8-12 dpo??any symptoms yet?? all welcome :D

hey ladies.. :hugs: just at my parents this weekend.. but my mom is not home yet :( but thought best come down and see my dad..

yep trishy im feeling very positive... there is no other way to be cuz it upsets david to be sad etc... and then that would upset me :dohh: it was weird cuz for some reason my OH and my friend whos living with us OH were both talking about baby names lol.. me and my friend was like.. :wacko: i thought women were the ones who got broody :haha:
soon as my 3V card gets here i cant get some opks :thumbup: i cant wait.. 3V cards are like a vocher u can use online safely.. u can regisiter for a card for free i thought it was a good idea. then its like top up of a phone put the vocher on the card then use the card like a credit card... sorry if ive waffled on lol..

im so happy for you maratobe.. :hugs: i was hoping you would get your bfp this round :)
Hey kate... you can waffle on as much as you like hun!:thumbup:

I know the positivity is great, but make sure you do "let it out" too, cos i don't think david would want to find out that you were being strong just for him and holding it in... that not good for ya hun!
I think getting the opks is a good idea, like a new thing to try.:thumbup:
Hope you are feeling ok babe....:hugs: When's mum back?

I am off to bed then girls....:sleep: g'night all...:hugs:
Hey kate... you can waffle on as much as you like hun!:thumbup:

I know the positivity is great, but make sure you do "let it out" too, cos i don't think david would want to find out that you were being strong just for him and holding it in... that not good for ya hun!
I think getting the opks is a good idea, like a new thing to try.:thumbup:
Hope you are feeling ok babe....:hugs: When's mum back?

I am off to bed then girls....:sleep: g'night all...:hugs:

Night night honey, sweet dreams xx
by the way hun little G looks so cute in that pic :bunny: so so cutie pie.. :D

i know hun.. im def not holding.. im just not kind of person... if something is upsetting me i usually have to let it out :blush:
im a little sad now tonight though... cuz i miss my teddy bear :cry: im a big baby tut lol
ill see him again sunday though.. just seems so far away right now.. its only been 3 days since i m/c and i only stopped bleeding today.. but im already getting ewcm :wacko: surely not ov already... right?

good night hun :hugs:
Night night honey, sweet dreams xx

Awwww, that was so sweet.... I slept well, but don't remember my dreams actually.... hmmm....:shrug: Did you have sweet dreams hun?xx

by the way hun little G looks so cute in that pic :bunny: so so cutie pie.. :D

i know hun.. im def not holding.. im just not kind of person... if something is upsetting me i usually have to let it out :blush:
im a little sad now tonight though... cuz i miss my teddy bear :cry: im a big baby tut lol
ill see him again sunday though.. just seems so far away right now.. its only been 3 days since i m/c and i only stopped bleeding today.. but im already getting ewcm :wacko: surely not ov already... right?

good night hun :hugs:

It is a cute one of her - this is her innocent cheeky look! Actually hun.... giulia asked me just yesterday whether you had sent her any more bunnies!!! And here you did!!! I will have to show her when she gets up..... awwww....
Glad you are that kind of person, cos it really does help when its necessary.....:winkwink: So is it just you and dad at the moment? Your teddy will be back in your arms before you know it hun... awww...
The ewcm could just be an indication of hormonal changes, like that your body is levelling itself out or something.... I suppose it could be ov tho?! Never know! Keep journalling all this stuff so you can see if there's a pattern to it.
How u feeling this morning?:hugs:
good morning :) i feeel good today

well me my dad and my brothers... poor connor stays at home all week on his own while me david my older brother go to college.. bless him.. he must get lonely sometimes so i try to spent some time with him when i come home... when me and david finish college we wil prob move back around where my parents live :D
well... :blush: me and david bd yesterday so it would be weird if it was ov :wacko: who knows just kinda going with the flow atm till af shows..

i only woke up now.... :blush: i dunno why i was so tired but i feel sicky today so im thinking ive caught davids flu..
oh sorry ive been meaning to say for ages the parcek i sent got sent back to me :growlmad: said i didn write the address on properly im so stupid :dohh: but thats ok cuz it means i have chance to send G over for xmas :D if thats ok with you of course?
hey girls!
how is everyone????
well im a bit in limbo at the moment! i swear i am pregnant!!!!
i have had 2 postitive tests and 1 negetive that was with hardly any pee (lol) and afternoon pee....my OH says that we should believe the positive ones cause 2 out of 3 is better the none out of 3 lol
so im gonna wait a few more days to do a digi, plus i have another crystal clear one if i need to do it....if not im gonna wait to go to the doctors next week!
my boobs are killing me, i have a sore lower back late in the nights ( been on night shift) and im feeling very qweezy....plus more LOL :happydance:
frer i took this after noon, i didnt need to pee but had to take the test so im not counting that one LOL
hey girls!
how is everyone????
well im a bit in limbo at the moment! i swear i am pregnant!!!!
i have had 2 postitive tests and 1 negetive that was with hardly any pee (lol) and afternoon pee....my OH says that we should believe the positive ones cause 2 out of 3 is better the none out of 3 lol
so im gonna wait a few more days to do a digi, plus i have another crystal clear one if i need to do it....if not im gonna wait to go to the doctors next week!
my boobs are killing me, i have a sore lower back late in the nights ( been on night shift) and im feeling very qweezy....plus more LOL :happydance:
frer i took this after noon, i didnt need to pee but had to take the test so im not counting that one LOL

That's just brilliant. I have the biggest smile on my face reading your message. So exciting.
good morning :) i feeel good today

well me my dad and my brothers... poor connor stays at home all week on his own while me david my older brother go to college.. bless him.. he must get lonely sometimes so i try to spent some time with him when i come home... when me and david finish college we wil prob move back around where my parents live :D
well... :blush: me and david bd yesterday so it would be weird if it was ov :wacko: who knows just kinda going with the flow atm till af shows..

i only woke up now.... :blush: i dunno why i was so tired but i feel sicky today so im thinking ive caught davids flu..
oh sorry ive been meaning to say for ages the parcek i sent got sent back to me :growlmad: said i didn write the address on properly im so stupid :dohh: but thats ok cuz it means i have chance to send G over for xmas :D if thats ok with you of course?

Hiya hun!!
I have had a busy weekend with my niece's birthday partIES, yes there were 2 parties for a 1yr old...:dohh: Oh well, that's ok, each to his own I spose! Aaaaanyway, the weekend seemed to fly cos of that and yesterday was the family lunch (party no2) which was nice cos it meant that ralph had a whole afternoon/evening off (woohoo!!!)... so we got to dress up and eat a nice meal... was lovely and G really enjoyed herself - collapsed asleep in the car at 6pm and slept till this morning - 8.30am!! I had to actually wake her!
Aren't you sweet looking after Connor that way.... awwww... you are such a mum in the making! I sure hope you don;t have david's flu... we want you getting stronger hun! And don't worry about feeling tired, your body has been through the wars just lately.... and it's great that you have the energy to DTD... really!
Oh that's funny about the package... don't worry hun, do you want me to give you the address again, or did you mis-write it on the pack? And of course you may send something to G - you're soooooo sweet!!!:hugs:
Well I hope you continue feeling better hun.... have a wonderful day....:hugs:

Maratobe - Awesome hun!!!:thumbup::happydance:
ok thanks i cant wait till she see's what i got her... did u say she likes pink yeah?? and shes allowed choc?? i found a big xmas tube of PINK smarties hehe when i saw it i was like omg awwww thats perfect :D i hope thats ok to send her??

i think i wrote it on wrong :dohh: ill send again soon xx

im glad you had a good weekend mine seemed to drag on.. its a shame the weekend goes so slow.. lol

Oh Wow!! She is gonna love that!! They're 2 of her fave things, pink and chocolate!:happydance: That is quite ok to send her.... cos like if she can't finish them, then mamma will gladly help!:thumbup: And it is good that parcels from the uk don't go through customs either, so it won't get stopped. I had ordered some supplements from the USA a few months back and had all sorts of dramas as they got stopped at customs and they wanted all these forms filled in and so I just cancelled the order and luckily got my money back no problems.... what a pain!:wacko: I won't be doing that again! :dohh:
Sorry your weekend dragged hun... I suspect it was due to you being without your teddy, am I right??! Is your mum not back yet?
How you feeling then today....?:hugs:
sorry i didnt reply right away i was in town xmas shopping.. i called in sick to the creche which really is bad since really it was cuz i badly needed to see my mom... just after the horrible week ive had i needed some of her words and hugs..
so i met up with her at 12 ish and spent the rest of the time just shopping and having fun.. i got David's xmas present which also makes me feel abit less stressed out.. phewww

though im feeling very upset today :cry: i dunno whats wrong with me.. its just today i felt not happy at all.. and havent been able to stop crying... i dont wanna pretend its ok cuz im not ok :( maybe its only hitting me now but im finding it hard with college.. its making me so unhappy.. :cry: i told my mom and she told me to just quit it.. but i feel like a failure if i do... im gonna talk to david when he gets home and see what i can do cuz im just not liking the course at all.. sorry to go on... i feel abit better venting.. :hugs:
Oh hunni.... I thought you basically enjoyed the course? If it's not what you're wanting right now then you could always suspend or something....:shrug: It's no good if you're being stressed by it tho hun.... awww....:hugs:
Glad you had your mum to chat to.... and i'm sure david would understand if you do want to quit. I'm sorry you were feeling blue today... our mums have a way of bringing our emotions to the surface I think, which is a good thing mostly! But I think you're right in that it probably is just sinking in cos up until now you have had checkups, bloods, pain etc and now you just have to let your grief takes its natural course hunni.... it's all gonna be ok and as long as you hold on to that, you will be just fine... I know its easy for me to say, but if I were in front of you now I wouldn't say anything, I'd just give you a big cuddle....:hugs:
Must have been nice to do some shopping then.... so can you tell us what you got david? I never have any idea what to get ralph until the last minute... bad of me to leave it, but we both tend to do that!
Anyways hun, I am off, so g'night to you and sweet dreams....:hugs:
i do enjoy the creche work placement 2 days aweek.. but everything else.. the theory the teachers the work... its all stessful.. if we miss more than 4 classes of a subject we are not allowed hand up our assignments.. thats abit much concidering you cud be sick for one week miss 4 classes and then thats it.. and sick notes dont matter

so maybe i should just take a year off and go back next year.. i dunno :shrug: i think if i can find a job i would leave cuz its just upsetting me more... not being able to finish the work on time.. i dont wanna fall behind id rather quit then be behind and a nervous reck... i have bad panic attacks about that stuff...

annnwayyy it doesnt matter ill figure it out :D :hugs:

how was your day.. im just about to make dinner for me and david..

oh i got him a mini fridge.. :blush: he always buys cans of coke etc.. and with our friends living in the same house as us it always is full and he can never fit his cans in there lol so i bought him a little one esp for his drinks or choccy :) i was gonna fill it with nice drinks and choccys.
thanks hun i would love that hug right now.. talk soon hun
Hey hunny,

Noooo dont test so early! Would you rather be dissapointed when in fact your pregnant?! Just think that your not and then when you do test and its a :bfp: you will be even more happy!!! Good luck babe xxx:hugs:
Good evening all!!

Kate hun, hiya sweet! You know I just LOVE the mini-fridge idea!! That is so COOL - sorry, couldn't help it!:dohh: Seriously though - top idea!:thumbup:

I am sorry your course is bumming you out... but if it is stressing you that much, then you should quit for now - take a break, see how you feel next year. There are no extra points for being a hero! And you especially need to take care of yourself after what your body (and mind and soul) have been through this year.....:wacko: Just look after you....:winkwink:

I am doing ok, just feel a bit nauseous from time to time. Heartburn has gone - thank goodness! So yeah, all ok!

Ok, so G has fallen asleep which is my cue to go get ready for bed myself! G'night hun.... hugs to you....:hugs:
awww thanks hun :) many :hugs:

well i just applied for a few different jobs see what happens.. i feel abit better about college.. but only cuz i had creche today and not actual college.. the kids are so adorable wish my course was just all of that.. oh well some day..

yeah that was the only thing i could think of to get him hehe.. i hope he likes it...
i actually had a drink last night... me and my friend who is living in the house i decided to buy us some alco (it was only one drink) but i felt dizzy after just one cuz it had been so long ago... but it was nice for a chance :)

well i paid for this course and i think ... you can take a year out if you have a medical reason to do so.. i wonder would this counts?? i guess ill see how 2mor goes..

im glad the heart burn is gone :hugs: thanks for your support.. good night hun :kiss:
Oh - well that changes things a bit when you've "already paid"!:wacko: But I would try with your medical "reason" and see what they say.... they can only say NO right? And if they do then just do the best you can. Just think of the theory stuff as your stepping stones to fulltime creche work.... I guess they want to be sure that you grasp all the knowledge that comes with the job... especially these days! I think they have courses on blowing your nose properly! Awwww.... big:hugs:....
I have had a drink every now and then, but usually just a mouthful cos I sometimes get the urge like if ralph's having a beer I'll think "ooh I want some of that!" and I have a mouthful and that seems to do it for me!haha Bizarre!

Well hun, I wish you well with the job applications!! Are they childcare related?
Have a great day, I'm off to get ready... will take G to kindy then go in to "the office" for a while! Sounds weird.... I've never had an office to go to before! hehe .... later hun...:hugs:
hello all!

Babyhopes10, im so sorry I wasnt here when everything happened :( im in complete and utter shock. I know your most probally feeling like poo, but smile hunny, your body is now preparing itself for another round of the baby making!! It takes time doesnt it! Me and Kev havent really stopped trying, im 7dpo or 8 lol today and I know im not, even if we 'do the deed' just before I ovulate and everything, maybe it takes longer for us younger ones?! lol (no offence to anyone!!!!) Im sending you :dust: and love.

So hows everyone else doing?? Im so sorry i havent been here. Ive got swine flu! So that meant I have been tucked away in a ball feeling sorry for myself lol i couldnt speak or move my neck for days and my temperature went up to 39!!!! crazy stuff!! I started my job, have done a full week and now i have to have two weeks off because of this, so i dont know how well that is going to go down! I hope they dont sack me! They shouldnt, but you never know?!

I had my interview for uni last week, it was shockingly easy, so im pleased =) My kev had his interview aswell yesterday, but we worked out it will cost £1200 for him to get there for a month, which is shocking lol so whether he can go there or not is debateable!!

Hmmmm I was trying to write loads of other stuff to not talk about babies, but its difficult isnt it!! I just think when its the time to happen it will. Unfortunately for most of us, when we want it to happen, our bodies dont, which causes stress, delays our AF, makes us think we are :bfp: then when we arent it makes us more sad. Its a horrible cycle isnt it? =( hmmmm

Hope everyone is good and looking forward to christmas!!!

Good luck to all of you, i will keep my fingers crossed for you xxx

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