A home for EVERYONE!

Krissy is butt propping, yeahh!! :) Oh and yeah its considered normal here to have 2 kids. Esp a boy and a girl. So because we'll have both, people will expect us to be done. And we don't plan to move and only have a 3 bedroom... its also expected for each kid to have their own room. Well sigh. What if I want another?? I do wish it was more accepted to have 3-4 in case we decide we want more!

Janelle -I know the full feeling! It comes and goes for me... and it'll be soo annoying because you're still HUNGRY, you just can't eat! But yeah advantage is it helps me curb my eating... but yeah I don't have the feeling constantly! And I've heard good things about seeing a chiro while prego... I went some awhile back, before I was prego and it helped! Just make sure to stop going when you feel its not helping... they will keep scheduling appts!!

Aspe - Mar 4 is just around the corner!

Misty - Yay for the baby shower!! Glad you got tons of stuff!! Not sure I will have one... thinking not...

Nicole - Oh dear! Sounds like you NEED to get out of the house!

Ok I am feeling better now! Wknd was hard because I was soooo run down.. but made DH step up and do more so that helped. And made me less nervous about him having her all wknd THIS wknd when I'm out of state!

Been prepping for my trip... oh almost bought the compression socks, Janelle, but they were like 23 dollars? So my MIL is checking to see if her mom has some first! Are your toeless? They had multiple kinds at the drugstore. Krissy chime in too!

Sprout moves a ton... its fun but then I know I'll be hurting more in a bit.. the more active he is, the more I'll be hurting between my legs when I get up to walk. But getting used to that now. I just take it slow. Just different since he's low unlike Siena. But yeah pushing and shoving all over the place more than not, it seems. Hoping that means he's up a lot during the day compared to the night and it stays that way! ;)

And yeah sounds like I'm not the only one starting to think about the labor and delivery! My dr will tell me when to pre-register, last time it wasn't until near the end... and we know the hospital well.. its small and same one we go to for sick relatives and for Siena's birth. Oh and last time I worried about wetting the bed.. but I guess I don't have to this time bc we have a cover! Yea! Oh and I DEFINITELY plan to limit guests this time. Last time, I broke down and totally lost it after too many visitors! Would rather they come to the house... WITH FOOD. Ha.

Oh and no BH yet. Thought I might have started to get one today, but nope. But stomach area has started to get tighter on occasion w slight discomfort... so we'll see. I am fine with BH staying away! I think I was more stressed last time so got them tons... I was trying to finish a class early before she got here!
oh dear, with all this talk of so many dr appts... glad I have an earlier work schedule this pregnancy so can hopefully mostly not use vacation time for appts in case I have to go more than planned! Totally NOT planning on bed rest or anything.. need to save my time off! I'll work right until the end.

Almost off work for the day... had to get on here and catch up! I leave Thursday after work... but no Siena so I'm sure I'll be able to update some before I get back to work on Monday. It will be weird to have free time!
Hi ladies...so i finally had to get the metho shot yday...very very heartbroken right now...it just bums me out tht we have to wait for 3 mths before ttc...after my ectopic in july last yr i had thought tht i shud get pergnant before my due date which was in march...never did i think tht i wud b losing another pregnancy before march...life sucks right now...
Well probably going to call my OB tomorrow since today I had one really painful (I couldnt go down the stairs during it) BH contraction about 20 minutes ago. It lasted for about 45 seconds. Yesterday's werent nearly that painful and today's made my back cramp too. Ugh...I dont want to go to the ER but since I'm 6 hours from my OB (visiting with my mom) it might be what they want.

Sweetz, had her baby at noon today. Xander Xavier was 6 lbs 14 oz and 20 in. long!
Libby.. I am not sure if it is to late, but I just did a quick search and those socks are on eBay for less than $2.00

Pdx.. So sorry you are going through this :hugs: like I mentioned before, we both are worried about a miscarriage. We hope not, but it plays on our mind.

Janelle.. Hope you are feeling better

Nicole.. Hope you feel better

Misty.. How is your sugars? March 4 still seems a time away yet though lol
Nicole, that was exactly what Samuel was! What a runt!! They thought he (samuel) was going to be really big, but he wasn't. I heard they thought sweetz baby was going to be big too, guess not. That's one reason I don't thing Sara will be big. Only because EVERYONE said Samuel was going to be a 10 lb baby, but Pfftt.. wasn't even close to that.

As for the braxton hicks. I get them a lot. I have found that drowning myself in water has helped. I drink 4 liters of water a day. Literally. DROWNING! That doesn't count the tea I drink in the morning and evenings. I get them when I have to pee really bad too. Like when, I'm sitting on the couch and I'm too lazy to get up and pee :blush: I have found that warm baths, rubbing my belly, laying on my side, and walking around help. Not letting myself get dehydrated help too. I drink a GIANT cup of jasmine tea in the morning to start the day, then suck on my camelbak water bottle through out the day. Try to get 2 liters down before noon. Then another 2 down before 5. Then I'm good until about 7 when I drink a cup of peppermint tea. I don't always drink tea before bed though. Just sometimes..
Aspe, I'm doing as good as anyone with a jacked up hip can be. It's my fault I didn't go in and get my hip fixed before hand. I thought I would be able to make it through my pregnancy, but with being diagnosed with SPD, I've learned it's going to be difficult, if not impossible. I don't like not being able to exercise either. So, tomorrow at 5:50 I will be giving in and going to see the cracker! DUN DUN DUN!! LOL
Nicole, that was exactly what Samuel was! What a runt!! They thought he (samuel) was going to be really big, but he wasn't. I heard they thought sweetz baby was going to be big too, guess not. That's one reason I don't thing Sara will be big. Only because EVERYONE said Samuel was going to be a 10 lb baby, but Pfftt.. wasn't even close to that.

As for the braxton hicks. I get them a lot. I have found that drowning myself in water has helped. I drink 4 liters of water a day. Literally. DROWNING! That doesn't count the tea I drink in the morning and evenings. I get them when I have to pee really bad too. Like when, I'm sitting on the couch and I'm too lazy to get up and pee :blush: I have found that warm baths, rubbing my belly, laying on my side, and walking around help. Not letting myself get dehydrated help too. I drink a GIANT cup of jasmine tea in the morning to start the day, then suck on my camelbak water bottle through out the day. Try to get 2 liters down before noon. Then another 2 down before 5. Then I'm good until about 7 when I drink a cup of peppermint tea. I don't always drink tea before bed though. Just sometimes..

I havent had anymore. I have already drank 110 ounces of water today, plus 24 ounces of milk. Trying to drink another 30 ounces before bed. My back is aching. Unfortunately, I have tried everything and nothing seems to make water tate better to me so I just make sure it's cold and I can drink it without gagging.
Janelle..there is a saying that you take your partners and your weight, and get the average, and that will be how much your baby will weigh.

Nicole.. Did you try mio?
Nicole, do you have a water filter? I can only drink the water from our fridge, because it has a filter. Plus, it does come out ice cold and that helps. Have you tried infusing it with fruit of a cucumber? I had cucumber infused water and it was SOOOO good!! I loved it! As, for milk, I applaud you, I can't stand milk.

Grace!! I SEE YOU!! HI!!! :wave:
Aspe, I think I remember Krissy saying something about that. I think you have to take the weight you weighed at birth, and I still have yet to figure out how much Dan weighed. I should call his mom and ask her.
Angel - :dust: to you during the TWW.

Janelle - That really sucks with you not being able to eat. Hopefully she will move over a little and give your stomach some room. I hope the chiropractor can make you feel better. I had no idea you could preregister at the hospital. I wonder if my current hospital does that and if they do why hasn't my OB said anything.

Krissy - Hopefully you caught that eggy. Glad at least you're getting some. My DH seems like he's scared to dtd since the baby's been kicking more. :( A woman has needs! I never understood why people feel the need to comment on how many children someone else has when they aren't paying for them. Argh!!!

Nicole - Your mom will cause drama while you're delivering? As for the water, I can only drink it when it's ice cold. Otherwise it just sits there.

Misty - That's a lot of doctor's appointments. Do you go that often until you deliver? That was so sweet of your daughters.

PDX - :hugs:

AFM - Work is already busy again, but it's definitely more manageable than before. We have our birthing center tour tomorrow morning so I'm excited about that. I have no clue what questions I should ask though. Any suggestions? Not much else going on with me. Hopefully, I can be a little more active in the thread now.
Grace, I've missed you! I'm not sure my doctor said anything to me until I was further along with Samuel. So, that could be why. :) Have fun with your tour tomorrow. You can ask how many people will be allowed in the room... or if they have birthing suites! We had a birthing suite. They are a lot bigger than a normal room, not that it makes a difference though, they moved me as soon as I was cleaned up, but it's nice because when it comes pushing time, it can get pretty crowded. Let me know how it goes!
Thanks Janelle! I found a really good list and your question was on it. :) My main concern is how close the hospital is and what types of things can go wrong. This list has a lot more questions so we may be there a while.
Janelle.. Yeah, I should have clarified..your dh and your weight at birth lol
Nicole, do you have a water filter? I can only drink the water from our fridge, because it has a filter. Plus, it does come out ice cold and that helps. Have you tried infusing it with fruit of a cucumber? I had cucumber infused water and it was SOOOO good!! I loved it! As, for milk, I applaud you, I can't stand milk.

Grace!! I SEE YOU!! HI!!! :wave:

My mom has the water from the fridge thing so I do that when I"m here. I wasnt a fan of cucumber or lemon in my water. I've also tried orange slices and strawberries but didnt like it either. I dont have a water filter at my house. Our kitchen faucet is all screwed up and our water runs yellow for about 45 seconds after you turn it on. My parents hacve hard well water with a lot of extra iron in it (smells awful) so we always use the fridge water unless we are going to be boiling it.

Btw, I made homemade fingerpaints today which turned out awesome. Took her about 2 minutes to really like it but then we made 5 posterboard paintings (pics tomorrow). So glad I decided to make them! Tomorrow is animal masks and watercolor painting!
Nicole, EEEEEEEWWW I hate well water! My grandma lived on a well, and I could not stand drinking her water. Just the thought of it is making my stomach turn. You can buy a water filter pitcher. ....Might help with the funk taste at your house.

So, I'm literally about to have a break down. My son has been so whiny all day! It's driving me crazy!! As much as I love Dan's Mom, I can't stand how much she spoils Samuel!! This trip to Ohio totally fucked him up! He always wants to be held and totally freaks out if you don't hold him. The only reason I have been snuggling with him is because he's been sick. The last few nights he's been coming into our room, to sleep in the middle of the night and just rolling around and kicking in bed. When I try to take him back to his bed, he freaks out. I'm so exhausted because of his daily fits that I just say screw it, and let him sleep in our bed. Then none of us get sleep because Samuel keeps us awake with his rolling and kicking around. If it's not him whining having a fit, he's running around sounding like a broken record CONSTANTLY singing twinkle twinkle little star or ABC's. I enjoy his singing, but if I hear either of those songs one more time, I fear I'm going to put my head through a wall.

I'm just so tired. exhausted. I just got back from two vacations and I feel like I need alone time just for me. Like I didn't get any. I'm envious of Dan having an entire week of peace and quiet. between the laundry, cleaning, constantly picking up toys, wiping snotty noses and having to give dan time to do his homework, on top of all of Samuel's new ANNOYING habits, I fear what my sanity will turn into once this baby comes. I am literally on the verge of crying. I've just hit the end and I don't know what to do. Krissy, I don't know how you do it. How you do it and why you would want another. Because right now, I don't even feel like I want the one I've got. I know that's a terrible thing to say, but I just need a break. The only person I can give Samuel to that I trust is Dan's parents and he will just come back the same if not worse. They never discipline him. They want to take him this Saturday and for the first time, I'm tempted to say no, only because I don't want him coming back a spoiled brat. I'm wondering if these are the terrible two's or if I'm just crazy hormonal.

Janelle - :hugs: Sorry you're having a bad day. Maybe you should let the in laws keep him so you can get a break. So time for just you to do whatever you want... even if that means laying on the couch watching lifetime movies all day. If Samuel is getting spoiled and dan got his week of being spoiled, you deserve to be spoiled, too.
Janelle-sad to say sounds like a little of both. I always tell people who say who my baby is so good and sweet and just wonderful to just wait till they are about to turn two or has just turned two and there goes your kid! jamie was the best baby ever out of all 3 he was the greatest kid but then when he was 2 1/2 there went my best kid ever and here is the terrorist....yes that is his nick name and the smarter they are the worst they are! my parents dont disapline worth shit either and i am constantly on them to try and enforce the same rules at their house. eh i gave up and finally my kids have learned you act one way at grandmas and another at moms. oh the whiny thing yeppers get to a bad point some days. i tell my kids unless they can talk to me in a normal voice i dont want to hear it and if they need to take some time alone in their room to calm down then they should. some days i do question if i really want another bc jamie is 3 1/2 but yeah i do lol. the good time out weigh the bad times for sure!

well i just got home from work and now i have to finish my paper and probably wont get done in time oh well gonna finish before i go to bed though. i will write more tomorrow!

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