I'm still sqeezing my puppies into my 34b's!! Haaha Xx
Hey ladies!!!! I'm a newbie to this site!! Ok, so I am 7dpo, according to FF and a positive opk. For two days now, I have had this low, dull ache between my hipbones... Also, yesterday I was grocery shopping and felt ill everywhere I went. I dropped about 3 things while there..spaz!! Currently experiencing side pain/pressure around my ribs?? Maybe heartburn? Anyone experience these symptoms and end up with a delightful BFP...and which day did you test?!?
Hey ladies!!!! I'm a newbie to this site!! Ok, so I am 7dpo, according to FF and a positive opk. For two days now, I have had this low, dull ache between my hipbones... Also, yesterday I was grocery shopping and felt ill everywhere I went. I dropped about 3 things while there..spaz!! Currently experiencing side pain/pressure around my ribs?? Maybe heartburn? Anyone experience these symptoms and end up with a delightful BFP...and which day did you test?!?

Hello & welcome, how long have you been TTC??
When I got my bfp, I had a dull ache down below which then turned into period like cramping. As for dropping things.....I normally do that on a daily basis anyway! Haha

I used to test way early...but when I got bfp, I actually waited till I was 3 days late Xx

keep us posted x
I am completely shit at exercise in general Frisky! I did go for a run when I got home though. I managed 3 lots of 2 minute runs with a 1 minute rest in between each one and then I had to go home and slowly die on the couch.

Like you said though it's all about perseverance with running, I'm not expecting to be able to do a 20 minute run straight away.

AF is due for me in the next couple of days girls! It'd be lovely if she stayed away but I'm not expecting her to. Anyone ever been preggers and had ZERO symptoms apart from sore boobs? because that's all I have, that and complete restlessness in the night but I'm putting that down to starting back at work and knowing I have to get up at 5am.

I did say to Mark though this morning that I have a feeling I will be pregnant before Christmas because he's on meds now. Here's hoping!

Betty, Edinburgh, Wantjust... you're all very quiet hows everyone getting on?

My god I must friggin jinx myself!!!

Just been to the loo and brown blood when I wiped... she's on her way :( ahh well on to the next one hey! xx
Well done on your run, I want to start running after baby is born but I am crap at running!
I hope your feeling is right xx
Frisky, that sleepsuit is cute xx
Girls!!!! I'm missing so much! I'm so sorry but I've just been hectic with my new job (which I love BTW!!!) just quickly typing this while on my break so will have to come back later for a proper chat.....
How is everyone??? Tina, good news about your results and mark is now on the right medication to hopefully get those spermies moving.... Did they mention clomid???
Frisky.... Not long now! How are u feeling??? Did you say your having a section? When are u booked in? Are you all ready for little oscar???
As we live close to each other (apart from you USA ladies!) we should all hook up one day, it would be so good to meet you all :)
My operation date can through, 1st sep but I have cancelled it.... I can't get the time off work as they have no other staff in and I'm happy to do this, I will be working full time for a couple of weeks. Then me and Chris have decided that we really deserve a holiday so we are planning on going to crete for a week with LO before. It's an ideal time to go as she is not in school yet and we have never had a family holiday so sod it! We are going to get a Visa card and put it on that.... I will then have to wait 4 weeks after the flight for my operation (just in case of DVT/blood clots etc) so that will bring us to 1st week in November so looks like baby making is off until December.... To be honest it's not a problem, I'm approaching the 3 year mark now anyway so what's a couple more months???? I have to say I'm a bit more relaxed about it all, there is a small part of me that thinks it's prob not going to happen and I have to start getting my head around this as I have been so upset about the whole TTC for so long. Don't want it to take over my whole life :(

Anyway I will pop back later for a proper catch up and read everyone's posts properly xxxxx
Betty, made up that you are enjoying your new job! I've gotta say that I also love my job. Although I constantly moan about being so tired because of 9 hour days I can say that it's the best job that I've ever had and I work with the greatest group of people.

I agree that a meet up is deffo needed! We should all meet up for some food and wine (when Frisky has had her Oscar of course then she can join in the festivities) It'd be amazing to meet you all!!

Get that holiday booked Betty! Like you said 3 months will fly over and then you can focus on TTC again, the relaxation time will do you good anyway. Where are you thinking of going? ahhh what I wouldn't do for a summer holiday!!!!!

My AF is deffo here, cramping this afternoon too. Eurgh :-( Just had a bar of choccie to cheer me up. It hasn't worked, it's just made me feel fat haha

Madness by the way that after that HSG my cycle has gone from 31 days to 27?!?!?!
Hey ladies!!!! I'm a newbie to this site!! Ok, so I am 7dpo, according to FF and a positive opk. For two days now, I have had this low, dull ache between my hipbones... Also, yesterday I was grocery shopping and felt ill everywhere I went. I dropped about 3 things while there..spaz!! Currently experiencing side pain/pressure around my ribs?? Maybe heartburn? Anyone experience these symptoms and end up with a delightful BFP...and which day did you test?!?

Hello & welcome, how long have you been TTC??
When I got my bfp, I had a dull ache down below which then turned into period like cramping. As for dropping things.....I normally do that on a daily basis anyway! Haha

I used to test way early...but when I got bfp, I actually waited till I was 3 days late Xx

keep us posted x

You're my first response!! Thanks!! TTC for 3 months. All BFN.. :nope: ugh! This morning was leg and arm cramps that were pretty bad! I have a pretty log cycle..about 35 days.. When do you think I should test?!? Going to Newport, RI with some friends for the weekend. Wish I could know by then!!!!
I am sorry Tina that the witch showed up. I remember my sister and her hubby was trying for about 3 years and she just gave up on taking her temps and everything else and on the 4th year she found out she was pregnant. I will keep my fx crossed for you and all the rest of you ladies!!

Welcome CdeWoody!!

I went to my scan and my Dr appt today. Asthma is okay, blood pressure was a bit high (146/86 but she took it manually and it was lower. (135/80) Dr. checked my cervix and said that I am only 1 centimeter dilated and 0 effaced :( He wanted to induce me this Friday if I was dilated more. Well, I think Sunday is still good since it gives me some time to get ready. We have everything we need for the baby except washcloths for the baby, which is not really needed. I can not wait until Joshua is here! My hubby finally said he wants the baby to have his name since he will be the first son.

The Preschool teacher that I used to work with sent me an E-mail saying that she apologize that the job didn't work out, and had the nerve to tell me about the same position that I was doing will become available soon for 2 hrs a day and hopefully I would be interested. Are you kidding me??!! I told her no I would not be interested in working 2 hrs a day that I wanted the Assistant position. I don't think they wanted me for the position. Well at least I have recent job experience that I can put on my resume. I am not angry anymore at what they did to me, they were just using me and now I realize that.
Argghh tina...sorry witch is here!! What a bummer, onto next cycle now, i wonder if it will stick at 27 days??
Im Deffo up for wine & food at some point with you girls! Cant wait! Haha

Betty, brilliant your enjoying your job, the fact your happy & preoccupied in work probably takes the pressure off ttc, which is a good th
Sorry, pressed send too soon.....yes, its a good thing. Your holiday sounds fab, im jelouse, i love the greek islands. I dont blame you at all for postponing your op.

I was at midwife today, all seems good, babys head has dropped down now which explains me needing a wee every 5 mins! My bump is measuring 31 weeks when im 32, so thats good news. It looks like ill be going in for my section in 5 weeks. Find out proper date in 2 weeks at scan :) Xx
Ab.... Do you have your scan this weekend??? Are you going to find out if it's pink or blue??? Eeeeek! Exciting stuff!!!! Are you hoping for a boy???
Momwife.... I can't believe you are going to meet your little boy very soon!! That's gone so quick. I love the name, I bet you can't wait to meet the little fella! What has happened with your job??? What have they done to you???
Frisky..... 5 weeks???? Lordy! Where has the time gone????
Welcome woody.... How many DPO are you now? I would hold off until AF is due as results are not accurate until then. Take it from us ladies who have tested from 3dpo!!! It's easier said than done..... Keep us posted.

I've sent off for my LO's passport, anyone know roughly how long this will take to come back? The website says 3 weeks, fingers crossed we get it in time as the holiday is 29th sep (obviously haven't booked it yet, will wait for the passport)
Momwife! Joshua is a lovely name! Can't believe how fast that has gone! Bet your so excited.
I don't blame you for turning job down, cheeky buggers!! Your better than that, hold out till something else comes along, which it will.

Betty, I think passports should normally come back in the given time. Just chase it up if you get worried.

Aaron's the 2nd week in his new job & don't think he likes it. In fact,I can tell he doesn't. He basically took the first one he was offered, but the commute to work is over an hour, it's the other side of Southampton. It took him 2 hours to get home in traffic last night. He has been to other interviews, but heard nothing
There was one he went to that he thought he had nailed, 10 mins away. But he's heard nothing. Think it's got to him a bit. It annoys me how company's don't let you know if you WEREN'T successful!
He's just doing it for the security of money at the Min, I guess it's reassuring that he will get work when we move back up north. The agency's are always contacting him with jobs.

I'm just sat in playzone at the min, Joe's brought a friend. It's absolutely packed, no air con working....I feel physically sick!! They have an hour playtime left! Xx
Yes Betty, we are going for a private gender scan at weekend. Would like a little boy but it'll prob be another girl lol.
Glad you are enjoying your new job. The girls passports arrived within a week when I applied in April xx
Hope that the hour goes quickly frisky xx
Frisky... Sounds like you're in HELL!!! When are you moving back up north???
Hopefully az will find a job that he likes, it's so frustrating job hunting!!!
Ab.... You will have to let us know as soon as you can! So exciting :)
Anyone heard from want1??? Hope her little one is ok xx
Hi ladies.
Tina, that's great news about your results. Hopefully Mark's swimmers pick up the pace quickly on the new meds and you get your BFP by Christmas! Everything crossed for you.
Betty, great that you're enjoying your new job. I am too but I have to say it's really really challenging. I've had to hold two disciplinary meetings in the space of 2 months and it's only a 5 man team! I feel like I've barely got my feet under the desk and I'm having to micro-manage way more than I ever have in my life. I'm just always so busy it makes the weeks absolutely fly in. Only down side is I've really limited time with the Munchkin during the week - I'm barely getting back in time for bathtime at the moment as the festival just grinds all the rush hour traffic to a complete halt. I have a few friends got first passports this summer and the passport office has been really far behind with processing. If you need it quickly you'd be best expressing it via the post office. It's worth it for the peace of mind. Hopefully though they'll speed up again a bit now the summer hols are over (or they are up here anyway).
Frisky, bump is looking so cute. Hearts out to Az, job hunting sucks, especially if you don't have the comfort of being in a job while you're looking. It's really tough. How long now till you move? Sounds like a fresh start will be good for Joe if he's having some bother with the locals. Does he have some friends already up north? Can't believe you're so far along already.
Really hope want1 is OK and that her little girl is OK. Worried we haven't heard from her in so long after her last post.
Where is everyone from again? Am I the only hairy arsed barbarian from north of the border ;) I'd come down for a day to meet up with you lovely ladies - finally got round to buying a car a couple of weekends ago. Feel like a proper grown up again! Wheels = Freeeeedoooom! Especially now we're planning no 2.
4 DPO today. Have a bit of a rock hard belly today right over my pant line. It's really odd, almost like period tummy, doesn't go away even if I suck it in. Maybe I just need to get on with that diet! Hubby and I are doing a six week to 100 push ups challenge at the moment. I'm doing OK, but think I need situps more than pushups!
Since I had munchkin I've had better defined arms than I've ever had in my life - and I'm a rock climber! Well was, I'm short a climbing partner at the moment. Soon as LO is big enough for a body harness I'm taking her climbing - maybe it'll stop her climbing my walls and furniture. I caught her holding the sides of my free standing mirror the other day and WALKING up it. Kids have ridiculous strength to weight ratios. Where does it all go when we hit puberty right!
OK ladies, off to put my feet up for a bit.
If any of you ladies do facebook you'll find me I think if you search dawnmarie42
Take care x
Edinburgh, I meant to say that I can't believe you did 60+ hours in one week!!! How on earth did you manage that???? You must be a superhero!!!!
So are you happy in your new job??? Do you worry about getting pg after not being there that long??? I feel bad that I'm trying for a baby but starting a new job... Can't be helped I guess....
AB is also from Scotland and I'm not too far away (north east nr Sunderland) hopefully we can all meet up one day with our new additions!!!

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