A home for EVERYONE!

Ha I get lost all the time. DH thinks I'm ridiculous. I rely on google maps on my phone!!
Yeah, I dont have a high-techy phone but he did buy navigation for it in case I do get lost somewhere.
I had on star for a year before it ran out... was nice to be able to push a button and have someone send the directions to my car... ha, but then I didn't have gps built in and was not skilled with watching little arrows on tiny radio screen while driving so I'd still wind up going in circles. Handheld gps or smart phone works way better, ya!

Hmm think I'll go eat again. Been a few hours..
I'm having leftover lasagna for a kind of in between meals snack right now. Tummy isnt too sure about it though. Got to go get my prenatal bloodwork done in a few hours though so I want to have some nutrition in my system. Ugh...I hate needles!
Hey girls, I need prayer for a friend of a friend. Here is what my friend posted on FB today:

so all, my friend needs prayer please. She's 30 and her and her husband got pregnant and lost the baby. She also has an enormous fibroid which they said was not the reason she MC. She went in for D&C with specialists present and were not able to perform the D and C because they had problems caused by fibroid. The specialist and her MD had many fights over what next to be done. Finally they decided to remove the fibroid with surgery. They tried to do it laproscopically and found out its completely calcified and ended up having to open her up to remove it. It was so calcified it even broke instruments. They removed it but she lots tons of blood and still unable to do D and C. She spent time in ICU and now cant keep food down so cant be released. They will try to remove baby again in 2 weeks. Shes holding up better than most cause of her faith in God but this has been a nightmare situation and its not over yet and shes forced to still carry her dead fetus. They are lucky so far and not had to do a hysterectomy but scarring can be a problem. First pregnancy too .
Morning ladies!

Aspe, I've never heard of those KitKats. So jealous. They sound yummy!

Nicole, I like shopping at thrift stores. You save so much money, sometime the prices are really high though. Also, Loren posted a bump picture. I have a question, you said that you're sure your 3-8 days ahead of schedule. How do you know? I only ask because I feel a head of schedule as well, but when I had my ultrasound at 6w6d, I was measuring right on time. The doctor measured the bean and that's what he got. Is it possible to have your due date change that much after you've already been given a due date?

Libby, what are you planning on eating? Be my inspiration!

Misty, when you getting back from your appointment? I WANNA KNOW HOW IT WENT!!!

Krissy, where you at?

AFM, I woke up at 4ish in the morning with a horrible stomachache, I learned if I laid on my side it went away, but now that I'm up and about it's still there. I have no idea what it could be, it seems so high in my abdomen... Ugh, I bet it's the start of awful heartburn.
Janelle, they usually dont change it after they have measured the baby. At civilian hospitals, they always measured and gave me a due date at around 7 weeks but here apparently they wait til 10-12 weeks to measure the baby. Reasons I think I'm ahead of my ticker: 1. According to my ticker I was only 5 weeks and 3 days when we saw the heartbeat but usually you dont see a HB til just past 6 weeks up til 8 weeks. 2. According to the website for American Pregnancy Association my HCG numbers lined up more with me being 5-6 days ahead of my ticker. 3. I looked at my chart for the month we conceived and it is plausible that I ovulated 7-8 days earlier than I thought because I had all the signs except for the temp rise afterwards but I might not have been sleeping well at that time.

Anyways, we will see what the U/S on Friday tells us. I am so excited so see my Rainbow baby moving and actually looking human/alien and not a little blob!

Oh, and DH swears that my due date with my daughter was miscalculated a week late because she was so big when she was born.
Oh okay, that makes sense then. I don't think they will change my due date then. I was just curious. I wish he would have measured my on Thursday. Oh well. They will measure me at my 20 week. I'm mostly concerned because of how high my uterus is, but we'll see when the times comes. Good luck with your appointment on Friday. Are you showing yet?
Forgot I don't have anything in the freezer here at work.. need to go get some stuff at lunch I guess. Eating a fruit cup.

Nicole- Hoping for the best for your friend!

Sorry Janelle... that is a weird pain... so you're thinking heartburn then? I'd love more HAIR on this baby but not the pain that goes along with it during pregnancy!

Nothing here to eat besides random snack stuff that I dont feel like eating. Need to figure out what I'll eat for lunch. Since I have to go out, I'll hit up Walmart to pick up some tv dinners for lunches.. and then maybe some Subway on my way out since one in the store... that'll be the closest I have to a splurge because don't trust my willpower at a fast food drive through these days!!! I'll be ordering a salad and then my brain will spontaneously combust and I'll order fries or something without even thinking. Ack!
Janelle, they usually dont change it after they have measured the baby. At civilian hospitals, they always measured and gave me a due date at around 7 weeks but here apparently they wait til 10-12 weeks to measure the baby. Reasons I think I'm ahead of my ticker: 1. According to my ticker I was only 5 weeks and 3 days when we saw the heartbeat but usually you dont see a HB til just past 6 weeks up til 8 weeks. 2. According to the website for American Pregnancy Association my HCG numbers lined up more with me being 5-6 days ahead of my ticker. 3. I looked at my chart for the month we conceived and it is plausible that I ovulated 7-8 days earlier than I thought because I had all the signs except for the temp rise afterwards but I might not have been sleeping well at that time.

Anyways, we will see what the U/S on Friday tells us. I am so excited so see my Rainbow baby moving and actually looking human/alien and not a little blob!

Oh, and DH swears that my due date with my daughter was miscalculated a week late because she was so big when she was born.

"human/alien" that made me giggle. If you get a face shot it will definitely look alien... hopefully you get a cute profile shot instead! Can't wait to see pics!
Eeeek soo excited for your u/s on Friday Army!!!!! It's so amazing getting to see them looking like an actual baby instead of a blob! We saw tiny fingers, toes and a cute little nose on ours, and we were (And are still!) in awe of it all!!

Janelley: I don't think my bump pic is very reliable (Because of many factors, like it's my first baby and I wasn't very toned to begin with, haha!) but, with it being your second little bubba, wouldn't you pop sooner anyway? I can feel my uterus pretty well now, but it's probably about 5cm-ish bellow my belly button?

Eeeek! Pushchair came today....love it love it love it!!!! x
Aspe, I have no idea what's going on with your body!!! I can't wait til you get into the gynecologist so we can start figuring this stuff out!! Hopefully it's soon...

Well had my appt this morning. It started with taking my blood pressure and weight, of course. I brought my blood pressure wrist cuff from home so that I could take it there with that also and compare to see if it's accurate. My bp is always great at home, horrible at the dr's office. So on the drive to the appt I took it with my cuff and it was 115/78. When she took it in the office it was 157/91. I took it then with my cuff and it was 157/101 so even higher with my cuff. That tells me my cuff is working fine and that apparently I freak out going to the doctor!!! As for weight I'm now down 5 pounds since beginning of pregnancy. Sweet!! I wasn't a fan of this doctor. I have to see all the doctors in the practice at least once during the pregnancy.. I think there are 5 of them. Anyway, I waited for FOREVER in the room for her to come in and when she did she was all in a hurry cuz running behind. She talked a mile a minute and was confusing!! Baby's bp was in the 130s she said. I said way lower than normal.. it's usually in the 160s. She said it was probably just sleeping. Hope so! Then I mentioned the NT scan and first trimester blood screening I had. She said who did they send the results to? I was like uh... I don't know? I called for them and they just said it was normal. I said I thought they gave a risk level, not just "normal". She went on this speel about they combine the first trimester screening with the 2nd trimester screening in order to get a risk level. Uh, no they don't. I know this from Loren and reading the other forum she's a part of. They all got risk levels. Anyway, before this conversation she was going to take blood for the afp or quad screening but then she decided we needed to see where the other results were sent to so we send these to the same place. Whateverrrrrrr. She also decided since I'm overweight that's a higher risk of gestational diabetes. Also, since I have PCOS, THAT'S a higher risk of gb also soooooo combine the two and not good! Therefore she wants to do the glucose test early. Ick. I go next tuesday to do the glucose test and the quad screen. Next OB appt is Dec 10. Oh! And I was asking how they do the fundal measurement on an obese woman. Like how do they measure your belly to see how big the baby is when there's so much belly there already? lol She said they just take that into consideration. She measured my uterus and said it's measuring at 17 weeks tho I'm only 15 weeks. Then when they measure again they'll just know to take 2 weeks off the measurement. Makes sense. When she was feeling the top of my uterus it was just under my belly button! I was like wow! She said I don't really have much of a gut. Well I do, the bigger roll is just up higher. She said yeah but they'll still be able to feel the uterus later regardless. Anyway, that was my appt!! Now just to get the next 3 weeks to go by quickly so that I can have the anatomy scan!!
I remember how exciting it was to get baby stuff with my first pregnancy! Yeah for the push chair!

Afm - currently in my car talking to Siri while driving… And thinking about what an idiot I am! Didn't feel like eating a waffle with peanut butter which is my normal go to for breakfast at work… So I ate a protein bar instead. So then I was feeling a bit ill and instead of trying to eat something decent I just had a fruit cup. by the time I got to Walmart to pick up lunches for the week, I was pursing my lips and hoping I wouldn't puke all over the place. All my fault! I am definitely still pregnant ha ha.
Wow, Loren, I thought the top of your uterus was supposed to be at your belly button by 14 weeks?

Nope, girls, I'm not showing yet. I think I will be after Thanksgiving though.

I'm so excited about my U/S too! Misty, as for prile pics, I hope so! I got some for my daughter and son around this time. I never got any alien pics before. I just hope my mom isnt going to go all mushy on me. Once I have a pretty big belly, if I invite them to, then I have no problem with my MIL or my mom and a few other select moms wanting to tyouch the belly. However my mom and MIL tend to get the "want to touch" feeling right around where I am now and I hate it!
Misty - just read about your appointment… Yeah sounds like a whirlwind! Good to know about the measuring with a little bit of extra fluff… but wish you felt more comfortable with her answer about the high risk issue. Can you call and ask your primary doctor??
Wow Misty, that sounded like a busy appointment!

I'm not sure whether the NT scan/blood is different here in the UK, but we DEFINITELY get given a low or high risk result...we get given information on our risk (like mine is something like 1 in 75,000 or something like that)...we also get a PAPP reading from our bloods too, which is incorporated into the results...like if everything is genetically normal with baby but PAPP is really low, that can mean gestational problems like pre-term labour etc...

...Try not to worry too much about weight/PCOS and the risk of GD...as with ANYTHING in this world, there is ALWAYS a risk of something or other...chances are that everything with you and baby are perfect (And yay for losing 5 pounds!! I can never stick to any diet, but being pregnant has been the best diet ever because I've lost weight too, though I think that's from all the sickness!)

---That is soo cool though with the fundal height thing!!! I can't wait till the midwife has a good feel of my belly next Tuesday! You know what it means? Your bump is on its way!!!

Libby: It is so pants feeling sick isn't it?! I'm exactly the same even now...I'll think "aaahhh I don't fancy anything yet, I'll try and grab something later" and then I regret it when I can't move for fear of throwing up 5 mins later!
Not sure army, but from what I've read, it's not expected to reach your belly button until 20 weeks? A quick search on google is telling me the same thing too?
LOL Loren I'm still adjusting and trying not to giggle at how you UKers phrase things.

Waiting for my daughter to go down for another nap in 30-45 minutes before going to the lab for bloodwork.
Hey guys back at my desk now. Lesson learned for awhile at least to eat more often again... oops!

Yeah I'd lost weight at my last dr appt... but doubt that happens again. Once the holidays hit, my weight will increase and won't stop until this baby is born...if its anything like last time lol. Going to TRY to be better this time... dr really got on me last time.. tried to explain to him that women ALWAYS gain around the holidays, its inevitable! Just my problem was I couldn't DIET after to lose it since prego!

Blaaah... ate my subway and now waiting to feel 100% again... oh I decided to save a few bucks and order the sub combo of the day ($4) and dude charged me full price. I was like uh hey isn't it the sub of the day? I felt silly because I'd never ordered the deal before and was so NOT in the mood to argue about a few dollars... and was so IN the mood to puke all over the guy! Luckily he was like oh sorry and fixed it and I was able to skedaddle outta there before pukin.

I need distraction.... so quiet here... realized daycare is closed fri after Thanksgiving so gotta take off work grr. But I get it... they all want to be off. Haven't told daycare we're expecting yet. Not sure how it'll come up. Eventually they'll notice...
Haha!! What did you need adjusting to?! Everything I wrote was normal (for me!) lol x

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