A home for EVERYONE!

Hey Grace, Aspe, Angel, everyone else! Sorry, soooo tired... got a head cold that's kickin my butt, so just trying to survive until 3pm when I can go rest for a bit before getting Siena!
Libby - I hope your cold goes away soon.

Angel - It's so nice to see you posting regularly.

Krissy - I agree you need to get some rest!

AFM - We finally wrapped up our work for our annual financial filing!!! Our boss just announced that he is letting us telecommute on tomorrow. Since tomorrow is only a half day, it will be awesome not to have to wake up, get dressed and drive the hour long commute in to the city. Yay!!!
Nicole, so loving the hair, you really suit it!

Libby, hope you feel better soon x

His Grace, Yeah to the PJ/tracksuit bottom/hair back working day:happydance:

Aspe, how's the spotting? You can get implantation spotting for the first few weeks so it could be that. Keep us posted.

Janelle, I hope you're having a lovely birthday, I'll have a wee (small) drink for you :winkwink:

Blueberri, keep dreaming!!!!!! :flower:

Happy bday Janelle!!

And yea Grace tomorrow sounds grand! I wanna be able to do that!!

Half hour until I get to go hoooooooome. I am gonna strip and get in the tub and then take a NAP. I'll have 1.5 hours before I have to go get Siena... grr would be nice if DH's job was more reliable and I could count on him to pick her up instead... but nope. Yesterday he said he'd get her so I could rest and then my FIL ended up bringing her home and DH didn't get home until almost 8pm!

Usually, lately, maybe since baby is low... I feel pains between my legs, but only when I walk. Well, today not dealing with those pains, so thats good, right? Well, no. Because instead my stomach feels like its about to bust open!! What is up with that?? Does that mean baby has moved around some? Now no position is comfortable. That's why I am dreaming of a bath... being weightless is my last shot at comfort! Guessing I'll be back to 'normal' tomorrow or soon... might have to do with being sick.
oh and thanks Angel and Grace... maybe this cold will be over quick, I am hopeful!
Happy late bday janelle sorry i didnt get on yesterday i still love you! and no new phone for like another week waiting my brothers fancy new phone to arrive first.

Angel i think it was you or maybe it was grace who asked if i get in any me time? every other weekend that is for sure! on the weekends i have to work my mom and dad take my kids for that weekend. it allows me to get extra sleep and what not. i usually end up picking up a few extra hours, like tomorrow i am working 3pm till 3am but i do it knowing i wont have kids to take care of, well i do the big one lol. but since my kids are getting older if i just want to just sit and watch my shows or read a book i can because they play real well together.
oh and angel congrats on trying again! glad you are bc now aspe got her wonderful bfp i was feeling lonely lol. we are for sure trying this month! got my opk (did one last night CD 9 looks like in a few days should get my surge) and starting today cd10 we are bd every other day. so today, sunday, probably monday to if i get my surge that day and tuesday. wanted to start last night but i felt like poop lol. what CD are you?

grace- rest is for the weak or men i should say lmao! like i said above on my days off i try! enjoy your PJ work day!

Misty-you are alive!!!! how are you??? damn it i want my new phone so i can text ya!

nicole-love the hair!!! does DH like it? if not screw him lol i think it looks great on ya! oh and stupid fact here in michigan there is a hundered year old law saying women had to ask their husbands permission before cutting their hair....LMAO!!! went i got my hair cut back in DEC josh goes did i give you permission...hahahahahha i told him he was soooo funny!

Lizzy i hope that cold is gone before you have to fly! i got colds a lot when pregnant with ava with her being my winter pregnancy......be safe traveling!!

AFM- we got dumped on with snow and i had to drive my son to school no fun! i got back and decided to shovel the walk way and my half of the drive way lol still snowing but i am ahead of the game. now got to jamie and me ready then try and get josh to get his big butt out of bed (or should i say couch we squeezed on it together lol. try and get his school testing done today and then it is us time! to excited! oh and of course bding tonight. anywho got to get my butt moving!!! talk to yall later on!
Thanks Krissy. He likes it. He prefers it being straightened though since he has gotten used to it being long the last 3 years. Baby J barely ate anything yesterday and she screamed when my mom got on the phone (my mom is in Puerto Rico for a girls trip until Monday). Then my dad lifted her over the baby gate over the stairs to the sunroom (only 3 steps) and he leaned to far and they both fell onto the tile floor. My dad hit the side of his head. Baby J was shaken up but no bruises or broken bones so she calme down after 30 minutes of cuddling and screaming. The puppies got worried about her and wanted to keep licking her. Today I have no clue what we're going to do for dinner since the roads are icy and my dad wont be here. We have leftover chiken but and vegetabls but my parents only eat this ancient grain called quinoa or rice and I'm horrible at cooking them. Tomorrow if the weather warms up we are going to take Baby J to the Children's Museum downtown for a few hours and then probably out to lunch. I've decided that we are staying here until next Friday since my daughter is very attached to my mom and my mom wants to help me clean my house from top to bottom next weekend.

Oh, one more thing, DH has decided he doesnt like ANY of the planning I had done for Baby J's birthday party. Instead of in the basement of church in late April he wants it in a public park shelter in May. I tried to talk him out of the May part since t is morely likely I will go into labor anytime after May 10th. He wouldnt change his mind. Kinda wish I didnt bring the topic up. He is impossible to satisfy and if I go against him he views me as a rebellious wife who sets out to upset him.

I'll do personals in an hour when Baby J goes down for a nap. She is being very picky and fussy today.
Nicole, you're missing out. I LOVE Quinoa! Especially, if it's made right. Being vegetarian, we eat a lot of it.
Thinking on what Krissy said... Yeah, I guess once my littlest gets to be 3 or so then I'll have more 'me time'. Had just started to see Siena get more independent, so like the other night, FIL picked up Siena for me because I was sick (got to get in a nap after work that way!) and dropped her off... and we were able to lie in my bed and watch a cartoon and chat for a half hour before she was asking for something. Hey, a half hour before her needing something or another was nice! But that was still with me right there with her. Maybe once Sprout is her age, they'll play together and I could read or get on BnB in peace!

Krissy, was this when you said you could start trying and would have that vacation time to use toward maternity then? Yay for TTCing! Hope you get everything done today or at least have some fun!

Nicole - Sorry about your dad and Baby J falling! Glad it was nothing serious though. And I like quinoa... good source of protein! But yeah Siena isn't big on it. Ugh and sorry DH is making the bday plans more difficult... I am used to just telling my DH what the plans are and him nodding his head, ha. Although there are definitely times I wish he'd help me make plans... but that's when I go to his mom for help!
Thanks for all the Bday wishes ladies! It was a pretty laid back bday, which is the kind I like! I just wish Samuel wasn't still sick. I'm thinking of taking him in to see the doctor today, only because it's Friday and I would rather be safe than sorry.
Mornin Janelle!

Oh and Krissy was mentioning texting... I need to make sure to pm people my cell before I go on mat leave since who knows how often I'll get on the computer. I have unlimited text/pics/data etc so I can do everything from my phone... just hate BnB on the tiny screen! (Maybe we can set up a private facebook group by then if enough of us would use it.)

Ok dealin with this head cold... MIL said she has it too, so we must have caught it same place. I slept sitting up... not comfy and got lucky that my neck isn't sore! Worked because not more congested... this crap tends to get worse after sleepin. So I am hopeful!

Going out for Zoe's Kitchen at lunch... mediterranean/greek inspired deli stuff... love me some wraps/sandwiches and add hummus and I am happy! Need to find me some compression socks since it sounds like I might need them for the flight next week... want to wear them just in case!! Because I know that I often have feet swelling when flying... nothing awful, but enough to notice it... so I guess that yeah it could get worse since prego...
Oh and Janelle.. yeah I know the feeling about debating taking sick child when its a Friday. I had to do that two weeks ago. Otherwise you risk them getting worse before Monday. Ugh. My deciding factor after debating it that Thursday night was Siena throwing up Friday morn!
Libby, I'm pretty sure Walmart carries the socks, maybe in the pharmacy section? I highly suggest getting them. My feet swelled terribly with out them, and that rarely happens. When I wore them, no swelling at all, and they feel kinda nice on your legs if they are swollen. :)

I'm a hummus snob! I LOVE me some hummus as well. Enjoy your lunch!
Libby, I had Dan hold Samuel down last night while I used the back of a spoon and a flashlight to look at his throat. I saw some white patches, so I want to make sure it's not strep. His nose still hasn't completely dried out either. It's annoying. I'm not even going to give him cough medicine today, because it's obviously not helping. I really wouldn't mind if she prescribed him an antibiotic either. I have to stop by my doctors office and pick up a paper anyway, so might as well make an appointment to swing by his.
Janelle, my MIL made a good point... she suggested I ask my DH about compression socks... he thinks he has some... I guess he used them during training etc back when he ran and did triathalons etc. Now if he can't find them... that won't surprise me! Then I'll be taking a trip to Walmart I guess!

Eeek on the white patches! Siena had those once, but ended up just being a bacteria thing, but not strep. I get those... but I don't usually have strep either. Not that its fun either way, though! I just wish they had more ways to treat little kids... usually they can't give us anything for Siena's ailments, grr. Will be easier once she gets to Samuel's age, in that regard.

HAve you taken him to the dr yet? What'd they say?
Libby, I took him to the doctor. She said that whatever Samuel has is viral because he hasn't had a fever. SO, it's honey and water until he gets better. His nose isn't running as much anymore, he's just coughing up crap and it sounds painful in his throat. He actually did really well with her today. I was shocked. Usually he hates his doctor. Always throws a fit. But he was telling her all about his trip to Ohio and Florida. Even let her look in his ears!

As for the socks, my doctor did say he bought a pair for running as well. So hopefully your husband has some.
I am undecided on if I want to venture out on the half frozen roads in order to pic up a few groceries. I wouldnt be so nervous except that its my mom's car and not mine. My daughter let me paint her toes today and then insisted I paint my own. I have all kinds of colors on my fingers!
Awwwwhhh Nicole it's fab playing make up isnt it. My DS loves putting my eye shadow on, and then putting it on dad while he is still in bed 'sleeping':winkwink:

If you really need to go out just take it easy, I'm sure you will be fine x

Janelley, I hope the sick household gets well soon :flower:

Krissy, :happydance: TTC buddy! I'm 3DPO I think today but my cycle seems bit weird so I'm not sure.
Krissy.. I thought for sure you would have had your bfp before me. I am still hoping for you and angel.
I also hope we carry full term. We are not telling anyone until the second trimester.

Janelle.. Hope your little man gets better soon

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