7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

There seems to be a lot of croup going round at the moment. I don't think I'd heard of it till I had Mia. Sounds absolutely awful, bless her wee soul. Is it a kind of chest infection? Sorry, realise I should google it, sat here on my bottom as I am. Anyway, hope she gets well soon.
Yeah, sleep situation sucks here at the mo. I'm hoping now we're off meds and Leo can nurse as much as he wants during the day he'll sleep better at night again. He ate two tablespoons of smooshed pears while we had tea tonight and he really enjoyed it. I love it when you can start feeding them real food. The expressions and watching them learn to use their tongue are brilliant!
I'm going to pass on swimming tonight as my throat is killing me. Hopefully it's just the stress and sleep deprivation and not an actual infection.
I got excused from jury duty tonight. Can't remember if I mentioned I'd been called up again. You'd think when you're excused for being pregnant and ill they'd keep a wee note on file and not call you up again 9 months later! I took both the kids to the office and let Leo shout for his feed while the registrar 'conferred with his colleague'. He looked about 12 and blushed furiously when I said I was breast feeding. Obviously terrified I'd whip em out there and then! :-)
Indeed Ab, I'd love any input and advice you can give me! My biggest worry is not getting enough work to make ends meet. How did you find the demand levels over such a long period of time? Off to study the care standards anyhoo before I start an application.
How are you Frisky?
HAHA Edinburgh that's genius, using breast feeding to get out of jury duty! I mean I know you didn't go in there intending to do that but it did the trick! You're right though, you'd think someone would have the sense to say "hey she has a new baby, I don't think it's a good idea to call her up again" COMMON SENSE PEOPLE?!?!
Hope your throat is feeling better this morning and not worse? Eurgh it's getting to that time of year again when everyone starts catching bugs and infections :( :(

Betty, like I said I do remember the ugly maternity clothes. Just because we're pregnant it doesn't mean we want to go around dressed like our nanas! Dear lord! I think floaty tops will be your best bet :) Hows viv this morning? I have no experience with croup but it sure does sound nasty.

My appointment is tomorrow, I shall be writing a list of bullet points today to discuss with the consultant. I don't know where I get my nunga nungas from to be honest, I'm baffled by it. My mums probably a C cup and then both of my sisters have A cup boobies. It's safe to say that they're both very annoyed that I got the boobie gene and they never let me forget it haha!
I've been awake since 10 to 3, Evie woke up for a wee and my alarm goes off at 4 so I just decided to get out of bed. Crazy I know, but it takes me half an hour to doze back off. Gonna need the caffeine today!!

Diet is going well though ladies, I've lost 5lbs in the space of a week. I am super tired though and have no energy due to the lack of carbs. I'm not a natural born dieter, I always struggle when it comes to cutting out sugar but I am finding it easier now I am into the 2nd week.

Well done for getting out of jury duty Edinburgh!! Great tactic!!! I can't believe Leo is starting on the solids already!!! How quickly is life going at the minute??? It's crazy!! Are you still breast feeding??

Tina... Just wanted to wish you luck for tmrw!! Please let us know what the consultant says xxx also, 5lbs in one week??? What!!! That's amazing!
Ps: I really don't know how the hell you get up so early on a morning for work!! I just couldn't do it! :( not a morning person at all!!!

Viv is better, she is going back to school tmrw. She had croup when she was one and ended up in hospital but she has only had it mild this time, I think she has a weakness when it comes to her respiratory system :( she has an inhaler and we only use it when she is poorly with her chest, I'm hoping she grows out of it and it doesn't turn into full blown asthma.....
Ps: frisky..... How are you my lovely??? Hope all is ok chick xxxxx
Morning girls,

Betty, talking of croup I saw someone who I know had posted on facebook last night that her daughter who has just turned 1 got taken into hospital by ambulance because she was struggling to breathe and that turned out to be croup! I've never heard of so much of it going around as I have in the last couple of weeks!

Glad that viv is feeling better again!

Evie has her school photograph tomorrow, can't believe it has been a whole year already since she had her first one! I'm going to sneakily go into work late so I can do her hair pretty. Not many people are around at 6am so I'm just not going to clock in and then tell my manager I forgot. oops!

Got my appointment this afternoon! I will update when I am back xx
Good luck with your appointment Tina xx Will catch up later & post properly. Oscar been awake since 5am.....I'm in full on zombie mode! Xx
Hope today went well Tina.

Hope all you ladies are ok xx
Hi girls..... Tina... What happened at your appointment???
Frisky, everything ok with you???? Xxx
Evening ladies! How did your appointment go Tina? Saw the photos of Evie's hair - lovely, and she looks a lot like you! 5lb in one week is awesome going - as a working parent when are you finding the time to work out??
Glad Viv is recovering Betty. My brother and I both have respiratory incompetence as I like to call it. Every cold becomes a chest infection and every one of them requires inhalers but it doesn't affect our ability to work out and stuff. When we're well our lung function is normal. She might just be the same.
I am still breastfeeding Leo, several times a day and night, which is why I couldn't do the service. He's enjoying pretty much anything mixed with pears, and mushed bananas. He'll be 6 months in a few short weeks. Life is passing in a zombified blur at the moment. While I don't want to wish away his being a baby I do want to sleep more than 3 hours together at some point soon!
Trying to steel myself to go swimming. Will see how this cuppa tea progresses methinks.
Oh, and Matt has vetoed the childminding. He's worried that if we had to move or remortgage we'd be totally screwed with him being a student and me being self employed. So it's back to the drawing board. :(
Hi girls!

Every time I find 5 quiet minutes to update I get dragged to do something else, so I have been meaning to post for about a week but it's just been manic both in work and out of work.

My appointment went good. The consultant answered all of the questions we wanted answering and is STILL positive that it'll work for us in the next couple of rounds. A quick breakdown of what he said was:
He can't give an answer as to why the IVF didn't work this time, it could be a multiple of things so he has just put it down to IVF usually working 1 out of 3 times so this just wasn't meant to be our time.
I questioned about my stims being lowered because he was so sure that I'd have a great reaction yet we only got 8 eggs. He said that a first IVF cycle is a blank canvas, he has nothing to work with and can only go off what he thinks is best for us. He now knows that lowering the stims was the wrong decision because my follicles didn't grow as well as expected so if we were to do another fresh cycle then the meds would be increased.
I asked what the quality of my eggs and Mark's spermies were like. He said Mark's sperm were great quality and my eggs were also good. That's reassuring!
My main concern was the transfer process and how I thought it was disgusting that I was asked to go in with a full bladder even though they were aware that my uterus is tilted. He agreed and said that there were some notes made on how the transfer process was more difficult than normal. I asked if this would've had an effect on the embryo and he said yes it could have. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he was basically admitting that because of their stupid mistake that that could've been the reason that this cycle failed!! I was so angry and told him that there was no way we would be transferring another without number 1, ultrasound guidance and number 2, a mock transfer before the real thing.

We've made the decision to wait until after our Christmas holiday to transfer our last remaining embryo and plan to transfer in January. I have all the forms so it's just a matter of calling them when my period arrives and they will arrange to have the embryo thawed.

I've been so busy shopping for this bloody wedding!! Finally managed to get a dress on Saturday. It's a figure hugging maxi dress, it's very very dark blue (almost black) with lots of embelishment all over it in purples and turquoise. But I am struggling to find shoes that go nice with it. I swear I must've tried about 40 pairs on and nothing goes right with it. So it's back to the shops I go again this week, I'm going to try the Trafford Centre maybe on Thursday night. Never in my life did I think I would be all shopped out but I truly am!

Edinburgh, sorry to hear that Matt doesn't agree with your childminding idea. Did you come up with anything else over the weekend?
I don't know where I find the time to exercise! I actually took Evie to the gym with me on Sunday morning. Fortunately our gym puts some seats out in the classes for that purpose and they don't mind children being there as long as they are quiet and well behaved. So she sat on her I-Pad for an hour whilst I did a weight class.

Betty, Frisky, AB.... how is everyone? Any gossip to report?

Hey ladies... I too have been meaning to update, but never get a bloody minute!
Tina, I'm glad your appointment went as well as it did. Did the consultant agree to your terms of the next transfer? It is disgusting how that could have had such an impact. On a positive note though, at least you know next time that they will be extra vigilant & you know more in yourselves what to expect & to speak out over any concerns. I also think it's good your waiting till after Xmas, enjoy your hols & relax. And drink lots obviously ;)
Your dress for the wedding sounds lovely. I'm like that when it comes to shopping for an event. I will stress & panic so much...I end up buying more than one outfit & take the one I don't wear back! And how have you lost 5lbs lady? There's nothing of you as it is!

Betty, hows everything? Croup is horrible, I hope viv has made a full recovery. When is your due date Again? Can you belive it's almost a year since you sent Oscar that adorable Halloween outfit! X

Ab, how's all with you & your bunch? Are you still loving the job?

Edinburgh, sorry the child minding plan isn't going ahead..Is there no way you could do it under someone else or a company so your not self employed? I'm not sure if you can really. How is Leo now? Oscars full of another cold. Az ended up on the sofa last night as Oscar was in with us and just would not sleep, sniffling & coughing constantly. He's not as bad tonight though.

I went to docs this morning for my smear (that's one way of waking up) haha... we got onto the subject of my pill, the nurse asked me how I was doing on it as now I'm almost 36, I may need to start a pill with more hormones in?!!! Jesus Christ....I almost slapped her! Haha she could see I was a bit shocked and then went on to say I'll be fine, my blood pressure & bmi are ok! But still! On a brighter note, my weight has gone down to 9st 3! I'm normally just under 10st I Just need to tone up. I think all the stress of everything recently has had an effect as I've just lost my appetite.

Thanks for all your concern, Az & I are ok...hes Been very good & understanding. We've had a good talk about stuff, he's reassured me that he loves me & isn't going anywhere. We have both agreed to make more of an effort with certain things. In a weird way, it's done us good to have a huge fall out as its helped us get a few things out in the open. Life just gets so busy, you forget to talk about important things.
I've got a telephone consultation with a counselor guy next week. I will see how I go. Things have just got on top, I don't feel like me. Betty, in a weird way, it's reassuring that you felt you were going a bit insane after having viv! It's nice to know I'm not alone.
I think alot of my problems stem from myself as I worry so much about everything. Also About what other people are thinking..I've been worrying myself this week to the point of being sick, about Aarons sister & what she thinks. But I've got to stop...She's not worried about me, she's not text to see if I'm ok. I just need to stay focused on what's important. That's my boys & Aaron.
It's our anniversary on Saturday, instead of going out Saturday night, my mum is gonna have boys on Sunday for a few hours. Az & I are going to go on a long country walk somewhere & a pub lunch!
He's at a football match Saturday anyway! Haha how very glam of us Hey? We used to go walking alot, so I'm actually looking forward to it x
:D happy anniversary for this weekend!! Your plans to celebrate sound great. I love going for country walks and stopping off at a pub for some lunch and a few beers. Can't beat it! Hope the weather holds out for you and it stays dry.
I agree sometimes it is good to have a row because you end up confessing things to eachother that have been building up and you've been so afraid to talk about. I think you're doing the right thing though, stop stressing about everyone else and concentrate on your beautiful little family.
What are your plans for halloween with the boys? Think we are going to my mums, she is going to make a hotpot and we will take the kids out trick or treating. I love it that Evie is now at an age where she can really enjoy it all.
10 weeks till our holidays too!!!! It's coming around so quick now, are you all sorted for it yet?

The consultant agreed that as long as there is a member of staff free at the transfer day then by all means we can have someone in to do an ultrasound during the transfer. Why they don't offer it to women as normal practice anyway I don't know!!

I'm on week 3 now of no carbs and I'm feeling great for it you know! I think my stomach must have shrunk because I don't feel hunger as much as did a few weeks ago and the cravings for sweet things has finally subsided! Just gotta keep it up for another 10 weeks and then I'm having a complete blow out for my hols.

Well yes, for the 6 grand you pay out. You would think they would offer it wouldn't you? Its Ridiculous really.
I'm not ready at all for hols, need to get kids passports sorted & get some clothes. It's tricky as what to pack as I'm unsure how hot or cool it will be. I treated myself to a new bikini. Unfortunately I am not blessed AT ALL in the boob department...I'm a pathetic b shrinking to an a cup :( x so I've got one of those gel bikinis from debenhams that make your boobs look bigger! Haha Im looking wobbly all over, can't do the no carb thing though...although I'll try.

For Halloween I'm going to Alton towers with Joe & my sister. They do a scare fest thing. I've been before, it's great. Oscars too little to know, so Az is staying home whilst I go and have fun!!

You should see my top teeth now from these braces, they look so straight. It's amazing... I'm so glad I got them xx
:D :D I bet your teeth look amazing!!! How much longer do you have to wear them for before they come off? It is completely worth it once the pain has subsided.

I don't know what to wear either.. I've bought some jeans for the night time and shorts for during the day. My sister goes every year and she said that it is warm enough in the day to wear a bikini but at night it goes chilly and you will need a thin jacket or a cardigan. I still need to get a couple of bikinis. It's tough having bigger boobs too. I struggle finding bikinis because I feel like I can't find one that supports me properly and I end up falling out of them! I ordered 3 from that Boux Avenue that I was telling you about but 2 of them I don't like so they're going back this week.

Your halloween plans sound amazing!!!! We never do anything cool like that :(

Hi girls how are you all??? Sorry for late reply, had a pretty busy week so far this week...
We have been to sunderland illuminations tonight and it was fab but vivienne absolutely shattered!!
Tina..... Sounds like you had a good meeting with your doctor!!! I guess that they don't have anything to go by as you have not been through the IVF process before it it seems like a lot of money to just 'guess' what will work or not?!?! So what happens with the next egg transfer? Do you pay for that or is that part of the ivf you have already paid for? I think it's a great idea to wait till after your holiday, that way you can really enjoy your time away and have something to look forward to when you get back.... I say, get absolutely pissed every day and eat loads of crap, it seemed to work for me lol :) :)

Frisky.... We haven't heard from you, how are you lovely???
Ab, how is your new job going?
Edinburgh.... How are you my lovely? Sorry to hear that the childminding has been vitoed.... Would you consider teaching/TA??? What are your qualifications???

Girls.... Give your babies extra cuddles today... A little boy in my town has died tonight after choking on a grape.... I'm so sad... How cruel can life be sometime????
Girls.... I missed a full page out!!! Sorry!!! Frisky, great to hear from you my lovely..... We are all only human and have emotions and lots of lovely hormones!!! You are NORMAL!!! But please don't stress over anyone else but yourself and your beautiful family, nobody else is worth the worry!!!
Oh my god Betty, that just made me feel a bit sick reading that about the little boy. How awful :( :( How old was he?
I am always so cautious with grapes, I make sure I cut each one in half before giving them to Evie. Mark thinks I'm bonkers because I do it with everything but it's so easy for one to just slide down their little throats before they get the chance to chew it up. God bless him :(

As far as the frozen embryo transfer is concerned... yes we have to pay for it. It works out at about £1500 all in all. Rip off really when we've already paid an arm and a leg but I'd pay anything really to have another bubba.

How are you feeling my lovely? Any horrid pregnancy symptoms showing their head?

Trafford Centre for me this afternoon girls, mission find a pair of shoes for the wedding is upon me! I swear, if I have to be there till closing time I will! There's no way I am going out to the shops again after this haha

Ahhhh Tina, if I wasnt working today. I could have come and met you at the Trafford center! Haha
Can't belive you have to pay more on top of what you have already paid? Doesn't seem fair that.
Betty, yes I heard about that poor boy...I always cut the grapes length ways down the middle. It just doesn't bear thinking about does it. Poor family :(

I've had zero sleep, Az has took the day off work as he's had no sleep. Oscar up all night, then woke up at 4am!!! I've still got to go into bloody work though, urrghhh
Az is on call this weekend, he's managed to get cover for Saturday so he can go to the football! But our Sunday walk will be scrapped...Think we're going to go out Saturday night instead. Although all I want to do right now is go to bed, not for sex!! Just sleep! Haha Happy anniversary Az! X
I've just seen the article about that poor little boy on the daily mail, I actually shed a tear or 2 reading the story of how it happened. Every parent's worst nightmare. Can't begin to imagine what his parents are going through right now.

ahhh shame you're working! we could've had a girls afternoon!!! Please can we arrange to meet though? It's getting ridiculous now how long we've been chatting on here yet we haven't met up!

I second the going to bed for sleep not sex thing! Last night I was having a cuddle with Mark and of course as men do he got all frisky but I was ridiculously tired. I explained this to him but he said he'd be quick so I agreed and then he moaned at me afterwards saying it was like having sex with a corpse!! Well I did warn you in my defence haha!! Getting up at 4am every day doesn't exactly leave me in the mood for sex when 9pm arrives.

Haaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaa!!! Tina, that just took me back to when I watched the vaccines support the stone roses at Heaton Park. That song post break up sex?? I was so pissed, I sang the words "What did you expect, from POST MORTOM SEX!!" Haaaha xx

Bloody men! Never mind that they last as long as a virgins first time! ;) Xx

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