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OPK's and ovulation has me so confused. Who ever thought it would be so confusing. Definitely not me years ago.
So I had another positive OPK today...when am I going to ovulate..arrrgg

It is weird how we go from wanting to see a positive to wondering why we are having so many positives.

I apologize for going on and on about this but currently this is over taking my mind.
aspe, i hope this is your month! Are you still having ewcm? I was thinking, you might want to refrain from checking your cervix for awhile. It might be pretty tender from your surgery and susceptible to infection.
No ewcm now. I only seen it on Wednesday and Thursday. Thanks for the reminder about checking cervix. Very good point and honestly, it never really crossed my mind.

I just did another OPK with a four hour hold and still positive.
Putting these up before bed real fast! Bump picshttps://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e10/libbyam2003/EA84E8E9-0336-4B63-A190-14C3F6E5A79F-9105-00001105A31D3A75.jpg
Libby! awesome bump pictures. Definitely all bump! Super cute shirt by the way, as well!

Aspe, keep me posted. I'm rooting for you. ALL THE WAY!! Are you still taking the vitex? Maybe it helped some! Fingers are crossed for you!

AFM, today has sucked! Have a massive headache, swollen ankles and the worst heartburn know to man! I CAN FEEL IT IN MY THROAT!!! Dan is making me some peppermint tea right now, then he's going to rub my feet and ankles with peppermint lotion. I feel so swollen today! Definitely did entirely too much this weekend and still, I feel like there is so much more to do. Oh well, at least the laundry is done and the house is clean. Thinking about packing tomorrow to get it out of the way and done with. This baby has been bouncing off the walls all day. Her kicks are getting REALLY hard really freakin' close to my ribs. I'm worried.

Hahahah, I gotta tell you ladies. I woke up at 2 in the morning last night CRAVING, and I mean CRAAAAAVING Corn beef and cabbage with carrots and potatoes. It sounded so good. Then I went back to sleep and woke up and it sounded gross in the morning. LOL
Wow, Libby your bump is really round for only 21 weeks! Love it, so cute! Mine probably wont be that round til 26 or 27 weeks.
Wel I didnt get chocolate cake at the store today but on Saturday went to a party with the in-laws and hadlke 20 Hershey's kisses. Then today I bought a box of little Debbie individually wrapped creme-filled cupcakes (one of my weaknesses). I intend to only eat one every other day and hopefully I'll be over my chocolate craving when they are gone. Bby J is at the in-laws tonight. I got pulled out of churchservice becaue she was so mad she started hyperventilating. So I didnt get to listen to the message but it's ok. I'm being lazy but hopefully I'll sleep good.
Libby..what a cute bump, and I second janelle, what a cute shirt

Janelle..another positive OPK today. I am going to try another one later today. I am still taking the vitex. One each morning.
I thought when you were talking about craving you were going to say, you got to make it today lol...baby Sara is really active eh. That sounds so exciting, but I speak from non experience. What a gentleman dan was :) When do you leave for your trip?

Nicole..I bet the chocolate tasted so good, especially where you have been craving hehe

I got the 4th day of positive OPK's. I read online that someone said at the end of their positives, they cervix felt close. Is this possible?
I dont know about other people Aspe but the only time I got 4 days of positives in a row on OPKs was when my cyst on my right side ruptured.

I was supposed to go to the funeral of a family friend today but I have a monstrous headache and pelvic pressure so I think I'm going to text MIL to say I'm not going and ask if they can keep Baby J again tonight since today might be a rough day for me.

On another note, Can anyone else tell where the baby is laying? I can very obviously tell because I'm measuring 4 weeks behind based on belly size. This morning baby is at least 75% on my right side which is usually where he/she is overnight. Hoping the hospital calls to schedule my U/S today if not I call the OB office tomorrow afternoon to tell them that the hospital never called.
Misty! So sorry the ultrasound didn't go so well! I didn't love my u/s as much this time around, but I think it was more because it wasn't new this time. Most of the focus was on the gender, so don't have any good pictures of the profile either sigh. Can't remember if I get another 3D/4D one or not.

Nicole - I eat those clementines every day!! Not really any fruits in season here, so been buying those and apples... and bored of apples. Congrats papaya!

Yay Grace!!! That is great news!! It's so wonderful to SEE the baby move... we need reassurance while waiting so long for them to grow and be born!! And at first its so hard to know for sure what we're feeling, that it helps a ton to see it! I took a video of Siena kicking while prego with her. :)

Krissy! Loved that story about the adoption... awwwww!! Yes some things are meant to be, even if it means suffering for some time. Sucks though to wait! Ok I will try the shampoo and conditioner in one... I don't use the 2-in-1 products because I didn’t think they work as well?? But would love to get it down to ONE step!! I will try Aussie! Now if I could get her to lean her head back easier...

Aspe - yep pains often mean you're ovulating! I didn't get them until I got off bcp. Seems like the pains helped me pinpoint when I o'd... but not until weeks later, looking back? I'd have a hard time knowing what the pains were and knowing when the pain was strongest etc... and then I'd be analyzing things later and it'd help that I'd marked which days I 'thought' I had o pains bc helped me map when I o'd! And awesome that you are getting multiple OPKs... gave you lots of notice that way!! Yup meant you were still about to O. And I agree with GRACE... best to bd before the positive OPK and until its negative... that’s your best chances!

Afm - DH got to feel Sprout kick for the first time last week. So that was good. I feel him all the time. But on the outside, usually just at night when I get into bed. But I could probably feel him other times if I laid down.

Catching up still....

Krissy!! Oh man... ok first of all, I have PLENTY of bad days. But yeah I try not to unload them on other people constantly either. Right now, I don’t know if hormones make it worse or what. But things weren’t rosy before I was prego and have the same issues now so being prego isn't making life magically pretty for me, unfortunately. Friends are hard... mine don't live here. Two besties that both live in other states. So I get it. And then the DH who is far from perfect, sigh. And being busy with work and kids. It's a lot.

DH was obsessed with the ps3 pre-tornado. Then bunch of crap happened and by the time it got unpacked again (by me as a dvd player), he'd lost interest. And I am sooooo glad. OMG yeah I LOSE my husband when he played. Like never saw him. It sucked so much!! But its not like I could think of stuff to do together. So he'd keep playing. I just got done complaining about DH in my journal... and saying how I didn't miss him while he was gone all weekend. But, duck season has JUST ended. So maybe having him around more will make me appreciate him again!

Nicole, I totally relate to wanting DH to spend time entertaining dd... I work TOO, but its like I'm a SAHM because when I get home, I'm on Siena time... but DH is watching tv and doing his own thing, unless she comes to him and then maybe he plays with her for a bit while still watching his show!

And I show fast... and get round fast. Annoying part about that is later on I will probably look REALLY huge like I did with Siena. Although I am doing better with weight gain this time... but yeah all the comments I'd get like 'are you SURRRE its not twins???' got old fast!!! I'm doing better this time because I didn't stop and switch how I ate once I got prego like I did last time. I still eat diet tv dinners and weight watchers desserts etc. I just ALSo eat the 'good' stuff now too, ha.

Janelle - I was about to say YAY because saw all happy/positive stuff from you so life must be going good! But then yesterday sucked! Ahhhh man! But you are sooooo lucky to have Dan! Sounds like he was helping you feel better!!! And your upcoming trip sounds fun!

Oh and I can relate to you, Nicole!! I have been checking Siena into nursery at church and then taking her for the music and then dropping her off in the nursery for the sermon... because she cries so hard when I try to leave her, that the less time she's in there, the better!! But, this week, the head worker in Siena's nursery class was like oh I can take her, don't take her for the music, its ok!! She sounded calm about it even with Siena crying for me and looking so pathetic... I said ok! She's got FOUR young girls, one maybe a bit younger than Siena? So I wasn’t worried about Siena being a bother to her like I normally would! When I went back to get Siena, she said she mostly held her... and Siena looked a bit red eyed, so I think she wasn't exactly a happy camper, but that’s ok I guess...

Aspe - Didn't realize you could get positive opks for more than 48 hours??

Nicole - If I think I know where the baby is lying, I'm not confident about it yet.
Libby..What a lengthy, personal reply :)
the instructions on the box says I should o about 12-36 hours after the positive OPK, so I figured they would have been negative now. But nope. It has been about 62 hours. I am going to take another one in a bit to see if it is till positive. I am worried that I failed to o.

Should we bd right up until the OPK is negative? So let's says it is negative tomorrow, should we still bd tomorrow?

Also, seeming my first positive was on Friday but I am still getting positives, is it safe to say I am not dpo yet?
Aspe, My cervix was closed the day I ovulated. Even the day before and after it was closed. I'm almost certain the time we got pregnant this time was 3 days before I o'd and the sperm was just waiting for the egg, because there was no way they would have been able to get through my closed cervix. We're leaving Wednesday for Florida at the butt crack of dawn! I'm really excited to get the hell out of this town for a week. It's so cold!

Nicole, I can tell that the baby is transverse because I feel her poke on both sides. I can feel her stretch either an arm or leg out and move it across my belly as well and that's almost always on my right side. I could never tell what was a butt or head or arm or leg. Maybe this pregnancy will be different. So far, all the movements are the same as they were with Samuel and he was transverse until the end. Then he turned and I stated leaking fluid. I remember the night he turned, I was up all night wondering what the hell his problem was. Then I went and saw the doctor and he told me he had turned.

Libby, I am a pretty lucky girl. Dan rubbed my feet and ankles for close to an hour last night with coconut oil. They feel so soft today. ;) He's really sweet. He doesn't like seeing me uncomfortable and he's pretty quick to help out if I ask. Don't get me wrong, this weekend was pretty stressful because he has to spend the whole time on the computer doing his math classes. Next assignment should be easier.

Alright, I got quite a bit to do today. Gotta pack, straighten a few more things up and wash all the bedding. It's going to be so nice to come home to a clean and organized house. :)
HI ladies,sorry ive been away for a while but this 2ww is killing so just refrained from reading or writing anything abt it...but cudnt keep myself away for long...i had so much to catch up here..
libby your bump is the cutest...all the best..
as for me...af is due on wed...stillwaiting for anything at all...itsnot over till i dont c my BFP(whenever tht is) :)
Well I thought it over and decided I could deal with Baby J tonight since they will all be gone tomorrow morning. I'll just take some Tylenol and pray it helps. I took a 2 hour nap and I'm still in a lot of pain in my pelvis and lower back.

Baby is still on the right side for the most part I can feel the bump pretty obviously.

Libby- I got called back into tghe nursery right after the music because she saw grandma walk by to the auditorium and she started hyperventilating she was so upset. They were afraid she was going to throw up. So I calmed her down and just stayed with her. Being without mommy or daddy in sight is hard for her. Next week I might see if they will let her take her daddy button (its a staples easy button that daddy recorded his voice on for her) in there and see how that works.

Oh and here it is: the hspital called and my U/S is at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow! So excited yet nervous because I havent seen the baby in 10 weeks!
Nicole..yay on the u/s :)

Janelle..really (about cervix)
I do not really want to stop bding incase..
Should we bd right up until the OPK is negative? So let's says it is negative tomorrow, should we still bd tomorrow?

Also, seeming my first positive was on Friday but I am still getting positives, is it safe to say I am not dpo yet?
Nicole, just in time!! I leave Wednesday morning, so I'm requesting that you give an update ASAP tomorrow after your appointment. :) No idea when I will have the time to get on a computer while in Florida....

Aspe, We still bed even though my cervix was closed. I say have as much sex as your little heart desires!! If you're up to it, do it. If not, don't force it. We rarely got in any sex because Dan hurt his neck that month and it just made me uncomfortable sleeping with Frankenstein. Try not to put too much thought into it. I know... easier said than done, but you'll drive yourself crazy! Trust me, there will be plenty of crazy lady time to pass when you're pregnant. I've got a good feeling about this month for you. Think positive!!

PDX, when are you planning on testing? Before or after AF is late? Are you having any symptoms yet? One of my biggest symptoms was heart burn. I NEVER get heart burn, but there was one day that anything and everything I ate gave me heart burn, so I peed on a FRER stick and it turned positive as soon as the urine hit it. I was SUPER shocked! I think I tested on a Tuesday and my period was due that coming Sunday. Fingers crossed for you!

AFM, it's just after noon and I'm pooped! I completely cleaned out and organized my pantry and refrigerator. Decided to wash the bedding tomorrow, but I could still change my mind. Samuel was cleaning his play room and bumped his chin on his toy box and bit his lower lip really hard. It was bleeding all over the place, but he's a champ! Didn't even cry AND once he got a hug and cleaned up, went back to cleaning his play room. I have to bake some more cookies for a friend of ours who is watching our house and dog while we're in Florida. He works for food. He'll do anything for me if I bake him something or cook him dinner. I ended up giving most of the chocolate chip cookies I made the other day to my in laws. Better they end up on their butt than mine. Ha! I forgot that I need to iron some clothes for our trip, so looks like that's the next thing on my list.
Aspe - When I failed to o, I o'd days later. Seems like that would mean you'd get a negative and then another positive? But only way I knew was from temping. Bc rarely do people keep testing after they get a negative after a positive. Ah its confusing! I'd have to read up on opks... on the TTC forum, post a question about how long its been positive to see what others think that have gone through it??

PDX - I haven't read any journals on here all weekend... only caught up on this thread so far. Its ok to just check what you can when you can!

Nicole - Yeah Siena sometimes brings a toy in with her to the nursery. The workers have asked if she stays at home with me and I say 'no, she goes to daycare!' But I get it... I thought the same thing when I volunteered in there and the babies were crying a lot... figured they weren't used to being away from their parent(s). But, happens either way apparently. DH does daycare drop-offs. So when he comes to church next time, I'll have him take her to the nursery!!

And yay for u/s tomorrow Nicole!!

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