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I'm definitely hoping for you!! Glad we have another TTC'er here to root on! Do you get the progesterone test Wed then go Mon to find out the results? Is that right?
oh ya and i have both ovaries...doc managed to leave the ovaries intact while he had to remove the right tube
I'm definitely hoping for you!! Glad we have another TTC'er here to root on! Do you get the progesterone test Wed then go Mon to find out the results? Is that right?

Actually i can call in on thursday and find out what my levels came back at...mondays appointment is jus to talk to my doc and he wants to do a check to c if everythings ok...as wen i have the surgery it was an open surgery so i have an incision as long as a c-section
Hi ladies, my computer is being super dumb this morning, so I'm going to make this post short. ...if possible. I can't remember what people said, so I'm going to wing it and I apologize if I miss someone..

Nicole, if your in laws can't take you to see the female, will your husband give you the okay to stay with the male doctor? ...and is it safe to say you're going to find out the sex of your baby, just accidentally?

Misty, I'm so excited you got engaged! Congrats!!! Krissy is right, we went to the courthouse and had us a shotgun wedding. I enjoyed it. We can always have a bigger wedding later on in life, but I wouldn't be upset if it never happened. I'm that crazy lady that feels marriage is overrated. I don't need a piece of paper to prove my love, I need it to get on his health insurance! LOL

Krissy, HI! No idea what you said, I've forgotten.. sorry. Hope all is going well. How's your sinuses?

Aspe, I miss you! Hope things are going well for you and your pain is subsiding.

Grace, my favorite bump buddy!!! You getting woken up in the night yet by a turning baby? I get woken up every night and she turns and kicks. HARD. She's a real pain already. NO JOKE!

pdxmom, WELCOME!!! We used to have another girl on this thread who was from india. she was a real sweetheart; she's since disappeared.. I'm so sorry for your loss. I had 2 MC's before this successful pregnancy, which was a success due to taking a low dose aspirin. I hope your BFP is right around the corner. Portland Oregon eh? I've got a ton of friends who live up there. Oregon has the BEST berries as well!

To all the ladies I might have missed, I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional, I just can't remember anything!

Alright, AFM, I've been having dizzy spells lately. The doctor seems to think it's the baby pressing against one of my arteries. The only thing that seems to help at the time of dizziness is ice water. She said that ice water and fruit juices can get the baby to move. Which makes sense, because every time I drank ice water with Samuel he would move all over the place. So, looks like I'll be taking ice water and apple juice on the airplane. I asked her if she thought I was anemic and she said no because all my lab work comes back normal, so that's a plus. I walked my mile this morning and just about died. This baby feels so big!! I don't like it!! I feel so uncomfortable. Nicole, you're going to have to wait for a bump picture. Not much has changed since my last one. I look exactly the same. We went shopping yesterday and didn't get much. No good deals. It was really crowded though, and I wasn't very patient. Alright, I've got to clean up my house, it's a mess! I will get on later and hopefully my computer isn't being stupid when I do!
LOL I doubt he will let me stay with the male OB. There is the other female OB who lives closer to me but when I called on the 10th they said she wouldnt be accepting new patients again til the end of February. LOL I hope I can "accidentally" find out but that all depends on me remembering to mention the accidntal part to the technician. It all depends on if she's a nice technician or one of those who doesnt talk much.

Ok Janelle, you have 21 days to put up another nump picture or I'll freak out! I dont want to keep being the only one!
Nicole, so your hubby would rather you not see a doctor at all than to see a male doctor? Doesn't sound right to me...
Nicole, I'd make an appointment with the closer female doctor for the end of February. You wouldn't be seeing a doctor again until around that time anyway.
Misty - Lots of weddings in August. That will definitely be a busy month. Wedding planning during all that would be a huge hedache. As far as small wedding vs justice of the peace you have a few months to decide. Does Jake want a small wedding for you or for him? My dh didnt care and I wanted small so thats what we went with. I'm so happy for you.

Janelle - I'm not feeling him turn positions. Just feeling thumps that are pretty light. Nothing that would wake me up and some days I don't feel anything. I don't know if he's just not very active or if something is wrong with him. I didn't know I was supposed to be feeling him move by now. I'm way behind the curve. Oh well. I'll just keep reminding myself that everyone is different. *sigh*
Grace, just remind yourself that this is your first pregnancy, so you're not use to or sensitive to the movements like some of the other ladies who have had babies are. This baby moves A LOT more than Samuel ever did. She is constantly on the go. I'm not sure if it's because she is a girl or what, but she is definitely different than Samuel was. Hands down! Don't feel discouraged. There is nothing wrong with him. He's perfect. :)
Grace - you're not alone! I'm almost 3 weeks ahead of you and some days (like today) I don't feel him much at all. Other days I feel him a lot. I only feel kicks, not movement. Maybe it's a boy thing like Janelle said. For me, another factor is my weight. Also maybe it's the position they are in and the placenta. Janelle's daughter likes to torture her I think. ;-)
Misty - Thank you so much! I end up feeling like such a freak when people ask me am I experiencing all this stuff and I'm no where close to that point. I'm overweight too and I'm already apple-shaped so that's plenty of cushion in my tummy. They say according to my weight on the BMI chart I'm only supposed to gain 25 pounds this pregnancy. Bull-ish I'm only going to gain 25 pounds. I don't even know how that's possible. My goal is 35. If I hit that I'll feel like a winner.

Nicole - Here's my bump picture...


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Cute bump Grace!! I don't see any overweightness in that pic! lol
Awe, thanks Misty. It's there, but thankfully hubby could give a darn about a BMI calculator. He likes his woman with a little meat on her bones and some curves on her hips. ;)
Lovely bumps, ladies. Hope you're all doing well, this evening. :wave:
EEEEEKKKK! Grace, I love it!!! I'm suppose to only gain 25 lbs too, but with all these vacations coming up, I'll be lucky if I don't come back 25 lbs heavier!! As long as your steady with your weight gain, I think you should be okay even if you put on 50 lbs. :) I've never liked BMI calculators.
I love the picture Grace! I agree, you cant tell your BMI is like that at all. My goal is to only gain 25-30 since I gained 45 with both my son and my daughter and I want to be able to lose most of it again by the time I see DH for our 4th anniversary in November.
Hi ladies!!!!!

Janelle-yay about the washing machine getting fixed! sorry i didnt text back last night suppper bad night at work explain more later. ohmy sinuses still suck!!! my ears keep getting plugged from them i couldnt hear out my left ear half the night last night....grr..

nicole-i agree with janelle about just schedule the appt with the female closer to you for end of feb and do it now lol.

Grace-i didnt feel my first really really move till well after 20 weeks. and yes a boy lol. boys are just plan lazy lol. like i keep saying enjoy the little movements for now bc before you know it they will be hanging from your ribs and toes in your ribs i could tell you some real horror stories lol.
oh and love the pic! i see no chunch!!! of course i am a chunky monkey to lol i am just lucky i carry my weight well so i look about 20lb less than what i actually weigh and when i am pregnant it all goes out front. sigh...soon enough!

misty-do what you want girl seriously! and get some sleep jake kept you up too much this weekend lol

aspe-how are you?!?!?!

pdx-hi again! i am with everyone else 5 days really??? omg i would have gone bridezilla on everyone! so did you grow up here in the states or in india? but i will say this i have watched some shows that show the indian cermonies and can i say wow!!! those dresses are BEAUTIFUL!!! and you get more than lol.

afm-ok i had every intention of coming home and writting my paper but last night was the night from hell at work!! we had about 6 patients with the stomach virus so i got ot work with a ton of puke and poo...you know its bad when you have to throw and old guy in the shower at 9:30at night bc he had such a bad blow out....and now this morning i got some cramping and naughty poos really???? my hands were cracking last night from how much i was washing them!!! anyways and its been snowing so took extra long to get home...i came home ate and went to bed....i honestly had to coach myself out of bed this morning to take my kid to school in -5degree weather...yuck!!! anyways i must write my paper NOW....see you ladies later
I'll call once Baby J goes down for a nap in an hour. I have to do dishes, fold laundry, and tidy up the bathroom and living room in time for our 2:30 p.m. playdate with her cousins. Anyone have any chocolate cake or ice cream? I know they are good for me but just right now I need some real sweets instead of bananas and oranges like we've had for the last 6 days.

Finally got DH's address for packages but now he wants to spend ALL our extra money on some new optics gear they have one sale for $200. That would take up all my extra money for the next 2 paychecks which means I wouldnt be able to afford sending him anything. Ugh....men.

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