Morning girls, so sorry for my absence over the last few days. I've had a horrible week and I've kinda locked myself away from everyone to go through the process of the IVF not working by myself.
To fill you all in, my period started full flow on Friday morning. I had a feeling it was coming because I had terrible cramps

I went out and bought a first response just to be sure because my mum said I needed to be 100% that it hadn't worked and sure enough it was negative. So I've spent the weekend coming to terms with this whole thing not working, if you can ever come to terms with throwing 6 grand down the drain. It's kind of like a grieving process... I started off terribly upset and spent 24 hours crying, then it turned into anger - why didn't it work? I'm healthy, young, been pregnant before etc etc. Then acceptance - there's nothing I can do or could've done to change the result, it wasn't meant to be. Now I'm at a place of feeling grateful for what I already have. If I didn't have Evie it'd be a different matter and I'd probably still be at the upset stage but she keeps me going.
I rang the hospital on Friday morning and she asked what we planned to do next. I told her we have 1 frozen embryo but we want to speak to a consultant before we even think of transferring. There's so many questions I want answering and so many things that I felt went wrong.
1. Progesterone levels - I've always had a short leutal phase and will get my period between 11-12 days after ovulation. I don't personally think that I was on a high enough level of progesterone after transfer. I started spotting 6 days after transfer which works out as 11DPO.
2. The transfer itself was ridiculous!!! The hospital have always been aware that I have a backwards facing uterus and before I went in for transfer I wasn't aware that if I had a full bladder then the doctor would have trouble inserting the catheter into my womb because my bladder would be in the way. They DIDN'T ask me to come in with an empty bladder. So the embryo was removed from the incubator and put into the catheter only for me to have to go and empty my bladder because she couldn't get the catheter in. So the embryo had to be taken back out and put into the incubator again.
This had me concerned that the embryo could have gotten damaged because of all the messing around, which could have been avoided if someone had looked at my notes properly!!
3. The level of stimulation - I was originally prescribed 3 x capsules of merional by my consultant then at the last minute the nurse changed it to 2 x capsules because I had a lot of follices and she was concerned about OHSS. YES there was a lot of follices, but because my meds were lowered a lot of them didn't respond to the stimming so I only got 8 eggs. I feel like if we had stuck to the original plan then we would have more frozen embryos to work with.
Betty, any more news on Chris? Sending you both my love once again. I am totally with Frisky on the nappies front! I couldn't use the towel ones, as much as I do recycle and do my bit for the environment there's no way I am spending what tiny bit of time I do have washing nappies! But each to their own

Have you been feeling more movements?
Frisky, oh goodness what have you been arguing with Aaron about exactly? Hope you are okay sweetness, sending you huge hugs. Me and Mark argue pretty much everyday, it's something I have come to accept haha and it's not a normal day if we don't argue now.
Edinburgh, how are the kids? Hope they have perked up a bit now!
AB, How are you hunni? Still enjoying the new job?
Sorry for the super long post! and thank you girls for all your support over the last few weeks. I'm lucky to have each and every one of you!