A home for EVERYONE!

I just got my 520 hours in and now i am still waiting on them to tell me how much it is going to cost from what i heard it is a high premimum and sucky insurance. it will probably cost us some 100 per pay period (every two weeks) with high copays and deductables. so we probably wont even be able to afford it. but if and when i get pregnant i can go on medicaid like the kids so i will have health insurance. just sucks right now this affordable care act is a bunch of crap if you ask me cuz i cant afford it lol
Well, I've got some interesting news.

I just got a slip in the mail saying that they found my Jeep on the week of Febraury 11th. It is cureently impounded as evidence in the theft and I will be notified when it can be released! This is a very surprising development since DH and I just yesterday agreed on another car yesterday and he emailed the dealer for more details. Now, to wait and see how badly damaged it is when they release it. If its repairable we will of course pay our $500 deductible to get it repaired. The insurance compay still has to inspect it to verfiy that it is repairable though so we will see. Either way the ball is rolling!
Well this has been a long day. Will complain more later but fell down stairs right before leaving for airport... Little banged up, fell on butt/elbow/etc not stomach, nothing broken... But been real sore and that's not as bad now but legs are weaker and def sore so not trusting myself with stairs at all and ramps have been iffy. Grr so stupid of me!!!! But almost home!!!
Awwwwe sorry about your fall lizzy! i fell with both josh and ava can be really scarry while pregnant take it easy girl!

Nicole never a dull moment in your life huh? well fingers crossed all you got to pay is the 500! but what about the car payment place? have you been making the payments? i am assuming that one payment as at least come and went since it was stolen....just interested is all.

well got stupid court for BIL tomorrow should be interest that is for sure! hot water not working in stupid kitchen sick seriously? i got a butt load of dishes to do damn it! ugh...just wanna go to bed got to get up super early this sucks!
The car payments are still coming out and will be until we see if the insurance company says that the car is able to be repaired or not. Dang, this is so confusing! I love the jeep but a newish car is so tempting!

Nope never a dull moment here. Oh, Jerusha got to wear her snowsuit outside this afternoon (the sun was awesome). I got some pictures but still have to edit them. All she wanted to do was eat the snow. Oh well, when daddy comes home for Christmas we wil.l; let her go sledding (with one of us of course).
Nicole - My parents just bought the Ford Fusion and are enjoying it. No idea what it looks like though. Oh so crazy that the Jeep was found!!! Will be interesting to see what comes of that!!!

Angel, grr on AF... maybe you'll be able to switch from NTNP to TTC one of these days?

Aspe - Sucks on needing a referral for everything!

Krissy - Yeah affordable healthcare hasn't seemed that great... heard lots of complaints about it thus far. No idea if its why my insurance is so much now... ehh tired of paying so much each paycheck, yet still have to pay beyond co-pay way more often than I feel like I should!

AFM - GLAD TO BE HOME. Trip home was so long. Took ages to traverse the airports because I was sore from falling... and my legs were weak and would give out on me. So I'd go slowly and lean on my rolling suitcase. Luckily, there are plenty of horizontal escalators in airports these days. And I'd just board the planes first and get off last. Elbow got major rug burn, so its burning/hurting and scabbing up soon hopefully. Pain between my legs worse. And sleeping is awful these days. But Sprout is moving so he's good and the trip was good... so I'm glad I went. And glad to be home now... absorbed as much Siena as I could before her bedtime... DH, he keeps saying how much he missed me. Ehh. He probably was lonely because Siena stayed with his mom Sat after her nap until Sunday after her nap! Although, he did go to church with them. I probably should have missed him more... and he was doing dishes last night and being sweet... and I'm just so ambivalent... but its not like he came to the bedroom to watch one of my shows with me... he stayed in the living room to watch his shows. So he says he missed me, but its not like he was following me around or anything..
Good day ladies,

So I had my appointment this morning. When she was calculating how far along I am and my due date, I reminded her that I had that procedure on the 16, so I had to ovulate late. She said it had to be based on last period, but ultrasound may affect the date.
However, as of now, she is saying I am 8+ weeks and due October 11.

I have a referral to see a gynecologist and an ultrasound. Now the wait.
Yeah you may get a more accurate due date at your next scan... my dr says its most accurate around 12 weeks. And if we based due date off LMP, my due date would be a week off... I made sure to correct him right away with my O date etc so I wouldn't be expecting the baby sooner like last time and getting so anxious before the baby was even due.. that gets annoying!
Aspe did they do any bloodwork on you today to check levels or anything? I hope it's not a long wait for the ultrasound! I'm not even there and your healthcare system drives me crazy!!

Libby - you guys need to stop falling down!! I hate reading that. I'm a worry wart and would be freaking out! I hope you feel better soon! Glad you had a little getaway from life though.

Krissy - how many more days til testing??

Angel - so did AF show for sure? I hope not!!

Janelle - you awake yet?? How's your little drama queen treating you? :)

Hi Grace and Nicole!! How are you guys doing?

AFM - this is going to be totally TMI so stop reading now if you don't want to hear it. I'm wondering if others have same yet though. I have trouble sleeping every night. Toss and turn, etc. Every so often I have to sit up in bed for a while just to get into a different position and to breath. I feel like I can't very well these days... stuffy sinuses and I'm feeling Tyler more in my ribs so I'm guessing he's moved into squishing my lungs phase. I have to push him down a little sometimes when he's really pressing into my ribs under my boob. ANYWAY I was sitting up in bed last night when all of a sudden I felt something running down my arm. My boob was leaking so much it was running down my arm!! It shocked me, it hasn't been that much so far. Just a drop here or there. Is it too early for that to be happening?? I told Jake about it this morning, he was so grossed out lmao.

Finally got out floors installed this weekend. The installers were a couple of idiots. I stayed hidden in my bedroom and made Jake deal with them. It was a pain, they showed up late, didn't have some right pieces, didn't finish on Saturday like the store had promised us. They had to come back Sunday and STILL don't have the right trim piece between the kitchen and the laminate in the living room. Supposedly the store is ordering it (which we had paid for 2 weeks ago so they should have had it!) and they put in a temporary piece. Also they have to fix a strip in a doorway downstairs. They left garbage everywhere including old razor blades on the baby room floor where they'd installed carpet! Also took paint off of walls that we'd just painted!! SO irritated. Jake was going to go into the store today to complain to them but he went home sick from work. I think my honey has either bronchitis or walking pneumonia. Thankfully he's going to the doctor this afternoon.

Twice weekly NSTs start today.. hopefully my Tybaby is doing alright in there!!
Aspe did they do any bloodwork on you today to check levels or anything? I hope it's not a long wait for the ultrasound! I'm not even there and your healthcare system drives me crazy!!

Libby - you guys need to stop falling down!! I hate reading that. I'm a worry wart and would be freaking out! I hope you feel better soon! Glad you had a little getaway from life though.

Krissy - how many more days til testing??

Angel - so did AF show for sure? I hope not!!

Janelle - you awake yet?? How's your little drama queen treating you? :)

Hi Grace and Nicole!! How are you guys doing?

AFM - this is going to be totally TMI so stop reading now if you don't want to hear it. I'm wondering if others have same yet though. I have trouble sleeping every night. Toss and turn, etc. Every so often I have to sit up in bed for a while just to get into a different position and to breath. I feel like I can't very well these days... stuffy sinuses and I'm feeling Tyler more in my ribs so I'm guessing he's moved into squishing my lungs phase. I have to push him down a little sometimes when he's really pressing into my ribs under my boob. ANYWAY I was sitting up in bed last night when all of a sudden I felt something running down my arm. My boob was leaking so much it was running down my arm!! It shocked me, it hasn't been that much so far. Just a drop here or there. Is it too early for that to be happening?? I told Jake about it this morning, he was so grossed out lmao.

Finally got out floors installed this weekend. The installers were a couple of idiots. I stayed hidden in my bedroom and made Jake deal with them. It was a pain, they showed up late, didn't have some right pieces, didn't finish on Saturday like the store had promised us. They had to come back Sunday and STILL don't have the right trim piece between the kitchen and the laminate in the living room. Supposedly the store is ordering it (which we had paid for 2 weeks ago so they should have had it!) and they put in a temporary piece. Also they have to fix a strip in a doorway downstairs. They left garbage everywhere including old razor blades on the baby room floor where they'd installed carpet! Also took paint off of walls that we'd just painted!! SO irritated. Jake was going to go into the store today to complain to them but he went home sick from work. I think my honey has either bronchitis or walking pneumonia. Thankfully he's going to the doctor this afternoon.

Twice weekly NSTs start today.. hopefully my Tybaby is doing alright in there!!

I'm doing pretty good. I dont have the boob leakage yet but I'm with you on the not sleeping well. I get up to pee every 3 hours and then it takes e 30-45 minutes to fall asleep. I am getting movement under my right boob but I dont know ifs its feet or what. I have horrible nasal congestion these last 4 days so I blow my nose every time I get up to pee. And during the day it seems just walknig past a bathroom makes my body want to pee.
Ok freaking out right now and trying not to cry. I went from regular day, slightly sore... to thinking hmm Sprout hasn't been his usual OVER active self... to hmm maybe I should call the dr and tell them just to be safe... to them saying I need to come in TODAY! When they said that, I nearly started bawling on the phone. And then caling DH's work to let him know... he was busy on phone so was telling his mom and trying to keep calm since in my office bldg and not car or home etc... and now at my desk and trying to get my hormones/fears under control... sigh! No spotting, no cramping... can't be anything without either of those right???? And I didn't fall ON my stomach... I'm either going to start crying or hyperventilating any minute... being at work is only reason I haven't lost it! And being able to read Bnb... reading about ya'll helps remind me that I'm just another person dealing with a problem/issue and everything usually works out.

Misty - I only leaked if I tried last time and same this time... but I also was a lower supply while nursing too.

sighhhhh... now I am silently praying 'pleasemovepleasemovepleasemovepleasemovepleasemovepleasemovepleasemove'
Libby chug some ice water. Maybe that will make him move. So are u going to dr today then? If so when?
Awww...Libby. I will pray for you. I heard orange juice is really good at getting them to move. Maybe they are concerned about your placenta? My baby hasnt been as active lately either but I still feel movment every 3-4 hours for a minute or so. How long has it been since you felt Sprout move?
I will make a note the next time he moves... he's been so active the past couple weeks at LEAST that I'm used to him moving pretty much constantly if I'm not moving. Especially at work with sitting down so much. So was more noticeable once I got to work today since not as big a deal if I don't notice it a ton at home, since moving around more. The moving he has done is not as 'rough' or as much... used to hard jabs and kicks and not just one or two at at time! I wouldn't have thought ANYTHING of it, other than the timing. And now the dr saying I need to come in.

Dr appt is at 315. Under 3 hours from now. Needless to say, I am watching the clock...
Seems like wouldn't be a concern since I didn't have anything happen at the fall, like water breaking or contractions or anything... but yeah I am freaking out anyway...
Hopefully he's just a sleepy baby today!! I still get days that he's not as active. Please update after your appt!
Misty.. They do not do beta's here. I asked the reason and the lab technician said he thinks because they are really expensive. The doctor said I should have my appointment within the next four weeks.
Let us know how your doctor's appointment is today.

Libby.. Hopefully baby is good, but rather, just not active today. Hope all is well. Let us know how your appointment is.

Janelle.. Where are you?

Nicole.. Glad they found your car though. Will you be keeping your jeep and buying a new car?

Krissy.. When do you test?

Angel.. Hoping the witch did not arrive

Grace.. How are you?
BnB is helping... had multiple people telling me how they fell a bunch while prego and were fine... I guess I'm just not normally clumsy. And he IS moving some now. So although not his normal soccer-lovin self, its still reassuring. But I told the dr he's moving, just not as active... so I am hoping this is just precautionary... I wasn't over-dramatizing it to them to get seen, so didn't expect to be told to come in...

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