A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle-are you going to take Samuel for a sibling tour of the hospital? the ones around here do it and it would let him have a better idea of what to expect when little princess arrives.
In IL preregistration starts at 28 weeks and you can usually do a tour of the hospital at 28-30 weeks. I will be delivering at the same hospital I had my C-section with our son at but I'm still going to try and do a tour. I hope I dont have to have another Csection because that will be hard to keep my mom out of the operating room then. I really dont want any drama.
Krissy, I would but as of right now, my ass is stuck on the couch. My hip is so jacked up. I don't know what I did to it, but it hurts so much. Sometimes when I straighten my leg in my sleep I can feel it pop and it doesn't feel good. It's a painful pop. I had Dan try and crack it the other night, now knowing what the hell we were doing, I could feel that it's really out of place and I was afraid he was going to break me, so he stopped, but it felt good whatever he was doing. I'm terrified to go to the chiropractor. I'm afraid it's either going to hurt or harm the baby, but I did some research and I couldn't find any "risks" seeing one while pregnant.

**Don't you ladies go out of your way finding me any either, you'll just freak me out!

I did find a lot of benefits seeing a chiropractor during your third trimester. I'll take anything right now. There is no way I can go on 12 more weeks with this pain. Holy crap 12 weeks!! THAT'S ALL!!!???!!! That's going to go by so quick!

I am definitely going to take some sort of tour of the hospital when I get the chance, because when I was sent over there in labor with Samuel, I had no idea what I was doing. I was a wreck in the elevator and luckily some lady saw my melt down and walked me where I needed to go. Then I had to explain to Dan, where my car was in the garage across the street so that he could get my bag, then explain to him how to get where I was. It was a complete mess and I don't want to repeat that. Especially, if I'm going to get stuck with Samuel next to me. Oh man, I really hope I don't have him with me when I go into labor. He has a fear of elevators and I can just imagine me in labor with him screaming refusing to get in the elevator because I can't pick him up. LOL I guess it would be easy to tell Dan where we are though.. "We're in front of the elevator...listen for your screaming son"

I'm still looking for a cover for our bed, just in case my water breaks while I'm sleeping. The one we had before was nice because Samuel threw up everywhere, so we could just wash the cover and it protected the bed. Sadly, with all his throwing up, the damn thing fell apart! Not going to get the same one!

...sorry for all the rambling.
Janelle the rambling is ok lol at least you are here! Joshua had a fear for a while of elevators but then he grew out of it. it helped i had him push the buttons and what not but he still flips if jamie tries to push the buttons bc he is afraid he will push the red one and set off the alarms lol. sounds to me like lots of ligament and yes those ligaments can mess up you joints! i already have extra stretchy ones so when i am pregnant it is even worse! my knees like to pop in and out of place so yeah lots of fun lol. but all i have ever heard is the seeing a chriopractor while is pregnant is a good thing! they even suggest newborns being adjusted before they even leave the hospital to help algin what is messed up from being squeezed throught a tiny ass hole lol.

nicole-have you had a talk with your mom yet about your wishes? if you dont want to you can always talk to your dr. about it and they can make sure that only who you approve in the room and they will be the bad guy for ya lol. that is what the nurses always told me!

ugh my tummy is upset i hate that! otherwise i feel fine. i just hope tonight is better bc i am so tired of coming into first shifts mess! seriously one of my residents yesterday was really sick, diabetic super high fever and a skin tear which was fine the day before all messed up and didnt really tell the nurse anything. i get there and our charge nurse and she is pissed! she already thinks that first shift is a bunch of idiots and all she kept saying is this is why i love my second shift girls. ok funny story all the other halls thinks our nurses are bitches bc when they go fill in they are to them bc the way the put it they have to be baby sat but with us they have full confindence in us and know we do our shit right. so when ever some one says something about my nurses i just look at them and say i have no problem with them they are great i know they always got my back. i mean seriously? ok now my rant is over lol...got to leave in an hour sigh....
Didnt know if you guys knew but Sweetz, from the origianl thread that we decided to leave, it being induced at 9 p.m. tonight.

Ugh...having slight cramping all the way across my lower abdomen. Havent even been doing anything but sitting here checking email for the last 5 minutes.
Awe, thanks Krissy! I'm pretty sure all this pain is a result of SPD. My doctor warned me that it was going to get worse and spread from my crotch area to my hips. I'm shocked I don't have back pain yet though. ((knock on wood)) It's all in my pelvis area. The hip part that hurts is in my back area though. I suck at explaining things.

Good luck at work! You tell first shift to get their act together!

Nicole, I would mention something to someone about your mom. I plan on giving a list of names to the nurse at the hospital of ONLY those allowed to contact us. Everyone else can kick rocks!
Janelle- i dont have to worry about that my nurse has our back lol. like last night i felt bad bc the girl i work with got mandated to work and i would have stayed but i had already worked till 3am the day before. anyways she got mandated bc someone else refused so when people were leaving she asked who refused their mandate and they got this scared look on their face and said do we have to say and she goes dont matter if you do or dont but i will find out and they will be wrote up for it. some nurses let people get away with refusing....but not our nurse when it screws one of us over lol.

ok off to the shower for me......got kick some butt!!!
Cramping seemed to be coming in waves so I put my feet up on a few throw pillows and grabbed a bottle of water. No spotting or anything though so I'm not too nervous.

Krissy-I will talk to my new female OB about a lot of things during this next appointment on Monday! No, I havent mentioned it to my mom because of course, she will think it is DH just trying to control my life again. Thats not it! It's our way of being fair since DH's mom wont be allowed in the room either. LOL Only one person beside me and the medical staff will be allowed into the room before the baby is born. After the baby is born, as long as Jerusha comes in with an adult I really dont care what order they get to see the baby.
Never was also induced today and lisalee is booked in for c section tomorrow from the original thread x
Hi gals,:hi:
Its been a while but ive been on vacation and im back now...
i kinda missed u chicas :flower:
Im confused and need your help....So as u gals know tht early this mth i found out i am preg but its not a viable pregnancy.....after 2 weeks of waiting for the levels to go down they r still fluctuating between 20 and 40...my doc now thinks he shud give me a metho shot if my levels dont fall considerably...the confusion here is tht im not really happy abt having to wait for 3 mths to ttc after the shot...so im wondering whether i shud speak to my doc abt a d&c...im sure tht a d&c is more traumatic on the body but ive read tht u dont have to wait to ttc after having done it...wat do u girls think...shud i ask him for a d&c or just suck it up and do a metho shot and wait for another 3 mths to try???

Now ill get to ready wat u girls have been upto :hugs:
Hi!!!! Remember me?! lol I've been very neglectful I know. I'm sorry. I've been trying to read and catch up but now I don't remember everything I read! Ugh...

Krissy - what I DO remember of what I've read is you getting some awesome boom boom!! This is so your month, I just know it!!! My fingers are crossed!! And I'm jealous of the wild nights too. I'm too tired and fat to be wild at this point lol.

Janelle - I got the back pain for ya, girl!! I'm so tired of it! It causes numbness in my leg. Plus I have constant numbness in my feet and hands. Sigh... Tyler I wish you were ready to be here!!!! I don't know how you think 12 weeks isn't long. I have 10 and it still sounds like forever to me!

pdxmom - That's a hard one. I (fortunately) have never had a miscarriage so have never been through this decision you're having to make. I don't know what a d&c is like but I'm sure it's not pleasant. I think, though, that I'd want to get the unviable pregnancy over with asap.

You guys are talking about preregistering with the hospitial... I should probably be doing that, huh? My quandary is I kinda wanted to be married before all that so that I don't have the name change snafu going on.

Angel - Glad you're back AND ttc too! I'm so excited to have TTCers here! Fingers crossed for everybody.

Aspe - somebody had mentioned you having spotting? Are you spotting since you got a positive hpt? I don't remember you saying that. I hope not! I agree, your appt is taking forever to get here!! I hope that they do an ultrasound to try to date how far you are and not make you schedule ANOTHER appt to do that.

Hi Grace, Libby, Nicole, Loren and everybody I forgot! Brain fart...

So I get a week off from doctor appts this week! I was excited until I learned when I go back next week it's to twice weekly NSTs. Ugh... soooo many trips to the doctor! It will be good to know that he's doing ok in there though. I still worry. Especially when he's not very active. Makes me nervous. Then 3 weeks from Wednesday will be the next ultrasound to check his growth.

My daughters threw me a surprise baby shower this past weekend! It was so sweet!! Doesn't that sound crazy that my daughters threw me a baby shower? lol Anyway, we got tons of stuff... a LOT of clothes. I still have much to buy though. I still have a ways to go so I'm not stressing about it. Our new flooring gets installed this weekend so then we can start putting furniture together and getting Tyler's room all ready to go. Again, I'm not in too much of a hurry cuz then it will make the wait seem like even longer!! Though I do like to be prepared too.
Well my slight cramping earlier led to BH contractions every 65 minutes for 3 hours (so 3 BH contractions total). They have stopped now. I have never had them this early before!
Nicole, mine started at 20 weeks with both pregnancies, but this pregnancy they are definitely more painful and frequent.
MISTY!!!!! that is so sweet of them! so happy to see you girly! lmao about the boom boom i should so take a pic of my boobs so you can see what he did to me lmao. of course today he goes so your pregnant right? i wish it was that easy to tell. but i can say i am postive i O'd yesterday/last night bc when i checked my cervix before bed about midnight it was high and i had stretchy cm and open. today creamy cm and cervix feels more closed so between friday night and lastnight i think we actaully covered it....fingers crossed. i got to talking about babies tonight and made me feel so much like i want another so damn bad....

janelle-i so hope it gets better for you!

nicole- i had bh with all my pregnancies mostly cuz they were big babies. no fun but totally normal.

pdx- i had a d&c with my Mc last april bc i couldnt stand the wait and i was 3 months so pretty tramatic for me. i was actually in labor that day so it would have passed on its own but emotionally and physically i felt much better afterwards!

hi loren!

afm-tonight was not so bad at work just supper tired no energy to do nothing but go to bed! oh and i am counting myself as 1dpo today cuz of what i decribed above.....fingers crossed i get that fourth and final!

oh and rant for a minute.....so i am tired of people saying to me why do you want a forth kid isnt 3 enough? they cost too much money blah blah blah. i am sorry but i have it in my heart and head i want one more. even more so after that 3 month mc ya know? i feel like i was robbed of my baby back then and it still kills me think about it. what is so wrong with having 4 kids? i loved being pregnant and we can take care of our kids they want for nothing! just bc some people think one or 2 is enough work dont mean i do....damn...lol....ok rant over just pisses me off damn its my life my kids.

ok rant over and off to bed for me!
Yeah, I know they are normal. Just didnt expect them for another 4 weeks is all. Upping my water intake this next 3-4 weeks. LMAO, Krissy, we must have married twins because I swear Josh has asked me that same question after sex before!

Misty! That is awesome that your girls threw you a baby shower! Yeah, we got a ton of clothes and only 2/3 of them we used when we had our son.

Janelle, definitely get to a chiropractor. I would too but its not covered AT ALL under my insurance and since we are saving up for a car I'd rather not use the money.

PDX- That is a very personal choice hun. I miscarried at 12 weeks just like Krissy. I ws in labor for 7 hours before I knew I had passed it on my own. I bled for 10 days afterwards. My HCG count was back to 0 within 3 weeks and I had AF again at 6 weeks.

AFM-Really interesting dreams lately. I cant tell if its hands or feet but i am definitely feeling movement up under my right boob about 3x a day and still get movement right next to my left hip as well.

Today is rainy so hopefully we can do groceryshopping and I want to go to either Goodwill or Once Upon a Child and get some newborn girl stuff just so I'm prepared a bit more.
Janelle.. Hope you feel better

Krissy.. Hope you caught the eggie :)

Misty.. I was not spotting, but I did ask about some cm I seen one time with brown it it. The girls told me you can see all different cm throughout. I will not be able to get an ultrasound on Monday because you need a referral for that. So I guess the doctor will help with an estimated date, but it will not be for sure until an ultrasound.
That is awesome you had a baby shower. My db and I are not going to plan one ourselves. If my mom or his wants to do something, sure, but we are not.

:wave: to all the ladies
Someone help! I might have to do some heavy disciplining today. She's been up for 30 minutes and is already refusing to eat and laughing at me when I tell her not to do something. She is not listening at all! I so wish we were leaving the house today because otherwise I'm going to go insane with her rebellion.
Morning ladies!!

Krissy, I really hope this is your month. My fingers are crossed for you, keep us posted. Wish you had a freakin' phone already.

Nicole, Samuel does that at times, I just threaten to eat his food and then he will eat it, because he doesn't want me to eat it. So, are you leaning towards having a girl? Are you going to be getting another ultrasound? I wont be getting another I don't think. I can't remember my doctor giving me one after the 20 week ultrasound with Samuel, but I guess we'll see.

AFM, I woke up this morning and measured my fundus and it's 35 cm. I swear this baby is a freakin' giant!
LOL We still want a boy. I just want to have a few outfits for a girl to take to the hospital when I go into labor or whatever. So like 3 sleepers and 3 onsies. I'll be getting another ultrasound in 6 weeks (32 weeks) to judge the position and size of the baby. I'm still hoping to get good news about all this little one's body parts from the anatomy scan.
Janelle my brother told me his new phone should be here by thursday so hopefully by friday! and if the dr measures you more than 3 weeks ahead they usually do an ultrasound to see what is going on. like with me the first two i got a few more ultrasounds and they were big babies. with jamie they did the ultrasound bc yet again i measured big i didnt think nothing of it i had 2 big babies before and that is when they found out i had too much amniotic fluid which lead to an ultra sound every week and NST. so ya never know!

misty-i had to go every week from 34weeks till delivery for an ultrasound in the beginning of the week then a NST at the end of the week to keep an eye on jamie. it is hard to cordinate but for sure gave the reassurance i needed that jamie was ok! i was constantly worried that he was going to get a knot in his cord. thank god he was ok.

afm....been doing homework for 2 hrs and still not done...head hurts now i have to get ready for work. tomorrow off and suppose to do stuff but if we get really crappy weather i am not going anywhere!!

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