A home for EVERYONE!

Yay Grace! they seem to respond well to music. I turned my music on about an hour ago and the baby seemed to respond and start moving for 3 minutes. Now making spaghetti (a personal favorite in this house)! But holy cow, I got up to pee and I had some of the worst pressure on my left side. Sat on the totilet to pee and it got worse! It almost took my breath away. This baby is trouble! I called my mom and she wants me to lay down on the couch whenever I get the chance to keep the pressure at a bearable level.

Tomorrow I join the papaya crowd!
Misty-you first made my day better with that adorable pic of tyler such a cutie and look at those cheecks!!!!!

Grace then i read your post and it took me back to when i was pregnant with each of my kids. you brought tears to my eyes! didnt i tell ya just wait for it? well guess what just when you thought i couldnt get any better wait till you can tell what body part it beating you up lol...the guessing between is it a butt or head is always fun but it is freaky when you can tell it is a whole foot!

Janelle-it is pretty cool! i had it done with josh and ava for free but then with jamie it was a different place and we didnt have the money to pay extra kind of sucked! but we did get a ton 2d with him so it was all good i guess. oh and hows that washer fixed yet?

nicole- i love to shop for a sale and around tax return we can usually have good ones at the store. but i am with you i hate spending a lot on clothes. i like the kind of places where you can get name brand for less the stores we have are Marshalls which is amazing! then TJMax is ok and Kohls usually have good sales.

Aspe-well you might just get pregnant before me! i know i am entering my fertile time but right now i am scared to get pregnant...and i probably will lol....i have decided after talking to one of the people i care for it really all does happen the way it is suppose to. she and her husband tried for 20yrs for a baby and never got pregnant never adopted but then their niece got herself pregnant and when the baby was about 1yr old asked if she would take him bc she could not be a mom....she said yes and she told me that he is the best son ever and could have been a better one even if she had given birth to him. i just love this woman at work she is so up lifting and cares so much about us girls at work...or should i say the good ones she likes..which includes me lol...i am praying for ya girl!

Lizzy- i cant say enought about detangler! Aussie makes one for kids now and shampoo and conditoner all in one..a little pricey but works great! i love Aussie products they smeel good to me and works wonderful! i have sort of curly and parts of it is course and works great. wide tooth comb is a really good suggestion and even a wide brush will help to! oh and if and when i get pregnant i would have to take at least 6 weeks off bc of it being a csection. so on 10/31 is my one yr i will get 1 week vaction i can use but we will see where we are at at that point never know right?

AFM- trying to look at the bright side...eh its far a way yet. plus side i do feel better and actually eating today! oh and my blood pressure was a lot better. 120/84...bottom still a little high but in ok range lot better than last weeks 158/100! but finishing dinner now and then got homework to do before bed tonight..i am emotionally and physically drained that is for sure!!!!

HUGE thanks to all of you ladies again for the support means so much to me right now!!!
Grace..I can only imagine the feeling and love :)

Misty..oh my. I love the picture :)

Krissy..I have a feeling I am going to be a while before we actually do catch the egg

More questions for anyone who might have an opinion. Nicole? Grace - I think you said you get o pains?

On Wednesday and Thursday I had ewcm, but negative OPK. Today I had ewcm, but does not seem to be as much, and positive OPK. This evening I had bad pains, thinking maybe ovulation pains. Does this mean I am ovulating now or gearing up to? I read the pain is caused by the egg being pushed through into the uterus.
Yay again Grace. I tried to get Baby J to feel the punches (I know he is laying transverse because I feel movement by both hips) but she was too squirmy and tired. Tomorrow we are going to a party that UPS (MIL's work) is throwing and all the family will be there so we'll see how worn out I get.
Aspe-sounds like it! usually +opk means you will release the egg with in the next 24hrs and the pain sounds the same! so if you bd yesterday at least and today you have done all you can...oh and do it again tomorrow lol good luck sweety!!!

Grace congrats!

nicole have fun!

ok i am emotionally done! i hate sounding like a whinny bitch but seriously that is how i feel at the moment! it just seems ever since the first miscarriage last year my life has been turned upside down and every time it seems to start to go right i get kicked down! it sucks! when we finally got pregnant last year after trying for 7months we were so happy things were great at home....then i lost the baby....and i was shattered! josh decided to switch jobs a month later...and since then it has been hell for us...i just want to kick and scream and ask WHY?!?!?!?!? i hate this why me attitude but i am not smiling and acting like all is great anymore cuz guess what its not! then i cant stand my emotionally stunted husband who keeps shit to himself. here i sit trying to ask him what he wants to do with his life and he wont answer me just wants to play stupid video games and smoke his stupid cigarettes. i am tired of feeling like i am the only one who cares and i am tired of feeling like i care more than he does about everything...i am just tired! i cant keep holding it in.....i hate unloading on you guys like this especially since yall have had such great days but to be honest i have no friends besides you guys. i have my husband and my 3 kids and i work thats it...no one to go out with...no one to talk on the phone to.....what friends i did have disappeared through out the years...i guess i am just feeling awefully lonelly tonight.

just sick and tired of being sick and tired......

on that note i got home work to do then sleep before i have to go back to work tomorrow...

might check in later night girls!

thanks for listening to my whine.....
Aspe-sounds like it! usually +opk means you will release the egg with in the next 24hrs and the pain sounds the same! so if you bd yesterday at least and today you have done all you can...oh and do it again tomorrow lol good luck sweety!!!

Grace congrats!

nicole have fun!

ok i am emotionally done! i hate sounding like a whinny bitch but seriously that is how i feel at the moment! it just seems ever since the first miscarriage last year my life has been turned upside down and every time it seems to start to go right i get kicked down! it sucks! when we finally got pregnant last year after trying for 7months we were so happy things were great at home....then i lost the baby....and i was shattered! josh decided to switch jobs a month later...and since then it has been hell for us...i just want to kick and scream and ask WHY?!?!?!?!? i hate this why me attitude but i am not smiling and acting like all is great anymore cuz guess what its not! then i cant stand my emotionally stunted husband who keeps shit to himself. here i sit trying to ask him what he wants to do with his life and he wont answer me just wants to play stupid video games and smoke his stupid cigarettes. i am tired of feeling like i am the only one who cares and i am tired of feeling like i care more than he does about everything...i am just tired! i cant keep holding it in.....i hate unloading on you guys like this especially since yall have had such great days but to be honest i have no friends besides you guys. i have my husband and my 3 kids and i work thats it...no one to go out with...no one to talk on the phone to.....what friends i did have disappeared through out the years...i guess i am just feeling awefully lonelly tonight.

just sick and tired of being sick and tired......

on that note i got home work to do then sleep before i have to go back to work tomorrow...

might check in later night girls!

thanks for listening to my whine.....

Whine all you want honey. I understand. Ever since we lost our son almost 16 months ago, my husband doesnt seem to care about anything except for our daughter, video games, and whatever HE wants to do. Sometimes I think he'd do more for his friends he hasnt seen in years than he would for me. Since March he hasnt told me a single word about how he felt when we lost that baby. Also he seems to be getting more apathetic with each pregnancy. He is so scared of losing another child that he refuses to go away with me for a weekend to ourselves. Since our son was born in 2010 we have never been alone just the two of us for more than 10 hours straight and all that time is usually talking about bills or the kids. I feel like he has no interest in ME as his wife except for sex and I expect it to get worse when he comes back.
Krissy - :hugs: Sometimes you just have to cry it out and start over in the morning. Things will work out for you. I'm sure of it. You're just going through a rough patch. :hugs:
nicole I know what you mean for sure! Like if it were me in his place i would be wanting to figure it out now not later...its drives me nuts! i just want answers now and he just wants to ecape to his own little world. what really pisses me off is that he wants us to be so quiet bc he dont want us heard on his stupid mic....seriously...he heard some choice words from me tonight. its my only freaking day off for the next 4 days and he has spent the last 12hours on his game. i would break it but he would just spend money on a new one. guys dont get it that we want to we woed and made to feel wanted and appriciated...damn it clean the house and that says love to me! if he thinks he is doing nothing this time around while i work my ass off he is so wrong. he got away with it in november cuz we lived with my parents but i will be damned if i am working and he only plays video games. he will do this crap around the house to or else i will ship him off. i have to be a single parent than i rather do it with out someone sitting in the middle of my living room yelling at the tv.....

ok really seems i have some issues tonight....lol.....i honestly love my husband just pissed off and hurt right now....

grace i hope you are right and tomorrow looks better!
Oh Krissy, my poor little munchkin! I wish I could give u a big fat bear hug! I'm sorry for all your downs. It sure does seem like a domino effect doesn't it? When one bad thing happens, it just piles up. It will get better!!! It hasn't been ALL bad, u got the job u want and in your own place! Chin up, girl. U always have us to unload on! Love u, Munchkin! Hugs!

Grace - U made me tear up! That was such a sweet post! So happy for u! I saw my belly move the other day too and got all excited. It's funny what makes it hit that there's really a baby in there, huh? Awesome!

Aspe - I'm so excited for u, this sounds so good!! Fingers crossed!
Yeah I have considered throwing the video game concoles out the window a few times but our PS3 has a lot of wedding pictures and music saved on it. And he bought me 2 games for Xbox Kinect in order to keep me from destroying it. All I want when Josh is here is to entertain our daughter and pick up the lviing room. Is that hard no? Turn on the radio and she's pretty happy with just that! I have to clean the rest of the house, do dishes, cook, and do laundry so 45 minutes of his time during the day would be awesome! Oh and he leaves to go with his friends with only 45 minute warnings! Ummm...how am I suppose to plan dinner and everything else around that? When will you be home ? Ummm...I dont know. Text me if you have questions. I'm sorry, thats not how a marriage works!

I have a sneaking suspicion that that rash I had in December is coming back my thighs are itching like crazy and lotion barely does anything. Also think I may have a bug bite on my thigh. Doesnt look like a pimple and it seems to be swelling and its red and tender.
Misty- you made me tear up thanks! I honestly think i dont want josh to find a job right away i want him to see what a stay at home dad does. and yes i do really like my job and that is why even though my dr. said she would write me a note to get out of work this weekend i need to go...sigh....we will be ok i just wish that not all teh crappy things had to happen to me! but i am determined to not let this get me down. i am going to do better a work if possible, stop the poor me shit and just do the best we can. that is all we can do right? thanks sweety!!!!! how has ur sugars been lately?

Nicole-maybe your rash is stress induced? but like i always say if you are really worried get it checked out better safe then sorry. guys just dont get it but i have never really made him do anything before because he always worked...well guess what i am the one working he can do more around here that is for sure...

well gotta crap to do before i leave in two hours...ugh....but i am greatful to have my job or i would so stay home today!
Good day ladies,

Krissy..I hear ya. My db used to be always hooked on games. After a while, I used to get very agitated. Would have to do all the chores and he do nothing. What a life eh. Now, he is not so much on games, but still do not help with chores.
If you husband does stay home, I hope he does get a taste of what you do everyday, and appreciate it more, and hence, further help out. You are a mother of three, in school, working, and maintaing a household. That is extraordinary.

Another OPK question....
I had a positive OPK yesterday morning at 10 ish and another positive OPK this afternoon at 1:30 ish. Does this mean I did not ovulate yet?

I read that you should db even when the OPK goes negative, because after it goes negative, it means you are ovulating. Any truth to this?
Yes, Aspe. You will get a positive OPK 24 - 48 hours before you ovulate. Get to baby dancing!!!
Morning ladies! Wow, so much happened yesterday.

Krissy, all I gotta say is, if he's going to act like a child, treat him like one. Tell him he can't play his game until his chores are done and if he doesn't do his chores take the game system away until he can learn. Sorry, you're feeling so down and upset. I don't mind hearing you whine. Better that you do it, than hold it in right? We're all here for you no matter what. :hugs:

Grace, so happy you were able to see the little guy bounce around. I remember being pregnant with Samuel and talking to him every morning and watching him move and respond. It gets really fun when that happens. Dan and I were watching the baby popcorning around in my belly this morning. She's super active in the mornings. It's nice.

Aspe, sorry, but I don't know anything about OPK's I would just bed, bed, bed!! ....If you're up to it. Sounds like all good signs to me what you're experiencing.

Washer got fixed!! It's so quiet!! I love it!! House is clean and picked up and also got everything we need for our trip to Florida, including snacks for the plane. Looks like it's going to be a relaxing weekend. Dan has to use the computer for his math class, so I wont be on very much. Sorry ladies. Thinking about baking some chocolate chip cookies for dessert. The grandparents are coming over for dinner tonight. Can't decide between tacos or potato soup and sour dough bread. Guess it's going to be a last minute decision. Oh well. Hope you ladies are enjoying your day! Talk to you soon!
So I had two positive OPK's. I should ovulate soon then. Right?
Should we continue to bd after they go back to negative?

So all those days we bd are useless? :( I am not sure if he will bd for another 3 days

This stuff confuses me so much.
Janelle - TACOS!!!! ;-)

Aspe - just have fun and don't try to figure it out! That's all u can do is do the deed and hope.

Krissy - hope u have a better day! Muah!

Hi grace and Nicole!
Aspe, sperm can live up to five days in fertile conditions. Your EWCM represents fertile conditions. So, if you ovulate tomorrow that means any sex you had from Wednesday through Sunday can get you pregnant. It's best to BD right around ovulation so that you have the best chance, but it's not worthless if you don't. Hopefully, you get pregnant this cycle but if not try BDing every other day until you get a positive OPK. Once you get a positive OPK BD that night and the next two nights. Skip a night and do one more just in case. Hopefully that won't tire him out. It's called the sperm meets egg plan if you're interested in reading more about it.

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