7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hey ladies, sorry for my absence.
Ab, poor Frazer & Zara, hope they are feeling better. It seems to last for ages when they are poorly. Croup is nasty, it's heartbreaking when you hear them with that.
I cannot believe you have done your Xmas shopping, thats made me feel slightly sick.
I'm normally Mrs Christmas, love it...but this is the first Xmas I'm not really fussed about. I think it's because we are so skint. Money worries constantly. As Joe gets older, he wants more expensive gifts... He wants a parrot camera drone this year (a flying camera) £350 they start from!! Not a chance, I've seen cheaper versions so he will have to have one of those. We are also going away, so I can't really think about presents. I'm so ready for this holiday, we need it..cant wait to wake up Xmas day & not have to do anything. They have a gala Xmas dinner thing at the hotel, so I'm gonna get dressed up & enjoy being waited on! :)
Things are a bit better here. I've calmed down alot. Aaron is sorry, he's been feeling sick, tired and sorry for himself all week.
Hes Been unhappy at work as the past 4 week's he's been made to work in the Depot, when he's usually out on the road. This means he's lost out on any overtime, it's really been getting him down. But thank god, He's back on the road now.
His uncle offered him a job, which meant a 6grand pay cut each year?? He was out with his uncle for a few drinks on that Friday....he told me he 'thinks he agreed to work for Him' obviously I went mad, I told Aaron there is no way we can afford to live off that wage! I'm pissed off his uncle would even try and persuade him whilst he's drunk, he's already declined the offer a few months ago. Anyway, he rang and told him he couldn't do it, so it's ok now.
My mum told me Aaron has asked her to babysit tomorrow so he can take me out. I've no idea where it what's planned, but he bloody owes me big time!
I've got a telephone consultation with the therapist thing on Monday. Imagine if it was last Monday?? Haha I'd have been a crazy woman!

Betty, that sounds frightening....I've never suffered from Migraines, so no idea what they are like. But it's good it's nothing more sinister and even Tina has had similar symptoms before.
I know your fears about everything being ok with baby...I was the same. It's only natural to feel this way, nothing can take it away. It's a rollercoaster of emotions. But he will be here soon enough, it will all be fine xxx
Tina.... Have a fabulous weekend my lovely! Let those locks down and get pissed!!!! :)
Frisky, I'm so pleased things are better!!! Bloody men hey? They need whipping!! Look after yourself chick xx
Ab, oh no! Your poor babies!!! Hope they're on the mend now, how is the new job going?
Edinburgh.... How are you my lovely? Any more news on the job front???

I'm less stressed, just worried Something will go wrong after waiting all this time for my bubba, I'm trying my best to enjoy this pregnancy! It took 3 years to get to this point and I'm still bloody stressing!!!! Lol!!

Have a fab weekend everyone.... Will catch up on Sunday xxxx
Hi ladies!
Betty that migraine sounded awful. Glad you're feeling better now x
Tina - news from the weekend? Outfit photos? We're all invested here in the final result of all those shopping trips!
Ab - how are all the babes getting on now? Hope wee Frazer is on the mend.
Frisky, glad you're OK peeps. Money worries suck, I hear you on that one! Some of my friends spend more on clothes/shoes a month than we have to feed, clothe and keep 4 of us warm. While I know things will get better and be worth the sacrifice when Matt graduates, it sometimes feels like we will never get there!
I think kids expectations for Christmas presents has gotten out of control. We don't have telly in the conventional sense. We have a TV and we watch amazon prime, BBC catch up and the movies we have on our PC. We control what Mia watches and she doesn't get subjected to ANY ADVERTS. My friend's little boy is 6 months older and he's already started 'Mummy I want one of those from Santa' and it's all courtesy of TV brainwashing. We have bought a second hand train set for them for Christmas and I am so relieved that they are still young enough not to care. I sometimes think we should introduce the concept of family income and expenditure to our children at a fairly young age so that they understand that there just isn't a few hundred pounds that can magically appear for gifts.
I can't believe you're done your shopping Ab, that's magic. I've put a few things aside but mostly just for my friend and her kids as they are moving home to Germany at the beginning of December.
I've had a first and second interview for a position as branch manager for one of the really prestigious property companies up here. First informal chat went really well. The formal interview yesterday was awful. I totally bombed the written assessment and then was so stressed by that that when they came in to talk to me I was waffling a load of nonsense. I completely missed what they were getting at in a line of questioning and rambled about something different. All this great experience and stuff I planned to talk about went right out of the window. Anyway, postmortem wont help now. Will just have to hope another good opportunity opens up before February! I bought three outfits to wear to the formal interview as it was late night shopping and I couldn't decide alone so now I have to make time to take the ones I didn't wear back. Can't wait to fit into my own clothes again.
Leo is 6 months old today and I have no idea where the time is going. Feel like I just chase my ass from one day into the next. On the plus side, last night, for the first time in over 8 weeks, he only woke up once during the night! Yay! I'm not getting my hopes up yet that we've turned a corner but man, this 3-5 times a night thing has been killing me.
I think that was one of the really hard things about interviewing at the moment. I haven't slept properly in months, haven't thought about work for months and have had my brain rotted away by nappies, potty calls and Dora the Explorer. I can't even say my Spanish is improving any as I'm always half switched on!
Onwards and upwards I say.
Morning girls!

Frisky, great news that you and Aaron have made a start on sorting out your differences. I hope he has planned something really special for your night out, you sure as hell deserve a bit of pampering!
I too am so so excited for our hols. Only 59 sleeps to go!!! It'll be here in no time at all.

Betty, how are you my dear?

AB, Are the kids feeling any better?

Edinburgh, have you been told then that you haven't been successful in the branch manager position? Sometimes we do go in there and feel like we haven't done a good job but then are surprised to find that the interviewer thought we did an excellent job! Crossing my fingers for you :)
I can second what you are saying about Christmas becoming overly expensive. Every advert that comes on the TV Evie jumps up and shouts "ooohh mum I want one of those off Santa" Her list is as long as my arm, little does she know that "santa" is skint and she will receive a limited number of items off the list!

My weekend went great girls! I do have pictures and I will upload some when I get the chance to. The hotel was lovely though so so overpriced. We paid £290 per night and I felt like there wasn't enough attention to detail paid to live up to that price tag! It stated on the website "fresh fruit on arrival". I was expecting a lovely fruit platter in our room and was disappointed to find 2 APPLES!!! one of which was soft and wrinkly like it had been left sitting there for a fortnight. The TV in the bathroom didn't work so my plan to sit in the bath with wine and watch TV went out of the window! Then to top it off the TV in the main room wasn't tuned in very well so every channel was fuzzy. I did feel like a bit sick when we handed over £600 at check out.

I was so ill yesterday :( you should have seen the pair of us trying to drive home! Mark said he would drive then after 20 minutes said he still felt pissed so asked if I would drive so I had a go but could feel my eyes dropping every few minutes. I was knackered! We did finally arrive home safe and sound mid afternoon and spent the afternoon not being able to move off the couch! Could have done with today off work to recover if I'm honest

My period came yesterday too to make matters worse. I'm cramping pretty badly, fuck my life!!!!

Dear heavens Tina! I'd be expecting the new York plaza for that price and I'd have complained about all the above to ensure I got freebees or comp'd night. Oh dear, I've been living with a north American too long. He's rubbing off on me!
Fbook photos are lovely.
I too have my eyes on stilts today. 3hrs sleep sat night as Leo was vomiting and 3hrs sleep last night as had to drive to glasgow at 3am to pick up my mum from the airport. Got home at 6 just as kids were getting up and matt has midterms today so he'll be gone till we pick him up at 7!
I'll hopefully get feedback thus week but as an interviewer myself, I wouldn't hire me on the back of friday's performance!
How is everyone else?
Oh god Edinburgh, I hope you get some well deserved sleep soon & leo has stopped vomming. You never know, you could have made a good impression at the interview, think we all dissect ourselves too much in these situations, sending positive thoughts your way.

Tina, sorry your period is here. Hows the hangover? That story of you driving home cracked me up, reminds me of me and az! I saw a few pics on instagram, you looked beautiful, really like the dress and your eyelashes! Ive just got some lashes from 'house of lashes' took 4 weeks to arrive, im going to try them out this weekend :-)
Cant belive the hotel room was that much? Bloody hell, you should complain about the fruit, you may get a free fruit hamper in the post! Haha.

Betty how are you after your scare? What is babys due date? Itll soon be here

Ab, how are you? Hope Frazer is on the mend now.

I had my telephone assesment thing yesterday, im now on a waiting list to have some one on one therapy? I dont know what to call it!?
It was good to chat to someone who doesn't know me, he seems to think ive just let everything get on top of me, moving so soon after baby, not nesting at home as I was packing to move, loads of other stuff which I wont bore you with. Got onto the subject of Eve too, which was hard, I was actually shocked at my reaction. Normally I can talk about her & what happened fine, but I just froze, I couldnt breathe or get my words out, then the tears came...very weird. Anyway im ok, just see how it goes, I need to stop being so hard on myself.

Didnt end up going anywhere at wkend as aaron was skint, so we are doing it this Friday instead, at my favorite restaurant :)
Im still pissed off at him, but what can I do. Need to forget & move on....although lets be honest, us women NEVER forget ;) Xx
Have you managed to catch up on some rest Edinburgh or is Leo still sick? Is Matt American?!?! I never even knew!! If so... where did you guys meet?

Frisky, good to hear that you feel like you've got things off your chest having the phone convo with the therapist. As for the reaction to talking about Eve, I think if we are talking about it to people who we see every day then after a while it becomes easier to talk about but if we talk about personal things like that to a stranger it can have a whole other outcome!
I was the same talking about the IVF. I had come to terms discussing it with my friends and family but when our HR manager in work asked how it'd gone and how I was feeling I broke down right there in her office. I also think we can become brave around our family but when it's a stranger there is no reason to be brave. It's good to talk :)

My lashes were only Eyelure from Boots! I keep meaning to try some MAC lashes because everyone raves about them but there isn't a MAC shop by me so Boots will have to do! I loved my dress but I have taken it back to the shop haha! I left the tag on because it was well hidden inside so I've just taken it back and got a £120 refund! Never going to wear it again anyway.

What day are you going to Alton Towers hun?

Is anyone else doing anything fun for Halloween?

Happy Halloween!
I got the job - it's a bloody miracle. Haven't got the paperwork yet so cant announce it generally or give my notice yet.
Glad your first conversation with the therapist was productive frisky. It takes a lot of courage to talk to a stranger but at the same time it can be freeing as they don't judge.
Hope you and az have a lovely weekend, you're due one.
How are you Tina? Cant believe you took the dress back! I was tempted to leave the tags on my interview dress but figured I'd sweat too much with the stress to be able to take it back. Mine was only 27 from next though! Start job 5th Jan and have at least half a stone to lose by then. But then I'm going proper wardrobe revamp shopping! Might ask my friend for an easy makeup look too. She's a makeup artist and always on my case.
How are you ab and betty? Quiet week on here. Everyone busy for Halloween?
Hi lovely ladies.... So sorry for being completely useless in not being on here much! No excuse really other than I've just been a bit miserable and haven't felt like doing anything all week :( get the violins out!!!!!

Edinburgh!!! Well done on the job, whoop!!! So what hours will you be doing??? See, you obviously did a fantastic job at the interview!!! Hope the kids are better and you've manaes some sleep! You really don't get a lot of sleep do you??? My cousin is one of those really annoying people, her little boy (who is 5) is absolutely good as gold, she had her little girl 7 weeks ago and she is back at pre pregnancy weight and her baby is sleepy from mindnight till 6.30am, I want to rugby tackle her to the ground and punch her in the face, lol!!!!

Tina, good call on taking the dress back, I would have so done the same! Also, JEEZ on that hotel price!! My god! You could have had a week abroad somewhere for that! Glad you had fun, you really deserve it!!!

Frisky, how are things? Are you feeling any better and are thing better with you and Az????

AB, what's going on with you chick???? X
I think we all get weeks like that betty, anything in particular wrong or just the early winter blues?
We went to my aunt's Halloween party last night but I ended up spending over an hour trying to settle Leo and another hour rubbing her foster son's back as he was dreadfully sick and she had a million other kids to look after. Poor wee soul. Think it was just excitement and nerves on an empty tummy with damn fizzy juice. He hadn't eaten any candy.
Mia had a ball. She spent a lot of time eating crisps and being flown around on her broomstick by matt. Took me 25mins to undo the back combing in my own hair when we got home. Love a bit of dress up though.
Not much sleep happens for me, no. Leo gets up usually 3 times a night for a feed, but often up to 5 times. I'm sure your new one will be a wee superstar though betty!
How are the kids getting on ab? Any better?
Edinburgh, congrats on the new job!!! You must have done a better job that you thought in the interview after all! Good too that you have a little while before you start so you can prepare and get yourself fighting fit to take on the world! Your halloween plans sounded great! We too did a bit of dress up and went to a party at my mums place. Had a manic day actually.. Started early in the morning with Evie waking up at 6 with excitement :( we watched Hocus Pocus on the couch until I managed to wake up a little and then decorated the house with silly decorations. We then made cakes and spent a few hours painting our faces and getting ready for the party. The long day took its toll on her though and she was fast asleep on my knee at the party at 10.30pm!

Betty, why are you feeling down my lovely? Is it just the hormones getting on top of you? Have you thought about a name for your little prince yet by the way? Won't be long now!!

I'm so tired girls :( :( I just need some time off work. I haven't had any real time off since the first week in August and I've still got 7 weeks to go. I'm so sleepy all of the time, these 6-2 shifts are killing me off!


Sorry I've been m.i.a,kids are better but Frazer has been a nightmare at sleeping. I have felt like a zombie for the last 2 weeks. He's been sleeping with me as it's the only way I can get a couple of hours. last night was better, he only woke a couple of times and fell back asleep quick so hopefully he's getting better. He has 4 teeth now.
We had a party in the house for the kids for Halloween,they had fun.

I'm still busy working,Still enjoying it.

Dh finds out this week if he's getting paid off or not!!!

Hope you are all well.

I :rofl: at you taking the dress back Tina.

Congratulations on the new job Edinburgh.

Hope you are feeling better Betty. What's your due date?

Glad you and Az have sorted things out Frisky,and well done for speaking to someone xx
Tina.... Have to say your make up for a hallowe'en was AMAZEBALLS!!!! You should post a pic on her to show Edinburgh! It really was amazing, I didn't manage any dress up this year but viv looked fab in her little outfit!
Girls, I've had a pretty rough week and its it going to get better anytime soon, it's not me! It's chris, he's really having a tough time, I can't believe I'm actually going to say this but I think he's having a bit of a breakdown! He's worked from home for the last 3 years and is always been tough on him not mingling with other people during the day (and then only me and viv on a night!) he's finally hit breaking point, it's awful! He's been in bed a lot and having anxiety attacks, he went to see the doctor today and has a meeting with a councillor this Wednesday.... It's just not like him, he is such a strong person! I'm doing my best to keep happy and motivated but it's hard because I'm hormonal and feel like crying a lot! The good thing is that he has admitted he needs help, he was so desperate to get to the doctors, I think he feels worse than he is telling me actually! On top of all this my mam is on her rollacoaster ride of doom! I know I must sound so horrible when it comes to my mam but she has been ill since before me and my sister were born and refuses any help, she has severe bio polar and severe depression. One minute she is up and happy and full of the joys of spring and then next she is at Rock bottom and worst of all she blames me and my sister for everything and we are the reason why she is so depressed, it's really hard for me to deal with and I just want to run away when she is like that.... I'm SO sorry for the horrendously miserable post girls (this is why I've not written anything on here) :(
On a brighter note, all is well with me and bump, I'm getting big!! No name yet (I don't like anything so any names you like send my way!!) due 14th feb so only 14 weeks to go, eeeeeek!!!
Betty, I don't really know what to say my dear to make you feel any better. I just want to send you massive hugs and get well wishes to Chris. Sounds to me like maybe he is suffering with depression? I hope the councillor can shed some light and send him on the right path. There's a difference like you said between Chris and your mum.. Chris wants help, your mum wants to continue dealing with her illness by herself. You've done all you can and if she still doesn't want the help then nobody can blame you for feeling the way you do towards her. You just work on getting Chris better for Christmas time and your upcoming bundle of joy!

WOW you're due on valentines day?!?! How bloody exciting! There's only 1 name for it... ROMEO haha!

I've always struggled with boys names. I have a list as long as my arm for girls! Our name for Evie if she was a boy would have been Alfie James though when I think about Alfie now all I can think of is Alfie Moon off Eastenders haha! Do you like modern names or more traditional? Maybe then I can suggest some to you!

AB, great to hear that the kids are back on track :) though not to great that you're zombified due to no sleep! Sending your DH good luck on the job front, it's the last thing anyone would want being paid off at Christmas time!

Frisky, hope you're okay chick. You've been quiet for a week or so...

I'm becoming terribly broody again girls. I've been fine for a month and accepted that we will wait until January but it's back with a vengeance. Ovulation is in about 5 days time so I'm going to secretly get back on the horse and try naturally. Mark will think all of his Christmas' have come at once! Just want January to hurry up so badly. GOD DAMN INFERTILITY!!!

Sorry ladies, I'm just popping on ti say I'll be on later to catch up and see how you all are. Had a bit of a horific week, had no time to do anything...sorry for the shitty post, I'll catch up later xx love you all x
Hey ladies..

Edinburgh, congratulations on the job! That's fabulous after you were so sure you hadnt impressed them.

Ab, I don't blame you for putting Frazer in bed with you. Sleep is so sacred, I've done it a few times myself with Oscar. Glad your still enjoying work.

Tina, bless you...January will soon be here before you know it. You also have your holiday inbetween to break it up, your time will be here soon, I know it xx

Betty, oh dear.. Sounds like your having a bit of a tough time, plus emotions are running high anyway. It's good Chris has opened up to you and sought help. I know depression in men is less heard of, they don't like to talk about it, so this is a positive thing. I feel for him on the anxiety attacks, I've been having those quite badly this past week, to the point of being sick, not nice at all. All you can do is be there for him & reassure him, it will get better xx
I'm sorry about your mum, that must be really tough, especially blaming you and your sister for it. Seems such a Shame when you could really do with your mum at times like this. Big hugs go out to you xx

Boys names, I only liked Oscar! Haha We had Zac too, but I won with Oscar! Haha
Joes got a friend at school called Finlay, I quite like that too.

We'll girls, as I mentioned above, I've been having bad anxiety...non stop shaking, nausea and dizziness. I just seem to worry about everything to the point of been sick. I went to the doctors again and he's put me on antidepressants...I'm not too sure how I feel about that. He says it will help with the anxiety too. I've only been on them 3 days, they take weeks to kick in. Having pretty shitty side affects though, heart palpitations, like I've drank 5 cans of redbull!
Aarons been to the football tonight to watch Salford city, his cousin plays for them. He's still out, probably pissed somewhere as they won and are through to the 1st round of the facup. My mum came and sat with Oscar whilst I took Joe for a late night swim at my gym. Was so nice, had the pool and jacuzzi to ourselves.
We didn't go Alton towers last week as my sister was really ill. So we are going tomorrow instead, big fireworks display. It's gonna be pissing down all day too! Urrghhh Xx
Oh god Hun I'm sorry to hear about the anxiety attacks. What has the doctor put you on? My mums been suffering with anxiety lately too and the doctor has put her on beta blockers but she didn't like the side effects so has stopped taking them. I hope you're having a lovely time at Alton Towers even though the weather is shitty

If you like I was thinking we can meet up soon and have a girls day? It sounds like it's just what you need at the minute

I'm just sat in watching strictly and the X factor tonight. The wine is flowing nicely!


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