A home for EVERYONE!

Misty- when some one tells me to make an offer i say a dollar lol..but seriously i googled them and the cheapest one i saw for new was like 280 so i say offer 75 see what he comes back at...even if you pay 100 you are still getting a deal! comes with mattress right?

Janelle so happy to hear eveything is good and little allien is doing well.

hi amber thanks for the update...

Aspe sweety....ugh my MIL has told me how frustrating canadian healthcare can be for referals and getting a freaking apptointment. But you are a great woman! :hugs:

Nicole-coming from a mom who has a child with special needs, my oldest does speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy, start it now! The sooner the better because the longer you wait the longer it will take for her to gain those skills. The best thing i have done in my life is fight for my son to get his services, i dont want to scare you but 18 months is not good she is not walking right now. my doctor told me that if my children were not walking my 15 months consitently then there was something and they would do testing and get evaluations done. also it can take a while to get the evaluation done. i know with my son it took us 5 months before we could get him into the specialist to get an eval done for PT and OT. so if your doctor waits till she is 2 then she could be 2 1/2 before she sees anyone. sorry your doctor doesnt sound like he knows what the hell he is doing and believe me i have delt with enough stupid doctors to know there is not something right here. she should be walking...the talking doesnt not concern me as much as the lack of walking. you are her only true advocate so if i were you call up your doctor tomorrow and say i want an eval done now not in 6 months.

ok off my soap box lol

afm busy busy and i really need to get to bed i got first shift tomorrow! night ladies.
Great input, Krissy!! Get some sleep and start feeling better soon! Miss you soooo much!!
Hey ladies. I'm freezing my butt off!! Brrr... I hate when we have warm days and them BAM!! It's freezing!!!

Aspe, feel better and I hope that you get word from your doctor soon!!

Misty, I would say that is a good deal, but if it's a drop down side crib, you can remind them that it's illegal to sell them ;) The crib that we used for Samuel was a drop down and we plan on using it for the new baby, just be careful. Make sure all the parts are there and in working condition and even better get the make and model and make sure it wasn't on the recalled list!! Ours was and we had to get a special part for it. We bought ours used as well. But that sounds like a sweet deal!

Krissy, I'm not liking this you not being around all the time. Hopefully I will get my new phone tomorrow and I can bug you through text messaging. How are you liking your new job anyway?? You haven't said much about it. At least I don't remember you saying much, but then again.. I can't remember much these days.

Grace, how are you doing? How's the spotting?

Nicole, is your daughter not walking because she doesn't want to or do you think she has trouble? I know there are times that my son still crawls around, but it's mostly him being silly. When I worked in daycare there were some kids that could walk, but they were just too lazy to do it. It was more comfortable for them to crawl.
Janelle, first thing I asked was if it was a drop side. He said no, it's solid side. I asked at least brand name and I guess he didn't know. Shouldn't it say brand and model somewhere on the crib? What do you think we should offer? Also, should we get a new mattress instead of using that one they've used for 3 years? That's how old he says it is.
Hi Janelle, I am good and the spotting is gone!

Other than being cold, how are you?
Misty, that depends. The mattress that we got was used, but it was plastic type material?? On the outside. So I just disinfected it. As for pricing, I don't know. I always start low with my prices. Like if your top dollar is $100 offer them $50. Sounds like they just want to get rid of it. If you start low, then they wont go super high with their price and then you can meet them in the middle. I've learned that...and my kitchen shows it. ;)

Grace, I'm feeling pretty good. I've been sneezing a lot. I don't know if it's hormonal, but I just really noticed it. I know I have been sneezing more since I got pregnant, but it seems like I'm really sneezing these past few weeks. Happy to read the spotting stopped!! I'm wondering if you've got the same thing I have. I was telling my Dr. that the slightest walking caused me to spot. It would make since if you have the same thing.
I just gotta say.... it warms my heart hearing how excited Samuel gets when he hears Jeopardy is on. He comes running out of his room and parks his butt right on the floor and watches it with such excitement! He's definitely our kid. Dan get's all the answers right, I just yell random answers at the TV and hope that I'm close. ;)
lmao you crack me up all the time, Janelle! yelling random answers... lolol
Misty, all the time!! I'm serious. I yell random non lady like answers. ;) And I enjoy it!! Keeps me young and chipper! I wouldn't be able to be an audience member. They would kick me out right away.
haha I'd have such a blast hanging out with you!
I GOT IT!!! The answer was Nene!! and no one else knew it!!! FLOAT!!! I GOT THE NEXT ONE!! I'm on a roll!! and no one is here to witness it! DAMMIT!
Dr. Said there is nothing wrong with her hips. He thinks it is a confidence thing because she is bigger than most kids her age.

Krissy, he wanted to refer her to a specialist right away but I told him we were moving so he said I could get a referral from her pedi when we moved.
Happy plum day, Janelle! So exciting. I remember when it felt like a plum was so far away.
Misty, crib sounds like a good deal! Yeah if mattress is that waterproof baby kind, should be fine??

Nicole, our daughters are really close in age! Siena is 19 months... March 29, 2011. And yeah I'd be wanting to work on the walking now, but talking wouldn't concern me as much yet... does she act like she understands you but just isn't repeating words yet? Siena understands way more than she can say, like I can tell her to put her napkin in her lap and she does and I had no idea she knew what her lap was! Reason I ask is because I had to get tubes in my ears as a toddler after my mom figured out my tantrums were because I couldn't HEAR them very well. So sometimes a related issue may make speech come slower.

AFM - PLEASE pray for those without heat and power in NY area!!! My heart is breaking for them... esp one good friend that I am VERY concerned for... Ok sorry to be doom and gloom but...

just got an email from her and they still have no power/heat... 11 days! she tried going to work on Tuesday, had a bag of clothes with her and had no idea where she was sleeping that night (so sad!)... and told her boyfriend to take their daughter (Siena's age) to their friends up in MAssachusetts because she was getting sick (too cold ugh!)... then her co workers bought her an amtrack ticket and sent her to be with them and her boss said don't worry about the days she misses! Thank goodness because she is about to take maternity leave so can't afford to take any time off since teachers don't get many sick days at all!

I can't believe they still have no power or heat. And the snow storm, sigh! At least once its over with, all they'll have to deal with in the after math is some flooding in the basement... house is still there at least! But I was luckier than her in that I was on mat leave so wasn't also trying to make it into work during 'our' disaster! No idea what I can do for her from here. Hate that. She's worried because all their baby stuff is at home, so not at all prepared if she has the baby now. She was 37 weeks when it happened... which would mean almost 39 now? So now its looking more and more likely she'll have this baby before their lives are back to normal. She's got a 20 month old... but can't really use any of her stuff for the new baby yet... so either they'll have to buy stuff or drive all the way back to get stuff before the baby leaves the hospital. I would be FREAKING OUT. No idea what I can do from here!!!
She does understand a lot. She follows directions when I ask her to push her arms through her shirt sleeves or pull her arms out. She stands up when I ask her too. I ask her where she wants to go and she points in a direction. I tell her to wave Hi and she does.

Dr just wants us to encourage her and hold her hands so she gets practice being on her feet more. We let her lead us around the house about 5x a day. She takes charge until we let her hands go and then she just goes to her knees. She has had 5 ear infections since January but hasn't had one in over a month.
Siena had to get tubes in her ears early this year due to constant ear infections. Hoping that means she gets sick less this winter...

Does she couch surf yet? That was the last step before walking for Siena.
Morning ladies!!! EEEkk!!! I'm a plum!! I MADE IT!! WOOHOO!!!:wohoo:

Libby, you're a prune!! WOOHOO!! I saw on the news the other day a little boy who lived in new jersey and he had special needs. He was in a wheel chair and had a special lift to take him up the stairs. His power was out too and he wasn't able to make it up the stairs to shower or sleep. How frustrating. My heart just breaks for all of them. It's so sad. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for your friend and hope that this labor and delivery journey for her is an easy and safe one. :flower:

Grace, you're right behind me...or in front of me! Happy Prune/peach day!:winkwink:

Nicole, have you tried bribing your daughter? To get Samuel to crawl, I would bribe him with those num num wafer things. Then to get him to walk we bribed him with kisses. Dan and I would sit across from each other and have him walk back and forth. We sort of made a game out of it. Every night we would mover farther and farther apart and before you knew it Samuel was walking. I've noticed that kids really like games!! Samuel LOVES anything that is a game/challenge for him so we're always making anything and everything into a game. Try that. Maybe bribe her with fruit snacks. hold them up high enough to where she will want to walk to them to get them, and not crawl. Biggest thing is to make a huge deal about it. I've noticed that about Samuel, he just like being praised and will do what ever you ask as long as you make a big deal. Best of luck!!

Misty, how are you feeling today? I can't believe you're going to be an Orange tomorrow. I have an orange in my fridge and it's freakin' huge!

Aspe, how are you doing today? It's a new day!! :hugs:

Krissy, Your new name is "Krissy makes me Pissy" Because I'm not enjoying you not being here anymore. Oh well... Make that money!!

To all the other ladies... HELLO!!! :wave:

I'm waiting on my new phone to arrive in the mail today. I ordered it online, then a friend of mine told me that I could go to Walmart and buy one there and activate it for free. So I called Walmart and spoke with the guy and he told me that that was correct. So, I jumped through hoops to cancel my phone order, which is apparently impossible, especially when the guy on the other line is a complete jerk! So, I got my credit card company to stop payment on it, hoping it would cancel the order. Wrong! I have to refuse the package. So, I was prepared to refuse the package, then I find out that Walmart doesn't have the phone I need. :dohh: DAMMIT! Can't catch a break. Spoke with the actual store and they said it would cost me $100.. :saywhat:When I ordered it online for $30 and it's free shipping! So, I'm back to square one waiting for the phone to arrive today in the mail... UPS says that it's out for delivery, but they can show up at anytime... Which makes me waiting on taking a shower. Because I have to sign for it. :wacko:

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