@skittles-Thanks yes Im glad to know now so I can fix the issue or atleast get help. And hope you got a bfp coming soon for you.
@colormefamous-I say take your time. He came into your life for a reason. You don't have to rush things and understand that yes a lot of people get married etc and end up getting divorced due to certain circumstances but you shouldn't let that scare you out of a good person and a good relationship that you deserve. Just take your time and have faith that things will be good if its meant to be. My parents are living proof that everyone may have ups and downs in their relationship but they sit there and make it work and find solutions. On the 27th of this month, they will be married for 36 years!!!!! So trust me, if you have the right mindset and so does he, then you guys will be unstoppable and untouchable. And I got married at 19 and I've been married for 4 years now and been with him for 7 years. And our relationship is strong. You just got to have an understanding and communication that's all. Hopefully everything will work out.
@kaiecee how are you?
AFM, cd29 and spotting. I don't know if I should call this AF or what because one minute its red and flow and the next minute I go to the bathroom its brown and its on and off so its very confusing so im just going to put it as spotting on this same cycle. I woke up late this morning but my temp was only 97.41 so not a big difference really. It looks like im not going to ovulate this cycle and whatever this is...is just going to drag itself out. My gynecologist appt. is on Sept. 4th at 9am. I wish it was a little earlier than that but that's the earliest day and time they can book me inside the Navy hospital here. All my docs are inside that one hospital which is great for me. Well, from seeing my doc yesterday, I was a little down because I found out my previous docs were nothing but scam artist

She told me I have PCOS and since I am ttc...they should've NEVER put me on birth control. My former docs put me on birth control because they said it will help regulate my cycles because it will help remove my ovarian cysts. She told me that the birth control doesn't remove the cysts, all it does it prevent painful AFs when you have PCOS

So I pretty much wasted time AND money on birth control for no apparent reason

But now im just happy that these docs don't benefit from the money from our insurance. They get paid based on their rank (active duty Naval officers etc). So they have nothing to gain so they are very helpful. She gave me all the information I need and als ogave me an account to talk to her about the PCOS online etc and what I can do to help myself increase my chances to get pregnant. She is really helping me because she is determined for me to get pregnant so im thankful for that. I've never gotten this far before and FINALLY I know what's going on with me and what I need to do in order to conceive. So we shall see what Sept. 4th holds.