There seems to be a lot of croup going round at the moment. I don't think I'd heard of it till I had Mia. Sounds absolutely awful, bless her wee soul. Is it a kind of chest infection? Sorry, realise I should google it, sat here on my bottom as I am. Anyway, hope she gets well soon.
Yeah, sleep situation sucks here at the mo. I'm hoping now we're off meds and Leo can nurse as much as he wants during the day he'll sleep better at night again. He ate two tablespoons of smooshed pears while we had tea tonight and he really enjoyed it. I love it when you can start feeding them real food. The expressions and watching them learn to use their tongue are brilliant!
I'm going to pass on swimming tonight as my throat is killing me. Hopefully it's just the stress and sleep deprivation and not an actual infection.
I got excused from jury duty tonight. Can't remember if I mentioned I'd been called up again. You'd think when you're excused for being pregnant and ill they'd keep a wee note on file and not call you up again 9 months later! I took both the kids to the office and let Leo shout for his feed while the registrar 'conferred with his colleague'. He looked about 12 and blushed furiously when I said I was breast feeding. Obviously terrified I'd whip em out there and then!
Indeed Ab, I'd love any input and advice you can give me! My biggest worry is not getting enough work to make ends meet. How did you find the demand levels over such a long period of time? Off to study the care standards anyhoo before I start an application.
How are you Frisky?
Yeah, sleep situation sucks here at the mo. I'm hoping now we're off meds and Leo can nurse as much as he wants during the day he'll sleep better at night again. He ate two tablespoons of smooshed pears while we had tea tonight and he really enjoyed it. I love it when you can start feeding them real food. The expressions and watching them learn to use their tongue are brilliant!
I'm going to pass on swimming tonight as my throat is killing me. Hopefully it's just the stress and sleep deprivation and not an actual infection.
I got excused from jury duty tonight. Can't remember if I mentioned I'd been called up again. You'd think when you're excused for being pregnant and ill they'd keep a wee note on file and not call you up again 9 months later! I took both the kids to the office and let Leo shout for his feed while the registrar 'conferred with his colleague'. He looked about 12 and blushed furiously when I said I was breast feeding. Obviously terrified I'd whip em out there and then!

Indeed Ab, I'd love any input and advice you can give me! My biggest worry is not getting enough work to make ends meet. How did you find the demand levels over such a long period of time? Off to study the care standards anyhoo before I start an application.
How are you Frisky?