7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Awwh Tina, bless you. I would also test early in your position, I wouldn't be able to stop myself. When are you supposed to test? That could be implantation bleed? Fingers crossed it is! Have you had anything like this before? Xx
I'm not supposed to test until Saturday but is done well to go 5 days without testing!

I've NEVER bled between periods so crossing my fingers tightly xxx
Will catch up properly later but looks like implantation bleeding xx
Tina!!!! If you test on Saturday how many days passed transfer will you be???? That looks like implantation bleed to me! You have done well to last this long without testing! We all would have tested straight away, lol!!!!
I'm keeping everything crossed for you! You deserve this bfp so much!!!! :dust:

How is everyone else??? How is the job AB???
Frisky, what's going on with you? I saw FB earlier, who has been pissing you off love???
Haha Damm me & my terrible language fb outbursts!! X We got a phonecall off our housing people today, that a complaint has been made against Joe. They complained ages ago because he was playing football on the street and climbing trees in the field. Not just Joe, other kids too. But it was Joe they singled out.
This time the person has complained saying that I've constantly got kids in my garden, using bad language on the trampoline, apparently 6 kids were on it all swearing yesterday.
This is a LIE, I never allow more than 4 kids in the garden & only 2 are allowed on trampoline at a time. They said Joe has been running across other people's gardens, which he has admitted as they were all playing manhunt. But no other kids have been singled out. The lady on the end apparently always complains & gives new people a hard time. I just find it pathetic how she has rang the landlord rather than coming to us directly. Frikking do gooders, think they forget what it's like to be a kid xx
Oh my god! Let kids be kids that's what I say. Let them bloody enjoy being outside whilst they can, it'll only be a few weeks and they will all be indoors again when the bad weather hits. There are some people in this world who will complain about anything and everything!

I did a bit of research last night on implantation bleeding and when your period is supposed to arrive after IVF and apparently my period should arrive 14 days after egg collection which was 12 days ago so I am crossing my fingers and hoping to god that this bit of bleeding isn't my period trying to happen but it's happening slowly because of the pessaries.

I had some bad back cramping in the early hours of this morning which is odd because I don't ever get period pains in my back, they're normally low down in my front. I don't want to get my hopes up because I've been in this situation of waiting so many times before.

I'm just going to relax and see what the coming days bring. If my period stays away then it'll be the best thing ever, if it arrives then we have 1 more frostie to try.

Oh Tina, I have everything possible crossed for you my dear. Surely it's good that your period isn't here yet? If it was meant to come 12 days ago? This week will drag like a bitch for you.....Positive thoughts are heading your way xx

I've got the housing lady coming around later to discuss the complaint about joe further. That should be fun xx
Betty? Have you had your 20 week scan yet? Was that the pic I saw on fb? Did you find out the gender? Xxx
Nooo it wasn't supposed to arrive 12 days ago, I am on day 12 of 14 of the 2WW so it is supposed to arrive in 2 days. Sorry if I didn't make myself very clear on my previous post!

Oh fuckery, try to keep your cool haha! Don't be ruining that beautiful face of yours by having a cat fight with the housing lady. I have images of you ragging her around your front garden with her hair hahaha!

Oh bloody hell, sorry. I thought that didn't seem right somehow, I've been up since 5am, I blame that! Haha

I won't loose my cool, I will however put her straight on a few things. The lady who we belive has complained, likes to sit in her garden alot, has obviously heard kids enjoying themselves. I'm going to tell her, that if she doesn't like to hear kids playing or having fun, perhaps she should lock herself away in a house on a remote island somewhere xx
Urrghhh girls, I'm struggling to get motivated. I've not been to the gym In months.Whatever spare time I have, I spend doing housework...I need to get to the gym to try and look a bit presentable on holiday. It's been over a year since I had Oscar, I can't use I've just had a baby' as an excuse any more!! Bluuuurgghhhh. Feeling proper shitty today x
:( I know that feeling! I too haven't been to the gym in about 6 weeks and even then it was only once a week. I know I've put some weight on though I don't know how much because I don't weigh myself any more. As long as I can squeeze into my size 10s I'm happy enough!

Mark is finally home today yeyyyyy!!! I have bloody missed him so much. If I've needed anything over the last few days it's been a cuddle from my husband when I've had a good cry. What a time for him to be away hey! He had better have brought presents home

Hi girls.... Oh my god frisky! How ridiculous to complain about kids playing!!! Can they not remember when they were kids and what it was like??? Good luck today with the landlady, I'm sure she will see straight away that joe is no problem and that some people are just grumpy old gits!!! If that doesn't work then defo raggy her round the garden by her hair! Lol :)

Tina.... So your period is due in 2 days??? I keep forgetting that you have by passed all the embryo travelling along the falopian tube bit!! What other symptoms have you got? When will you test again??? Could you test on thurs with a FRER or is that still a bit too soon???

Frisky, don't feel too down! Oscar is only a year old and it's not how old our babies are its having the time to get out to the gym! Me and Chris have managed to organise ourselves so I can have a couple of nights at the gym and now it's easier for me as I can go when viv is at school and I'm not at work (although I'm not at work now and im sat on my arse drinking tea, lol!!!) can you try and work out a routine to go. Get az to look after the boys one night and maybe a weekend?? Or could your mam have Oscar for an hour one morning??? Are you still doing juice plus??? I am still on it, I have a shake every morning and love the stuff! Has made a massive difference to my energy levels.... :)
Tina.... Keep us posted!!! I have everything crossed for you my lovely xxxxx
Ps: my scan is next Tuesday at 4pm.... Scan on FB was from my 12 week scan :)
Morning girls how is everyone???
We have not had the best of news :( Chris went for his 2nd chest x-Ray on Friday to see if this 'shadow' has cleared up after the antibiotics.... He got a call yesterday from the hospital to say it hasn't gone and he has to see a lung specialist tomorrow at 9am to discuss next steps... He has totally freaked out and is thinking the worst. He called me at work so I ended up bursting into tears and had to come home HORMONES!!!
I think it's going to be fine, I mean, he's only 36 it's not going to be any sinister at his age!!! He has taken today off and I'm Also off so going to try and take his mind off it all..... :(

Tina..... Any update from you?????????? Xxxxxxx
Betty so sorry to hear the news about Chris :( Sending you both massive hugs. Like you said, I doubt it is anything sinister because he would have all other symptoms like weight loss. My uncle had lung cancer, he was in his late 50s and his first symptom was losing a tonne of weight to the point of looking ill! Of course though the hospital can't just discharge him without following every little route up otherwise they wouldn't be doing their job properly.

I'm in a bit of a head fuck girls if I'm honest. I am still spotting, this is the 3rd day of it now and I took a first response last night and it was stark white negative. I know in my heart that this hasn't worked for us. Surely I would've got a positive by now if I was pregnant? I think my period is trying her best to come but because I am still taking the progesterone suppositories she is struggling to flow completely.

I spoke to Mark about it last night and ended up having a complete breakdown. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. I wanted this to work so badly I can't even begin to explain it and I can't understand why it hasn't.

We've decided that if by Saturday I still haven't gotten a positive then I will stop the suppositories and wait for my period to start. We only have 1 more embryo before we have to go through the whole process again and would have to find another 6 grand which we can't even think about just yet. We've also made the decision to wait until after our Christmas holiday to transfer the other embryo. I think I need time for my body to recover and to get my mind back to its natural state.

So I'll test again on Saturday but I'm not holding out much hope.

:( :( Sorry it's such negative news girls. I wish you were all here because I need the biggest hug ever

Tina..... I was I was near you so I could come and give you a big hug :hugs:
Have you spoken to the hospital and asked their advice??? If they have told you to test on Saturday then I think testing today is far too early so please don't feel to disheartened!!! We are all here for you sweetie! Keep strong! You are still in the running for that BFP!!!! Look after yourself and keep us posted.... Sending you lots of love xxxxxxx
I've just read this tina....
So we have now come to the end of the IVF procedure and the maximum that our technology can help a person to achieve a pregnancy. We are at the point where we have to wait to see if the next steps happen on their own. If a day #3 transfer was done, it will take approximately 7 days for the remainder of the process to be completed and for the pregnancy test to be positive. For that reason, I do my pregnancy tests at 8 or 9 days post transfer. For a blastocyst transfer, you only need three more days to get a positive pregnancy test.
What day post transfer are you currently on???? And did you have a blastocyst transfer as that is going to take longer to get a positive???
I have my fingers crossed for you!!!!!! Xxxxxxx
It also mentions this Tina which could be the cause of your spotting?!?! .........

Thirdly, if vaginal progesterone is used, the progesterone may be causing the cervix to be more delicate or friable and therefore cause cervical bleeding. This is the most common reason in my opinion though this is unproven or based on studies .
I am 8 days post transfer today, I took the test at 7 days post transfer.

I don't think the suppositories are the cause of the bleeding because they are going up the old bumhole haha!

I wish I had some hope but I truly don't. I don't even feel pregnant :( I think it's just a case of this one hasn't worked and isn't meant to be


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