A home for EVERYONE!

Well this is seriously annoying me! Called one location and she wouldnt be able to see me until the end of Febraury, no thanks. called a second location, earliest they have is 19 days away, no thanks. Called one last location and the doctors have to look at my records before they can setup an appointment? Ummm...they didnt say that for the other doctors! What the heck is going on?!?
Nicole, I feel ya! I went to the goodwill store all the way across town because the lady at the baby boutique suggested it and holy crap! They have SO much maternity stuff. ALL sizes, ALL lengths. So, when I'm in need of bigger clothes, which I'm really hoping I wont be, then I will hit up that place. Take it easy though. As for the doctors, I would set one up for the 19 days away one, and WHEN you find a better option cancel that appointment. That way you're covered. 19 days really isn't that long. Just over 2 weeks. You will for sure get your big ultrasound and be able to see the baby and not find out the gender.

Krissy, SHUT UP! You are always WANTING me to symptom spot. ADMIT IT! :winkwink: When ever Samuel watches max and ruby I think of you. He comes running out saying, "MOMMY!!! It's the bunny show!! MAX AND RUBY!!!!" Seriously, if you've never listened to me before, DO IT NOW, DAMMIT! Go buy a neti pot, it's worth a shot and I bet you money it will help with your sinuses and you being sick all the time.

Libby, I felt hiccups last night. I'm positive. I was woken up by the baby moving around too!! The movements feel so strong to me, but Dan isn't able to feel the baby yet, I'm guessing it's because of the placenta? Not sure.

Maria, Morning! How's the weather is good 'ol California? Suppose to snow here tonight, I think?

AFM, I'm in lots of pain today. Walked 2 miles yesterday and one this morning. My hips and pelvis are mad at me. But the way I look at it, if I can walk and not cry, then I'm going to do it, because in a few months--hell even a few weeks, I might not be able to walk at all! On a PLUS SIDE, it's official, the week after I get back from Florida, I will be flying to Ohio to visit with more family--FIRST CLASS!! I'm so excited!! That's one thing on my bucket list that I can cross off. Samuel is going too. He's gonna be a spoiled little shit. Getting to fly first class at 2. So, I wont be able to visit with you ladies for a few weeks it seems. While I'm in Florida and Ohio. I'm going to miss you all so much, so we better make the best of it the next few weeks!
It's really cloudy with a little sunshine. Can't say I don't envy you for your ability to have snow, haha.
Good day ladies,

So I got about a 10 minute work break so I had to post very quickly. I will catch up tonight.

I was thinking, almost every time I post, I mention something about my cervix. I wanted to apologize for my reaccuring same topic every time. It probably can be annoying but I likes to hear your input.

So, FYI, this next post is about cervix lol

I usually do a check every morning, around the same time.
This morning, it is official, I have no cervix lol....I used my longest finger and nope, no cervix lol..I have never felt it this high before. I can not feel even a bit of it. It is a bit strange it would be this high after af.

Another weird thought, let's say if I am prego, but for some weird reason I bled at 10 dpo for 5 days. I have to take this medication Tuesday night to help open my cervix. If I takes this and I am prego, would I lose the baby? Then again, if I am prego and goes for the hysteroscopy, that thing they inserts might cause me to lose the baby.

I know it is a weird thought seeming I just had af, but my mind can not help but to wonder.
Maria, You're just as shocked as I am with the snow. Seems like we've have crappy winters these last few years, with little to no snow.

Aspe, Go get your urine test done BEFORE you take the medication. You have to do it at least 7 days before the surgery right? Are you in the 7 day window yet? AFM, I don't mind hearing about your cervix, because all in all I enjoy hearing from you regardless! :hugs:
Janelle..thanks :)

I am going to get the test done on monday and got to take the medication Tuesday night

I know I am not, but a girl can dream right lol
Krissy - Oh I do hope girls are harder early on! Bc that means maybe Sprout will be easier for me!! And yeah man what is the deal with you being so tired! That sucks!!

Yay for officially trying now! Yeah geez guys need to act more excited about it so we can KNOW they're into it too! We don't really want to be getting prego if they're not going to be thrilled! And don't listen to Janelle... symptom spotting is madness!!

Nicole - Yeah set up the appt 19 days from now just in case!

Janelle! Look at you flying first class!!! Wowie!!! I flew first class after college when I moved to live with my mom for a bit... since she PAID. Since then, flew it occasionally for certain legs of trips when they offer it as an upgrade deal... but don't get that option much! And don't bother if wrong time of the day... we want to enjoy the free DRINKS! Lol. And good job on the 2 miles... wow you go girl!

Aspe- I totally know what its like to think you're prego even when all signs point to not being prego... because you want it so bad!! I'd venture and say you aren't since you had AF... but good to test just in case!

afm - dad and stepmom visiting soon... arriving tonight and leaving sat morn... so may not here from me until monday!
Well now that they have looked at my records one of them has agreed to take me on as a new patient. Unsure about having a male OB but I guess thats better than waiting 3 more weeks. Have to call the office as soon as DH quits texting me.
Well I've never seen a male OB before. This guy supposedly has 23 years experience and good reviews. Appointment is set for the 24th @ 2:30 p.m. Wont get my ultrasound til probably 2 weeks later but oh well, at least I'm not so aannoyed anymore.
Nicole, you can always change your mind after you're seen. It's better you get in and make sure all is well though. Which, I'm sure everything is good. AND, I was able to get an ultrasound the first time I met my doctor. So there is some silver lining for you. :) That's how we found out I was pregnant with a boy the first time. :) Just express to him your concerns. Guys are a little more kindhearted in my experience. All the ladies I've seen are hormonal and bitchy. They have that, "I did it, you can too" attitude.

I feel like I've had this discussion before?? The whole Male vs. Female doctor thing?? Maybe I dreamt it... Oh well, Good to hear you're going to be seen!! Now you can relaaaaaax.

Libby, Krissy is always telling me her symptoms through text, which I enjoy. I was giving her flack, for giving me flack. I enjoy symptom spotting with her.
Janelle - Sorry about your pain. :( I hope it gets better. Is it normal for it to get worse as the pregnancy progresses?

Libby - I hope you enjoy your visitors.

Nicole - Is your husband going to be okay with you having a male OB?

Maria, Misty, Krissy, and Aspe - Hi :hi: Hope I didn't miss anyone.

AFM - Nothing special going on here. Still waiting to feel him move or kick or something. Anatomy scan in less than 48 hours. Yes, I'm counting down the hours (sort of) LOL.
No I dont think he'll be okay with me having a male OB since he rally pushed for me to have a female OB with my daughter but at e moment it is the most reasonable choice.
Krissy..I can feel you bfp coming... :)
Also, soooo happy that you and your db had that chat yesterday and that you are now ttc and not ntnp :) those kind of chats always makes me so happy

Libby..you made me laugh when you said somehow his socks always comes off and he thinks it's his turn to get a foot rub lol

Janelle..first class!!!! Oh my goodness.. I would love to be able to experience that. Is it like they show on movies? Long seats where you can stretch your feet out?

Nicole..shitty that you had a long run around to find a doctor but glad you got one now. I am not to sure on a male gynecologist either, because I am always used to women, but I got no choice.

Maria..did you get your Skype fixed? I think you said it was broke or was it your computer..

Misty.. :wave:

Hope I didn't miss anyone

AFM..got my medication I got to take the night before..Misoprostol..

Also, I've been reading that a hysteroscopy can cause recurring miscarriages :(
Now, I do not know what to do. :'(
Oh yeah, it works a lot better now. I'm just relaxing and waiting for AF to rear its ugly head.
Grace, I've read that it will get worse as the baby grows. ESPECIALLY when she gets into position and her head is down. Oh, I don't even want to think about that.. Samuel didn't turn until the week before, so I'm crossing fingers it's the same with this baby! When you get your ultrasound watch to see if they type "ant placenta" That could be a reason why you aren't feeling much movement. I'm feeling the kicks pretty strong now, even hiccups, but Dan can't feel Jack. I read that it's easier for me to feel it too because my uterus has already been stretched. I bet this time next week, you'll be feeling some strong movement! Hey, Happy Banana day by the way!!

Nicole, can you just keep the appointment with the male doctor while still looking for a female? You can always change later. Think "knocked up" she went through all sorts of doctors.

Aspe, I have no idea! I've never flown first class before. My MIL said that sometimes they give you a warm towel to wipe your hands. Or warm nuts. We fly from here to Denver which we'll be served breakfast, then from Denver to Cleveland, which we'll be served lunch. There and back. I'm excited about that! I'm think I'm mostly excited that I wont be in a crammed coach seat with a belly. I will have Samuel though, and you know the people in First class are going to hate me if he screams the whole way. But, I just smile because I will never see those people again. HAHAHA

Maria, you talk with your Boyfriend lately with your skype?

AFM, waiting on MIL and FIL to come for dinner. FIL is flying in from a business trip from Canada. They are going to bring Fuddruckers for dinner. Also have a friend coming over to give me this bad ass coffee table from world market. Suuuuuper excited!
Hey girlies!!

Nicole - throwing my 2 cents in on the male vs female OB. I'd pick a male doctor ANY day. I had to see all the doctors in the practice at least once and I couldn't stand the female ones. I couldn't wait to get back to my male doctor I always see! Like Janelle said, they are actually more empathetic, patient & understanding. I don't really care that it's a man seeing my privates, it's awkward no matter what, but he's a doctor to me... not a man. That's just me and my opinion! I'm just glad you got an appt with anybody! Fingers crossed you get an ultrasound that day too!

Krissy... yay on ttc!!! Did you say your ticker is a couple days off? You think you O'd a couple days before? You have such short cycles!

Aspe - If you hadn't had AF I'd be really intrigued by the really high cervix. I'm glad your appt is coming up quickly so you can get some dang answers and hopefully help ttc! I can't wait for you to be prego and experience all the craziness! We'll all be here to support you and give whatever advice we can!

Grace - I can't wait to see baby pics Friday!! Don't make us wait forever pleasssssse! What time is your appt and what time zone are you in again? I can never remember! (I do, however, remember to buy myself shampoo... **snickers at Janelle**)

Janelle - I love you! :) I can't believe you walked 2 miles! You're my hero! I WISH my treadmill worked! I need to exercise and my house is too small to try to walk around it. I'd have to walk in small circles lol. I did that the other night, it was silly. I really don't want to have to drive to the mall every night to be able to walk. Also, I'd bet money the anterior placenta is why Dan hasn't felt a kick yet. It's cushioning all the movements! The only reason Jake felt Tyler is cuz he likes to kick real low, assume where the placenta is not.

Libby - I haven't heard what's good for lunch lately, I miss your food posts!! I have to live vicariously through you since there's so many things I love but am restricted from now. :( Hope you have fun with your visitors!!

Maria - sorry AF is on the way. I know you're not ttc yet but AF still sucks!! I haven't missed her at ALL!!!

AFM - 6 more days til my next ultrasound!! Then the week after my OB office should be giving me my free 4D ultrasound on DVD! I can't WAIT!!! Appt this Friday for my weekly blood sugars checkup. This is with a new doctor so kind of annoyed about that. This doctor is even new to the practice. I'm sure my insulin dosage will go up again. Probably every week. Just hoping my weight DIDN'T go up! lol My head is still full of snot and I'm soooo tired of it! I want to BREATH!!!!!! Bleh.. Been so freakin tired lately too. Don't sleep worth a damn, toss and turn all night.
Misty, I bought shampoo the other night, smart ass. It makes my hair soooo soft and it's the cheap stuff. Suave. Dan likes it. Says my hair smells like a candy coated fruit basket. Whatever the hell that means? As for my mile walking. It's only 20 mins in the morning, 20 mins in the evening. Try walking in place when you're watching TV. Better than nothing. You're going to have so much fun with your 4D ultrasound!! I can't wait!!

Fuddruckers in closed (kind of relieved) So, we're have a vegetarian pizza from Papa Murphys. Mmmmm..
The vegetarian pizza from papa murphy's is the BOMB!! If it's the one I'm thinking of with artichoke on it?

Glad you bought shampoo!! hee hee Candy coated fruit basket... funny
Well DH asked me to switch to a female OB once I go to this next appointment. Hopefully this next switch goes easily. I've never switched without moving, do I have to tell him I'm switching or just tell the receptionist I'm switching and make an appointment with a female OB?
Misty, yes it was that one. With the white sauce. MMmmm Nom Nom Nom!!

Nicole, I would go and see this doctor once, if your husband allows it, then AFTER you see him, switch. If you tell them you're switching before hand they may not see you period. Keep looking for a new female doctor. You said there was one that would see you at the end of February right? Was that a female? Make an appointment to see that doctor now, that way, you wont have to wait even longer to see her. Does that all make sense? I tried to describe it as best as possible.

AFM, I'm $75 richer! Off to buy some new panties and bras, because I'm in need of an upgrade!

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