A home for EVERYONE!

Kerrie - Welcome! *Sorry about the stye. *I had one coming up a few months ago and it annoyed me every time I blinked. *I had no idea I blinked that much until then. *I hope you get some relief very soon. *Where you do live? *My apologies if it's listed in your location. *I view the website on my phone and I can't see it. *How cold is it there? *Update: *I see Misty just said you live in the UK. :)

Libby - I'm the total opposite of you. *At my last ultrasound I thought I was 9 weeks 3 days, but baby measured at 10 weeks 3 days. *Dr didn't think we should move the date up since I'm sure about my LMP, but part of me wants to just change my ticker and put myself a week ahead, but I don't want to be disappointed if I go in for the next u/s thinking I'm 18 weeks and I end up only being 17 weeks. *So I'm just leaving it based on LMP but noting it might be earlier. :)*

Janelle - Sorry about the*nausea. *That really sucks. *Especially when you think you're done with it. Didn't realize baby doubles in size. *I always thought they just couldn't find a fruit between prune and lime so they just went with lime. LOL. *That explains a lot. *I guess I should start reading my pregnancy books. *I'm all afraid too because I keep worrying about the worst. *Eeek! *When will I relax and just enjoy this pregnancy?!

AFM - Lately I've had a waves of nausea come on me, but I'm not complaining because I can count on one hand the number of times it's happened so I'm not sure if it's hormones or something else. *I haven't told anyone outside of family that I'm pregnant. *I told my mom and my aunt and they both asked me if I'm going to breastfeed. *Is this a common question people ask? *It seems weird to me. *I guess since they are family and this is their first grand(son/daughter) and great(nephew/niece) they are concerned, but I hope random people at work don't ask me that because while I do plan to breastfeed, I don't think it's anyone's business. *When I told my aunt I was preggers, she said something I hadn't thought of. *We haven't had a baby in our family in almost 31 years (me!!!). *Can you believe that? *We are a small family, but 31 years is a long time to not have any babies in the family. *That's why I'm so clueless about pregnancy.

Someone on my job let on that another woman in our group might be pregnant. *We are planning a team function in December and we have to have a count of who will be drinking alcohol because the wine tasting portion of the event is priced per person. *So my manager told me this lady probably wouldn't be drinking. *So, I looked at her and said, "really?" and her response was "we suspect, but we are just waiting on confirmation." *I had no clue, and she looks the same to me. *She has been out sick a lot but she's always out sick so it doesn't seem out of the ordinary. *I wonder if they suspect me too? *Hmmmm.... Okay, I'm done ramblng.
There go those darn asterisks again. I realize now why they are there. It happens when I type it in an email and then copy and paste here. Argh. So annoying.
I got a doctors appointment for next Thursday, the same day as janelle.
In the meantime, if af starts, I will start vitex.

A part of me is saying 'maybe I'm just to big to ovulate';therefore, explain irregular periods. I dont change much in size. I'm thinking I may start Jillian michaels 90 day shred.
I'm about 5'4 and about 175ish. So definitely overweight
Hi Kerrie.
Welcome the this group! I'm sure Krissy will be on today at some point to welcome you. As for the stye, do you have a medicine for those things in the UK? Here at Walmart it is called Stye and has a picture of an eye on it. I started having a sore eyelid about a year ago and I just put a tiny dab over the sore spot at night before I went to bed and after 3 days the soreness was gone. My mom always had trouble with styes. She actually had them surgically removed and had to have a patch over that eye for a week. She smokes so we always asked her if she finally decided to go on the nicorette patch, lol.

Well I am bummed because I was planning all our grocery needs for this next two weeks and realized we are really going to have to pinch pennies. Not only that but our 3rd wedding anniversary is the 14th so we were going to have a nice dinner date and bowling on the 10th but we didnt plan for it financially so now we cant afford it. I wonder if he'll even realize that. Argh...

Aspe and Janelley, you have your appointments the day before my dating ultrasound! However I wont be able to update you until the day after because we are getting on the road to IN right after my appointment is over.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

I hope to get to know your stories all better,at the moment im just popping in and out a bit but when the kids go back to school on monday I'll be able to spend longer catching up x
Hey ladies! Sorry, I stepped a way to go shopping, but I got a lot done. Went and bought a bunch more tile and because the girl couldn't count she gave me an extra 28 pieces. Not bad I guess. I also got all of my blood work done. I always get so embarrassed when I have to pee in a cup and my pee is dark. Usually, I've got clear pee, but I was in such a rush this morning I forgot my water bottle, and just went shopping, then I remembered that I was going to have to give urine so my friend bought me a sprite and I chugged it and had to pee and held it for probably too long and peed dark yellow. ((bows my head in shame))

I see we've got a newbie! HI KERRIE!!! so happy to meet you. I love meeting people from other countries. My name is Janelle. Sorry about the headache and stye in your eye. I used to get terrible headaches when I was in high school and the only thing that worked for me was to drink a Coca-cola and eat a candy bar. Not saying it will work for everyone, but you could try it. This might sound crazy, but it has worked for me an my husband. Coffee. I get terrible migraines when I cry, so I pop open the coffee can and take a big wiff! Not close enough to snort a bunch of coffee grounds, but instead of drinking soda and eating candy that is what I do now. It works. You could try that as well. :)

Grace, I see you went all *magical* on us again. :) Now that I'm 11 weeks, I'm starting to feel a little better about the fear of pregnancy. You'll get there. It's completely normal to be scared during your first pregnancy. You didn't answer any of my questions!!! :(

Aspe, AF isn't going to start!! I thought of you today. When I was stocking up on cheerios. :) I'm seriously going to send you every flavor I can find when you get your BFP. I saw they have a caramel flavor!!!

***ATTENTION LADIES!!! Inquiring minds (mine) would like to know, who here has tried some of the new flavors of cheerios? Like Chocolate, peanut butter, yogurt, caramel, banana nut, etc.. What did you think of them??

Alright Krissy and Misty are trying to convince me that the "bump" that I have been sporting for 2 years, is a baby bump. I guess it's possible because I can no longer suck it in, but it's got to be all intestines and what not, because my uterus isn't even out of my pelvis yet.

Thanks Janelle,I will try the coke and the coffee,anything is worth a go!
Hi my ladies!!! Soooooooo sorry I have been MIA. Since you started this post my world started to crumble. things are a tad better with the first issue but now yesterday my FIL passed away! ugh, I seriously cant handle much more. But I am going to try and stay positive.

I havent chatted in a while so to bring you up to speed, my doc did the clomid challenge test this month and my numbers were all in the normal range. So my eggs are good. so today I am 7dpo. not getting my hopes us as there has been way to much stress the last week or so that Im not gonna get overly excited. I am having tons of cramping during the tww but from what I am reading this is normal on clomid.
I am contemplating have the dye test to make sure my tubes are blocked from the reversal. I have a feeling thats what the problem is but my doc said sometimes just doing the test opens them up so who knows.

Janelle yes I tried the peanut butter cheerios!! they are yuuuuuummmmy!
KANICKY!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Krissy, it's gotta get worse, before it can get better. I'm so happy to hear from you. Sorry about your FIL. :(
7DPO, that's exciting!!! I hope to hear from you when you're running around to each window. :) Misty, did Clomid so she might be able to answer some questions. I've missed you sooooooooo much.

Thanks for the info on cheerios. I'm tempted to try them, but afraid they are going to taste gross. Although I do love peanut butter. What's not to love right?!
KANICKY!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Krissy, it's gotta get worse, before it can get better. I'm so happy to hear from you. Sorry about your FIL. :(
7DPO, that's exciting!!! I hope to hear from you when you're running around to each window. :) Misty, did Clomid so she might be able to answer some questions. I've missed you sooooooooo much.

Thanks for the info on cheerios. I'm tempted to try them, but afraid they are going to taste gross. Although I do love peanut butter. What's not to love right?!

I missed you too! :hugs:

That is some really good advice and so true! Im hoping this was the end of the bad news and now we will have good news of a new baby on the way! Kind of ironic that his father died and if I end up pregnant. I know that sounds weird but that has crossed my mind a few times. Oh believe me I will be running to all the windows! LOL.

Yes if Misty reads this, wondering if you had cramping during the TWW on clomid too? Ive also had some nausea the last couple days too.

Try them!!!!! they are delish!!!!!!
When I got pregnant with Samuel, I found out just after a good friend died. When I got pregnant with my first MC I found out just after Dan's Brother's Girlfriend passed away. So, I was walking on egg shells when I was pregnant this time. I think it's a beautiful thing though and you should totally be thrilled. Just try not to stress..

I will try them as soon as I run out.
Kanicky - Sorry about your FIL. :hugs: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for everything. I hope the Clomid does the trick and you get preggers. :dust: Hopefully your tubes are clear too.

Janelle - I'm sorry. I started typing and it was so long I just stopped typing and forgot to answer all of them. Okay here goes... I'm feeling fine. My favorite dinner is curry chicken and potatoes with naan. I absolutely love this dish and DH loves it too. If I'm going out to a restaurant, it's probably the crawfish etouffee at Pappadeaux's (a cajun restaurant here in Houston). My favorite color is yellow. I can't name a favorite artist. I love music and I can't pick just one. I've got over 5,500 songs on my ipod. My favorite genre is R&B though. I haven't told anyone I'm pregnant outside of family. I haven't even posted it on my blog. In fact, I haven't posted anything on my blog because I want to wait until after I've had my anatomy scan. And as for the cereal, I didn't even know they had that many flavors. I get stuck on a few cereals and never bother to venture out. I'll have to go check that out.

Bonus item: I'm absolutely sick of this election crap. I don't want to hear about it anymore and the sad thing is, it will be the only thing on tv for the next week or so. I'm going to have to avoid facebook on Tuesday because I'm sure obnoxious supporters on both sides will just annoy me and I may say something mean to them. Whew! It feels good to get that off my chest.
Thanks so much HisGrace!!

Janelle thats weird. but stranger things have happend. My grandma used to tell me that in order for a new baby to come into the world another soul needs to leave it. So.........

ok, gotta close up the store and get back to my fam! Love you ladies!
Grace, I've never had crawfish.. what's it taste like? It looks like shrimp, does it taste like shrimp? My favorite color is green and I'm pretty eclectic with music, I like it all, but I really like blue grass and underground hip hop. I don't think I could pick a favorite artist either. I LOVE music.

Aspe, I just thought of something, have you ever heard of Buck 65?!?!?! He's a canadian hip hop artist from Nova Scotia. He's one of mine and Dan's favorites. I think if Dan had to pick a favorite he would be one of them.
It kinda tastes like shrimp but it holds flavor much better. I don't like peeling it though. That's why I get dishes where it's already been peeled. Peeling is just too much work for that little piece of food.
LOL that's what I've always thought of seafood. I would end up mangling a crab and giving up before I got any actual meat.
Kanicky!!!!!! So glad ur back!!! Yes I most DEFINITELY had cramps on clomid. For a good 2-3 weeks. Guessing its from ovulating... it kind of superstimulates your ovaries. We went on a motorcycle ride and went over a bump. I thought my insides were going to fall out. I screamed, it took my breath away and instant tears. I didnt get back on the bike again!! The positive side is it was the next day that I got my faint bfp. That was 12dpo. Im now 13 weeks pregnant! Clomid worked on the first round for me, my fingers are crossed for u!! I have pcos so had issues ovulating. I also had to be on metformin for the pcos. Still am. Sorry I missed u on here, hope ur back soon!!

Aspe Im so glad u have an appt with the gyne!!! I think clomid would be good for u to try also!! As for weight, I weigh a lot more than u!! Just think (if ur not ALREADY prego) that u need help ovulating.

As for cheerios Im with kanicky, peanut butter all the way!!! I have in my drawer at work to snack on! Hee hee I am a peanut butter-aholic tho lol
I havent tried any of those cheerios,I dont think we have them over here.

I hope you dont mind me joining in the conversation but just wanted to say,just after Owen was born my nana passed away,she hadnt even met him.I told myself she was moving over to make a space for him in the world.

Good luck ttc to anyone that needs it,Im sorry I havent gotten everyones names yet xx
Misty! You're officially in the 2nd tri according to everyone. Yay! Happy Lemon Day! How are you feeling?
Hey grace! Thanks! I'm a lemon and tomorrow ur a lime! It's pretty cool u and janelle are only a couple days apart. At this point Loren and I have the same due date but she rarely posts anymore :-( Wish she would... Loren come back!!

I'm feeling pretty good actually. Still get tired but not nearly as bad as it was. Boobs are still growing and they DONT need to! lol. How about u? Your symptoms easing up some? When is your next appt?

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