A home for EVERYONE!

I was thinking that the best outside thing to get would be a ride on toy. Not a tricycle or bike but maybe those crazy coupe things.
Siena has a car she can push with her feet... oh my MIL got a used battery operated Jeep I think, so we'll give her that at when she turns 2 I guess?? I dont know at what age they can operate those?
those are generally recommended for ages 3+ because 2 year olds might not be able to understand how it works. It's up to you though.
Good morning ladies.

Misty, great news on the testing. Have to stop thinking about all the what ifs and the chance of the tests being wrong....you'll drive yourself crazy!

Aspe, Grace is right about the ovulation tests. Typically people will have a 2nd surge of lh just not high enough to ovulate. The only reason I had normal cycles before my daughter was if the dr's forced my cycle. We finally just gave up doing anything for ttc and while I was on a stem cell treatment to try and help my pn is when I got pregnant...so likely it was the cuase or help of getting me pregnant. out of no where the past yr and a half my cycles got normal by themselves. You definitly need and an obgyn to start helping you figure things out. They can also answer all your questions about ttc and what should be happening when with your body.

Krissy- yay for your boring day! Lol i'm sure it won't be boring long.

Janelle- I feel your pain over drama.

Libby- I would always pump after M bf. It made my milk supply better and I always had extra. You wouldn't want to pump before baby even ifyou are leaking. The baby needs the colostreum. And unless you aren't able to bf right away ( ex: m was in nicu and didn't have any feedings for 24 hrs) that would be the only reason to pump until your milk actually comes in.

Afm, still sick and my body hates me....lol but today, I am just grateful. Grateful to be alive. Yesterday, I left our house about 30 min early so I could pick up jim' boots that had been ordered. If I hadn't it would have put us in the area of an accident or having passed the combine before the accident. Combine had the picking head on, failed to see a van and started to cross the rd. killed 3, put 3 others badly injured in the hosp. So today I am grateful. If you're the curious type google west point, ind combine accident.
Nicole, I got M a small plastic kitchen that came with some food and a shopping cart. It wasn't much and she loved it. I did this knowing that I would build her a playhouse and a kitchen in it.. Her playhouse still needs a wooden floor and shingles, but for almost 8'x8' I only have about 130 into it as opposed to buying one that size for thousands. And her kitchen for it was basically free bc it was made out of scraps.

She also has this ride on car she likes. Getting to big for it now but she could push a button and steer it or it has a handle with a button for the adults to control it. It is an awesome option to have. No backaches for mommies!
Amber, Yeah... you confirmed what I already thought. Oh and I'd try to pump after nursing but I had a difficult baby I guess? I still had to hold her or she'd scream and then she'd try to mess with the cords etc... and usually didn't get enough milk to make it worth it. BUT I think I am more immune to crying now haha so this baby isn't going to get the same treatment!! And I was able to nurse great right away so I should be good. Just didn't get ahead on my supply enough.

Oh geez I googled that combine story... awful!! Yes feel blessed!!!
I dont want to spend more than $65 on a kitchen. I can ask others to get food and shopping cart etc... they now have a round table that comes with built-in microwave and stove but still think the original kind of kitchen would be better. Ideas? I'm also going to have to spend $100 on seating since I'll have 14+ people in the house and only 3 chairs and one couch. The 14+ includes 5 kids ages 2-8, 2 teenagers, and 9 adults.
Libby, one of the best tid bits of info someone gave me was as soon as we came home from the hosp to start implementing an individual time. You know they are fed, dry and safe and you let them entertain themselves for a short period of time whether they want your attention or not. Not a lot of time at first but extend it as they get older. Can do it with older kids too, just have to start out slow and extend the time.

Like my cousin, she says her kids require her attention all the time. They don't know how to play by themselves at all. I don't have that. M can play by herself and there are times where she would even prefer it now. it's not like 'go entertain yourself all day', but an every day you will have time that you need to play by yourself for a bit. It's awesome bc I can get things done or rest if I don't feel well. We have never gone the route of 'i'll let you get away with this bc it is easier at this moment' thing. We deal with things and they usually are no longer issues. May have taken longer that moment but a lot less time not dealing with it over and over. Definitly, for us, was the best thing to start the independent thing and follow the rules the first time.

Yes, it was nasty. The combines are not suppose to be going down our rds with the picking head on bc they take up both lanes and it restricts even more on what they can see...not that they follow that
I dont want to spend more than $65 on a kitchen. I can ask others to get food and shopping cart etc... they now have a round table that comes with built-in microwave and stove but still think the original kind of kitchen would be better. Ideas? I'm also going to have to spend $100 on seating since I'll have 14+ people in the house and only 3 chairs and one couch. The 14+ includes 5 kids ages 2-8, 2 teenagers, and 9 adults.

You aren't going to be at your parents? Ask people who are coming if they have folding chairs. I'm sure someone probably does. Or maybe see if you can borrow some from a church? I have no idea if we are hosting christmas this yr here or i' say you could borrow our 8, plus a card table.

Ck toys r us online. Looks like they have some cute ones on sale. $40 or so. We initially got the just like home one that came with the cart, some food, utensils I think I pd around 50 for everything. Not the best, but it works. I'd build you one if I felt better. Lol
Maybe set up a picnic for the kids. M loves having indoor picnics with a blanket on the floor.
Well I think I found one I like and has excellent ratings. $10 more than I wanted to spend but at the height and all the features it has I think it'd be worth it for 2-3 years. I can ask my grandparents to get a shopping cart and other accessories. I will ask someone to get her a baby doll that she can interact with for Christmas so that way she can be more prepared for being a big sister.

No, I'm only at my parents house for 3 weeks. I'll be back in our old house in IL by Christmas. We are asking for everyone to get Baby J one small toy for Christmas and give me and Josh gift cards. And possibly a gift card for the new baby? (No I do not expect that but would be awesome!)
Oh.. I thought you were in IN until your husband returned. When does he get deployed? Where in IL?

I would still ask about people having folding chairs. Then you don't have that expense. Or maybe that could be part of a gift from someone.
Oh.. I thought you were in IN until your husband returned. When does he get deployed? Where in IL?

I would still ask about people having folding chairs. Then you don't have that expense. Or maybe that could be part of a gift from someone.

He deploys early next year. I am in IN from November 17th-December 15th. About 90 miles northwest of Chicago is where our house in IL is.

I will definitely ask about folding chairs.
Siena's kitchen is nice, but she's got a cheaper plastic one at my MIL's house that she likes too. They aren't picky at that age.

Yeah, I think if I was home with Siena, she would be a lot better at being independent. With daycare, she's got kids to play with and multiple adults to tend to her, so its so different once we get home and its just me and her after all that constant stimulation... to a quiet house with just me and I'm busy cooking.

And yeah my MIL borrowed chairs from her church when we had a big group at our house awhile back. Hated to buy chairs I wouldn't need the rest of the time! But now I just wish I had my own because I'll encounter the same problem year after year!
I'm not feeling it today.
I hope I wake up tomorrow feeling better
I'm not happy, not mad, but a little frustrated, groggy feeling.
My db and I decided I should go see a gynecologist, so I am going to call for an appointment tomorrow at the doctors, as it is to late today.
Misty - So happy for your good results. I know that has to take a load of worry off your shoulders. And I can so relate to the getting up to pee. It's anywhere from 2 - 4 times a night for me depending on how long I get to sleep. I tried not drinking anything after 6 and that just doesn't work for me because we eat dinner at like 7 or 8.

Janelle - Sorry your having to deal with drama. I hate it so my circle is very small. I hope things are better for you now.

Amber - That accident sounds horrible. So glad you're okay. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Libby - What time is your appointment? For some reason 4 is in my head. Is that right? I'm so excited to see your u/s pic cause I know your baby is doing fine.

Today is my first day in the office this week (was in training mon - wed) and people are driving me nuts asking for stuff. I finally got to sneak off for lunch at one and now it's already time for me to go back. I'm thankful for this job, but when is Thanksgiving because I need a break!
Amber..those kinds of things freak me out. Like it was definitely meant to be sort of thing. Like, you were supposed to leave that time. (that said, it was unfortunate there was an accident and fatalities). I can only image how you feel today.

Janelle..hope you feel better
I don't fancy drama at all. I can assist others all day but when it comes to me, i could pass..lol..

My friend was telling me today that her and her partner fight about 50 times a month. I was speaking to her about that then and a possibly way to decrease those numbers. It is normal for relationships to have arguments, but 3-4 fights a day, that's alot.
Hey guys. Yep appt at 4... I get off work in 15 min then appt is an hour after that.

DH and I fight way less now. Not that I don't want to fight with him just as much... but learned it often didn't help things and half the time it's just one of us making a mean face or saying one little comment that sets the other person off.... so better just to take a breath and chill on it a bit. Oh my back when we were engaged and had just moved in together... I will never forget THAT drama. Made me realize why some couples sleep in separate bedrooms... I know one couple who sleeps on different FLOORS! Crazy, but works for them.. personally I think they took the easy way out! But, then, they never wanted kids... way too into themselves.. judging those who put their kids first etc. Ehh ok sidetracked... c ya!
Hey Ladies. I'm feeling much better. I I've realized that misery and happiness can not get along. I'm just thankful I'm on the happy side and not on the misery side. I've also decided that those who belittle are little them selves. (((exhale))) I'm just happy that it's over and we came out on top. There was no way in hell I was letting them bring me down.

Dan's mom let me borrow a book once the last time I was fighting with my family over nonsense and I really liked what I read. It said to imagine your life as a spiral of rooms. Each room has two doors on opposite sides. When you start out (in the middle) you're in a pitch black room, the next room has a little bit a light and the one after that is just a little bit brighter than the one before and so on. So the moral of the story is the more positive you are, the brighter room you are in. I'm pushing on and I'm moving into a brighter room. I'm not going to let someone words or actions bring me down and make me step two rooms back into the darkness. Happy to see that everyone is doing well.

Nicole, we got my son Elmo's restaurant for his 1st birthday and he loves it!

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