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It's dragging, let me tell ya!!! Seems like forever to go. I know the pressures and pains on my body are just going to get worse in the 3rd trimester... which starts in 3 days for me right? I'm just so anxious to meet him and for him to be here!! Not TOO anxious.. he's got lots of cooking yet to do lol
Misty, yeah you are farther than me. I think by the time I get to where you're at I will feel how you feel! Today has been a bit eventful for me. I had a stressful meeting and started having some pains during it. I got back to my desk and had some pains in my front and back as my adrenaline wore off. I thought it was low blood sugar because I was a bit shaky. But apparently not. The pains became more obvious. By the time I left work they felt similar to early contractions. But just a lot duller?? Kind of felt like I was about to get my period?? Of course my Dh was busy at work and expecting a client late in the day. Mother in law had a house showing at five and father-in-law was out golfing. Realized there was no one else and that was very frustrating. Just got out of the bath. It helped some. I think my mother-in-law can at least drop siena off so I don't have to pick her up.

The pain is now down to dull ache in my thighs. I had a little bit of red whenI went the bathroom. Maybe two drops?

Sorry doing voice text on my phone so there may be typos. I'm sure I'm fine. But this was a warning for the third trimester. I need to have someone else for backup just in case!
Whoa, Libby! That sounds scary! Are you okay? Did you drink enough water today? Keep an eye on that and don't ignore it! Call your doctor and give him a heads up just to be safe. Stay away from google... and lay down for a bit. Refrain from lifting Siena and take it easy. Listen to your body and don't over due it because you "feel" like you have to.

Misty, That sounds like it could be a bladder infection or a UTI. They aren't always painful, but I do know they cause the feeling of having to always pee. I've never had one, but my friend who had GD had them frequently. I've heard it's pretty common during pregnancy.

AFM, I had a bunch of stuff to do today, but I haven't done any of it. I've just been sitting on the couch cuddled up with a blanket, because it's freakin' freezing! I have no idea what the heck we're going to have for dinner because we didn't shop for after our trip. I've been peeing like crazy and it's all been clear. I've only had a liter of water today, so I'm hoping it's retained water. Samuel is sleeping, maybe I will take a nap as well. I'm kinda bored..
So question....tho this is my first mth temping i find tht my temps r pretty higher and dont seem to b goin down like the other charts i c on ff...my chart is in my signature..pls have a look...also does me being on clomid make a difference in temp...i know im doin it right cos its everyday at the same time...without talking...first thing i do everyday...then wats wrong?????
PDX, I don't know much about charting your temps, but looks to me like you had a peak on Tuesday. Your temps are about as high as mine were. When did your period end and how long are your cycles? The site that I used which always got me pregnant was, https://www.babymed.com/fertility-ovulation-calendar-calculator You might want to check it out. enter your information and see if you get any enlightenment. :) Best of luck, my fingers are crossed for you!
PDX, I don't know much about charting your temps, but looks to me like you had a peak on Tuesday. Your temps are about as high as mine were. When did your period end and how long are your cycles? The site that I used which always got me pregnant was, https://www.babymed.com/fertility-ovulation-calendar-calculator You might want to check it out. enter your information and see if you get any enlightenment. :) Best of luck, my fingers are crossed for you!

Thanks Janelle,my temps really worry me...keep thinking sth is wrong cos ive not seen any charts with temps as high as mine before ovulation....my period ended on friday but i startedspotting again on monday...the spotting is almost over today which is cd8
Libby- Definitely take it easy. Those could have been BH contractions but I'd be very careful since you saw even a little blood. I agree with notifiying your doctor that you saw blood. They might wantyou to go in for some tests before the weekend so talk to whoever you need to be able to be there.

I ate too much spaghetti and made NONE of the phone calls I wanted to today because I was groggy basically all day. My daughter was a cuddle bug which was nice. Oh, and she said "diper" aka diaper and patted her diaper to tell me she was wet! I'm so excited she has been making so many adavances in communication lately! I have a feeling she may be ready to potty train by April!
Morning guys... hope all is well... hows everyone?

I am going to call my dr today regarding what happened yesterday... Sprout really gave me a run for my money! HE moved soooo much all evening, saw him move from the outside for the first time... and he didn’t STOP moving most of the night, so slept BAD. Ugh. Sore today for sure. Like someone was boxing my insides... hmm I wonder who might have done that... :O So as neat as it was to finally get lots and lots of movement, I'm paying for it now. But I did take it easy last night, as much as I could. DH HAD to work GRR so although he was able to pick up Siena for me, he brought his work home with him. So I entertained Siena from my bed, then cooked dinner while sitting down, bathed her while sitting, then made a grumbling DH take care of books and bedtime. Geez ok work is busy, but hellllllllloooooo I need help???? I was too exhausted etc to get mad at him though.
Libby! No more meetings for you! Yikes! Definitely call the dr. Glad u had so much movement from baby tho. That's a good sign for him I'm pretty sure.

Morning Aspe!

Where is Grace?!
Misty- excited to see tyler!!!! I dont get sleep bc it is usually midnight before i get home and by the time i unwind and get ready for bed it is at least 1230 or so then i get up with joshy to take him to school since that is the only time of day i see him. and my back hurts so freaking bad from work that i cant sleep and so i got flexeral and i did sort of sleep better more on that later....

lizzy def could have been BH they start anytime after 20weeks. also i would get contractions if i didnt drink enough fluids like janelle was talking about. for sure scarry and i even went to the hospital for it they hook me up to IV fluids then i would be ok. take care of yourself and yeah i know what you mean about pulling tooth and nail to get help out of a guy its bc they are not as strong as us!!!

Aspe-do you spot at all usually before af shows? could be IB like nicole was talking about if it was and you should get a pos test in about a week good luck!!!

Nicole-thanks! i am lucky bc my kids have a high pain tolerenance. joshy went to school today just fine.

afm- ok so got home took my happy pill lol and was in a beautiful pain less sleep when my husband came in to attack me! lol.... ok yeah i have been wanting some for like ever! but damn last night i just wanted sleep lol....but it was worth it lol i will save the TMI details but josh was for sure into it lol....so today still sore and tired and working about 11hrs today. tomorrow off then 12-13hrs on saturday....sigh...i just want my taxes back and dont look like we are getting it tomorrow which is our earliest day...sigh....hopefully by the 14th or i am screwed!!!!!!
Morning ladies!!

Libby, maybe he was turning?? I remember when Samuel was turning I was up ALL night with his movement. Keep me posted on what your doctor says and take it easy.

Aspe, Morning! How are you feeling today?

Misty, How are you today? Still super tired? How's your peeing?

Krissy, I was given that muscle relaxer a long time ago. Hope it helps. Happy to read you got some. Seems like Josh is being less of a pain in the ass these days. Hope it stays that way. ;) Other than the sore back and the sick kid, how have you been feeling?

AFM, I've been waking up at 6 every morning ready to start the day. It's kinda nice being able to wake up so early and not be a crab ass. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I'm pretty sure he's going to yell at me for my weight gain, but I'm going to tell him to suck it! I enjoyed all the food I ate in Florida! I think I have to do my glucose test on Saturday or Monday. YUCK! Oh well, better to get it done and over with.
Janelle-yeah but you gained it all in your BOOBS!!!!! I dont feel sick or anything just exhausted is all from go go go lol oh i wish i had your energy!!!! read your blod loved it of course!!!!!

josh is doing better.....still a huge pain in the ass but seems he is"trying" in his own way. except he ate all my damn chilli i made last night lol. but yeah i think my muscle relaxer would have worked better if i hadnt work up and did a work out in the middle of the night lmao.

I see you amber!!!!! ugh i got to leave in less than an hour and half...yuck!!!
Hi Janelle! I'm at the dr now. He's running behind cuz he had a delivery this morning. Can't wait til it's ME delivering! Anyway nurse tested my pee and said it looks good so must just be pressure from Tyler. I can't believe you're up and ready for the day at 6am! I'm so jealous of the good sleep u must be getting! I was up twice last night to pee and toss & turn the rest of the time. So tired!

Krissy - yeah baby! Love that he came in and attacked u! Even better that it was good. Brown chicken brown cow! Lolol You had asked how my sugars are. They're getting better but still not just right. He said insulin needs will continue to rise as the pregnancy progresses. I was thinking he said non stress tests will start at 28 weeks which is next week but maybe it was 32. Guess we'll see!
I was thinking BH except this really HURT... and when I got them last pregnancy, it was often but just uterus/stomach tightening, so just slight discomfort? I blamed them on not drinking enough. This time, was band of pain whole way around and started after getting through with a major stress meeting. Sorry, Janelle, I just googled!!! Looks like lines up with uterine irritability... not that I think I have that or if I did, maybe just that once. Stress can induce it and symptoms line up. Grr waiting for nurse to return my call though. IT's fine... just a good idea for me to find out what symptoms mean a dr visit for next time, just in case!

Krissy - man, you are a workin machine... and you still find time to dtd?! Amazing! I'd be like uh I need to sleep, thanks!

Janelle - Oh it totally felt like he was turning. Because stomach was changing shapes and lots of inside parts were being affected... I'd get wheezy and then feel bladder pressure then have something stick out and make my stomach pointy-looking.... all in like a minute, ha. He was head up for u/s, so maybe he was getting his head down for lata. Ok and yea was wondering when they do the glucose test. Think I have mine soon, too... dr wanted me to have a 25 and 28 week checkup for some reason and mentioned the test... but then didn’t say I'd be doing it at the 25 week so hmm. Maybe its just an added visit. HATE that test!!!
Hey Misty! Yeah my dr is ALWAYS behind when I go... because I get their latest appt of the day. Oh well! And I guess thats why drs like inductions... they can plan around them!!
I try to do first appt of the day so that they don't have time to get behind! Usually works but the Dr's do rounds at the hospital before coming here so do chance something happening there to put him behind. Nurse told me a different dr will be seeing me now since he's still not here.
Krissy, though it seems like a viable excuse, especially when comparing my boob size this year compared to last years pictures, I highly doubt he's going to buy it. I'll try though. ;)

Misty, I am dead tired by 8 o'clock at night. I forced myself to stay awake until 8:30 last night then started getting ready for bed. I've been sleeping hard, didn't have to get up last night to pee. So, I'm guessing I peed out all the extra water. LOL. My feet finally look normal again. No swelling. If Tyler is anything like Samuel, you could be delivering in less than 10 weeks. :) It's going to fly by. I'm balancing my cup of tea on my belly while I type this. LMAO.
well good luck misty!!!

lizzy i would have said no but yeah cant refuse my husband lol good to say after 8 yrs right?
Libby, sounds like he was turning, but I'm no doctor. Hopefully he doesn't turn again. My doctor does the glucose test at or after 24 weeks. I have to have a bunch of test done for our insurance. I'm dreading it. Really hoping they all come back normal.

Krissy, I saw your comment. Thanks. :hugs:

As for appointments, I try to get in around 10 or so, that way I have a baby sitter, but if not I choose the appointment after lunch so it's quick.

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