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Oh man, sorry for the sick men, girls! That's no good! Hope u guys stay healthy!

Janelle, I'm sooooo with u on all of your symptoms! Well except for the ligament pains. Don't have those so far.
hi ladies!!!

went on field trip with avarie to a fire station. my cousin came with her kids it was fun then of course ava and jamie wanted to go with her. i am sooo tired bad night at work had to work till almost midnight! i am thinking a nap here in a few minutes.

just a real quick hi and i will do personals later.....

afm....tested and bfn...starting to think if i am pregnant wont get a bfp for a while and it will be a boy lol. i forgot to eat all morning just ate and now stomach up set. got a lovely headach i think mostly from lack of sleep and some sinus pressure. boobs still sore....cervix still high and squishy...omg sense of smell last night i wanted to gag at everything...so so ya'll know i am basically a glorified butt whipper so you could imagine my problem. probably wont test till wednesday now if af dont show up when i wake up. ok off for a nap and talk to you ladies later!
excited for you krissy!! so you think if you don't get bfp until later, that its a boy?? I would love for that to be true, for me!
Lmao!! U gave me quite the laugh on your post, Krissy! U said butt whipper instead of butt wiper and it changed the whole context of the sentence! When I figured out what u meant I died laughing! I pictured u walking around spanking those poor people! Lololol
Libby - I've never heard of vegan prenatals. You're right about timing everything right. I ate breakfast and forgot to take the vitamin. I knew if I didn't take it when I got back, I'd forget about it. So, I took it and we know the rest. :( So sorry about your dh. I hope he gets better soon.

Janelle - Yay! I'm a peach! I still can't believe there's a baby as long as a peach inside of me and I can't even see a bump. Hope you get that cooktop.

Misty - I love dill. When we were kids, we'd get a big dill pickle and stick a peppermint in the middle of it. Yum... It was even better around Christmas time when you could get candy canes and stick those in the middle. I haven't done that in years. I like bread on butter pickles on my hamburgers (just had one yesterday). I don't think I've ever tried sweet pickles. I'll have to try that out.

Nicole - I'm ready to see the pics too. Is your camera charged yet? We're impatient. :)

AFM - DH has the week off and I'm so jealous. I've used up all my sick time with the bedrest and miscarriage from my last pregnancy. So, I'm saving all my vacation time for any unexpected sick days and to get the last week of the year off. I wish I could be on my couch right now. Oh well, it's a blessing to be employed so I won't complain anymore. I think we are going for a group lunch in a few and I'm ready to go because I'm so hungry. Oh yeah, and I watched this 13 week video on thebump.com and it said that from here on out I can expect to gain a pound a week. I freaked out. That seems like a lot of weight. I knew I was supposed to gain about 30 lbs but hearing it put like that makes it seem like a lot. So far I've only gained 4 pounds so if I can keep it at a pound a week, then I will have gained about 30 lbs by 40 weeks. I don't even think I'll want to get on a scale by then. I think I'll feel better about the weight loss once I can actually see my stomach growing. Otherwise, I feel like I'm just getting fat. LOL.
Camera only started charging 30 minutes ago so pictures probably wont be on til around 4 p.m. Sorry to diappoint. Baby J is very fussy today because her canine broke thrugh last night. She only wants to eat what I eat and doesnt want to walk or anything. I'm thinking she'll go down for a nap in 15 and mommy might do the same. My mom will be home in 30 and she wants to nap so sounds like a good plan.
Grace, You got all magical on us again. I love it when you do that. ;) I feel you with the weight gain. I don't want to gain a lot of weight. I think I might just hide the scale for a long while... Maybe even give it away. LOL Happy peach day!!!

Krissy, LMAO I'm with Misty.

Libby, I try not to drink caffeine during my pregnancies, especially now that I have a history of miscarriages. It just freaks me out.

Misty, Don't say we have the same symptoms! That will mean we're both having boys!
Oh yea, Nicole, I wanted to tell you. Samuel didn't have a single tooth by his 1st birthday, but had them ALL 6 months later. It was crazy for awhile, but totally worth getting them all at once rather than over a year. I would pick that again with this baby if I could.
....and we didn't win the cooktop. :(

It's okay though. I remembered that Dan gets a bonus check in February... (((maniacal laugh))) So, we'll just have to use that to buy the cooktop I want. ;) We're hoping with his bonus, and our tax return we should be able to pay off our credit cards (which is only a couple hundred bucks) Replace the french door in our room, replace the cooktop, and still have a chunk to put away for a rainy day when Dan breaks something else. Just kidding.

I know this year we will be able to deduct the interest that we've paid on the house, but I have no idea how much that is... I wonder if there is a way we can find out?
Yeah they had vegan prenatals at a local organic grocery. I guess because plant-based, easy on the stomach.

Grace - By second tri, I'd gained 5... I ended up gaining 40 by the end... dr had said 3-5 first tri was fine and 35-40 overall. 30 would be good! That's what my dr recommended for me this time. But it’s a pound one week, 2 another, 1/2 the next etc... so got hard to know how much I'd gain last time! AH and yeah by the end I stopped weighing myself. And that part of dr appt was awful. Oh well!

Nicole - Nap sounds good! Get some sleep for me too please!

Janelle - Ah yeah I was anti-caffiene last pregnancy. As it is, I'm not having it often... mainly because I used to only have it in the mornings because DH would make my coffee and I had him stop so I'd be forced to drink some water in the morning... need to work on my fluids intake. Ah and drat on not winning the cooktop, but good that you have a plan!! Interest question... ack I don't know.
Janelle, your mortgage company may have a website that you can log into your account on and see what interest you have paid so far. Otherwise they will send you a tax summary at the beginning of the year for you to file your taxes with. I think it's a 1099 but don't quote me on that. I don't remember for sure! This will be my first year not claiming a child... all I'll have is my mortgage interest so I'm worried!! I hope I paid enough in!
I got almost an hour nap....still tired but omg so much better!!!!

Misty and Janelle-i told you guys i was freaking tired before writting that lol your lucky i didnt just type a whole bunch of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lol

Lizzy-the only reason i say it must be a boy is bc with both my boys i was like 5-6weeks pregnant before i got a bfp. with my oldest i even had a blood test a week after he implanted and still bfn...i took so many tests between dec 22 and jan 7th when i finally got a bfp i think i broke the back not dollar tests 7 yrs ago lol....same with my oldest i had missed af and didnt realize it at first i had till i feel alseep one afternoon i was so tired and i go oh god i must be pregnant...sure enough big fat bfp i was about 5 weeks then....sooo still got fingures crossed but keep telling myself it will all be ok either way...

nicole sorry ds is so fussy and what not hope she feels better soon enjoy your nap! i did with mine lol

getting ready to go out and have dinner with my cousin who is visiting here for a few weeks from kansas. her husband is in the army and stationed at ft. riley so we dont get to see them too often.
Misty, I looked and couldn't find anything. Everything is through Wells Fargo. I like how we have lived here a year and then some, have paid $800 a month and our loan has only gone down $3,000. Our mortgage payment went down, so that's nice. I've been told your first year is nothing but interest though. So, lets hope we can get a nice chunk of change back. I know Dan can deduct some school stuff too. Like the price of his books that are a ridiculous amount of money!!! We break the bank every semester paying for those few books that he needs. It's crazy!

Krissy, I know what you mean. There are days that I'm super tired and I reread some of the things I put on here and I think I must have been out of my mind, because it makes no sense and I use the wrong spelling. I'm really bad at that. Are you going to go to school to become an actual nurse one day?

Libby, I know this sounds crazy, but for some reason, I have the thought in the back of my mind that the caffeine that I drank while I was pregnant with Samuel caused his GERD. I know it's crazy and there is no reason as to why GERD happens, but just for peace of mind I don't think I'm going to drink it with this pregnancy. I used to drink coffee every day before I got pregnant with Samuel. Then I stopped and never really picked up the habit again. When I do drink a cup I feel super sick afterwards. I feel like an idiot going to Starbucks ordering a decaf soy drink.
Janelle I just looked at my mortgage online.. I've paid $3933 JUST in taxes this year. My payment is $690/month and that's including insurance and property taxes. My principal & interest payment part of that is $468/month so that equals out to $357 of every payment I send is for interest. Only $111 goes towards principal. I bought my house 8 years ago and it still mainly interest payments.
Misty - First year not claiming a kid.. and then next year you will be ok again!

Krissy - Is your cousin staying with you? Nice to have company in town! Wish I was close with my cousins like that.

Janelle - Ehh, decaf tastes the same.. might as well still enjoy the flavors! I don't get the frappacinos since can't get those decaf... usually order decaf since I did with Siena and then a long time after with nursing. Had only recently gone back to caff.

Ugh yup a lot paid in interest. We refinanced to a 15 yr mortgage which makes things tight... but DH is in the mortgage business and sees how much money doesn't go to the principal with his excel calculations etc. His domain!
Oh yeah, 15 year loan is definitely the way to go, Libby. I can't afford it though! I wish I could refinance when interest is real low but I had filed bankruptcy 3 years ago and my mortgage company didn't reaffirm the loan. Now I'm stuck. I need to go in to see a bankruptcy lawyer some day to see if anything I can do...
I'm all confused. We have a 30 year loan, but we pay an extra payment a year. Which is said to knock 10 years off your loan, if you make 1 extra payment a year. So, that's what we're doing. I know you pay interest through out your whole loan, but I though I read you pay the most at the beginning years?? Our mortgage payment went down, but Dan is still paying $50 more because we can afford it. It is all so confusing to me, I don't get it. We got a check a month or so ago for almost $400. I don't even know why either. Owning a house really confuses me, I'm always afraid I'm going to forget to pay something... Which is why Dan handles the finances. LOL
You can make principal payments over and above your mortgage payment. It will definitely save you money in the long run, don't know how much or how many years though. No clue why you'd get $400 back from them.. hopefully they're applying the $50 extra payment correctly! My mortgage only fluctuates depending on taxes and insurance fluctuations. There are different types of mortgages loans though and I'm definitely no expert!!
Janelle I just had a thought.. think our headaches are from the nasal congestion? I wake up with headaches sometimes even.
Where oh where has our friends Nicola, Kanicky and Aspe gone???? Do they not love us anymore??? :cry:

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