I asked what there'd be at my 28 week appointment when I was in at 22 weeks, and it's basic bloods (counts, possibly a liver function check), urine dip, blood pressure, fundal height, and a heartbeat listen. Possibly a weigh-in, but I haven't been weighed by a midwife since my booking at 8 weeks. My 28 week appointment is on Friday this week, quite looking forward to it. The appointments start getting more frequent now for pregnant women in my region. I'm in Lothians, and we go 28, 32, 36, 38, 40, 41 with sweeps offered at 40 and 41, and induction booking offered at 41 for 42.
But the real excitement for me and OH this week is my private 3D/4D scan Wednesday evening! Really really hoping we don't accidentally find out the gender, I've grown so attached to being team
!! But I love the 3D photos that others have posted, and since I cancelled my NCT classes (they were being annoying and kept re-scheduling), I had the money for a private scan. SO exciting!!!