A home for EVERYONE!

wooohooo misty!!!! so happy you're having a boy!!! So hoping I'm having a girl... Is Jake excited?? What else did the doctor say?
Thanks guys!! We are both SO psyched!!! I LOVE being able to call "it" by name now and call him "he"!! I'm over the moon!! :) I'll post the rest of the pics I got today then next post I'll go over what was said at the appt.

Meet Tyler Joseph :) First is his face, he's laying on his face on his arm. Then his cute little foot with stubby little toes (takes after daddy there lol). Then is his hand and last is my favorite (other than the money shot showing his manhood of course lol), finally got a profile!! OMG love him!!


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So everything looked great on the ultrasound. Everything measured normal. He weighs 8 oz right now. Also, with all the measurements plugged in he measured 3 days ahead of the due date of May 7th they're going by of last period which puts it at May 4th. Exactly what he measured at the 12 week ultrasound! So then the doctor comes in and does his looking around on the ultrasound. Says everything looks wonderful then proceeds to talk about an amnio again. The first trimester screen came back normal. The NT scan was 1.5 which is good (needs to be under 2.6). The 2nd trimester screen came back normal. All the measurements today were good. They look at length of limbs, nasal bone, space between toes and measure back of neck again. It needs to be less than .6 at this point and it was .4 so all was good there. He said because of my age, the risk is 1:130 for down syndrome. After all the screenings and finding NO markers on the baby for it, it cuts my chances in half to 1:260. So why is he talking to me about an amnio again?? I said are you recommending I get one?? He said if there were 2 or more markers I'd suggest you definitely think about it. Since you don't have any, then I'd say you're ok. It's completely up to you. The risk of losing the baby is 1:200 so higher risk than there is that the baby has downs! Thanks but no thanks. I asked if the risk was less now that I'm farther along, he said no. If I was 24 weeks and it caused labor, the baby could go to nicu for $2900/day. Less than 24 weeks and it's just over. I said I read risk is greater due to my weight, also that risk is greater since I have an anterior placenta. He said he'd probably just go through the placenta. Um what?!?! yeah, no way...

Then we discussed my diabetes. He thinks I may have been diabetic before I was pregnant due to being diagnosed so early and the fact that my fasting levels are out of control. He said gestational diabetes usually shows higher levels after eating, not the fasting. I'm already on Metformin which is one of the meds they give women with gestational diabetes so obv that's not working! He's going to recommend to the OB that I try the other medicine they give for diabetes.. I guess it helps better with making my body create more insulin. He said we can try that first and if it doesn't help then I'm going to have to go on insulin. He went through all the risks the baby could deal with if sugars don't get in check... even to the point of stillbirth if it gets too big cuz will have problems getting enough oxygen. Also he said they'll probably do an amnio at 37 weeks to see if his lungs are mature yet so that they can take the baby early. That way he has less time to run into problems. Since I may have had diabetes from the get go, he wants to do another ultrasound at 24 weeks to check out the heart better. There could have been development problems with it though all looked good today. sigh... makes me so freakin sad and guilty.

I was a couple pounds up today on the scale but still down 3 total from beginning of pregancy so that's good. I think that's about it for now!! It was a good appt but also had it's sad sides. I was just SO glad to see everything was looking healthy today!!
Misty, don't they say your baby is fully developed at 35 weeks?? Don't you worry!! AND DON'T FEEL GUILTY!! You had no idea that you had diabetes. It's better you guys found this out early. EVEN BETTER that you and Jake decided to get pregnant, you would have never known that you had diabetes. You gotta look at it that way. In a way, this baby could have saved your life!

I'm happy for you both! Hi Tyler Joseph!! You've got one awesome Mom!! Keep your head up, baby is healthy and growing well. You're doing good. :)
Oh I love the name Tyler! My hometown is Tyler, Texas. :) So happy for you Misty. And I agree with Janelle, don't beat yourself up. Everything will work out just fine.
Misty I was soooo freaking excited when I got ur text! Told u so now we need janelle to see that she is having a girl! And I ditto what janelle said u r an amazing mommy!

Amber hope u feel better soon! U haven't told ur in laws ur pregnant yet? I have one piece of work for a mother in law to. Sorry!

Ok got to talk to josh again while at work but he was asleep before I got out I miss the butt head lol ok going to bed night !
Morning ladies!!!

Just a quick pop-in for now...I'm meant to be finishing off my poor attempt at housework, but I'm just not built for this housewife malarky! There's always something else I can do to procrastinate! Seems I better get used to it now I've completed my uni degree!

Eeeeekkkk!!!! Misty!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soo soo happy for you!!! Welcome to Team Blue and hello little Tyler!!!! That is such a cute Americany name!!! His side profile is the cutest little thing ever!! Love it!! Sorry for all the exclamation marks, it's just so exciting!!!

Hello Krissy!! Hope you're doing well, and you're not missing Josh too much...I know how it feels when your OH is away...with my DH being in the army, he seems to come and go all the time! I felt a little sad reading about Averie and the baby conversation...little ones just don't understand do they, and that makes the whole thing so much harder!!! Hopefully when Josh gets home, there'll be plenty of BD'ing, and hopefully a little New Years surprise will be coming your way! That would be such a fab start to the year for you both, and I can't think of anyone that would deserve it more!

Hello Janelley!! How's your navel orange treating you this week!! Gosh, 16 weeks in 2 days already!!!!

Wow, Alr, that sounds like a lot of house!!!!!!!! I'm extremely jealous! I always LOVE the way American houses look on TV programmes!! They beat our dumpy little brick houses, that's for sure!! We live in such a small 3 bed-flat at the minute, with NO garden (Boo :( ) and neighbours are all crammed either side of you, above, below...everywhere!!! Definitely envy your space (Myself and my dogs included)

Hello to all the lovely ladies!!!!!!! I'll try and check back in later, I've got like 15 minutes to get housework done before my hubby gets back from work for dinner! Haha! There's no chance I'll have it done by then, so hopefully just a cheeky smile from myself will be all that takes to distract him!x
Well, no more MS since i hit 13 weeks but now I have round ligament pains whenever I am on my feet for more than 5 minutes plus last night I got hit by the worst cold ever and could barely sleep. Not to mention my daughter has been running a fever off and on for 3 days. Ugh...
Thanks, loren. I love having the room and no scrunched in neighbors. Honestly we'd love to just tear our house down and start from the beginning, but no budget for that. It was just poorly built.

Misty, keep your head up. I think things sound like they went well. Hopefully the new meds will help.

Krissy, no we haven't told anyone....except for my mom and stepdad since they are the ones supplying my iv stuff. We are waiting until Christmas now that it is so close, then we can tell more family in person...like my grandma and dad.

Hope everyone has a great day! Off to the pain dr.
Loren, I hate house work to!!! and omg you made me get teary eyed! No my little ones just dont understand and it does make it that much harder. Josh will be friday night so i dont know if this will be our month or not. if we do though due date would be Aug 31st just barely squeek in as an august baby. both the boys are sept bdays the 14th and 20th so it would be weird to end up with another sept bday lol....but we are at the it will happen when it happens point. oh where is your 18 week bump pick i love watching the change!
Amber good luck at the pain dr! and talk about will power i got a BIG mouth lol!
Yay for no more morning sickness army!!! It's only just exiting for me, I havent been sick since I hit 18 weeks! woo hoo!

I know how you feel about the pains though...it's always my back and hips that hurt, especially through the night...can't sleep on my sides, can't sleep on my belly, can't sleep on my back! Tell me baby, how would you like me to sleep?!
Happy Avocado Day to Grace!

Amber - Good luck at the pain dr!! And things are at a standstill with DH at the moment. He's got Shingles, so kinda just waiting for that to get better before I try to change things and make him do more with Siena. So being more lazy in the meantime, buying premade deli salads/sides for Siena or taking her out to dinner, which makes life easier. So sorry you are so sick!! That is the pits. Sigh. I have it so easy. I need to be more grateful. Situation with your MIL... yeah if you don't want to tell her about the pregnancy, don’t!

Misty!!!! Oh awesome!!! Ok now trying to decipher the picture to see how you can tell it’s a boy... since I've only seen Siena's u/s in person and won't know what to look for before dr tells us! Wow $2900 a day for nicu... doesn't insurance cover that?? I always wondered why people do amnio... so sometimes it is because of costs are more than people can afford if baby comes early. Ughhhh. Yeah risks seem too high to do it! And yeah sucks you have more issues during this pregnancy than normal, but sounds like its all very doable and you might not have to wait as long to see your baby! Friend of mine delivered a month early and her baby is doing great almost 2 years later. Healthy is the goal so good that doctor is informing you of all the possibilities, but also causes things to be more nerve wracking, ack!

Nicole - Hope things improve for you and your family soon!! Being sick or in pain is not fun... but at least ms is gone!!

Good morning Krissy!!
Here we go, especially for you Krissy :) Not much of a difference, and it seems to be there one day and not there the next...I think he likes to snuggle in really low, like still in my pelvis!

That's such a wonderful outlook on TTC...even though I can imagine it would be nice to stretch out birthdays for money reasons, I can see the advantage in getting all birthdays out of the way in one go!!! You could have like a HUGE celebration for all september children, they'd love that!

Don't even think about TTC this weekend...you just enjoy Josh getting home and spending some quality time with him...I'm sure the rest will follow ;) ! xx


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Things are easy on prego front so can't complain. Occasional nausea if I put off eating. And nervous about weight gain and guilty whenever I eat something 'bad'. But I can still stomach sleep which I do whenever I feel sickish during the night and I don't normally have to wake up to pee during the night. And I'm way less tired than I used to be.

WEIRD dream last night... well, right before I woke up. Never remember dreams THIS long in THIS much detail.

In the dream, I broke it off with DH. I think that stemmed from hearing about a friend getting a divorce and shocked me a lot. So I was living alone with Siena. Then, I left her... with MIL maybe, who knows... for COLLEGE. Quit my job, went to college. First weekend there, I tried out for a sorority and they made me do this dance move thing and after a few tries, I got it and they said 'ok you're in.. but just make sure to wear a tshirt under your uniform (apparently we were also cheerleaders lol) until you get down to your "fighting weight".' Ha, referring to my stomach 'pudge' that popped out of my shirt when I was doing the 'moves'... i.e. I was prego like I am now ha and they thought I was just fat. So I thought uh yeah they won't let me be part of the group if they find out I'm prego! So I realized I'd have to quit and go back home. I woke up thinking 'oh man thank goodness it was a dream and I still have my JOB so I don't have to go FIND one!!!'
What a cute bump Loren!!!

And, Krissy, I'm the oddball that put off ttc a month so the baby wouldn't have birthday in the same month as Siena. Which ended up making me super impatient and made it all the worse when I DIDNT conceive the next month!
Loren I see the difference and it is a cute bump! I think Janelle should start putting her every week bump pics up to!

Good morning Lizzy dear! LMAO at your dream! Um yeah we already have a hard time paying for two bday in sept let alone 3 lol but if that is how it is suppose to be i am fine with that. when i hear my kids talk about the baby that was suppose to be born on Oct 29th it makes me sad i know everything happens for a reason blah blah blah...but damn not far for the whole family not just me!

Oh Josh called me right after i woke up this morning to say good morning and that he loves me he did yesterday to...see there is a sweet guy in there under the A$$ he puts off LMAO!
Hi ladies,

I am attempting to do personals, please forgive me if i miss something.

Misty... Congratulations on your boy :) soooo exciting :) thanks for sharing the news and pictures

Loren.. Congratulations on finishing university.. Beautiful bump pictures

Krissy.. That is sweet of your husband. Those kind of things makes my day :)

Janelle.. What a handsome little man you have, all dressed up and entertaining :) glad the storms did not hit too hard

Nicole.. Thanks for sharing your post you shared on fb..i put barley nothing on fb, so if anyone put anything on there, it would probably be my db

My mind is gone blank. Sorry, nothing intentional. Hiiiii to all the ladies :)

Afm.. Still taking vitex everyday. Don't feel any different but curious to whether I would start af this month, seeming i just had it last month. Got my digital opks in the mail today.
HI ASPE MISSED YOU!!! I cant wait to see if the vitex is helping or not. yes it does stink that josh is gone but so happy that he thinks of me while he is gone hanging out with a bunch of guys.

ok off to do my paper before i cook tacos for dinner tonight, early dinner since i have to work at 6pm and i got the cutest cupcakes for after dinner.

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