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Libby - So excited for your scan today. Are you leaning towards a certain gender? What did Misty say for you? She's been correct so far. I like the idea of this co-sleeper. I just googled it and it definitely seems convenient. Now if I could just find a good deal like you did. We probably won't start buying things until March so I have time to shop around.

Krissy - We've only told family and a couple of friends. I want to wait until the anatomy scan next week just to be sure.

AFM - I think I'm finally feeling flutters. I think it still might be gas but I'm hoping it's the baby. I'm getting anxious.
Krissy, you're wrong... Libby is having a girl!!! Yay for gender scan! What time is your appt Libby and are you in Eastern time zone? Can't remember...

Krissypoo - I'm so glad you guys are finally in your own place!!! How exciting! How's the baby making coming along? ;)

Aspe - what day is your procedure on again? The 16th? Yes, by some miracle I got pregnant on the first round of Clomid. I was on Metformin also for about 3 months before that. I have PCOS and am an old fart lol so really didn't think the Clomid would work much less the first month!! Jake's sister has started on the Clomid journey and the first round didn't work for her. The doctor doesn't think she ovulated at all so they are upping the doseage for the next month.

Grace and Janelle - halfway!! YAY!!! I was so excited to make it to that point then realized it still seems like so far to go! Next goal is 24 weeks for "viable week"...

Nicole - I'm confused... did you go to the ER the other day with what you thought was a bladder infection? Did they do an ultrasound and that's how they determined it's the baby's head size that's the issue? You didn't say you got an ultrasound but I couldn't figure out how else they'd know that. Then I was curious if you asked if they could see if it was a boy or girl! lol

Maria - welcome!! Where in the midwest are you moving to? I'm in the midwest!! BIG difference from Cali to the midwest! Hope you're prepared!! Especially when you experience your first winter! lol

AFM - been feeling like crud lately. Guess it's a cold. Sounds like Aspe and I caught the same germs! I've been SO drained. Jake keeps saying I'm like a zombie. Head is all stuffy, nose is draining, throat hurts, coughing. Just bleh. Also can't sleep worth a CRAP lately!! I toss and turn all night long. I think I have a pinched nerve in my back as my left thigh goes numb if I stand too long or sit or lay in one position too long. Guessing that's why I toss and turn. I can't get comfortable and have like restless leg syndrome or something. I'm going to mention it to the doctor tomorrow. I've been going weekly while they try to get my blood sugars straightened out. They started me on a low dose of insulin so sugars aren't in check but I've been eating more carbs like I was told to also. The insulin will have to be upped. He started low to make sure sugars don't drop too low. Also, I guess as the pregnancy progresses I'll need more insulin just for that. It will be an ongoing process of trying to get it straight I guess! At least I get to see the same doctor now, I've finished the having to see each doctor in the practice at least once ordeal. Every doctor does things differently so I'm glad to have the consistency of seeing the same one now. Like fundal measurement for example. At the 20 week appt that doctor said I was measuring 22 weeks. At the 21 week appt the doctor I'm seeing now says I measured 25. How can their be 3 weeks difference in one week?! My theory is how each doctor measures. Also, my gut is fatter above my belly button so they're probably measuring more fat now! HA! I feel Tyler kick and move everyday now. I LOVE it!! I still only feel it when he kicks lower, though, as I guess the placenta is still cushioning movement at the front of my belly. 12 more days til the next ultrasound! So anxious!!
Aspe - most DEFINITELY still go to your appt!!!! It took forever to get in. You need to get tests done to see why your cycles are so long. Like your fiance said, you don't know if you're ovulating or not and only a doctor can figure that out and get you help if you're not!

Grace - yay for flutters!! I second guessed the flutters too but now they're full on kicks so I'm sure what you're feeling is the baby. Do you feel it down low? Last night I was listening to his heartbeat and he was not digging it I guess cuz he kicked the doppler so hard it actually moved in my hand! Cracked me up. I can't wait for you to feel kicks and such, Grace!! You will fall in love hard and fast with the little man in your belly!!
Misty - You get to Skype with Tyler soon! So fun. I hope they got your dosage right so you don't have to do much changing. I feel it low but I would decribe it more like a tiny fish in there than a butterfly or popping like others have said. That's why I'm thinking there's a chance it's gas.

Aspe - I agree with Misty. Have the procedure especially considering how long it took to get the appt. Sorry about af, though. I know it's bittersweet. :hugs:
Grace - Skype with Tyler.. lol.. made me giggle! You get to first though as your appt is the 11th right? Mine isn't til the 15th. It's to check his heart cuz of the diabetes so I'm kinda nervous about it. I hope he's ok! I totally know what you're talking about with the little fish thing. I would describe it as that rather than flutters too. You're so feeling the baby!! I wonder if you have an anterior placenta also? You should ask when you get your ultrasound where the placenta is!
Misty - I'm sure he's just fine. He's in there karate chopping the doppler so I'm sure just fine. So my appt is sooner than yours. I hadn't started counting down the days yet. 8 more days til we get to Skype with Josiah!
Misty- Yes I went to the Er with what I thought was a bladder infection. Got a a pap 'to check cervix and for yest or vaginosis. Then did ultrasound and baby was head down. They didnt measure the baby's head because it was just the ER doc doing it instead of a U/S technician. I just know that the head is bigger because both our son and daughter had heads that were 2-3 cm bigger than average at birth.
Yeah. I didn't tell my parents about it for that very reason. Plus he's in another state. But it's been a beautiful six years. <3
Grace - I'm moving to Missouri with him. I've never been in the midwest before but I'm looking forward to it.
oh my looks like our chatty bunch is back yay!

Misty tyler is fine!!!!! and yeah each dr does measure different but i carried avarie really high. and your diabeties will get better you are doing awesome!!! get better soon sweety! oh and i guess you can say it is better considering we havent even been here a week and got a quicky the other night lol...but after that we are both sickly so yeah sleep sleep sleep for now. i am at the point it happens it happens like i told josh just hope that jamie isnt ten when it fianlly happens lmao!

Aspe i agree with misty it took you forever to get the appt and you need some answers!

Grace-oh so excitiing for your scan comming up!

alright back to doing something lol...so tired though!!!! but i have been productive today so i guess that counts for something lol
Anyone have experience with food allergies or food intolerances?
Morning ladies!

Krissy, Dan hasn't been bugging me at all. I'm asleep before him and it's always on the couch. I get woken up to my aspirin and prenatals, then I zombie walk to our bed and pass out until Samuel wakes me up in the morning. I have been waking up in the night feeling super walrus like. Almost like I'm swollen or something. I feel super uncomfortable.

Libby, maybe I should call and see if they have maternity clothes in stock.. I never thought about that. Apparently Walmart sells some cute maternity clothes, but they never have any in stock. What's the point of buying clothes if you can't try them on first!? Arg.. I really just need pants. I saw Target carried some. I hate trying on clothes because I get so depressed when I'm a size bigger than I thought. Fingers crossed for your scan today. Keep us posted!

Aspe, I would still have the procedure done, because it will answer any unanswered questions. Be sure to take your period schedule in and show your gynecologist, so they can help you better. Sucks AF started, but that's good she didn't take MONTHS to get here. :)

Grace, I bet you are for sure feeling flutters. I would agree that it feels like a fish sometimes. When is your appointment next week? Mine is Monday at 12:50.

Misty, these next few months are going to fly by for me. We're flying to Florida at the end of the month and staying there for a week, then we come back for a week, then Samuel and I fly to Ohio for a week, then when we get back it will be my birthday and BOOM! I'll be 27 weeks. I had restless leg syndrome when I was pregnant with Samuel. It sucked! Has Jake been able to feel the baby move yet? Dan tried to feel our baby kick, but he says all he feels is my heartbeat. LOL

Maria, This may sound like a pretty stupid question, but have you met him yet? Or skyped with him? Food allergies-- my son can't drink cows milk or eat certain cheeses, I don't like cheese or dairy much, and my biological dad is deathly allergic to dairy lol.

AFM, I think I'm having braxton hicks. :( I've been drinking a ton of water lately and I still get them. No pain or bleeding, so I'm not worried. I remember getting them early with Samuel and man, I'm not looking forward to them again. Other than that, still tired.
Well I'm now having sharp pain going from where the baby is (I can always tell because of the hardness) all the way to my girl parts. I guess it's just the baby getting comfy.

Janelle, Misty, & Grace- Have you been signing or reading to the baby? They can supposedly start to hear noises from outside the womb at about 19 weeks. I have a recorded thing so that the baby can at least hear DH's voice even though he wont be here. I'm going to start singing and reading to the baby once I hit 20 weeks.
Awe my janelle i wish you werent so damn tired...i never really had that problem while pregnant but now that i work man am i tired all the time lol. my mom just called and said she would take the kids sunday night and get joshy on the bus monday morning so that will be good so i can sleep on monday before work since i wont get much sunday with working till 3am then get josh off to work and then i work sunday so looks like caffine day for me lol. oh i just had a thought....maybe you are low on iron that will make you super tired...just a thought!

food alergies not so much in our family...but for sure picky eaters!!!! my oldest would not get hamburger till he was almost 5!
Yes I've heard his voice before. He sounds cute, I call him teddybear sometimes! He can't have seafood, coffee, dairy and some types of vegetables if I remember right. I can't eat dairy, eggs, broccoli, corn or coffee without my stomach giving me problems. I have food intolerances, he has a couple of food allergies. We both seem to have most of the same food problems.
Nicole, I read to Samuel every night, does that count? LOL We also sing songs while we are cleaning up... Does that count? ahhaha

Krissy, I was thinking that about the iron, but I'm not dizzy or anything. I know that's another symptom of anemia. I will talk to my doctor about it on Monday if it doesn't get better. If your mom takes your kids on monday you best be thinking about a night of lovin' rather than sleeping in. LMAO.
Ohhh so you'll get your official ultrasound Monday then right, Janelle?? Oh this is so exciting, 3 ultrasounds in the next 8 days. That's lots of baby pictures! I can't wait!!! Sorry you're so tired.. Krissy has a point, does your prenatal have iron in it? I honestly couldn't say if mine does as it's prescription and doesn't tell me what all vitamins are in it!! Don't tell me I'm gonna have this restless leg crap for the next 4 months!! I need to sleep!! UGH

Maria - no allergies or anything here. Unless you count the diabetes I now have which means I have to carb count!! Bleh... :(

Nicole - I haven't been singing or reading to Tyler. I don't want to torture the poor thing by singing lol. I assume he hears my voice all day. Tho, Jake did try talking to him through my belly button the other day. Lmao.. he's so silly...
Misty, yes I get it monday. My prenatals do have iron that was the first thing I checked. I eat a lot of iron rich foods as well. I think my hormones are just going wonky, because my boobs are starting to kill me again. I'm telling you, this pregnancy is making up for all the slack during Samuel's pregnancy!! I had that RLS when I was pregnant with Samuel and it sucked. Ask your doctor if there is something you can do to help. Walking might help... I just annoyed the crap out of dan and was always moving my legs when I was sleeping. HAHAH

Libby, I just called old navy and they said they don't carry maternity clothes at the one right next to my house, but the one by dan's parents do, so looks like I have to drive. :( I hate driving.
Ugh....not feeling well. Congestion, cough, headache, and sore throat. Hope its just a cold and not something I caught from going to the Er with all the people coughing into masks in the waiting room.

LOL Janelle, yes that counts because the baby will still be able to recognize your voice almost immediately after birth. Does Dh talk to the baby or anything?

Misty-LMAO DH would say that about my singing but he'll be gone by the time I'll start singing so the baby will have to deal with it.

Sheesh, my daughter has now reached the "curiosity" stage. Aka she wants to put her little fingers in her girl parts while I'm changing her diaper or she'll try to follow me to the bathroom so she can see mommy's. Sheesh, dont know what to do other than tell her no and smack her hand.
Nicole, when I was pregnant with Samuel he always read a TS Eliot book to Samuel. I guess Samuel loved it because it's one of his favorites to read now. I'm sure Dan will start reading to the baby, but probably closer to when he can feel the baby kick. He felt Samuel kick when I was 21 weeks, so I'm hoping it's that soon with this baby.

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