A home for EVERYONE!

Well I got some good news today! Insurance is filing my claim as a total loss. They are sending $300 for the personal items I lost (heheh, my mom already bought the carseat and a freidn gave me a diaper bag so I dont have to spend all the money). I'm going to go shopping for some bigger clothes for Baby J because by the end of february she will no longer fit in half of her clothes. I might look into some cute snow boots for me too. The total loss department is suppose to call me by the end of next week to get details so they can determine how much they can give me for a new car. So I might have a car before my birthday!
Pdx...sorry about the witch showing up. I'd say she will also be visiting me soon :(

If, in fact, she does show, I do not think I am going to do OPK's next month. It is very stressful. I may temp or nothing at all. As long as time seems to be, I hope god does grant us at least one child
Krissy, grace, misty, Libby, Maria, Loren...when are you?

Hope janelle is having a great vacation and that she didn't get to sick on the last flight
Please pray for my friend Jodie and her baby. Her baby girl is only an hour old and having trouble breathing (I dont have the specific details). Please pray for mommy's nerves and her baby.
Hello my beautiful ladies!!! I'm here in Florida. Thanks Misty for giving an update, my phone was being dumb yesterday. I'm wide awake and ready to go down stairs for breakfast. Our hotel is so fancy! They give you paul mitchelle (sp) shampoo and conditioner!!! Our last flight was CRAZY bumpy!! I guess we flew around some tornados?? I wasn't paying much attention, but Dan's grandma was really worried about us. The people on the plane were screaming, it was that bad. Samuel thought it was really comical and kept screamin, "again!! again!!" he's my little dare devil. He did amazing flying yesterday. Didn't cry or have a fit once. Our flight attendant was really nice as well, she gave me a can of ginger ale when we first boarded and was constantly checking up on me. I didn't get nauseated at all. I'm guessing it was the apple juice I drank in the morning. Not doing that again. Alright well. I don't think I have time for personals right now. I have to get the monkey fed and start the day. I will try to post personals and an update later on today. I miss you are so much! Hope you're all enjoying your day. I'm off to the beach! :)
Have fun Janelle! So glad Samuel did so well flying.

Good morning everyone! Another busy day at work so I won't be on much today.
Don't worry Aspe, I'm here! Just been super busy lately, so not had chance to update much!

Krissy, don't worry about my hospital trips...I just had a worrying week last week with spotting and pains "down there"...both times, I got a CTG check on baby (He's always happily kicking around in there!) and a full check for me...the problem seems to be recurring infections and SPD, and they think that's what's causing the spotting...not fantastic for me, but I'll deal with anything to know little guy is still ok in there. That being said, my due date couldn't come any sooner, and I'm really hoping he shows a little early (Anytime after 37 weeks and I'll be happy!)

Apart from that Krissy, how is my favourite yummy mummy doing? Still rushing around being both mom and superwoman?!

Janelley, can I just say how JEALOUS I am about you getting to be in Florida and go to the beach?! My gosh, I've never been to America, but I'd LOVE to go someday...me and DH would love to take Jenson to disneyworld Florida when he's old enough...for now, we're stuck in rainy cold old England! lol

Aspe, I really hope you're still in with a chance this month....but you really want my advice? Go with your guts and, if it doesn't work out for you this month, just ENJOY plenty of close and intimate time with your OH next cycle without even thinking about OPKs and temping...from experience (And I must admit, I got a little obsessed with them), only your body will know when it's the right time and worrying about when you're gonna be ovulating can really kill the mood! hehe! If it reassures you, the month I got pregnant with this little boy, we finally decided enough was enough and that we weren't going to try anymore and just enjoy spending time together...low and behold, we didn't even do it in the 2 day window of ovulation, just a good DTD (If I say so myself!) when we felt like it and BAM! that was our month...I hope it's the same for you huni xxx

Misty, how is my due date buddy doing? Are you starting to feel uncomfortable like me?

Pdx, I'm sorry to hear that AF came...she's a nasty little *BLEEP*! This signals a whole new chance to create a life though, so keep going girl! You'll get there, and I've got every faith that this will be your month!

His Grace, happy V day!!!! Lovely milestone! Only 3 weeks away from 3rd trimester for you!! Yayyy!! How are you feeling?

Army, that's fantastic news about your insurance!!!! A new car would be a lovely early birthday present for you!! Fingers crossed everything works out quickly and smoothly for you!! How is your pregnancy going?x

I'm so sure I'll have forgotten people, gosh my brain is like mush...ohhh, there's Libby! Hii Libby!!!! Hope you're doing well and pregnancy is treating you well!xx

Hi to any other ladies I've missed!

Goshh, my fingers are hurting from typing, but I'll quickly update from my end...not much going on apart from 3rd trimester in 2 days...yayy!! Where's the time gone? I'm so ready for Jenson to be here already! My DH was resting his head on my tummy last night and Jenson kept kicking the side of his head as if to say "Get off MY tummy Daddy!"...very amusing!!

I'm just trying to take it a little more easily I guess after the hospital last week...I've got some god awful constant pain like I've been kicked in the groin with steel toe cap boots, which I've been told is SPD but have got to wait until Valentines day for my referral physio appointment...I'll cope!

I've also become really bored having finished uni and not being able to gain employment, so I've set up my own little pet sitting/dog walking business on the side...I only went live last night, so nothing as of yet though :( haha! It's https://friends4furries.co.uk if you all want to have a look (Though I don't travel to the USA as of yet to pet sit for anyone!lol)

Hope you're all well!xxx
Nicole! Yay, glad insurance is coming through! I've had great luck with insurance... but lots of worry while waiting to see what they'd cough up! It all takes ages! Glad they are going to write you a check!!

Janelle- Glad Samuel was a dream on the flight and that you felt ok! I know when I flew last time in second tri, I didn't experience nausea, but I was so worried about it beforehand! Did you fly with Samuel when he was younger? Siena was not bad at 5 months, but was stressful for me with nursing etc... and then it was NOT FUN when she was walking/mobile because hard to keep her in my seat etc. Definitely tell folks flying alone to get their baby a seat... I was too cheap! But even if she had her own seat... she'd still try to stand and talk to and touch the folks in front of and behind us... the downfall of a social child, ha. But your story gives me hope that soon she won't be bored and ancy after 20 seconds of sitting still! Did you use a car seat? Anything you'd say you were glad you brought or think was a waste to bring for the flight and/or trip for Samuel?? Planning to fly soon, but thinking I will leave Siena this time.. but I can't avoid bringing her forever!

Loren - Yay to be almost third tri!! And nice that you have set up a business! Hope it goes well!

Grace, Aspe, Misty, Pdx... how are y'all today?
As for me... had an interesting night... cleaned bc DH said he was doing better... washed sheets and sanitized so I could sleep in the bed and Siena could come home the next day. Put some herbal muscle gel stuff on some sore leg muscles after my bath.. big mistake... the normal slight burning at application turned into a REAL burn on the back of my knee... oh the pain! And it was a chemical burn, so not much you can do about it. Ice/water don't help! One of my shins burned a bit too, but behind the knee was bad. The pain woke me up at 115 am... behind the knee was way worse and the shin was bad too, both worse than before! Oh dear! I was freaking out, crying, trying to look up on my phone what remedies there are for chemical burns but having trouble reading through the tears... oh geez it sucked. Luckily, a half hour or so of sobbing and I'd passed out from being tired. Well, then DH wakes up... which wakes me... luckily I fell back asleep but he didnt and today is his birthday. Poor guy! Recovering, behind at work, and exhausted! And he made me a smoothie this morning... sweet!
Loren - It's good to hear from you. So sorry about the spd. I have no idea what it stands for but I've seen enough posts about it to know that it's painful. Does it come and go or will iy last the entire pregnancy?

Libby - Why was the muscle stuff so bad? Look at the label and see if it has peppermint essential oil. If so, don't use too much. I'm just assuming it has a lot of menthol. I used to make an herbal foot cream but had yo stop because the peppermint eo.

AFM - Lunch time!!!
I have no idea Grace, I'd never heard of it before myself! I just know I'd been feeling pretty achy, but assumed it was normal until I woke up one day feeling like my lady parts had been completely kicked to shreds! I got the referral, but didn't phone to get an appointment, and the pain seemed to ease after about 3 days...I thought nothing more of it until it started coming back a couple of days ago, and today I'm back to feeling like my lady parts are battered and bruised...I just don't know is my honest answer! I'm not completely convinced that SPD thing is what I have because I have no previous pregnancies to compare to!x
Grace, yeah I think it might have been the menthol. Not sure though, because I've used the stuff before. I just knew not to touch my eyes etc until I washed my hands really well or it'd burn.

Oh forgot to say... dr appt today!! But nothing crazy... probably just weight and measurements.
Loren-I'm doing okay. Trying to limit how much I left during the day because of back pain. I'm not sleeping well due to waking up to pee every 3 hours. Luckily Baby J has slept amazingly the last 2 nights. She has a playdate with her cpousin today so I have to at least pick up the living room after I eat lunch.

Grace-Hi! Anything new?

Janelle-I'm glad Samuel did so well on the flight. My daughter was awesome the one time we have had to fly with her. Dont think she'd do so well now though.

Libby-Ouch! I cant stand the smell of menthol anyways so I never use that stuff but have had to put it on my husband's feet and back a few times. Washed my hands like 10x afterwards because otherwise they would start to sweat.

Well the car insurance is filing my car as a total loss today and they should call to talk over details in the next 5 days! They are also sending me $300 to cover any personal items that were in the car! Looks like I'm going to get some more clothes for my daughter because my mom has alredy bought a new car seat and a friend gave me a diaper bag.

Ugh....my ex from 4 years ago just sent me a FB message saying he STILL has my lip gloss. Nice try but I'm not taking that hook. Men think we wont see through their little schemes. LOL I'm not dumb hun.
Hello ladies...hows u?
Libby...oh im sorry u had such a horrible night...so sweet start to the day with the smoothie so gud for u :)
Janelle- have a wonderful holiday...
lpjkp- thanks for the sweet thought honey...the positivity helps alot...hope your lil pet hing does well...good deal of exercise for u too :)
Nicole-great news abt your insurance...yay ull get a new car :)...how is your friends baby doin now?
AFM-well cd2 today...so excited abt trying this mth... :D ....love tht the 2ww is over and i get another go at it :)
My friend Jodie's little girl (still dont know her name) is doing much better and breathing on her own now.
So I am estimated between 2-6 dpo..big difference eh lol
I would just say 2 dpo just to be safe. Then if AF is late you know you've given it enough time to be accurate.
hellllllllllllllllllllllllllo girls!!! Sorry I've been mia. Too busy at work to post then don't get on my computer at night.

pdxmom - sorry about the bfn :( Love the attitude about this month though! Are you temping this month?

Krissy - where ARE you?!?! :(

Aspe - you should temp also!! It will help pinpoint better if and when you ovulate.

Nicole - Will insurance calling your car a total loss mean you will get enough back to pay off the loan? Did you say you were upside down on the loan? Glad your friend's baby is doing better!!

Loren - Hi due date buddy!! So sorry about the spd!! Janelle has it too and it sounds horrible!! I'm glad bubba is doing great though! I can't wait til we all start popping these babies out and we can see real live pictures rather than ultrasound pics!! I'm not TOO uncomfortable so far. Just get a sore back if I stand or walk to long. Think I have a pinched nerve cuz my leg starts to go numb if I stand too long also. Or sit or lay in one position to long. This means lots of tossing and turning. I'd have to say my biggest "complaint" is being so tired! I thought the 2nd trimester was supposed to be the "honeymoon phase" where we feel GREAT?! Not that I'm complaining mind you... I know that this is a blessing to even be pregnant right now. I'm thankful everyday. I just wish he were here already!! Of course that means I'd have to have a baby room ready too. Hmm... :blush:

Libby - how did your appt go today? Glad your hubby is feeling better but your night sounded horrible!! Did you ever find a remedy to help the chemical burn? Was it better today?

Grace - Hi!! I'm in the same boat as you with busy busy at work! When is your next appt?

AFM - Weekly appt for me tomorrow but also is the 4D ultrasound redo. I hope Tyler cooperates this time and lets me see his face! Kind of expect the ultrasound chick to be even crabbier since I'm making her redo it. Ugh...

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