A home for EVERYONE!

Gotta go with Nicole on this one... I do NOT want a C-section!! This all stems back to that insane fear of a needle in my spine! I don't want to be numb.

So I need to rant a little bit... Maybe it's a little narcissism (did I spell that right?) but it's pretty hurtful to me that NOBODY ever asks me how I'm doing.. how's the pregnancy going, etc. How sad is it that the only people who care are the ones I met online?? Not my friends, not my coworkers, not even my family. Hardly ever hear from my mom. Oh, speaking of my mom... she's a big jokester, thinks she's the funniest person ever. Well I ran into her in the Wal-Mart parking lot. We talked about thanksgiving plans, etc. She brought up subject of names for the baby. She wants it to be a girl. Anyway, the next day she texts me and says "thought of a combo name (u and jake) for a boy. Either Mike or Mistake. lol" So yeah, clever that putting the names together makes the word mistake. I was not amused calling our baby mistake. Who says that to their pregnant daughter?!?! The only thing I ever hear at work is from my cousin who tells me how crazy I am to be having a baby at 38 years old. I'm tired of hearing it. I get it. I don't care what anybody thinks. It's not their life so get over it. I can't tell her off, however, as she's the CEO of the company I work for and I need my job!!! lol So anyway, that's my rant. I tried to talk to Jake about this and all he said was "what are you desperate for attention??" No, but some concern or interest from people who are supposed to care about me would be nice. Maybe they all just think it's a MISTAKE and don't have anything nice to say so they say nothing at all. The moral of the story is, thanks for being my friends, girls. You're all I have in this journey...
Misty, I'm so sorry your coworkers (family) are being that way. When ever I hear that anyone is pregnant I'm all over it and ask them a million questions. :) Maybe they are jealous that you're happy and in love. Maybe the wish they could have what you have--2 grown daughters and are still young enough to have a baby. Don't let them bring you down!

On the other side, maybe they are scared to ask or talk to you about the pregnancy? Have you talked about it much?

As for your mother, she may have been trying to make a joke, and didn't realize that it would hurt your feelings. Did you tell her that it hurt your feelings? I would suggest next time she tries to joke and it hurts your feelings call her out on it. Otherwise she may never know.
Aww....MnJ. I'm sorry nobody asks. So, how are you doing? My mom asks how I'm doing every time I'm on the phone aka why I don't call her every other day anymore, once a week is enough.

I can't talk to DH about pregnancy stuff because even though he is now talking to the baby and putting his hand on my belly when he cuddles with me if I complain or anything all I get is a shrug or "How am I suppose to know?"

Oh, funny thing. Last month next 7 weeks we called DH'sa family first to tell them we're expecting. I called his mom's phone and asked her to put it on speakerphone so his dad could hear too. So I announced it and his dad said congrats. I thought his mom was shocked but it turns out she didn't even hear the news because the last time we called she almost screamed from excitement according to what I could hear. LOL So much for NOT telling everyone individually. Oh, and apparently they didn't tell Josh's older sister either because she texted me to check up and I asked if her kids were excited for June and she was completely lost. So I told her and she didn't show any excitement but eh, that's how she is about her nieces or nephews anyways.
Misty, if it makes you feel any better now that I think about it, no one ever asks me either. I just tell them. LOL Whether they want to hear it or not. That, and I blog. So, it pretty much keeps everyone up to date.
Misty, I'm so sorry your coworkers (family) are being that way. When ever I hear that anyone is pregnant I'm all over it and ask them a million questions. :) Maybe they are jealous that you're happy and in love. Maybe the wish they could have what you have--2 grown daughters and are still young enough to have a baby. Don't let them bring you down!

On the other side, maybe they are scared to ask or talk to you about the pregnancy? Have you talked about it much?

As for your mother, she may have been trying to make a joke, and didn't realize that it would hurt your feelings. Did you tell her that it hurt your feelings? I would suggest next time she tries to joke and it hurts your feelings call her out on it. Otherwise she may never know.

I used to talk about the pregnancy & appts and such but nobody seemed real interested so just figured I'd stop bothering them.. if they want to know they'll ask. They don't ask so guess that answers that question! lol

I didn't reply to my mom then later she asked if I told Jake about the names she came up with, I said yeah and we weren't amused calling the baby mistake. She never responded. What Jake WANTED me to say was "f*ck off and keep your opinions to yourself".
LOL Misty, Josh wants me to say things like that to my mom a lot. I just tell her off in my own way. When we first had our son she would insert her suggestions in every conversation we had. I eventually just sent her an email telling her that if I need suggestions I will ask if not and she insists on inserting them in our conversations than our weekly conversations may turn into only once every 2 months. She backed off and has been doing pretty good ever since.
LMAO. Misty, Jake's reply made me laugh.

I remember when I was in labor with Samuel and in a HUGE amount of pain, my mom was sitting there being what I thought was pessimistic, but she could have been being honest I don't know, but she said and I remember it like yesterday, "I don't know Janelle, I don't think this anesthesiologist is going to get here in time to give you an epidural, I think you're going to have to just have this baby naturally." If I could walk across the room and slap her I would. But instead I told her as calm as a voice as I could, "If you're going to talk like that, get the fuck out" LOL I remember looking at Dan after and him just smiling and his eyes telling me, "LOL I love you so much!"

The reason it pissed me off was my mom was a nurse for a OB/GYN so she thought she knew EVERYTHING. LOL I remember the ultrasound tech telling my mom she hasn't been a nurse in 10 years and things have changes, so she pretty much knew squat. I listened to her "opinions" for nine months. That was the last straw and I couldn't just nod and smile. LOL
Aww, misty.... We love you tho! Maybe they just don't think much about it. However, even tho your mom was trying to be funny it was mean and it would hurt my feelings too.

M was bigger than both my husband and me. The dr's were way off on their estimate. Oh well.

Hope everyone is well today?!

I think I have a solution to my nausea/vomitting. I see my pn dr once a week for injections. The past 6 wks or so not only has she done the back of my head but my face for headaches and migraines. I thought it was a fluke when my headache went away the first time (i've only not had a headache in the past 7 yrs when my pn was completely gone, so this is abnormal for me) and a few min after the injections I wasn't nauseated for about 5 hrs. It has been anywhere from hrs to a day and a half of headache free and no or less nausea. So i've been joking with her that i'm coming back every day. Today we decided that we would continue doing the injections on the back of my head weekly and try the ones for my face 3 times a wk. If it continues working the way it has, I may actually feel well for half or more of the wk! Yay to that! Praying for it to work well, and for the first time in 7 yrs an end in sight to my pain.

Misty, I know you are cringing at the thought of the injections! Lol atleast since the pain area is down it is a whole lot less. First treatment involved 100+. Down to 20 or less now.

So now that I feel decent for the remainder of the day, I am going to go clean and get things ready for my grandma coming this wkend and having turkey day at our house.
Samuel brought me the oatmeal container and asked to make cookies. I'm such a sucker. We had everything to make oatmeal raisin cookies except for the raisins... So I used coconut instead. Let's hope they turn out good. We'll know in 10 mins. :)
Janelle - what a smart boy u have to come up with such good ideas huh? I'd prefer chocolate chips when u make mine, k?

Amber - I don't have an issue with needles, shots don't bother me, giving blood doesn't either. It's the needle in my spine that I don't want any part of! Why are u in so much pain anyway?
Misty, that was an idea that he picked up from Amma. He now thinks oatmeal is for cookies and not for eating. I will admit though, they are pretty tasty. Pays off though, we're suppose to go to Dan's parent house tonight and make his brother a birthday dinner because Dan's parents are still in Ireland. They get back tomorrow at midnight. Hopefully he is awake and will want to eat dinner. Either way.. I'm going to stick a candle in one of these cookies and call it a night!

Amber, tell me of these headaches. I get them what seems like all the time now. I never had them with my son, so I have no idea what it could be. My friend is trying to tell me I'm pregnant with a girl and she's never been wrong blah blah blah... she says her sister had really bad headaches when she was pregnant with her daughter. Are you getting like trigger point shots? I had those on my neck once.
Send me some cookies, please!

The injections on my face are trigger points, but the ones on the back of my head are to try and get the nerves to heal. I had a fracture on c2 (already an old injury when discovered, prob from falling off a horse), that caused c1 to have the stopping point of my spinal cord. So I was a walking time bomb to sever it. When I had surgery to screw everything together by one of the best surgeons it was a lot more severe than what x-rays showed. A 2 hr surgery turned into over 6. He said later, he had worked on 1000's of necks and mine was by far the worst they ever saw as far as instability and was surprised that I hadn't severed my spinal cord. Anyway, when I woke up from surgery the entire left side of my head was numb and half way up on the right. I woke up with a horrible headache. They said it was bc of how long I was under and the numbness was just how much they had moved around during surgery and it would go away. Sure enough 3 wks later it did, but it turned to pain, pain to the touch, constant shooting pain without touching the area and I still had a headache. I hit my husband one day he kissed me on the top of the head, hurts with movement of my hair, showers, wind...doesn't take but the slightest touch to make it worse than just the shooting pns. My chiropractor took some x rays to see how straight my neck was to see if it was going to cause lower back issues later.....come to find out on the left side one of the screws went all the way through c1 and screwed into my skull at the occipital condyle and was rubbing on a bunch of nerves. The surgeon didn't want to admit it. If anything was wrong one of the screw on the right was not far enough and just into the joint. No big deal, it's a bad joint anyway. Finally 9 mo later he admitted his mistake and scheduled surgery to remove the left side hardware. Unfortunatly the damage was already done. So since april '05 I have had this excruciating pain with a constant headache and migraines 3-4 days a wk and if not treated quickly enough would last for wks. Pain dr's havn't had much luck and treatments have been only short term, a day or 2 relief and then full blown pain again. So i've been managing it with the only pn med that has worked (tried most of them), until june when it went on backorder. Was only suppose to be a few wks, but still is not available. Possibly this month, but more likely next yr. It wasn't great but I was functional. So, I didn't leave the house for 2 mos. Finally I got into my current pn dr. and she does things a little different, not going to try her technique of what all the others have done. Put me on fentanyl which hardly touches my pn, but keeps me somewhat functional. I know not the best with baby, but the stress and pn without med is so much worse on my body and hopefully soon I can come off of it. so, she had just started doing neural prolo 2 1/2 mo's ago and it's what has been working. The shooting pain and headaches with some migrains are still around, but the pn area is less and getti.g less painful. We know from other treatments if you get rid of all my pain to touch that my headaches go away. It's just going to take some time for it to work everywhere. It's amazing to me that in prolo all they use is d5 (like the sugar water iv solution) and it has a regenerating property. Something different from all the steroid injections that haven't worked.
So, it has been the first time that something has taken my headache away when I still have pain. For the first time I am hopeful and it looks promising that an end is in sight. Just 7 yrs later.
Hey ladies,

I've missed alot, although alot of it was about labour..I wish I had some input, but :( .. I read it all though :)
On a side note, I was with my ex friend the whole time she went into labour and after. I wouldn't have changed my experience for anything. Some people get grossed out being in the labour room, but not me. I had blood over my sneakers and light pants, but that didn't bother me.

Me on the other hand, if I ever get pregnant, no one beside my db is looking at me down there lol

My db's cousin is training to be a doctor and I told him if I ever get pregnant, you can't born it, and he said, we'll see about that lol

Ok, so I have not been checking my cervix daily, but I'm am still guilty. One day I checked it, it was lower, firm, and open; the next time it was higher, firm, and open; the last time I checked it, it was medium, firm, and closed with a little white milk lotion like. My cervix almost felt a little tender when I was trying to determine the texture (hard/soft).

I can't wait to see a gynecologist. If we can't get pregnant on our own (but I pray and hope we can), we will do every measure to get pregnant (I.e. IUI). I really hope we don't have to go to this measure though.

Krissy..when are you testing?
Amber, do you ever watch that show the doctors? I watch it all the time. Anyway there was an episode about a woman who had the same sort of pain that you speek of and it turned out she had an exposed nerve. They had to do surgery and put a blockage between her nerver and muscle I believe it was. That's got to be so nerve wracking being in pain with headaches with no solution. You're super woman!! Especially to go on and have babies. I hope they are able to figure it out and help you. Its not fair that you live in pain for so long. I'd look into a law suit if possible. That's not right.
aspe, I've missed you! I was in the room when an ex friend of mine went into labor. I wasn't grossed out either. I thought it was super exciting. Have you peed on a stick lately with fmu?!
Hello Aspe! Have they set an appt for you? An open cervix with no bleeding and some positive opks sounds like you may have ovulated. I believe a positive opk is not that you are ovulating but will be ovulating in the next day or so.

Janelle, that may be the case I don't know. But there are a lot of nerves involved and then the pn goes to where the nerves stem out. I'm past lawsuit time. Honestly, the surgeon didn't have to worry about a malpractice claim with me, but I think his worry is why he waited so long and is what angered me. I'm a doctor's daughter, and I really didn't feel it was necessary. Yes, i'm in pain and life could be different, but I also am thankful to be alive and have use of my arms and legs. The original surgeon we saw would have done it but also admitted that it would be a difficult case. There are a lot of things that I don't keep up on- our house looks like a tornado at the moment, but I do what I can and have to. after a lot of treatments and not knowing if I would ever go back to normal, is when we decided to continue trying for a baby. I can't let this stop my whole life..but it really sucks sometimes. Oh, well....things are starting to look up. :)

I don't think that pregnancy would be as bad without it. I feel like i've really been put in this position for a reason. I don't know why yet. However, i'm learning to not be so much of a perfectionist. Just isn't going to happen. I don't feel like I have to everything right this minute. Most things will be here tomorrow. I've learned to try not to get upset about things that really wouldn't matter. It may make me mad or upset, but will it matter tomorrow, in a wk, in a year. Probably not and i'll look bad and think why did I waste so much time on whatever. Maybe patience is my lesson.

So, who had what for dinner and has leftovers? Right now that i'm not feeling too bad, i'm hungry!!
Nicole, only a few more days until you leave!!
Misty - Yeah from my last pregnancy I know what to expect... Co workers will ask stuff, but I don't really like talking personal with most of them. Family gets less interested as time goes by until I get near the end. DH NEVER acts interested enough and at times I think he forgets I'm prego. Best friend will listen to every complaint and worry. Mom and MIL will show interest but won't really like their advice.

Amber - Wow! You are a trooper! And to deal with all that and be prego too! Wow! I really hope this is the start of a real recovery... you need it!!

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