A home for EVERYONE!

Ugh, anxious about seeing DH tonight. Going home after work to do a bit of nursery painting, then will go get Siena.. may go kill some time at Chick Fil A after that... she could eat and play... give DH a chance to get home, unwind, maybe miss us a bit, before we got home. Versus me being home already and wondering where he is and if he's wanting me to make him dinner or not. Frozen pizza night! Less stress. Ehh avoiding confronting him. Hoping he had a good day at work... he mighta been in a mood last night from having to man the office alone for a few days and his parents were back today, so maybe he got off early and will be more relaxed and we won't have another fight after all. Haha ok i need to stop worrying.
I've never been to Chick Fil A before. They have a El Pollo Loco in this town. What's Chick Fil A like?
Ugh...today is another no nap for momy day. And baby is all on my right side headown because the pressure is unbearable.

Do you know if massages from a licensed therapists are okay during 2nd trimester? There is this awesome deal for gRoupon in my area for the next 8 hours, it would be awesome but I dont think I can risk the money.
Aspe - I agree with Nicole. Just BD. Did you ever have a chance to read Taking Charge of Your Fertility? I think it will really help you understand it all.

Hi everyone.

AFM - Today has been one of those days where everything irks me. I'm scared to talk to my co-workers for fear that I'll say something I will regret.
Hi Grace. I'm sorry you are having a rough day. I havent had many of those days. I just get physical pain but my daughter keeps giving me ksses and I feel so loved.
Nicole, I'd call and ask the massage place if they do pregnancy massages. They have to do things differently. But I think the deal is over by now anyway ooops.

Oh and blueberri, chick fil a is a chicken sandwich type fast food place. I like that they cater to kids. They have disposable placemats that stick to the table, they clean the highchairs, they have fruit squeeze things (a must with a toddler!), and fruit cups, GRILLED chicken nuggest instead of fried, along with other healthier breakfast stuffs... oatmeal... yogurt. And they have an indoor play area. Siena loves it!
Grace, I get the hormonal thing where some days you just feel mad at everyone for no reason. Except, haha, in the moment I feel like there ARE rational reasons why the given person is a pain in the butt! This is especially true for my DH.... so when I realize its me being hormonal, I don't voice it and try to stay in another room or keep busy! I wasn't as good about that the first time around... I have hindsight this time! So way less drama, phew.
Hi, ladies. Misty said I needed to post after my appt I had on friday. Baby is measuring well and seems to be ok. It has been a huge anxiety that bc of my pain and meds that something would be wrong. It still could be, but right now it looks ok from u/s tech said and dr didn't have anything to add. Guess we'll see when baby gets here. She gave us over a dozen pics (2d, 3d & 4d- 4d this early are just weird. 3d are my favs). However, my appt wasn't all peachy. It isn't ever comforting when your dr tells you they are going to do one thing, but aren't sure they are making the right decision. The cyst on my right ovary is still there. It has also grown and is now 8x8cm and I guess a bit precariously positioned. no wonder why my right side hurts all the time. He is going to monitor it and hopefully it won't get any bigger. So I have to go in if the pn gets worse before my next appt. It's a toss up. It could be perfectly fine or it could rupture or twist and do damage to my ovary too. Or if they go ahead and do surgery to remove it, bc of the pregnancy it couldn't be done laparscopically and would be more invasive. Then with a growing baby /stomach the incision may not heal. I really hope it just decides to shrink or if it doesn't that I can make it to a 'safer' wk. I have that fear that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Would just want to hold out so if it caused preterm labor baby could still be safe at this point. Also feel like this just may be a precursor of things. Mom and gma have had hysterectomies due to cancer. Guess we'll see. Scary when it is already pnful, and I know my pn meds have to be dulling it a bit. Also makes me angry that if they would have done my 12 wk u/s they could have done surgery at the optimum wk at 15 wks, instead of when baby is growing fast. :(

*sigh....just never seems to end. Still sick. Finally have my stepdad talked into doing my injections that my pn dr was doing. With my husband laid off for the winter we just can't spend that kind of money on something as it's not covered by ins. So, hopefully it will help. He definitely doesn't have the technique my pn dr does and it hurts more, but whatever.

Last time I was pregnant I had a lot of si joint pain. It is the same this time, along with pubis instability and seperation. Fortunately, only bad if I over do it or have any pressure on my pubic bone. No more sitting up straight in a chair or sitting and bending over to put my shoes on. My husband has also been warned that if he wants any and isn't really gentle and nice- he will get no more.

I think that is it. I'm on to the countdown. No more how far I am. Only how long is left. Too long.

Hope everyone is well and had a great Christmas and New Year. One day I may catch up. Just haven't felt up to much and have other stresses (thank you in-laws).
Amber, wow thats a lot that you are dealing with!! I need to count my lucky stars and stop grouching over my own life... you are in pain... oh I do hope it just stops growing so you don't need surgery!! If you make it to 24 weeks, is that when it is safer to do the surgery?
Honestly, unless it ruptured or twisted around the 24 wk mark and made it an emergency, I don't think i'd let them. I know the risk of preterm labor is low, but if the incision didn't heal and caused by infection or some other complication, I just think 24 wks is too early. I'd feel much better of 30+ wks. We've been in the nicu before. That was with a full term baby and it was really scary. Watched too many premies come in too and just don't want it. The extra pn isn't fun and as baby grows even more risk of rupture bc of baby squeezing it, i'd just really rather wait it out. We'll see I guess. Might just see if we can hold out and do a c-section with hysterectomy at the same time. I don't know. Figure it will be my turn in the family in the next 5 or so yrs anyway. I have no idea what it would feel like to have surgery similar to a section and still have to carry on with a pregnancy. In the end, we'll take my dr's suggestion, discuss it with my stepdad and go from there.

Libby, complain all you want! You're pregnant and allowed, no matter my situation or anyone else's!
So... if it ruptures... what happens? Yeah thank goodness for smart drs to advise you!! I normally prefer to wait if dr says its ok... esp if a baby is involved! Good call.
Wow, that is a lot to deal with Amber. I'm in occasional pain because of the positions this big headed baby puts itself in. Causes a lot of pelvic pressure and lower back pain. My lower back seems to be tempermental lately and just bending down to put away groceries hurts after 10 minutes. Today is my first dr appointment in 9 weeks and I'm nervous about my weight gain. Hoping I have stayed under 12 lbs. Really wanting cake with chocolate frosting but I dont have money for that stuff since Dh always seems to need more things and more bills keep popping up. My daughter has stopped sleeping 12 hours at night and is now down to 9 hours. She also keeps me awake because she half wakes up every 2 hours. So yeah, mommy doesnt sleep too well.
Amber, your pain sounds awful! I too have the same pelvic pain that you have. It's the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my life! I can't imagine adding more pain on top of it. You're one tough cookie! My pelvis started cracking and popping lately. It usually happens when I'm sleeping and because of it I rarely get a good nights sleep in fear I'm going to move and it crack. I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must be. I had a laparoscopy surgery a few years ago and it didn't take long for the incisions to heal, although I could see your concern with your belly growing. I'm going to think positive for you and hope that the cyst just shrinks or remains in a position where the baby wont hurt it. It's good to hear that other than your pain, things are going well with the baby. I've missed seeing your posts and hearing from you! I hope to read more updates--good ones of course! But, I completely understand if we don't hear from you for a bit. You're more than half way there, you can got this!

Libby, I hope things are going better for you and your husband. Sounds like you're getting a lot done with the nursery. Have you decided on colors and patters? Were you able to look at that blog I sent you? She made almost everything for her nursery! I'm a pretty crafty person, but I don't know if I would have the time or the patients to do that with Samuel running around. I had one hell of a time hemming my pants!

Grace, I've been there, done that! It's totally normal! I think it was either last week or the week before I sent out a warning text stating my hormones were raging and I could feel them in my bones. No one was safe! RUN FOR THE HILLS! That was the day everything that could go wrong--did. I went to bed early that night, anticipating the new morning. Hope things are going better for you today. Happy 23rd week by the way :hugs:

Aspe, Good to see you're feeling better. As for your EWCM, I didn't have it all day everyday when I was ovulating, but when I did have it, I would bed just to be safe. Best of luck to you and this cycle! Keep us posted!!

Krissy, how has your TTC been coming a long? Hope you're getting in some good "snuggle" time with your hubby.

Hello to all the other ladies! Hope today is treating you well and you're enjoying every minute of it!

AFM, yesterday was pretty hectic. I got all the laundry done in my broken washing machine--which by the way is going to be fixed hopefully on Friday! Fingers crossed! Today, I have to clean the bathrooms, vacuum and dust. I absolutely hate dusting. My friend was admitted to the hospital yesterday with a kidney stone the size of a golf ball!! She finally went into surgery around 8:00 last night and was just released from the hospital. I'm waiting on her phone call as we speak. She has terrible kidneys. Has had problems her whole life. Just happy she is doing better and out of pain! This baby has been kicking my ass! I think I'm experiencing the "bladder kicks" but I'm not sure. She kicks/punches me "somewhere" inside and it gives this weird tingly sensation. It's low. Towards my pelvis. She also kicks/punches me high, REALLY high. It's shocking to see a kick that high when I'm only 23 weeks. I'm calling it now. This baby is going to be a tank!
Good day ladies,

I am so tired, been a very tiring week, and it is only just past the half way mark. I am currently on break. I will make up for my lack of personal replies next week. Please don't hate me :(

We bd last night. Today, my smu i think i seen more on the tissue. my tmu (technically not morning) I think there was more. When I went to wipe, I looked first because it appeared as though I seen a drop of something in the toilet. When I looked at myself, it was like an inch long hanging out of me and the cm was totally clear. I did a cervix check and not much on my fingers. I did an OPK and negative.

The thing I keep thinking now is if we keep bding while I see this ewcm, but still get negative OPK's, I may miss my egg. I know Nicole said it will probably be another 3-4 days before I ovulate, so I will need to continue to bd while I see the ewcm and until a few days after a positive OPK? So this means a week of bd?
Most people say to BD every other day during your fertile week so that you dont "deplete" his sperm supply. We researched and after BDing, men's sperm count returns to normal after 16-18 hours. I say just do it when you feel the urge but I wouldnt overdo it (3-4x a day).
Nicole - Yeah I hope I am at or below 12 pounds too... I have an appt at 22 weeks next week... but I will go more by MY scale because my weight varies a ton by evening and I weigh myself at home first thing in the morning. Think I've gained 9. So that gives me a bit of wiggle room for dr scale and it being late afternoon! I will drink lots of fluids and eat salads and other foods that weigh less, haha.

Janelle - Ugh sorry you are still dealing with pelvic pain! That sounds awful!! And sorry about your friend... my grandfather deals with kidney stones constantly and its so painful!

Yeah, things with DH are a work in progress... we were fine last night. And tonight we don't have Siena... MIL begged to keep her for the night. Gotta love her, ha. DH is going on a hunting trip this wknd, so will be apart for a bit, too, which will help.

I loved the nursery ideas on the blog... but yeah haven't made the time for that stuff yet. Have all the furniture... bought crib and dresser, using daybed in there for awhile we already had, repainted a nightstand but want to snazzy it up some more, and just finished painting stripes on one wall. Picked out bedding, not purchased yet. Next will be the froo froo stuff... like mobiles and art etc. That'll take some DIY... pinterest is my friend!
LOL Our scale got packed away so I have no clue how much I've gained since Chirstmas when I used the one at my SIL's house.

Gonna call the company we have our car loan through since they dont know about the car being stolen yet. I will give them the details and ask if they can at least suspend payments until April to give me some more wiggle room as far as bills.

Called to pay the storage bill for January and tjurns out that Demeber's paytment never went through so now next month I'll have to pay $195 instead of just the $97. Ugh....
Libby, if it ruptures or twists it will be emergency surgery and sounds like either way of planned or emergency if surgery is involved i'll likely lose that ovary too. Definitely if it twists. Guess if it ruptures they'll have to make sure they get all the fluid / control any bleeding and hope it doesn't have any cancer cells.

Janelle, wish they could do it laparscopically. Bc of the pregnancy they can't. :( they have to do it as major surgery and a much larger incision. Yes, it sucks for the pain. I'll add you too my prayers that it doesn't get worse for us. Sounds like yours is worse than mine right now. I can feel it increasing, but at this point is least of my worries. Hope your friend is doing well too.

Nicole, hope your appt goes well! I wouldn't worry about what you gain, doesn't sound like you are just over indulging or over eating. Husband needs to leave some room for you and your daughter to get some goodies too. How is your daughters walking / talking? Hopefully she will start to go back to normal sleeping. Maybe just a growth spurt or phase?!

Libby- I have no idea where you have the energy for the nursery stuff!! I have not done a thing!

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