A home for EVERYONE!

Lizzy i hope you are feeling better soon! especially before you have to get on the plan in a few days!

Janelle- screw the whole no fever equals its a virus. did they do a strep? i dont get fevers hardly ever and neither do my kids. they have to be super sick to have a fever. i mean joshua has had pneumonia 3 times and only once did he have a fever. just saying lol. and happy you had a laid back bday for the most part!

nicole-love that! i took ava for her first mani pedi last year and she loved it! josh even pants her nails for her lol. she is a girly girl that is for sure! she loves to do her nails and hair and dress up. i love it! that is the only girl i need. so yeah i am hoping for one more boy i only need my ava but at the same time if it is a girl i am suppose to have i will have another princess is all.

Aspe- i am so happy you got your bfp though! oh and didnt know you could get those hpt that do the weeks in canada maybe i should have my MIL pick me up some lol. but yeah when i get my bfp the only ones who will be told are my parents cuz i dont keep anything from them. but i will be scared shitless that is forsure! oh and of course you ladies lol. have you thought how you will tell people when you do? maybe once you start getting a bump, you know where it looks like you put weight on but people are not for sure if you are prego, you should wear a shirt that says something like trying to cook up something great over here or something where it doesnt say out right you are prego but people will get it ya know? or how about minni me arrives on and have your due date that would be cute!

angel- yes ttc together lol ok so i cant count i am cd 11 today duh.... took another opk and darker than yesterday but still not my surge but my cm is more and cervix is high. i am not temping this month and hopefully wont have to next month! i want a turkey baby lol! if i get prego this month EDD would be 11-19 works for me! i will probably take 8 weeks off work. so home for the holidays with my kids!

afm- droped jamie off at my moms this morning, and since we got dumped on snow skipped doing josh's testing today till wednesday. when i got back we took a nap together on the couch for like 4 hours lol felt great! got up went out to dinner, rented a movie, it was nice. then he goes well if we are doing this lets do it before i play any video games i was like oh so romantic....but damn it was good lol. but it does go to show ya how he wants it to! but yeah good time....and its only 10pm lol. so gonna pay some bills and try and some home work. dont worry laying down butt propped while i type.....oh i hope its my month!
Angel- i was just looking more closely at your signature and say you had a mc april 6 at 10 weeks and i had one that started on april 13 and ended with d&c on April 17th i was 11.5 weeks.....so hopefull we can have one more thing incomin and get prego the same month! i had 2 mc i dont know how you can be so brave after 6!
We ventured out and it wasnt bad. I spent more than I should have though but thats ok. Tomorrow afternoon is children's museum! so glad to get out of the house. I'm also glad that my dad is putting effort into being a grandpa since he is such a workaholic. He feels really bad about the whole fall yesterday. Baby starts kicking if I sit down for more than 10 minutes or whenever his/her big sister sits on my lap lol. I am enjoying it.
Angel- i was just looking more closely at your signature and say you had a mc april 6 at 10 weeks and i had one that started on april 13 and ended with d&c on April 17th i was 11.5 weeks.....so hopefull we can have one more thing incomin and get prego the same month! i had 2 mc i dont know how you can be so brave after 6!

Hey Krissy, yes here's hoping :flower::thumbup::hugs:. That MC last April was really hard on me emotionally and physically as it was a MMC but I waited to go naturally. I start a week later but it then took 4 weeks for everything to pass :cry:. It was touch and go for another D+C but I was trying to avoid it as I already have had a couple and I didnt want any more scar tissue. I couldnt believe that I went on to have another MC a few months later in September, that was 3 in total last year so a really tough year all round between that and work etc.

But let's be positive and look forwards, s*** happens and we become stronger because of it. Here's to our Autumn 2013 miracles! :thumbup:
Hey ladies, hope you're all doing ok. :hi: :wave:
AFM, AF came but I'm not unhappy about it.
Angel- yes my mc in april was extremly hard to. i had 3 normal pregnancies then that happened i cried the whole weekend. i am happy i chose the D&C but i had gone into labor at that morning of it so my dr said that if i had not had the d&C then everything would have passed that day but i would have ended up in the ER bc it was true labor and omg i couldnt stand the pain. i had a blighted ovum where everythign forms but the baby so i had the placenta and the water sac for a 11 week pregnancy so yeah it was bad. after my d&c i felt emotionally and physically so much better. but yes here is to us having our beautiful babies before 2013 is over!

nicole enjoy today sounds like a blast!

afm-ok i know i said we dtd last night wich i am happy about bc i should o somewhere between today and monday. will dtd tomorrow night and hopefully monday but last night...tmi...was great lol.....i had told him it was ok to get a little rough bc i like it lol....well yeah woke up today and some of the bite marks on my chest are big ol bruises lol....eh good memories lol

anyways just got up got to leave in a hour and a half for work and work till 3 am....alright check in before i leave!
Krissy, I laughed out loud at your description of last night's:sex::haha:. I'm a pretty honest girl and would make similar comments but for some reason I refrain from doing so on BnB.

Oh feck yeah I hate MCs, and tI'll change the subject after this post as I dont want to bring the thread down. I have had a full labour twice with 2 MCs and last year's main labour was 12 hours. I refused to take anything and breathed my way through it. It definitely wasnt as bad as a full term labour but hell yeah it wasn't pleasant. I hope I dont have to face that again. I gave birth to my DS with no pain relief, only gas and air when he got stuck in the birth canal. He was coming down superman style bless him and because his arm was above his head it was making things awkward, I ended up getting assistance so I had an extremely sore 'down below' area for a few weeks! :blush::haha:

I'm officially in the 2WW, oh la la it's been too long. And FF has my testing day as the day I leave work, wouldnt that be ironic? :wacko: (if I hold out until then :haha:)

Blueberri, glad you're upbeat about AF :hugs:
Hi ladies.

I've been in all sorts of uncomfortable today. I've learned (the hard way) that eating makes me uncomfortable. Every time I eat something not small portion sized I'm in extreme discomfort. I think the baby is squishing my stomach. WHICH SUCKS! I couldn't even eat a bowl of cereal this morning. For lunch, I had half a PB&J and even that made me uncomfortable. It sucks. I literally feel full after a few bites of anything, even a snack. It's really hard getting my water in for the day as well.

As for Samuel, he's much better today. Only has a slight cough. The honey water seem to be working breaking up the congestion. He really likes it too. Last time he was sick, I had to literally force it down his throat.

Krissy, his doctor is pretty smart. She was my pediatrician when I was small up until I tuned 18. She's the only one I trust. So, if she tells me it's a virus, I'm going to trust her judgement. He had a fever, but it only lasted the first day. That's common with viruses and he has an appetite. I'm sure if he didn't have an appetite, she would have ran a test. His tonsils aren't swollen and he has little red bumps along with the small white patches, she said that's common with a virus, rather than strep. That's awesome you got some lovin' last night. Hope this is your month!

Nicole, hope you enjoyed the museum.

Hope all you ladies are enjoying your weekend. I'm taking the relaxed approach, because frankly I don't feel so well with all this pressure and uncomfortableness.
Well it was hard to tell if she actually enjoyed the museum but at least we all got a lot of walking in. Then we went out for pizza and ice cream. Now I feel fat, wish I had energy to workout. I think I am getting round ligament pain again and its a killer but means I might be bigger in the next 2-3 weeks. Today and tomorrow it'll be just me and Baby J until my mom get home late tomorrow night. I might have to go on Pinterest to see if I can do any crafts with her.

I was originally planning on coming back here to IN over my dad's birthday but apparently he will be out of the country so I might just ask my mom if she can take a week off and come to us instead.

How bout this? If the baby is head down for my 32 week ultrasound then I will have her birthday party in May (exact date and time to be decided later), if baby is breech I'll talk to the dr and plan on an early birthday in April in caseI have to have a C-section again.
Krissy.. We can get the clearblue digital with conception indicator and the first response digital that says yes or no. The conception indicator is based on a 28 days cycle. Therefore, when it told me 2-3, it still left me wondering how far I am. My db and I are hoping we do not have a miscarriage. We hope not.
Also, you made me laugh at your description of your doing td. Lol.
Angel-some how i missed your earlier post about my bding...um yeah still pretty bruised lol and saturday i called my dh on my lunch and i go are you missing me yet and he goes uh huh...i said well i cant miss you bc every time i walk and my boobs giggle my bruises hurt and i think of you lmao. oh and i have no idea how people do labour with no pain killers! with my first i was induced and in labor for 18hrs before they realized he was just too big and transversed to come out and i ended up with a csection. those were the longest hours of my life! with my youngest i went into labor with him to, twice, and they had to stop it bc it was preterm and all that did was remind how bad contractions are lol. i got everything crossed for ya! heres to out turkey babies!

Nicole-that is hard to say! With jamison i had him by planned csection on SEpt 14th and joshua's 3rd bday was sept 20th so on the 25th we had a combined welcome baby party and bday party turned out really nice!

Aspe- i know that mc will always be in the back of your mind but look its been almost a week since you found out right? keep thinking good thoughts! i thought those test went off of how much hcg was detected to give you those weeks? hmmm interesting.

Janelle-how you feeling girly? what about your little man? i miss your ray of sunshine!

Grace-how you doing?

misty-wheres the hot momma at?

lizzy-find those stokings? we call those ted hose at work....god i hate putting them on people but getting them off is easier....here is a trick for ya pull them all the way down to the ankle, pull from the heal with your thumbs much easier!

afm-got home from a horrible day at work but still wanted to dtd bc i got my surge sat night so i knew i was going to O in the next 36 hours. well at first he was all like no i had a lazy day so i didnt shower or brush my teeth blah blah i was like i dont care...one i want sex more often plan and simple and two if you really wanted another baby you would still do it. he goes see the only reason you want to have sex is to get pregnant. i said that yeah it is one reason but is it so wrong i like having regular sex with my husband. i we said i love you to eacher and settled in to the cuddling and to going to sleep. after a while, of course when i am about to sleep, he goes ok but you do all the work....really??? but yeah it was good, not as good as friday night lol....but still happy we dtd. i wanted to tonight to but not sure if he will want to. but at least we got a couple good days leading in to O. i am suppoe to O today going off my last month cycle but could have yesterday....so should be covered. tomorrow starts the TWW AF due March 11th so if no show testing on the 12th seems so far away!!!

of course got crap to do before work see you ladies later!
Krissy.. It is going on 3 weeks since we found out. You got that right, it is always at the back of our mind. Also, yeah the clearblue digital does go by how much hcg. So there are three lines, and I guess depending on how much, the internal computer would determine the intensity of the line, therefore, giving me the 2-3. However, in the instructions it says it is based of a 28 day cycle and where my cycle was irregular, I do not think it was accurate for me because 2-3 means I was 4-5 weeks pregnant at that time.

Hope you caught the eggie :)
Thanks...wow 3 weeks already? when is your first appt i forgot lol
Did I make it sound confusing how the clearblue is not the most accurate for me?

Yeah, time is flying, but also seems slow waiting for my appointment. My appointment is march 4.
Morning ladies!

Krissy, I'm here, just in a lot of pain. I'm going to go see a webster certified chiropractor today to see if he can fix me. My hip is killing me. As well, as my lady parts, hope he can fix it all! I haven't been able to eat at all that much lately because of discomfort, so I've been feeling kind of sluggish. Samuel is almost better, but I think Dan is getting sick now. Dan NEVER gets sick, so I'm shocked that this cold completely skipped me.

I'll check in later today. I'm still waking up.. :)
Thinking of having her party on a Sunday afternoon from 3-5 p.m. that way she would be able to have her usual nap and we could still have it the first week of May (to satisfy DH and me).
Janelle-oh i hope that works for you sweety! hugs! i think i a starting to get some crud which sucks cuz i have tonight and tomorrow to go before a day off.....sigh...

Aspe-wow one week till your appt so excited for you! even more excited for your dating scan!

nicole-thats sounds like a good plan.

afm-some cramping and sore boobs so sure i have o'd. so fingers crossed that we got it!
Thanks Krissy, but I had to change my appointment to Wednesday at 5:50. Arg! Oh well, going to call the hospital and see when I can preregister. I can't believe I'm going to be 28 weeks Wednesday. This pregnancy is flying by. Starting to get nervous...

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