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Morning Grace!

Aspe - yeah I was craving a burger and a glass of pino grigio.... YES I am ok with a drink now and then for special occasions! BUT they were OUT of pino grigio lol. And yeah chicken. The waitress was flabbergasted because she said what they cooked wasn’t even on the menu! But she was overworked, so who knows. I was annoyed because with a toddler, there's no time to order again... but I didn't want the chicken... so I had to get my food to go and eat at home. Siena would not have been content much longer... she was already a pain before we left as it was.

I forget, are you on progesterone? Forgetting what they suggest to shorten periods etc.

Misty - Yeah I am glad you were wrong lol!

Enjoy your family time Krissy! And I'm glad you were right!!

No name picked out... last time DH hated all my boy names so I am somewhat daunted by that! And no idea on the weight... hmm looking at what dr gave us and it says "EFW" is 8 ounces... so maybe that?? But that's in the column based on LMP and there's a different column for my real due date and nothing there. 33% for height, 84% for head, 78% for something else... and 91% for head... so short with a big head, lol. Similar to how Siena looked in utero, so that makes sense.
Libby..no, I am not on progesterone. I have an appointment with a gynecologist in 2 weeks time.
Yeah I don't know anything about regulating AF other than what I hear other people on Bnb doing. But seems like yeah... oh Clomid... think thats what they give to get you to ovulate. But not sure if they still had to wait ages or if it was guaranteed to speed up the process. But yeah definitely good you're headed to the dr soon. So hard to guess when to DTD when AF is all over the place!

Hmm names. I can see doing something that sounds like a last name that can have a cute nickname out of it like Harry for Harrison... or something that's one syllable and 'cool' like Chase. But really haven't come up with any yet. Thinking if I don't get any name ideas.. after awhile I'll buckle down and start coming up with a list. Just not ready for DH to start turning them down yet!
So we're just waiting for me to get an U/S? I won't be finding out the gender since DH leaves tomorrow.
Aspe - if they give you Clomid they usually start you on 50mg then if that doesn't work, the next month they up it to 100mg, etc. They can tell if you ovulated or not by doing a blood test. I think they test your progesterone level maybe? It's supposed to be above a certain # if you did ovulate. So it may take a few months on the medicine til they figure out the dosage that works for your body. Can't wait til you get into the doctor so they can start figuring out what's going on and get the ball rolling!!

Libby - Jake was NOT any help with picking of names at first either! He did the same thing.. rejected everything I suggested but couldn't come up with ideas of his own either! I had picked Tyler from the start... for years I'd said if I ever had a boy that's what I want his name to be. Then I picked the middle name of Joseph because that's Jake's grandpa's name that passed away just a couple of months before we got pregnant. I don't know why Jake changed his mind about Tyler but he did. My sister says he's going to be gay since I picked such a feminine name. She always has the nicest things to say to me...

So I had my weekly appt today. My insulin is being upped as expected. He said my #'s really weren't as bad as expected considering he started me at a base level. Also, I've been sick... whatever stupid cold kind of crud is going around is what I was guessing.. and he says I have the start of an inner ear infection so called in a Z pack for me which will cover any other infection that could be going on too in my throat or sinuses or chest. Thank goodness! Jake is sick now too. He even called in sick which means he REALLY feels like crap! He has bad lungs though so it goes straight to his chest when he gets sick. He's at the doctor now, they did a flu test and are going to do a chest x-ray also. My poor baby :( My weight skyrocketed this week! I'm 5 pounds up from last week!! Wha-whaaaat?!?! Still 4 pounds down since beginning of pregnancy but holy moly that's a big difference in a week. Also, last week I was measuring 25 weeks which concerned the doctor as too big. Now a week later I measured 27! Yikes! He's glad I have a level 2 ultrasound already scheduled with the perinatologist for the 15th so they can see for sure what Tyler is weighing now. Like what do they do if he's getting too big?? Shove a treadmill up there?? I'm already watching carbs (tho I have been eating more since I got yelled at for not eating enough) and on insulin.. what the heck else can I do?? So back in a week to see how my sugars are doing on higher insulin dosage. Unfortunately my dr isn't available next week so I have to see a new one. Like new to the practice even. Ugh... On a funny note, Tyler is as ornery as his daddy. He's got a thing against dopplers. The other day when I was listening to him at him he kicked it hard enough that it moved the doppler then he did it again today to the doctor lol. Guess he doesn't like it hee hee
Morning ladies!

Libby, I'm not even going to look at our old navy. All the stuff they said is onsale shows it's not in stock, and I'm not going to spend an arm and a leg on jeans if I don't have to. We do have a burlington coat factory. I looked at their clothes when I was early pregnant, but I don't understand the style now!! It seems like eveything is based on the 80's now!! It's all skinny jeans with tight ankles. Just waiting for those stupid zipper ankles to come back. Blech!!! I like to at least have a boot cut or flare in my jeans. Those skinny jeans make me look like a waddling whale. I saw some clothes at Target, but they seemed expensive. I'm saving them for my last resort. I'm going to take a bunch of clothes into the consignment store and hope the lady will either give me a credit or cash for them. So excited you're having a boy, they are so much fun!!

Misty, seeing I'm the only one having a girl so far, and my doctor wasn't 100% sure has me super paranoid now!! COME ONE MONDAY!!

Nicole, when are you planning on getting your scan and is your hubby going to let you find out the sex now that he's not going to be here? I remember you saying there was an issue with that last time.

Krissy, enjoy your family night! We're taking Samuel to Amma and Papa's for the night. He's going to go see a broadway production of jack and the bean stock! After we drop him off, it's straight to the thrift stores for pants! I should probably pick up a new bra this weekend as well. I hate shopping for a bra. I wish I knew of somewhere that would fit me for one!

Maria, it's pretty quiet at night because everyone is sleeping. Unless you're Aspe, Aspe never sleeps! jk

Aspe, Are you still just spotting or have you got a flow yet? Maybe your vitex is really messing things up???? I don't know. Just a thought.

Grace, how are those gas bubbles/kicks? Feeling more?

WHERE IS AMBER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Has anyone heard from her?

AFM, woke up with another nose bleed. Not as tired, but it's still early. My house is a wreck and I'm so not in the mood to clean it, but I have to. I guess I will start with the laundry. I only have a load or two to do. Then I'll work on picking this place up. So, I might not be on much this morning. Sorry ladies.... MISS ME!
Misty, Dan was a pain in the ass with names too. Samuel was supposed to be Daniel John, but Dan didn't want to name his son after him and since my step dad was being a total dick head, I didn't want to name our son after him. Dan wanted to name him Robert because his dad and grandpa's names are Robert, but I don't like Robert. Samuel definitely doesn't look like a Robert either! So, we went with Samuel, named after Dan's best friend. Because all his other friends have dumb names! LOL Then we chose Louis as a middle name because it's a family name on Dan's side. Everyone has a Louis somewhere. This baby was easy, thank goodness! I don't think I could think of another boy name.
I have bad lungs too. Whenever I get sick it goes to my chest too. When ever I get a sniffle I always start Alkaseltzer Cold plus and or mucinex. Then I drink a crazy amount of water to thin out all the mucus that is building up in my chest. Tell him to get better. ...and don't worry about the weight gain. You're suppose to gain some weight during pregnancy you know. ;)
I haven't been able to schedule it yet since they still haven't gotten my records. Calling again on Monday to see if they are in so hopefully no more than a week from Monday til my next appointment. I am on track weightwise so far but don't know if that hold out much longer. DH is saying no to finding out the gender.
So, do it! What's he going to do divorce you? You shouldn't have to wait to find out just because he tells you to. Stand up for yourself, put your foot down and tell him you're going to find out. Seriously. He'll get over it I'm sure.
Tell your DH you're going to find out regardless of if he says no.
Ummmm...you don't know my DH. He will find a way to make me miserable.
I'm confused, Nicole. Why can't you find out the gender just because he doesn't want to know??
Nicole i agree with everyone else. i know we all have had our fair share of messed up relationships and i am telling you if he will make your life miserable just bc you find out what the sex of the baby is then he is so not worth being with. why be in relationship where you have to watch your every move? and he is also telling you who you can have in the deliveryroom? seriously???? i am going to tell you what someone told me a few years ago when my relationship with my husband was going in a very bad direction, grow a back bone and stand up for yourself. i learned that josh had no real respect for me because i always did what he wanted and never argued with what he wanted or said and if i "messed up" i blamed myself and let him talk to me how ever he wanted. well once ifinally told him that enough was enough, and i stand up for my wants and needs things are completely different. do we still have our problems oh yeah! but nothing like it used to be and he knows i will not stand by and let him treat me like i am less than him..

ok off my soap box now.....

misty!!!! i miss you lady!!! ok the waky measurements are frustrating and whne they do the scan for you they will probably look for how much amniotic fluid you have bc that is why i measured way to big with jamie and he was a big boy to lol...but for you bc you have diabeties probably more bc of his size. i dont want to freak you out but be prepared for them to tell you that you should have a csection with this pregnancy. babys who are born to moms with diabeties normaly are pretty big and bc of that can get stuck in the birth canal. from what i know they will usually say you should have a csection or induce labor early which has a high percentage of ending up in a csection. def talk to your doctor now about it so you have an idea of what is ahead for you.

ok i will write more in a bit kids calling!
Good morning ladies,

How is everyone? Still sick on this end.

Misty..so do you take clomid everyday? Did you do OPK's?

Krissy..hope your getting lots and lots of bding in heheh :)
Bravo Krissy!!

Yeah I'm scared to death to need a c-section!! I don't want to be sliced open! I want Jake to experience seeing his baby born naturally and without health issues! If it's gotta be its gotta be, though. Just crossing my fingers everything will be okay...

P. S. I miss you too!! Muah!

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