A home for EVERYONE!

well lizzy why dont you say to him sorry you cant go but i am not being stuck in this house for four days with a toddler.....bye sweety we will bring back something nice! lol i so would i hate being stuck home!
OOOhhh i just read on fertility fact.com that an elevated temp is common becasue of rise of hormones...took my temp last night at work and it was 99.3 normally i run 97.8....i hope that is a good sign!!!

OK i am crazzyyyy :dohh: ignore the crazy lady!!!!! lmao!
Rise in temp IS good... as long as it stays up! With temping, you get a rise at ovulation and goes down when AF comes. I was checking my temp daily before I got my BFP! But you have to check it first thing before you even get out of bed.. and same time every morning.

And hubby emailed me! He said not to tell his parents, but he thinks we can go to the beach tomorrow or Friday! Maybe! Haha he said his dad reminded him duck season starts this wknd. I KNEW that... told him that was why I was peppering him with questions this morning to see what his 'plans' were if we stayed home! I didnt want to get left alone for him to go hunt but hadnt said that!!! And he said yeah thats why i suggested beach bc he doesn't want to hunt and make me mad at him! Ah at least he KNOWS how I'd react! There was a time in the not to distant past when he didn't!!! I am thinking he'll NEED to work tomorrow. But maybe not. He'll have to bring his work with him either way. Oh I hope he's not giving me hope just to dash it. Because now I'm not going to be thinking about what to do here since I think we're going!
Oh and Krissy only reason I didn't say we were going with or without him was because he has Shingles so felt bad for him! But considering he's still working and thought about hunting... um yeah not like he's planning to be home moaning in pain! But I HAVE left him before for the beach... couple times! And will again! Esp during mat leave. PIL have their beach condo (they co-own with other people) and just bought another share so now will have it one week every month! DH can't go that often with work... and family business so his dad can't go if he does... except if its a holiday like now. If I have the baby EARLY June... wonder if I could take a 2 week old baby to the beach?? Ha. Well, I'll go July and August I imagine.
i took my kids every where from the begining just kept the baby in the shade well covered and ventilated you'll be good!

oh and i dont actually temp just took my temp, bp and hr for fun cuz i was bored last night at work. bp was a little up which happens when i am pregnan 128/94, heart rate was up at 93 and temp was up at 99.3 and i had not dont anything really for about 15min before hand.

ok just went potty...no sign af...cervix still high and lotion cm....no more checking that till tomorrow unless af shows then its all over

oh and my job was nice and paid us today bc of the holiday so buying more tests tonight as long as af dont show up!
Morning ladies!

Loren, your husband is a bad ass! I say this because he takes his work with him. When we were buying our house it was during labor day weekend and EVERYONE took that Friday before off and didn't finish our loan, so I was calling and screaming at everyone because if it wasn't done by that Monday we would have lost the house. I was pissed! Luckily, my bitching paid off because we got the house. ;)

Krissy, I hope you're pregnant!! Did you take your temp this morning? Some of the signs I had before my BFP were I would wake up tossing and turning and be super uncomfortable, like hot one minute and even hotter the next. I felt like I could never get comfortable. I would gain a bunch of weight over night, then once I got my BFP I would pee it all away. My cervix was super squishy almost swollen like. My temp was always in the 98's never went below that. I had heartburn and my boobs would feel achy, but not so much sore like they are now a days. It was always side boob pain first! I had mild cramping as well, almost like AF was going to start, but never did.

I stayed home a LOT with Siena. Esp first 6 weeks, avoided getting her around germs/people. I am not as concerned this time around ha. But 6 hour car ride to the beach. Not sure how that would go with constantly needing to nurse. We'll see! Also, I was a mess for awhile... I bled for 6 weeks and I was so FAT post partum. I do not bounce back fast like some people!!! It was impossible to hide the belly for at least 2 months. That's why I'm wanting to be much more careful about what 'fat stores' I gain this time around. I want to get out and enjoy the time off and not hide at home in baggy pjs and hate my body! Ha, I read online that if you gain 30 pounds, only 7 is fat storage. Rest is baby stuff and water retention. Really?? So I guess since I gained 40, that it was closer to 20 pounds around my middle. No wonder! Anyone on here know a realistic way to flatten the stomach post-baby?? I wasn't able to get back into my old shirts after Siena... stomach is my problem area and even after losing the weight, I still had a tummy like I was prego?? Skin stretched a lot. Sometimes I narcisstically think about lipo!!
Ah yay to Krissy for getting paid for the holiday! Whoop whoop!!!

And yeah Janelle, my husband is a hard worker! Wasn't like that when I met him or even after we got married! Well, he had balance. He took off as many days as his dad would let him and took off early any day he could and used hours during the day for workouts! But when Siena was born, work slowed a lot and then finances got tight and ever since he's been a crazy worker! Flipped a switch or something! Hoping he learns to slack a 'bit' on his clients in order to get some balance again... otherwise Shingles and such will happen more and more, gah! He has a lawyer friend that said he got it before and yeah it was stress. But I do not worry when I send people his way... I know he's good at his job and will work so hard for them. Now if he'd spend as much energy on Siena... :O
LMAO lizzy lippo for me to and a boob lift...omg i want a complete body makeover done when i am done having kids lol.....dreams right?

Janelle thanks! i was just talking to my and she is all dont get your hopes up blah blah blah...i told her about my temp and she goes maybe you are getting the flu...really???? sometimes i just wanna punch my mom in the face is that bad? lol

Loren....a few questions before i decide team blue or pink...what dpo where you when you got your bfp? other very early symptoms? then i will make my choice lol....

misty...morning lady!!!!
Loren - I'm so excited to hear the news. Were you able to gt any sleep?

Krissy - Yay for getting paid early! I hope you're preggers. How many DPO are you?

Janelle - My back hurts too but I haven't even started on our Thanksgiving dinner or cleaning the house. I don't know how you do it all.

Libby - FXd you get to go to the beach. That sounds lovely.

AFM - Working half day today. When I get home I'll start on the desserts and the cornbread for the dressing. Then I'll clean up the house and start on the rest of dinner early tomorrow morning. Still haven't decided what to take over to the in-laws for Thanksgiving. They just told everyone to bring what they wanted. So me and my SIL are taking bets on how many people bring a green bean casserile or mac and cheese. Last time we were there for Thanksgiving my MIL made turkey because she wanted to make the American feel welcomed. She's such a sweetheart but my family doesn't even eat turkey. We always do a hen. Hopefully this time she will just stick with something they like cause I don't even like turkey. Okay done complaining about food... for now.
I had a boob job years ago... having Siena didn't seem to mess them up! But maybe because mostly saline, not much boobie tissue?? Does lipo give you a flabby stomach?? If I stretch as much this time as last time, I will be dealing with that again too! Oh and my friend said the reason I had a 'pointy' stomach when I flex my abs is because my abs 'broke' during my last pregnancy?? I wonder if that fixes itself! Because still like that now! So I think I have some ab muscle issues maybe which makes my stomach all the fatter even when rest isnt. Not sure WHO to go to about that!
Krissy what the tale on dpo you get your bfp and gender? Since I scheduled my anatomy scan, I'm anxious to know what we're having.
Grace- Jealous of your half day! It felt like a holiday today and did not like having to come to work!! Not that I'd know what to do all day if I had stayed home! I was the type that was totally bored on the weekends and wanted 'plans' in advance for every weekend or I'd just dread all that time off. Not that I love work at ALL. Ha. But now with Siena, weekends are not boring! Half day, though, I could use that! I don't need to cook, but early Thanksgiving dinner at DH's grandparents tonight... going straight there after picking up Siena. I get off an hour early today though! Which, due to working later hours right now, means I get off 15 min LATER than normal. :p

We had our turkey last night! MIL picked it up from guy who cooked it (in our neighborhood) and gave us half. Smaller bird so that's good. So I gave Siena some, snacked on some with this killer white sauce, and hubby ate some when he got home after 8pm! White sauce yum.. vinegar and mayo maybe? MIL said the grandparents will have ribs not turkey! Ok! Thought that was odd bc DH's grandparents are very traditional! Cool though, some variety!
I think Krissy said when it took ages to get a bfp, she had boys. I am hoping that is so.. 16dpo bfp for me! Not as late as her but that was late for me compared to with Siena!
Libby, YOGA. I had a friend who had issues with her abs and did Yoga and it helped. I'm to the point where I don't really mind. I have a lot of extra skin, but it's not that noticeable unless I'm naked. Dan doesn't seem to mind it. I went through life having a lot of insecurities with my body. I went through the worst after having Samuel, but I look at him and I feel like it was totally worth it. I have to sit myself down sometimes and tell myself that I'm happy, I'm married, and I'm a Mom and that's all that matters at the end of the day.

Grace, LOL I was thinking about this last night... I gain so much weight during this time of the year. Why, I'm making all of this food is beyond me. I'm going to get so fat!! Secretly, I've always wanted to go out to eat for Thanksgiving, but that doesn't sounds very American now does it? I know I would get crap for it! If it were my choice I'd have sushi for Thanksgiving!
Personally, I'm hoping the theory with high HCG levels in early pregnancy means girl... I read that high levels that could be mistaken for twins could mean girl. My fingers are crossed!
I'm calling girl for Loren!! Her appt should be soon right? at 5 something she said 5 more hours. Can't wait! Ok, gonna do a quick catch up on reading though I should be working my butt off right now!
I stuffed my face with California rolls when I was pregnant with Samuel. I eat the cooked sushi and the tempura veggie sushi. :)

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