A home for EVERYONE!

Nicole - oh ok don't want a car loan because you won't get a great rate... I know back when I didn't have credit, I had a parent co-sign on a car... but not sure if that'd help you or not. And the kennel I use for travel is smaller than one we use at home... enough room to stand up, but only long and wide enough for her bed, that's it... nice and small!

Also, back when I was moving around a lot for my job, I worked/lived for a bit at Fort Campbell... is that the one you're talking about in KY? It was right on TN/KY border... was nice to be able to be close to Nashville, but definitely a small town. I visited an army base near Kansas City, had a bf that was stationed there.

Haha Grace!! Yeah that would be embarrassing!!! Love the bump pic! And yup I take pics in my work bathroom some!

Aspe - No idea on the vitex... I would want to get dr opinion!

Afm - Question... I posted a bump pic earlier... am I carrying low?? Other people have told me that, but wouldn't that mean I have to pee more or something (I don't)? I was told I carried high with Siena. Didn't really notice this time being different so guess I need to compare pics from last time!
Oh and DH sick! He is stuck at home with stomach bug Siena had... on the toilet ugh! Ok but I can't help but see the humor in it... ohhhh sooo romantic for V Day!! So I stayed in for lunch instead of a romantic meal with the hubby... and he moaned happy v day from the couch (where he'd slept) as I was leaving for work this morning.

Hmm... just told someone I would know more in August related to a work question she had... so she said ok just let me know in August. I almost replied back 'oops i wont BE HERE in August' but ehh whatever!
I doubt my parents would co-sign for me since I am married. My dad is about being fair and even between all three of us kids.

Yeah, Fort Campbell, KY is one of the three DH is interested in. He also likes Fort Knox, KY and Fort Leonard Wood, MO.

I might look into a smaller cage for the dog but only if Dh agrees to help out more with taking the dog for walks and training him. I cant and will not be doing it ALL by myself when I have a toddler and an infant once he gets back.

As far as your bump picture, I did think you looked like you were carrying kinda low for a boy. Do you get up to pee at night? I'm still thinking mine is a boy that I'm carrying low because I still get up to pee 3-4x a night which makes getting enough sleep very tricky.
Libby.. I asked the doctor but she said she can not offer any advice because she never heard of vitex before.
I do not mind keep taking it, as long as it will not cause a miscarriage, and abnormalities.
Libby - I missed your bump pic. :( Only see a blue box with a question mark. I'll have to remember to look back when I can get on my laptop at home. I never understood the whole carrying low versus high. I was told yesterday I was carrying high but I know he's low because that's where he kicks. The top of my belly must just be fat.
So when I just went pee, my cm was tinged brown.. What is going on?
Aspe - According to this article you shouldn't take Vitex while pregnant. https://https://altmedicine.about.com/od/herbsupplementguide/a/Vitex.htm

This article says it might not be safe for pregnancy. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-968-VITEX%20AGNUS-CASTUS.aspx?activeIngredientId=968&activeIngredientName=VITEX%20AGNUS-CASTUS

And according to this article, the jury is still out on its safety. https://www.livestrong.com/article/489579-effect-of-vitex-on-pregnancy/

I have no idea how reputable these articles are though. I would contact the company that made the vitex you're taking and see what they say.
I'm having so much fun planning my daughter's second birthday party. I already have a room at church booked and they will supply tables and chairs. Just chose out the theme pack. Now to decide on food and make the guest list so I can send out the invitations by mid April (due to my SIL's wedding and pregnancy we're having her 2nd birthday party the Saturday before her actual birthday).
Aspe, don't check your cervix anymore. Brown and pink cm are normal. I had spotting for what seemed like forever!
as for carrying high and low, i think its a bunch of hoopla. If you look at my 3 latest pictures my bump seems to be all over the place and has definitely dropped to a lower position since 20 weeks.
Janelle.. I did not check my cervix. That was just on the tissue. I seen it two or three times so far today. Everything worries me. Was your cm tinged as well?
Hope you had a good flight with lots of leg room :)
aspe mine was pink and brown. With lots of movement it would cause me to spot, it was annoying and frustrating. Try not to stress over it. As long as its not bright red you're okay. :hugs:
Aspe - I had spotting too. It started out light. It was so light that i thought i may have leaked a little urine. It slowly got darker and aside from him being big, he's been just fine in there. I've learned that spotting is very common. Don't stress about it. Enjoy this pregnancy. Any symptoms yet?
Well baby is moving a bunch and causing some odds pains near my left hip. Still have too much to do tonight and tomorrow morning befre I'll be ready for when my mom shows up at 12 tomorrow. I'm going to hate carrying that big cage up the stairs and into the living room. Please pray the dog doesnt try to trip me because I really dont want to fall down the stairs with a 30 lb. metal cage in my arms.
Hi everybody! Sorry I've been awol. I usually get on at work but have been refraining from doing that cuz this company has gone to crap and I worry they're looking for any sort of reason to fire anybody. I was changed from salary to hourly this week... just one of the many benefits they've f*cked me over and took away... so I started taking the 2 10 min breaks that the guys in the shop, who are hourly, get. So I'm using my break to try to get caught up some with my girls!!

Krissy - you're rich today! Yay for no more brokeness!! Is Josh going to get another job? Or were you having him stay home to take care of babies? It seems like your periods have evened out to 27-28 days now? Get a new phone now that you're rich! I miss you!

Aspe - Didn't you say you had to go in for bloodwork? What happened with that? I'm with the other girls, I don't know anything whatsoever about Vitex but if it's just to help you ovulate I'd stop taking it. Sucks your doctor didn't have any advice. How are you feeling?

Grace - I had to giggle at your chair story. You're a little girl so you can get away with it. I'd be MORTIFIED if it happened to me cuz I am NOT little! lol Funny though. I'm so glad your glucose test came back good! Stupid doctor had you dieting for nothing! Why do they think the baby is big? Have they done an ultrasound to get a measurement?

Libby - It seems like your hubby is always sick!!! That sucks for you cuz you already have a baby to take care of and need help with so that you can relax some.

Janelle - Hope you're having fun in Ohio and not freezing too much! Enjoy your vacation!

Nicole - I'd be confused too about the insurance to drive somebody else's car. I don't think I'd be willing to let someone else drive my car because if they get in an accident I'm pretty sure you, as the car owner, can have some liability there. Plus we have those stupid red light cameras and speed cameras here where you get a fine in the mail if caught with either one. They just go by the license plate and send the owner a bill. I'm really confused with where you're living now. I thought you were moving to live with your mom while your hubby was deployed. Why did you have to move, again?

Hi to anybody I forgot!

AFM - I'm SO tired today!! Not feeling so hot either. Hope I'm not getting sick! I HATE my job now also. Well, let me rephrase that.. I like my job but I hate the company. The owner's kids have taken over and it's just going to hell. They are taking away benefits left and right and basically just doing whatever to screw employees over. Especially me! And they are my cousins!! I WISH I didn't have to work. No way I can get a new job being pregnant. So many people have quit or are quitting.

On a good note I had another ultrasound this past Wednesday. Everything is still looking good thank goodness!! Tyler is weighing in at 3 pounds right now. The tech showed us him practicing breathing.. you could see his diaphragm moving in and out. So cool! Also, he now has balls! haha! They've descended out of his body. And my worries are confirmed.. he has his father's big head! Ugh... it's measuring 2 weeks ahead!! Anyway, back in 5 weeks to check his growth again. At 32 weeks I'll start NST's. Oh one more bit of good news. The high risk doctor had talked about starting amnios at 37 weeks to test his lungs for maturity to possibly have him delivered early. I asked if that's only if he's getting too big or it's regardless cuz of the diabetes. He said it's only if he gets too big. Otherwise they'll let me go closer to my due date! Whew! Not that I wouldn't love to have him here earlier but one, I don't want a big needle stuck through my belly! And two, I want him in there cooking as long as he needs to be naturally. I don't want him born too early and have complications.

Sorry for the book, back to work!!
Nicole - Oh, drat. Never really thought about how marriage changed things as far as parents co-signing! And, yeah, once Siena got here, DH gave up on trying to get me to help out with the big dogs. They stay outside now and he has sole responsibility of them. Since I'm more 'in charge' of Siena and can't really have her around them unless very closely monitored. But I'm mostly in charge of my little indoor dog... he often keeps her in the cage if I'm not home... she needs to be watched if out of her cage bc she'll go to the door when she needs to go out, but isn't very loud about telling us she is waiting to go!

I've had multiple people say I'm carrying low this time, unlike last time when I was told I carried high. But nope hadn't had to pee a ton, same as last pregnancy. But carrying low might explain why I'm getting more pains between my legs?

Oh and Nicole yeah I guess I 'should' be having more fun planning Siena's party... but not. We did get a place booked that has bounce stuff... we like it when we've gone for other parties because they let the adults get on the stuff too, which helps when you have a toddler! 1.5 hours of play, then 30 min for food and party and can't really decorate much bc not tons of time to prep the room... but we did buy some princess theme stuff to throw up real fast.

Aspe - Do you have a pharmacist you trust? We always run stuff like that past our pharmacist... mainly because easier than asking our dr and really they'll know more because deal with meds and such all the time.

Grace - Yeah I still don't quite get the low versus high thing. I feel kicks etc high AND low. Because this baby takes up space!! But I was looking at myself in the mirror today... and I could picture the bump being higher. But couldn't see it being much lower. I think I looked 'weirder' last pregnancy with carrying high. It'll be more obvious as we get farther along... I think I won't look so alien when I'm bigger this time. Blend in better with hips and such maybe versus being high and super showing... we'll see!

Misty - It is so crazy that your job is screwing you over and its FAMILY!!! We are a bit concerned at my work with the way the economy is right now, so I get the job worries... I will know more about my concerns in a few weeks... depends on what Obama decides to do to fix the budget... eek. Also, Siena had a big head the whole pregnancy... and still does!! 99%! So pretty much can't be any bigger in comparison to other babies her age lol. But looks totally normal... and yeah she was over 8 pounds, but not huuuuge like dr predicted. I induced a week early bc of fears of how big she'd be!
Misty.. I had bloodwork done yesterday, but will nit be back for 2 weeks. So I got my first appointment in March.

Libby.. Our pharmacy does not sell vitex, nor knows about it. I am thinking about keep taking it. Now, I am wondering if I should start prenatal pills now or wait until my bloodwork comes back. What do you think?
Hi everyone!
Aspe - I would talk to your pharmacy and see what they say. Better to be safe then sorry.
Libby - how's Siena and your pregnancy today?
Misty - that's bullshit that your own cousins screw you every which way at work. I hope they realize their mistakes. That's no fair to you. :nope:
Aspe - My womens' dr told me at my last pap to start taking prenatls IMMEDIATELY when I told her we were trying... so I'd say start them.. just don't get some crazy expensive kind unless you want to. Ended up I was already prego, just not testing positive yet, so good that I listened to her. A lot of stuff happens in early stages before you even know you're prego.
Misty - Good to hear from you. That really sucks about your job. Soon they will realize that happy employees = healthy company. You keep pissing off your employees then your company won't be as successful. I hope they fix things quick. I know what it's like to hate your job and you don't need that while you're preggers. So glad Tyler is doing well in there. What are NST's? They think Josiah is big because, they estimated his weight at 15 oz when I had my anatomy scan, which according to my doctor was over the 90th percentile. I guess he's just a big baby or maybe he had a growth spurt right before my ultrasound. My uterus measured right on last week so she didn't seem too concerned.

Libby - That party sounds fun. When is her birthday? I just saw your bump pics, too. You're so adorable. So tiny with the cutest bump. After Josiah is born, I am going to lose all my extra weight so I can be that cute when I get pregnant again. :)

Aspe - You should definitely take the prenatals now. My doctor had me taking prenatals when I told her we were trying. So I've been taking them for 2 years now.

Maria - Hi! :wave:

Janelle - How's your trip going?

Krissy - How are you? Still going to look for furniture this week?

AFM - So happy to be off. My countdown has begun. Only 14 more Mondays until his due date. I won't be working after my due date so even if he's late, Mondays won't suck as much if I don't have to wake up and go to work. I'm thinking about switching to a midwife because I'm not too happy with my doctor. I will meet with the midwife on the 27th so we'll see how that goes. Oh yeah, we are going to start on our registry this weekend. My in-laws have already begun purchasing things since they say I'm taking too long. I'm glad they are excited but if I don't like what they got, I'm taking it back to get when I want. I don't know why the big rush anyway. We've got over 3 months before he's due.

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