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Yay, Grace, glad to read that all is well...my gosh, you've got a little mischievious baby in there always making his/her mommy worry!!!!!! I think, unfortunately, that spotting is a "normal" thing for some women! I've had a little spotting here and there...last night was the most recent, but that's because of majoy pregnancy constipation and I strained a little too much...I didn't worry because it's not the first time, and I still heard baby just fine in there...sounded like he/she was having a little party!!!

You were nearly right Janelle! A week tomorrow (24th) I've got my gender scan, lovely and early at 9:15am UK time!!! So only 8 days away!! I'm so incredibly excited!! Don't worry, I'll be letting you ladies know as soon as I come down from cloud 9 and get home to update on the laptop!! I know what you mean about your uterus too...sometimes I have no clue where my uterus ends because my belly can go so hard at times, like right to my belly button!! I too wonder about carrying high...I woke up this morning with a really round bump, which excited me, but then I have to remember that the 3-day constipation may definitely be playing a part!! haha!

I'm sorry to hear about your DH libby...sometimes I really do think men are just a different breed to us, and I think we see the whole thing so differently because we carry our babies and are forced to bond with our babies for 9 months longer than the dad! I agree with other ladies (Not sure who said it), but maybe some men "prefer" or bond better with kids at a different age, like when they can more relate to them? That said, I hope he realises for your sanity that he needs to play a bigger daddy role...there's no better role model than your Dad (In my case), and I think he'd really understand the motivation for being there more if he knew how much a child looks up to their mom and dad and learns from them xx
Loren - You're about to be 16 weeks! Time is really flying. And you find out the gender next week. How exciting. Any guess as to what you're having?
I knoww HisGrace!!!! I can't believe where the time has gone!! 16 weeks sounds crazy to me!!! Only 4 weeks until I'm halfway!!! You're only two days off second tri too! I remember the day that you announced your BFP!!

No idea as to whether it's team blue or team pink...I've had two dreams of having a boy (But one of those involved giving birth to a baby rat, and my hubby called him Camden, so I don't think that counts!), but something keeps niggling at me saying girl...either way, it'll be a lovely surprise because I'm torn! Both me and DH really wanted a boy to begin with, but over the last couple of weeks we've become so excited to have either, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see!x
Happy peach day, Janelle!

Happy 12 weeks, Amber!

Happy lime day, Libby!!

Man all this fruit talk really makes me hungry for some fruit and I don't have any! :-(

Nicole - Ultrasound today! Yay! Can't wait to see pics! What time is your appt?

Aspe - Is it your birthday today?? I knew it was coming up but don't remember what day.

Krissy - I miss u, Love! Today is your day off, right?

Loren, we're an avocado tomorrow! I loooove avocados. I'm with u, Janelle, I could just eat them by themselves. Am confused on the size thing tho, they aren't bigger than an orange!

Eek! 7:10 gotta get my butt moving! Insanely busy work day then a Pampered Chef party then Jake's bowling league are my plans for today. Tomorrow going to the craft fair with some family members and hopefully seeing the new twilight movie sometime this weekend! Ttyl girls!!
Hellooooo my loveley ladies!!! Yes Misty it is day off but is it really?lol i had to fight Joshy to go to school this morning but finally got him on the bus. Avarie has spent the last two nights at my cousin's house bc my other cousin is in town for two week visiting her husband is stationed out at Ft. Riley in Kansas so Avarie is supper excited to spend time with her little cousins. she is at a house right now that has a total of 7 girls under the age of 9 and she is in heaven lol.

Grace-so happy everything ended up being ok for you! :hugs: Baby stop scaring your momma!!!!

Lizzy- oh girl i feel for ya!!!! my dh is suppose to be taking on daddy duties while i work my ass off and he waits for his new job to start (should find out today what day his training starts yay!!!!) anyways he is doing the bare min and it is pissing me off!! i told him i am about ready to break his stupid playstation...seriously what the hell is it with guys? josh def has his moments where he is really great at the daddy thing and always seems when i am not around....but when joshy was colic for 3 months straight josh was amazing with caring for him while i went shopping for a walk over even just getting a nap. and there were many nights he stayed up with us even though he had to work. joshy would cry from about 5pm till about 1am every night from 5 weeks old till he was about 3 months then it started to lessen slowly and by the time he was 4 months old he was pretty much out of it...but i love your email you sent your dh...what did he have to say about it last night...you are doing everythign right with him now the ball is in his court! oh happy lime day!

Aspe- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I hope you get losts of love and presents today! go get pampered girl! I always go get a mani pedi on my bday makes me feel like a whole new woman!

Amber-happy 12 weeks and are you feeling any better?

Nicole-exciting times for you! is your mom there and do not forget to update us on that u/s today!

Hi my PEACH!!!!!!!

Misty- 16 weeks tomorrow?!?!?! WTF where has the time gone already!!!! so jelous i wanna see twilight!!!! have you read the books? AMAZING!!!!!!! i love them more than the movies lol. the way they portray bella in the movies bug the hell out of me lol. oh but taylor lotner (how ever you spell his last name) supper sexy and he is from hudson, mi....boy we grow them good here....lmao! dont for get to rest this weekend!!!! and think of me as i do my double my tomorrow :(

Loren-ooooohhh i cant wait for your scan!!! going off your dreams i am thinking team blue! honeslty i wanted a boy for my first child. they are much easier and i always like the idea of a big brother protecting his little sister and that is just what joshy does for avarie.

Whom ever i missed sorry :hugs: and HI!!!!

AFM- ok trying to to symptom spot cuz i have a one in a bazzillion chance of actually being prego considering we only did it once in like 3 months....but janelle and misty are trying to convince me that i am prego... so i thought i would let you ladies in on the fun.

first symptom was lots of cm after ovulation up to 2 days a go and now i still get that wet feeling like af is coming but nothing really there so i dont think is a good sign.

next is my boobs are on fire? lol. if i push on them they feel more sore then on fire. but i get off and the achy hot feeling going from around my sids to my nips like right now lol...

ok then a little cramping/ warm stretching feeling that goes down to my groin at times...maybe this is just from my job and doing more physical stuff then i am used to.

omg sense of smell yesterday....ugh....josh had gotten burger king and had left the bag of trash in our room over night. when i went to through it away the smell of onion rigs made me go omg that is terrible and goes what? so i dont know....

got a bad head ache at work yesterday...

couldnt sleep last night but i was cold lol...we are getting a new space heater in the mail the next couple of days. my parents house is from the 1890's so it is drafty as hell up stairs...

oh and i started crying yesteday when on the news i saw a little girl died bc of burns she got in a house fire a fews days before hand.

so personally i think it is all just wish full thinking and af will show up on the 21st like suppose to....janelle and misty say prego....any other takers lol

oh and my plans this weekend lets see....i am going to a birthday party tonight... then work a double sat and then work a second shift sunday.
Thanks for all the advice guys. I've pasted it into an email so I can read it again later. DH is a complainer, always having some sort of ache or pain... he'll be like omg work was so stressful that I started to get chest pains and don't worry I didn't have a heart attack right then but.. and tries to make it sound like he COULD have. Like, look at me, woe is me. Last weekend it was his lower back. Well yesterday it was his chest. So I brushed it off. Yea yea yea. Anyway, he went to the ER in the middle of the night apparently! Drs said it could be shingles or just chest inflammation. We have to wait a couple weeks to see if he gets a shingles rash. Whee. Anyway, so I guess I am not sure how to proceed because I was about to make him work on things with Siena, but now gotta figure out when/if he'll be contagious etc, gah.

And I'm thinking Siena is wanting MY attention. I'm more attentive, she'll get more from me and she knows it. If she goes to daddy, wanting to play or eat, he won't notice or will brush her off half the time at least. Last night, I fully intended to practice the new plan of taking turns with stuff, but he worked late... so by the time he got home, she was in time out in a chair in the kitchen while I was cleaning the dinner dishes because she was pissed I was not giving her attention after dinner, which in turn frustrated me to no end. Once I had time for her, things were fine again. She'll even leave the room I'm in for a bit to go check on her play room etc. But its like she needs to know I'm accessible at all times and if I'm not, she freaks until I am. May keep that time out chair in the kitchen! At least then she's out from under my feet while she's crying!! Ack.

Janelle - Yeah my MIL buys Siena white clothes.. hate that! but not so bad for weekends since yeah Siena wasn't a puker, just a drooler... just totally not practical for daycare since they don't use bibs!

Krissy - Yay for a day off! At least we get to hear from you a bit more! And yeah sigh men. I finally get him 'trained' for husband duty, but that didn't happen until recently... long after Siena got here! So hoping 'daddy' training is next, just also slow train to leave the station or whatever!

AFM - Twilight movie tonight I think? Have a best friend visiting today and she wanted to go. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't even know it was out yet because I barely ever get to go to the movies anymore... and DH would NEVER go to that movie haha. Kinda dreading the crowds though... hate opening weekends and my friend wants to go to our local theater, not the one 30 min away where you can reserve your seats online. Gah, I have to FIND a seat when I get to the theater??? So I fully expect to be front row, sitting a dozen seats away from my friend, sigh. Since I usually only leave Siena when she comes to town, DH only watches Siena at night and that means she's asleep or he just has for an hour maybe before going to bed. That was ideal in the past because it was guaranteed she'd cry the entire time, so I knew she'd only cry an hour (yikes!) before going to bed! But yeah I should figure out a reason to leave Siena with him during the day... maybe she if he wants to take her to baby gym... then they'd have something to go do.
Lizzy dont drive yourself crazy with trying to find ways to get him more involved with her. just ask him what is it he would like to with her. tell him has to pick at least one outing a week, daddy daughter date, gives you a break and they good quality time. remind him that girls with bad relationships with their dads can go on to have bad relationships with men when they get older and he dont want that.

oh and the shingles thing...has she had her chicken pox vaccine? cuz if she has she is fine. also even if she has not as long as she does not come in direct contact with the rash she is fine. shingle is not transmitted by air only skin to skin contact and even then that is just the chick pox virus. Also if he breaks out in a rash you do not touch it ever!!! pregnant women are not suppose to come in contact with it. i have had shingles recently and with antiviral medication all cleared up. josh had it when avarie was under the age of one so she did not have the chicken pox vaccine yet so we had to make sure josh washed his hands before he touched her and that he kept the rash covered with a shirt.

hope that helps!
oh where oh where has everyone gone? janelle wake up!!!!!! misty stop working lol.....

nicole where are you?
Krissy, I like the daddy daughter date idea! And telling him about how he could affect her relationships later! I have had chicken pox before... Siena had a shot for it but I think there are multiple shots to take?? So will call the dr if he does break out to see if she's covered. Dr said if it is shingles, we'll know in a couple weeks... said his secretary had the chest pains like him for 2 weeks before breaking out in the rash. Yeah our pharmacist said he has to wear a shirt to keep it covered and for me not to touch it. To sleep in different beds. Etc. Think I may just move to PIL's house if he has it! Blah! Because seems like whenever someone is sick, we all get it. But yeah this sounds harder to catch at least.
I am at work and it is QUIET here... been thinking about furniture! Nursery dresser is going to be a bright light blue distressed look with yellow knobs and we're using DH's old four poster crib and getting it done in a distressed off white with hints of yellow! Friend of mine asked if that was safe, using old crib, with the new safety guidelines... the slats look close together... and we're making it so won't have a dropside... so that should be ok I think??
I think there is only the one shot at one yr old cuz my dr had said if avarie had had that shot she would have been covered. i didnt have any pain with mine just itching and it was on my hip. i am glad you like my ideas i try to help as much as i can.

sory i havent been around that much just supper busy with work and kids and school and seems like i dont have much me time lately.
Morning ladies!!! So much to read and I've forgotten so much! Ok here I go..

I'M A PEACH!!! I'M PEACHY KEEN!!! That means pregnant from what I've read. :)

Libby, the time out chair sounds promising. My son can't do a timeout chair, we've tried. It's a FAIL for us. LOL Sucks about your husband being in pain. I'm like that. I'm always in pain now, so I'm always complaining. I feel like an old person and when this pregnancy is done I'll be crippled. Happy lime day!

Krissy, I'm awake, just reading what everyone said! I don't want to hear it. You're pregnant and that's that. :hugs: Happy implantation day! :rofl:

Misty, Samuel is eating the last apple and it smells so gross for me right now. Avocados in Hawaii are huge!

Loren, I was close! I'm surprised I was able to remember that. Your dream of your rat makes me laugh, because I've had dreams of birthing animals as well.

Aspe, where are you?! I saw you stalking last night when I was bored out of my mind. Come back and tell me more about these kitkats!!! I hate when you go away and just stalk. :( It makes me sad.

Amber, you made it!! How are you feeling?

Grace, are you tired this morning? I've had my night of waking up at 4 and not being able to sleep. I haven't really been getting up peeing in the night though. Which is weird. I stop drinking lots about 5:00 though, so maybe that has something to do with it?

To all the other ladies I missed, HELLO!!! Sorry, my memory has just worn out. I can't remember anything that I've read.

AFM, I'm so excited to be a peach!! Dan's parents are in town, I'm waiting to call them and see if they wouldn't mind watching Samuel for a few hours tonight while we go out to dinner with Dan's best friend, he's treating... I can't really turn that down. I woke up so much last night with my back hurting so bad. It's so annoying! I googled it and it's posterior pelvic pain. Apparently it's common during pregnancy because of hormones. I just hope it gets better rather than worse. Last night I was doing dishes and dropped a fork and I had to just stare at it because if I bent over to pick it up I'd get stuck. SO ANNOYING AND PAINFUL! I can't even remember the last time I shaved my legs because I can't bend over. I'm going to have to ask Dan to shave my legs. This coming from a man who doesn't shave his face, this should be interesting. Other than that.. I can't think what is new..

Someone asked what everyone is doing this weekend. Tomorrow or maybe tonight, we're going to get our turkey! No idea what's on the agenda for tomorrow, but Sunday we are driving over the pass to visit with family in Auburn, for Dan's Grandmas birthday. It's suppose to snow.... so we'll see how much I freak out lol. I'm going to drive everyone crazy!
Wooo Janelle Peach!!!! And yeah took awhile for the timeout chair to work... I can get her to sit in it now for the minute... will go up to 2 minutes when she turns 2... but not sure if she is learning anything from it?? But it does sometimes calm her for a bit. But I have to monitor her and restart the timer whenever she gets up. It can take awhile. And yeah! I wanna tell my DH to buck up.. he's not OLD and he's not prego! Ha. Oh man your back!! IS there anything the dr can give you?? Does a hot bath help? Heating pad? Not sure!

Oh and I read Auburn and think Auburn Alabama!
Lol, Auburn, CA. I'm not sure if my doctor can give me anything. I've tried heat and ice and both make it worse. I've read that you can go to the chiropractor when you're pregnant, but that makes me super nervous. I know there are chiropractors that specialize in just pregnancy "cracking" but I don't know.. I just get super scared when I think about it. I'll talk to my doctor and see what he thinks. I don't want to have to go see a chiropractor and get addicted or what ever.
Janelle i hope your back feels better!!!

ok so boobs wont stop hurting today and cramping pretty much done and lower back hurts on left side....that is where the cramping in the front was to and where i have some bad acne...weird huh?
I'm just gonna put it out there....Krissy, I think you're preggo...

...I know you've only DTD a handful of times lately, but it only takes one time and those are fantastic symptoms that many TTCers would be very envious of!x
I have a bump... and I feel like it's way bigger than it should be. I put the towel up on the bed post so that you could see the contrast.

I'd say yeah Janelle ask your dr about a chiropractor! Ask if he/she could say what would be 'safe' in their opinion! Because yeah I've been to a chiro for a time before and would consider it while prego... but helps that I already have used him before.

Krissy - Oh the symptom spotting will drive you crazy huh?? I did that and it just caused me such agony lol. But we can't help it! The month I ended up prego I had way less symptoms ha. Fx'd for you!!! Yes only takes one time!!!! Esp if that time is well-timed!!!!
Aww yay Janelle there's your peach!! Nah not too big!! I get big fast though so ha I'm biased!!

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