A home for EVERYONE!

Thanks nicole it is nice to just sit in my recliner all comfy.....it is wrong i am eating chetos while watching biggest looser lmao?

Well I'm bummed out. It is snowing heavily so shopping is put on hold til tomorrow :(. As for cheetos and Biggest Loser, nothing wrong with that girl! I'm eating fruit snacks and trail mix, while drinking cranberry juice. Baby is going crazy with kicking.
Nicole, Hmm I'll have to check into the water intake thing. And yup now that you're feeling the kicks, you might get to also experience the soreness associated with it like me! Ugh! I've noticed sometimes I'm sore entire days, other times just for a bit throughout the day, and other times I'm sore when I get up from lying down or sitting, but then goes away some after walking around a bit. So hard to predict!

Krissy - Yeah I don't usually ever drink recommended water intake, so I try harder while prego but still not great at it. But I eat tons of fruits and veggies and soups etc which also have lots of water in them. So I think that helps. But yeah I drink when I'm thirsty... but I don't GET thirsty all that often which seems to not be the norm... so I sorta have to remind myself to drink if I realize its been awhile.

And yeah my throat is sore too! But, here I think its allergies from high pollen which um yeah you guys have snow so that's not it!

Nicole - Glad you got your tax money!!! Yay!!

Janelle - Wow a sticker must be very valuable to Samuel! That's crazy, haha! And glad you are getting some time off for yourself soon! And yeah I agree on the water formula... I'd heard the same thing. Which WOULD mean I need to be increasing my water since I weigh a bit more now!

Grace - Glad you loved the birthing center! I've never been to one.. jealous!
Sprout hasn't been as active today... assuming because I didnt have any caffiene? Didnt make coffee at home and left too late for work to stop and grab stuff. Which is good because then I didn't grab fast food breakfast... trying to be 'good' until tomorrow because I know I'll be pigging out... for some reason, plane trips (and road trips) always equate me not caring about what I eat... so I go hog wild for fries and crap that I try to limit normally! Looking forward to it, ha!
Oh and didnt get the compression socks... torn because just one trip and may not even swell... funny how I can drop money on other stuff without a thought, but the socks I'm contemplating lol. I guess because I don't forsee ever needing them again and they're not a 'fun' purchase, heh. But you bet I'll be getting them for trip home if I need them!!!!
I never felt sore with my other kids. But this baby seems to be more active during its kicking periods. I get movement all over including kicks and swimming motions.
Libby - How long are you out of town? I'm tge same way about food while traveling. It's just too easy to get bad food. I love the nickname you've given you LO. I tried peanut for mine but it never stuck.
Lizzy i say that is a good plan about the support hose at least that is what i would do!

Janelle you ever make it home yet? i will be up for a while doing homework stuff so i will check to see whats what!

nicole-how did your day turn out?

Grace-i never did the nick name thing we just wated to call it anything till we knew what it was then once we had the name that is what it was called....poor jamison i was about 7 months before we decided on his name but i think we picked a good one!

angel-howis my ttc budy doing? i am 3dpo and trying to to symptom spot already but i do have one thing that is different then all the other months and that is my cm. before after who it would go to like a milky white consitancy and already it is thick and sticky and has a yellow tinge to it. no smell or anything so not infection. cramps started yesterday to so who knows....just weird about my cm being so different. when are you testing again i forgot lol.

afm-we just got done watching a movie, here comes the boom, it was really funny i liked it. joshua is still at my moms so he can just get on the bus there, but jamison and avarie fell asleep on me while watching the movie josh had to carry them to bed....those are the good times.

now i have to finish my paper, and actually happy i didnt last night bc i found out something else that had to be added...then eventually bed but since kids didnt fall alseep till 10:30 they should sleep in!
Krissy - We had a name but now DH wants to go through every boy name in this book of names we bought a while back. The book has 100,000 names and this man is reading everyone. The book has all kinds of names (e.g. Irish, Hindu, Arabic, etc.). We will not be giving our child a Hindu name (no offense to anyone but we're just not Hindu). I'm not giving my child some ghetto sounding name (the book has plenty) so I don't know why he's taking the time to read those names. It's very frustrating because I was bonding with him as Josiah. Anyway so I may go longer than you before we have a definitive name. *sigh*

Good morning everyone!

ETA - I reached 1,000 posts! Too bad I'm complaining on this post. LOL
Grace- My Dh is stuck on a girl's name that I wasnt too fond of but I eventually gave in. We are using strictly Bible names so it limits us a lot on girl names. We immediately agreed on a boy's name and are still hoping for a boy. However, my only reservation about having a boy is DH's emotional state. He is afraid that if this baby is a boy that it will feel like we are replacing Joshua. I understand how he feels. We both know we TTC'd because we want a big family, never too replace the ones we lost. We would never need, want, or even dream of replacing Joshua. The pain may not be as severe now as it was last year but he will always be in our hearts.

Krissy- Baby J and I were still bummed out but we had fun doing watercolor painting with my mom. Baby J would say "go go" all the time because she says that when she wants to leave the house. As long as it doesnt snow anymore this morning we will porbably be able to go out for a few hours.

I didnt sleep real well last night due to gas and naughty poopies.
angel-howis my ttc budy doing? i am 3dpo and trying to to symptom spot already but i do have one thing that is different then all the other months and that is my cm. before after who it would go to like a milky white consitancy and already it is thick and sticky and has a yellow tinge to it. no smell or anything so not infection. cramps started yesterday to so who knows....just weird about my cm being so different. when are you testing again i forgot lol.

Afternoon Krissy :flower: Have you got your paper finished yet?

I'm 9DPO today and I was going to test on Saturday. I know 11DPO is a bit early but I need to start testing early because if I do get a BFP by some miracle I have extra medication to start immediately. I'm not expecting a BFP, and I never get them that early but ho hum I just love POAS!:haha:

Boobs are so itchy this afternoon!:wacko:

His Grace... I fell in love with the name Kyan but DH wasnt too keen on it. I left it for a bit and worked on him gently :winkwink:. When Kyan was born I think he was so euphoric he would have agreed to calling him Alien!!!!!!! Good luck.

Army... I havent tried painting with my DS yet, what age did you start with yours?

Good morning ladies!

Grace-with jamison our first pick for his name was Alexander Leonidas, which i loved, but for reason did not fit for us. so literally one day i was driving and the jamison poped in my head i called josh right away and he goes yeah i like it so that is how we got our jamie. then with avarie it took us a while to decide on a girls name but i told him i loved the name ava and he liked avery so i said how about we compromise and spelt her name avarie and her nick name is ava. with joshua he is name after josh.

angel.i am 4do and my feet are on fire? last night and this morning.

nicole-my kids love doing crafts we should probably do more of them!

afm work today yuck but oh well.

good morning every one!
Going to leave the house in about 45 minutes! Going to look for a high chair, dresses for Jerusha, a few newborn girl outfits, closet organizers, toy organizers, and possibly going to Goodwill to get me some new flats and look for a nice dress for me to wear to SIL's wedding.

Tomorrow I'm going to order some closet organizers from Amazon.com for my closet (a hanging shelf thing but smaller for bulky items, a shoe organizer, and a hanging stocking organizer). Then it wont take me so long to get ready for church on Sunday mornings.
Have fun today nicole!

Janelle wake up!!! should get my "new" phone today!

misty how you been?

ok so not symtomp spotting but i want your ladies honest opinion on this ok? all my other cycles after i O i would have creamy cm but this month it dried up right away and what i do have is thick and sticky and a little yellowish tinged. also the cramps started yesterday. i know my ticker says 3 but i am 4dpo. any thoughts? thanks ladies.....so going to drive myself crazy this month!
Nicole - Ah yeah I guess I'm used to the soreness from kicking etc since same with Siena. And hopefully you get the newborn clothes somewhere with longer return policies?? Wouldn't it be great to be able to return the gender outfits that don't apply after you have the baby??

Grace - I leave today and come back Sun night. Ha yeah just got done reading up on restaurants in Charlotte airport... only to look TOO much and now all the food sounds awful. Ha, oops. Need to get my appetite back because its lunchtime! And yeah we are at square one with 'real' names... argh!

Krissy - Yeah we are still nameless and now the nickname Sprout is getting old. Need a name! And awww Siena never falls asleep on me. Wonder if its because I followed that rule to not let them when small so they won't rely on it later to get to sleep? Now I want her to sleep on me and never will! Papers galore... you and your hubby have to write them often! Oh and I like the idea of a more unique name with a common nickname!! I love Ava but too common... but great to get to use it as a nickname!! Siena is cece... because she couldn’t say siena for the longest time... now she is just starting to be able to... so cute. And no idea on the cm... I found mine to be too confusing to analyze! Sorry!

Angel - Good luck on the bfp!!! 11 dpo isn't too early... sometimes! Wouldn't have been with my first, but yeah too early with my second. And good plan with NOT settling on another name before the birth!! That is a tactic I might use!! Because I could come up with a name so much easier if I didn't need to get DH to agree!!!!

afm - totally worthless at work today... i was late because trying to do my hair since I know I'm seeing my bestie today. Don't know why I bothered since I may end up napping on the plane and I'll be a hot mess by the time I get there and it'll be bedtime anyway! HA oh well. And then carryon suitcase handle was stuck open but was already at my car and needing to go to work! So took it anyway... called a co worker and he brought WD40 to work with him... seems like that helped... hoping so! Will be embarrassing if it gets stuck open again and can't get it down to stow away on the plane!!! I need to use handle in order to avoid carrying the suitcase! ARgh. Oh and really going to push it for time... get off at 2 and flight is at 3:08... and planning to drive home to drop off my car and ride with DH bc he wanted to take me! Ha... I am going to try to sneak out early... should have like a half hour at the airport before takeoff... hope thats enough time to get through security! Already checked in and dont need to check a bag.
Hi ladies!

Krissy, I'm awake... Samuel, is still sleeping though. IN HIS OWN BED! Finally, we broke him of the boogie man. We got a new computer last night, so I was tinkering with it when we got home. Then I went to bed.

Grace, Samuel was going to be Daniel John, but we changed it for numerous reasons, which I'm glad we did, he definitely doesn't look like a Daniel. Glad to read you're not choosing a fancy pants new age name, like stick or mud. ;)

Nicole, I'm right there with you, with the naughty poopies. I don't know what the deal is, but it seems to be a morning thing for me. EVERY MORNING. I'm kind of use to it, and don't mind it too much now that I know what REAL constipation is like.

Angel, can't wait for you to test!!

Chiropractor update**
So, I went to the chiropractor sweating bullets. I was terrified he was going to hurt me in some way. He had me lay on this table thing that was vertical, then I held on and it moved to a flat position. He had this super fancy pillow that I totally wanted to take with me, your belly fits perfectly in it. Anyway, he said traditional chiropractors bend and crack, twist and pop people, he doesn't do that. So, already I was confused. He told me that my pelvis was one of the most crooked pelvises he had ever seen. So, all he did was push on my lower back. No cracking, no popping... just...pushing... I was really confused. I'm still confused. After about 4 pushes he told me I was done. I was then pissed off. I just paid $30 for someone to push on my pelvis. Dan could have done that! So, he disappears for a minute then comes back and tries to sell me a prenatal vitamin. So, I tell him I can't take vitamins and I take the prenatal gummies. He then tells me those are full of sugar and don't have enough of the vitamins I need. Then lectures me on how I need to up my omega 3 levels to 3000 mg a day. So, I'm pretty confused, but even more so when he tells me I need to come back monday for another adjustment.

When I leave, Dan asked if it helped any. I told him I didn't know because I wasn't in that much pain when we got there. The only way I could really tell is if I laid flat on the ground and I wasn't going to do that in the middle of the street. We discussed how this chiropractor seems to only care about money, Dan said his really seemed to care about fixing him rather than selling him things and demanding he come back. Even more so, this chiropractor was lecturing me on my vitamin intake with out even asking about my history or anything. So, we've decided he's a quack. My OB hasn't said anything about needing to up my vitamin intake nor has he said anything about needing to increase my omega 3 levels, which on my prenatal pills it says there is 65 mg of one omega 3 and 15 mg of another, plus it has DHA. That is nowhere near 3000. I will talk to my doctor next Friday when I see him, see what he has to say.

ANYWAY, we went to my nieces high school to watch her performance last night and we got there really early because no one was there yet. It's a brand new high school, and it has those shiny concrete floors through out the whole thing. Dan was peeing and I was wandering around and what happened? a small I MEAN SMALL puddle of water found me and I slipped, did the splits, and flew in the air and ate shit. So, my vagina is REALLY hurting today. I did not sleep well. My hip feels okay, but it still hurts. Not sure if it's the quack chiropractor that did nothing with his pushing, or if it was the splits, but either way, it sucks and I'm back to square one.

Misty, if you find a chiropractor in your area that is webster certified ask him if he twists and cracks, or if he just pushes with no pressure what so ever... because if there is no cracking, it seems to me to be a waste of money! I'm going to call Dan's chiropractor today and see if he adjusts pregnant women.

I don't want to sound like a pessimistic debbie downer, but I thought for sure there would be more involved than just a pat on the back.
Janelle-i am so sorry but i laughed at the image i got of you falling...i know it hurt....i hope you are doing ok....but yeah sounds like a quack to me to! i saw one back in the fall remember i stopped going cuz they wanted me to go like everyday....ummm no the one good one i saw i went like maybe 2x a week the first few weeks then less and less and she popped and cracked me lol...

Lizzy- i have a paper due every freaking week! it sucks well this week is the team project part which is not so bad. just found out i got to come up with 1200 by july 23 so we will see if i can keep on with my classes....sigh this sucks!

ok got ot shower and leave soon ttyl ladies~
Paper every week, ugh!!

And oh man on the chiro visit!! I def got cracked when I went... and didnt even plan on needing it... it was extra because I'd gone for posture issues... so mostly worked on exercises I could do and got an xray to confirm my concerns. Oh and he also had me lie on this bed that had some bar that moved up and down your back... felt weird! They want you to go often... money but also guessing what they do doesn't last long-term??
Have fun today nicole!

Janelle wake up!!! should get my "new" phone today!

misty how you been?

ok so not symtomp spotting but i want your ladies honest opinion on this ok? all my other cycles after i O i would have creamy cm but this month it dried up right away and what i do have is thick and sticky and a little yellowish tinged. also the cramps started yesterday. i know my ticker says 3 but i am 4dpo. any thoughts? thanks ladies.....so going to drive myself crazy this month!

Krissy I dont want to get you excited but is it a bit like thrush symptoms? Do you feel itchy at all, sorry I have to ask:haha:. I think we had this conversation a few months ago but I regularly get a small dose of thrush just before I get a BFP, apparently it is very common. I got it in my last pregnancy, but not the two before it, but also in the one before that!

Good luck, I dont think this is my month, I have strange cramps like ovulation, a bit pinchy and my gut is telling me it's AF on her way :growlmad::cry:

Hey ladies,

I had a follow up appointment from my hysteroscopy I had done last month and they told me I had a thick uterine wall, resulting from not having periods. The next step they were going to suggest was to put dye through my tubes to see if they were blocked, but they said they seen my bloodwork information for prenatal.

Everything worries me. My db laughs at me, but it is all new to me.

Going to be too much information. Some days I am constipated, like Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday I was able to use the bathroom. Today I had and still got a bad stomach. I have went to the washroom about three times, but now it is turned into dirrahea. Is that okay?

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