A home for EVERYONE!

No news as far as a car yet. I decided I will go with what DH wants and ask our visitation pastor if he knows any who would let me use their extra car from April til October. I'm still in IN til Sunday though so wont get to ask him about it til March 3rd. My mom wants me to stay here another week so she can take me home and stay the weekend helping me clean but I told DH I wouldnt stay more than 11 days so I'm probably just going to tell her no when she gets home from work.

I weighed myself here yesterday Libby and apparently, I'm not doing so good on keep track of my weight anymore since I have now gained 16 lbs in 11 weeks. Yeah, I know thats only 1.5 lbs a week on average but was hoping to see more like 12-14 lbs istead of 16. I am going to try and eat less ice cream and more fruits and salads once I get home. How did your appt go?

Janelle, I agree with Grace! Get your butt on here and tell us how it went!

Aspe- I know it feels like forever, my next appt is a week from Monday but it feels like forever. I'm not as excited because its not an ultrasound and i have to do my GD test.

Misty-where are you?

Krissy-I dont think I could last 11 hour shifts with 3 kids no matter if I loved the job or not.

AFM- My mom has taught my daughter how to march and do squats. It gets my mom to do squats though which is great! Well I'm getting my hair cut this afternoon! 8 inches are coming off! Here is a picture of how long my hair is now and a picture of how I'm getting it cut (my hair will be about 1.5 inches longer than the picture shows though):


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Hi ladies. Army, that hair cut is gorgeous, can't wait to see pictures of the finished product :thumbup:. I love your bump pic too, so cute.

Aspe... how are you keeping?

Krissy... life sounds really manic for you at the moment, are you getting any 'me' time at all?

Libby, my son is a few months older than your DS, it's fantastic watching them develop isnt it?

Kyan's speech is really coming on and he a real chatterbox now. It's the tantrums which are frustrating at the moment though, he'll throw things across the room if he is starting one. I've tried ignoring it, making him pick it up and scolding but I think I must be sending mixed messages as I change tactic. What worked for you ladies?

HisGrace... I can't believe that woman in your church :growlmad:. I suppose if you were vindictive you could have answered back 'did you' or something but I wouldnt be like that. I'm sure people realised but were wondering who she was talking about, they were probably embarrassed with you :hugs:. Plus 10 months? Is this something new?????:winkwink::winkwink:
Angel - That response would have been hilarious. As unfiltered as she was I'm sure she would have given her whole birth story (pooping in the delivery room and all). LOL
Thanks Angel. Glad to see you are getting on more regularly. Haircut is set for just over 4 hours from now. Well now its time for mommy to nap while Baby J is down for a nap. Last night was a late night since she decided to take a 2nd shorter nap around dinner time so we were up 1.5 hours later than usual.
Hi Ladies,

We're back from Ohio. I will do personals later, when I get a chance to actually catch up. I've been reading here and there to keep up to date, but I can't remember all that I've read, and I want to respond to you all properly.

The flights to Ohio were fun. First class is nice, but really the only difference is a little more leg room, you get an actual meal, as well as never ending drinks. I swear the guy that sat next to me on our first flight drank an entire bottle of white wine. The second flight was on a smaller plane, so it wasn't as exciting. It was REALLY cold too. Samuel did really well flying to Ohio. When we got to Ohio, it was freezing. It wasn't really warm the entire time we were there. It snowed, but never really stuck. One day it stuck and it was pretty scary walking and driving in it. We took Samuel to the aquarium, some science nature place, lake Erie, and to see his 2nd cousin ride horses (which was extremely boring). We froze our asses off at Lake Erie. When we left our hotel, it didn't feel that cold at all, but once we got to the lake, we were getting hit with the wind chill coming off the lake which, I swear it had to be zero degrees. It was only 24 that day I think.

Samuel had night terrors when we were in Ohio. I can't remember what night it was, but it was awful. I could hear our neighbors bitching because they didn't get any sleep. Nor did any of us. Samuel's 2nd cousin stayed with us that night for a slumber party. She will be 10 in a few days. She snores so freakin' loud!! I'm a firm believer if Samuel didn't have a night terror, none of us would have gotten any sleep because of her snoring. That girl kind of pisses me off. She is such a bitch to her mom. She isn't used to having to share Karen (Amma) with anyone, so she didn't like it when Samuel would get attention. For the first time being a parent, I felt so confident that we are raising Samuel right. Not once did he show signs of jealousy with her, nor did he act selfish with Amma's ipad or iphone like she did. She just really bugged the crap out of me. I wanted to smack her on more than one occasion. I don't think this girl has ever heard the word no and she is so spoiled it's literally sickening. I don't think she likes me at all, because I was telling her no left and right. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let some snot nosed brat carry my son down a steep flight of stairs with a concrete flooring at the bottom. Not gonna happen. The other thing that drove me nuts with her, is we went to this place called Zoup for lunch. They serve a bunch of different soups. She HAD to have the bowl size, which was the 3rd size up. HAD to have it. She took 4 bites and decided she wanted Samuel's PB&J instead. THEN because her mom never tells her no, SHE GAVE HER HALF OF SAMUEL'S SANDWICH!!! Samuel hadn't been eating that much on this trip anyway, but still it pissed me off that she took that option away from him. Being the "sweet" guy that Samuel is, I'm sure he would have shared half his sandwich anyway, but still. Pisses me off.

So, enough of that. Samuel caught a cold on this trip. It's all in his nose and he sounds terrible. I called his doctor and she told me I could give him robitussin dm every 4 hours. It seems to be helping, but if he isn't slightly better by tomorrow, I'm taking him in. So, for two nights in a row, I got no sleep. When Samuel is sick, he wants no one, but mommy. Not even Amma and Elmo could save him. The following day we headed to the airport to come home. Out of everyone in the crowd. They picked ME, to search my bags and give me a pat down. IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING!! The lady was looking for my "waist band" which went as high as my bra, so I had to lift my shirt way up, so that she could slide her hand all around me under the band. They really feel your boobs up! I had my hands swiped for explosives and Samuel's diaper bag was completely stripped. Seriously, what the hell kind of bomb can you make our of diapers, wipes, and cough syrup? Bunch of bullshit! I knew Samuel was going to be a little shit this flight home because he didn't feel well and there was nothing I could do about it. So, what does he do? He kicks an entire glass of Orange juice into my lap on the plane. I had to sit in orange juice for our first flight, it was the grossest feeling! Samuel started freaking out, so I just took him out of his carseat and held him until he fell asleep. I was prepared to rip the flight attendants a new one if they said anything, but they didn't. I was really shocked! We landed with Samuel asleep in my arms and my ass soaked in OJ. I wandered through the airport pregnant looking like I pissed my pants. I was really irritated. Samuel was really good the second flight though. We had a gay flight attendant, who was so sweet to Samuel. He kept bringing him tomatoes and fruit.

I can't tell you how excited I was to get home and see Dan. Samuel was pretty excited too. First thing he did was run to the couch and grab the snuggle blanket and ask that we snuggle. I gave him his medicine and we snuggled until Dan got home. He's still sick, but he's back to being a sweet little man now that he's in the comfort of his own home.

AFM, between the night terrors, Samuel being sick, and lifting the carseat with Samuel in it between flights, I held Samuel WAY too much and really over did it. My stomach is really sore. Uterus wise. I think I might have strained the ligaments or something, but it hurts to sit, walk, twist, move cough, you name it. It's painful. I can't sleep on my stomach anymore either, because the baby feels so big and, well my stomach just hurts. Of course after not seeing Dan in a week, I had to give in to some loving last night. So, my SPD is kicking my butt today. Luckily, Dan super cleaned the house over the weekend, so I don't have to do anything. I washed all the clothes from our trip and got unpacked yesterday, so I'm just going to sit on the couch and sip tea, until the pain subsides in a few days. My nose is starting to tingle.. So I'm really hoping I'm not catching Samuel's cold, although I really wouldn't be surprised if I caught it.

According to my calendar, I start my third trimester today and my birthday is tomorrow!! Whoop Whoop! Hope you all enjoyed my update. Here is a picture of Samuel and I freezing our butts off at frozen Lake Erie.

Janelle.. I was wondering when you would be online. The picture you posted is absolutely beautiful. It is unfortunate there was some 'not so pleasant' aspects about your trip. The good times were great, I bet though. It is surely different seeing you in winter gear compared to summer attire in pictures a little over a week or so ago. Was this your first trip to Ohio? Alot of people got the flu here as well, because it is warm, then cold, warm, then snow storm. Shitty that your son got the flu on this trip. I hope he did get in some enjoyable moments before though. As unfortunate as it is, it would have been worse if he got the flu right at the beginning. Although I do not speak from a parent view, as a child, my parents did what they could for me. In saying this, you sitting in orange juice and having SPD giving you trouble, you do what you can for your child :) You said you had a reflective moment of how proud of your parenting, and you should be. This is evident many times you speak :) I am easily embarrassed as well, so I could only imagine how it felt to be searched to such extreme in the middle of everyone. Overall, despite the negatives you encountered, I hope you did enjoy your trip. I could imagine how happy you were to see Dan when you got home. Take time for yourself now and relax, when possible.

I know this may be a weird question, but is bd okay in the first trimester?
Hey guys. Dr appt was boring as expected. DH showed up late but I was still waiting to see the dr. Just got weighed, measured, baby's heartbeat checked, etc. Apparently I've only gained 10 pounds so far? That seemed wrong. Hopefully dr was right and doesn’t correct himself later! Next appt is in 3 weeks and that'll be a big one... 2 hour glucose test and a 4d u/s. Bleh that means a morning appt so have to take a half day off work since they don't even open until 2 hours after I usually start work.

Work is slow. We're all gossiping about the budget cuts etc, trying to guess what will happen to govt workers since Mar 1 we'll be maybe finding out if they're cutting back on our hours or not.

Grace - Can't believe that woman in church!! Except that I dealt with that crap too. People feel like they can say whatever they want, grr! I only comment if I think someone looks small but I need to keep my mouth shut bc that could be offensive too, depending on their situation! I just am always more concerned with looking HUGE bc that’s been my problem ha.

Nicole - We need hair pics!!

Angel - Oh yeah tantrums are a pain!! Siena started them around 15 or 18 months? I remember it being too early since I thought they didn't start until age 2, ha. Walking away works best for me, but my daughter is real clingy so may not work as well on some kids. If its real bad, I try distraction, but that’s hard now!! Last time, I draggggged her to the bath tub and forcefully stripped her and put her in... and sure enough, she might have been kickin and screaming, but after like 30 seconds in the tub, she got interested in using her bath crayons and foam letters and was fine.

Janelle - Yeah I considered first class for a flight I'm taking next week because seats were limited in coach, but yeah only worth it to me if I could drink, ha. When, really, its NOT worth it for that since it costs so much more. More if you're wanting to sleep though! Or at the stage in pregnancy where hard to get comfy. Worried that would be my problem if a long flight. But my flights aren't too long. OMG your trip! Hate spoiled brats!! And I've learned from you to not wear the high waist maternity pants when I fly next week!!! And oh man I feel for you as far as overdoing it with holding Samuel too much... I'm to the point where I can see that happening to me bc already getting more pains after the wknds bc that’s when I overdo it since around Siena more. Hard to tell them no when they're hurt or sick!!!
Aspe bd is fine unless dr says otherwise. some ppl scale back due to spotting etc. never had an issue myself but we also bd infrequently... first tri i was so tired and crappy feeling that i didnt want to!
Relax Janelle. I'm having horrible cramping on my left side whenever I sit down for too long and then get up to do something.
My haircut is in 90 minutes so you will probably get hair pics in the next 3-4 hours!

Wow, only 10 lbs? You go girl!
good luck with the appt nicole!!

and yeah I get awful pains if I try and get up to walk after sitting awhile. Grr. Dr wasn't concerned that I have to hobble to walk. He said I could take tylenol. Lovely. I am lucky that I have a desk job.. its easier than being home!
Aspe, there were definitely good times. My winter attire, is Dan's patagonia coat. My pea coat wont button anymore. :( So, I took his puffy down coat. I wore it when I was pregnant with Samuel. I don't like it because I feel like a fat blueberry. I'm not too sure if what Samuel has is the flu. If anything I'm guessing it could be a sinus infection. He's been sleeping all day, which I know is something he's been getting not enough of. No fever though. Which is good. One less medicine I have to shove down his throat.

Libby, I learned from my trip to Florida that the high waist bands are the most comfortable. I mean, unless you're planning on getting a pat down I would choose them again. You get never ending soft drinks and juice in first class as well. I was suckin' down the ginger ale and even had a diet coke! When are you leaving and where are you going? We bought this gogo baby thing a year ago? Maybe longer, but I'm so happy I had that thing. I would be dead with out it. I strap it up to Samuel's carseat and he just sits in it and I roll him around the airport. The nice thing is, it fits in the airplane seats and car, so I never have to take it off the carseat and I never have a clunky stroller taking up room. Look into it!

Nicole, Where are these pictures?

****I FORGOT TOT TELL YOU LADIES ABOUT THE COMPRESSION SOCKS! I HIGHLY recommend them. My feet didn't hurt at all once we got to Ohio, nor were they swollen. it was nice. I think I'm going to wear them every time I travel. Although, that wont be happening anytime soon. I'm beat! I need a vacation from all these vacations.
Sorry Janelle, I havent taken them yet because I havent styled my hair yet. I'm discussing stuff with DH at the moment.
Angel, oh how I have missed you!! Sounds like your life is pretty hectic at the moment. I tell you what! There is no way we would have ever had Samuel had we "planned" out our financial situation with work and Dan's school. At the time, we were renting a house with an oil furnance that cost us an arm and a leg to fill and heat the house during the winter. I was unemployed and collecting unemployment. Dan was just an employee at his work and had only been there a year or so, and we had no clue what cards we would be dealt, but we went for it and everything fell into place. I suggest to focus on the present. Only time will tell what your future holds. I've learned you can't plan your future no matter how organized and "safe" your present is. You just gotta go with it and hope for the best. That's awesome you have such a hands on doctor though. That's how my GYN is as well as Samuel's pediatrician. It's nice having a doctor you can trust and cares about you and not your money. And for the record, your son is a ham! Just look at those curls! I love it.

Nicole, reading your post about your daughter and grandpa reminded me of Samuel with Dan's grandpa in Ohio. Samuel kept wanting to play hide and seek with him. Well, Dan's grandpa is practically blind and Samuel SUCKS at hiding, he will face a wall and hide his face and think he's invisable, so when you get the both of them together they are the perfect pair. It was entertaining watching them play together. Nice bump picture!

Krissy, yea on the furniture. You didn't happen to buy a new phone did you? Just kidding. :) Jealous of the red lobster. Dan doesn't like sea food, so we never eat it. Did I read that right? You're taking josh's mom to dinner with you AND your kids?! Hope it went well. Awesome picture of your Dad BTW, that is amazing. As for the cold weather... pfft... I couldn't handle it.

Aspe, how is your pregnancy so far? Any symptoms? Dan and I had sex, but because of my spotting and cramping one doctor put us on restrictions until I got to 12 weeks. Then MY doctor gave us the okay, but I was still scared to do anything because of the spotting. I was given an ultrasound to show me that the bleeding wasn't coming from where the baby was, but on the other side of the cervix. It was just trapped blood. Are you still spotting? I don't think the worrying ever gets better. You're always worrying about something. It's a mothers instinct. :) We're all here to help you through it though. What are some of your worries??

Libby, CUTE BUMP! Be careful what you wish for. Now that Samuel can carry on a conversation that is understandable he likes to give everyone updates on my boobs! Told the Sam's club clerk my boobs hurt when I was earlier in my pregnancy and pointed my boobs out to everyone at the airport in Ohio, while we were waiting to board the plane. ...Think he's been hanging around his Dad too much. Although it is awesome when they really start to communicate with you.

Grace, I've been wanting to respond to you!! About your new church friend, I wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut. I would have told her "that's because god blessed you with a huge mouth during your pregnancy, maybe during your next he'll bless you with some manners!" You do not look big during your pregnancy, don't listen to her!! Everyone carries babies differently.

How are all the other ladies??? PDX? Maria? Loren?

:wave: to all the other ladies that I may have missed!
I don't know how to copy updates. But the other night I had a dream I showed my DB a positive pregnancy test! :cloud9:
Maria.. I had a dream I had like 20 positive tests on the counter at work. I tested that morning and I got a positive.

Janelle.. I have had cramping for a while, but it seems to be easing off now. I only get it every now and again. Bding still scares me though. Since finding out we are expecting, we bd twice. Once the day we found out and today. Do you think I am 4 weeks?
Aspe, when was the first day of your last period? cramping is normal, just try to stay hydrated. that helps. if you haven't already start taking your prenatal pills as well.
I started my prenatal pills last week. I was amazed at how big they were. Lol.
My last period was January 3, had my procedure on the 16, bled for a week, and we bd 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28.

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