Hi ladies sorry its been so long! Its hard work looking after a baby lol!
Ok only been able to have a quick read at the mo so just wanted to say good luck to Emme.
Ntat congrats hun im so pleased everything is going well.
Monro i think boy for you, are you going to find out?
Ok so quick birth story.... waters broke 1am on 1st, no signs before hand no BH, loss of plug etc. DH was saying im tired im not ready! Anyone would think he had to give birth!! Went to hospital they said looked like waters on pad they dont examine you due to risk of infection. They sent us home again for things to start or be induced at 8am on 2nd.
Didnt get any sleep that night as everytime i laid down i had another little gush of water, the following afternoon i had light contractions which got more regular though the night, again no sleep. Woke dh at 3am to say they were about 5min apart and i was going to have a bath, he phoned hospital to say we may be in soon and they said try and wait til 3 mins apart!
Anyway the bath spaced them out again so they went 10-15mins apart wish i hadnt had it. DH went to bed and i stayed up. By the time we were at hospital the next morning i was exhausted and we hadnt even started yet!
I think it was around 10am when i was examined and started on the drip i was only 1cm!! Couldnt believe it, but then cervix had been high and closed at last check so she said it was good progress.
Well the drip was on low but by 11.10 the contractions were closer and lasting longer and i was asking for an epidural! Which i got just before 12.
They are definitely good, it did stop working later in the afternoon though and it had to be taken out and put back in again as only my legs were numb. We went through 3 midwife changes as we were there so long. Dh kept moaning he was tired/hungry etc im surprised i didnt slap him! He got given cups of coffee and a giant bean bag, i got sod all and was tied to the bed!
Eventually around 9.45pm i said i could feel pressure down below but they only check you every 4 hrs, so she checked at 10.20 and said i was fully dilated but baby had turned and her head was sideways!!
She said you will just have to push harder!! Anyway she wanted to leave her an hour to see if she turned herself, so at 11.20 i started pushing but i could see from the midwifes face when she looked at babys heartrate it was not good, we tried pushing a few more times and i knew then we were headed for theatre 1 way or another. She left the room and dh said he could see everyone start running around the corridoors, next thing there was people in scrubs in the room saying episiotomy and forceps, possible c sect, this could happen that could happen, sign here!! Was scary, dh had to put on scrubs and i could see he was crapping himself.
We got into theatre and they numbed me up some more incase of c sect but midwife said he was confident he would get her with forceps. When he checked again she had turned and was face up, he turned her first, then he pulled and i pushed and she was out in a couple of minutes just after midnight on 3rd. She didnt cry for a bit they had to use bag and mask and were shouting shes fine just shocked. What seemed like ages but was prob less than a min she cried, they showed her to me then handed her to dh, and then she crapped all over him!!
The midwife said to me in recovery that she was sending my placenta off to be investigated as she had never seen anything like it before, said there was a normal placenta with a smaller 1 coming off it with its own vessels and chambers etc and i think she was thinking this had something to do with my miscarriages.

bet i never hear anyhting back about it.
When they did babys blood gases it showed that she had been highly stressed, the midwife came up to the ward after and said she was v confused as her heartrate had been fine til the end but her bloods showed she obviously had been stressed and its a good job she came out when she did!
Well it was 47 hours from when my waters broke to when she came out, thats a long time!
We were on the ward that night and the night after, so they could observe baby as i had antibiotics during labout cos of the waters being gone so long.
The ward was hard... another 2 nights of no sleep babies crying lights on and offand if you do manage to fall asleep they wake you for obs!! I cried!! Alot! Everyday for the first 4 days anyway! and im not an overly emotional person.
DH went back to work last mon when she was 4 days old, that was really hard!! 1 tip make sure you have someone for the first week at least! I was emotional and in so much pain! My stitches were very swollen and i had monster piles from pushing! We tried BF but by the 2nd day i was bruised and in agony she was hanging off my nipple and getting fractious when i put her near and i was dreading it everytime. Plus i couldnt sit or get comfortable cos i was in so much pain! I started expressing and topping up with formula, and things got better. Plus they tell you if theyve lost more than 7% at 5 day weigh in they put you back in hospital... the thought of it made me cry, no point going back in there they were crap and didnt help you anyway!
Ive told everyone that im traumatised by the whole thing.....
But we have turned the corner this week, im starting to feel better and can actually sit down without crying out in pain. Now if we can just get her to be awake 11am - 3pm instead of 11pm-3am then we will be on to a winner!!
Oh and she is 12 days old with no name, cant agree, tbh i dont even know why im letting him get a say, it was me that was butchered! Anyway its looking like Eva or Cara/Kara....?
Sorry its so long guys.....
A few pics for you.....