Went for the long awaited Anti D injection today- I was fine up until the point where they told me the single major side effect lol. Needles/getting shots/blood taken really doesn't bother me in the slightest, but the anxiety problems always make me stress about these things as I think something bad will happen afterwards (stupid thoughts like thinking I'm getting injected with air etc
Anyhow, after a wee glass of water and the most understanding midwife ever, I got the shot- And in complete honesty, for anyone who has still to get it, it was pain free and over in about 3 seconds
Got a blood sample taken aswell for a fbc as the last cover MW who tried couldn't get any blood out hehe.
Notnic- I had 4 regular BH 2 nights ago (literally every 6 or 7 minutes) that scared me too, it was just before bed which is when I would usually get them, but I had pain across my back with these ones, if you're in any doubt ring your MW or L&D for advice but here I am 2 days later and not in labour thank goodness! I read also that they aren't supposed to be painful, but I think depending on the position of baby at the time may have an impact on them
On a brighter note-wayhay only 10 weeks left
P.S. Had some period-like cramps today really low down that pretty much took my breath away, has anyone else been feeling crampy lately? The pain travelled down my leg aswell though and felt the same as sciatica, so maybe it's just baby on a nerve?
Another lovely day over here- the sun makes me nice n happy