Just popped in quickly but didn't want to read and run after reading your news patiently!!! A cautious but big congratulations to you!
Lexi is right, cramping is perfectly normal at this stage (in fact it's normal all the way through - I still get a bit crampy now) and I had very few symptoms this early with any of my pregnancies, this one included. Just think of all the people who get pregnant by accident who don't even realise for a few weeks. NSN is right, just take each day at a time
Lexi, hope you are OK hun, it's so tough when others get to have the 'big reveal' and you want that moment so badly. It will be you one day soon
NSN, so glad all is going well, I've been stalking your journal, but not had time to post for a week or so. We all love sharing in your good news and you're never insensitive
Beach - yay for AF!!
Welcome sosad
You cound like you fit in perfectly - we all have to go through the limbo of recovery after an MC, it doesn't mean that we are not TTC in our hearts. What are the blood tests checking?
Welcome Dreaminghopin, and sorry for your losses
AFM, had a bit of spotting today which scared the bejeezus out of me, but think it's just because me and DH have been up to more BDing than usual
. Typically the little lady was having a lazy morning so had to wait a while to feel her kick and calm me down a bit. She's wriggling away in there at the moment though, which is a big relief.
Lexi, we've got a few names on the list, but all top secret for now! We've started to call her Myrtle for now but I don't think that's going to stick once she's born!