A home for EVERYONE!

Oh lizzy i should give you my cell number so you can text me! I have had scares like that before with my little ones. i remember times of sitting there pushing on my belly and "making" them wake up! I did a nst with joshua one time where he was alseep like the whole time and they go either he starts moving more now or you go to the hospital. they gave me apple juice to chug and between the cold and sugar he started to move some more. he maybe just in a different position now or just not feeling well babies have off days to! i know it dont help to hear it but try not to worry ok? i will pm you my number text me if you want to i am off today i just about started crying when reading your message........ BIG HUGS!!!!!

aspe-wednesday i am 10dpo and josh is axious for me to start testing lol yesterday my boobs hurt like crazy and burned but not so much today. feel a little upset stomach though.....but all could be in my head!!!

Misty- ok you need to use your hormones for evil now! go to that floor place after work. start yelling and crying and you would be surpised what they give a crying pregnant women....worked for me one time lol!

nicole- when is your next appt?

morning janelle where ever you are!
Morning ladies!

Libby, you get priority over everyone else right now. You are just as far along as I was when I went to Florida and Sara didn't move at all!!! It totally freaked me out! I was really scared that something happened with the flight or something, but sure enough a few days after I got back from my trip she started moving again. You are to the T in timing when I wasn't feeling much in movement. I talked to my doctor about it and he said that it's common and normal for them to take a few days off of movement at this time and not to worry. I hope this makes you feel a little better. I agree that juice and ice water do get the baby to move, I know this first hand because mine likes to lay on my arteries and nerves and make me pass out. The other thing was I took quite a digger when I was pregnant with Samuel and was terrified to move. I also ate shit last week with this pregnancy. I know it's scary, but I've been reassured many times that there is cushioning for the baby and try not to stress about it. Nicole is right, they could just be checking the placenta.

BREEEEEEEEATH... Take a deeeeeeeeeep breath.
Ok yeah Krissy maybe he is just having an off day. Not sure how all that works. But been traveling and now just back to my routine, so maybe things will take a bit for him to get back to his 'routine'. Or maybe he suddenly grew more or moved yeah so harder to get as much punching in... I will add you to my phone!!! DH is supposed to come to appt... he wanted me to swing by and pick him up, but I want to get to dr as fast as I can when I get off here, so will meet him... and no cell service at the drs... so he better show up on time so I don't have to freak out alone there!! the NURSE should have said something reassuring!! I didn't cry on the phone.. but geez if you tell a prego woman she needs to come in to be seen, you should follow that by saying some sweet things about not worrying etc!! Especially when I'm all shocked and telling her 'oh, uh... I need to be seen? really?' So I'm obviously not expecting to come in when I'm talking to her... gah... ok just babbling now... under 1.5 hours until i leave work. and really need to DO some work... DH told me last week a man and his prego wife died last week in a car accident and the baby SURVIVED (to reassure me). Which helped. But then I looked it up and baby died later. Gah. sometimes google really ISNT my friend.

anyway, killing time now.
Misty, I've dealt with the leaking boobs!! Not yet with this pregnancy, but they leaked with Samuel's. I had to get those boobie pads or whatever the hell they are called. I agree with Krissy, I would walk in there and show that store the wrath of Misty! But don't get so excited that you go into labor... that wouldn't be good.

Nicole, how exciting they found your jeep! That's awesome! I had a feeling they would. Just sucks you have to wait even longer now.

Aspe, I'm here, just slowly responding to people.

Krissy, have you gone to court yet?

AFM, I wont be able to get on much on the weekends because Dan is doing homework The whole freakin' time. It's annoying! Luckily, he will be done with the semester before the baby is born! I tried to walk today and ended up dying after 10 mins. I'm going to use my pregnancy hormones on the chiropractor today. Tell him if he doesn't crack or pop me in some way, I'm not coming back! I just don't see how the hell you can adjust someone with out a pop or a crack. That's like saying you can tighten a screw with out turning it. Makes no sense to me.

Hope things are going well with all you ladies. I've got stuff to do today, and I really don't want to do any of it. I'm feeling so lazy! We need to go grocery shopping!! That's one of the things.
Janelle - Yeah the fall made me think of how you fell last week and all was fine... and I really wasn't super concerned and felt silly for even calling the dr and nearly hung up on them... so to be told to come in was a shocker. Think I would be better off if nurse had said ANY of the stuff you guys have said. Versus scheduling the appt and no reassurances.
Yeah I used my phone for bnb this wknd... would hate if I didn't have a regular computer to use normally bc it was annoying. But I didn't have DH or Siena around, so had more free time.

Janelle, thought you were going to use Dan's chiro instead?
Libby, I'm going to go see this guy one last time to give him a piece of my mind and another chance. Then I will tell him to kick rocks if nothing gets better.
LAMo janelle you made me laugh! give that quack a piece of your mind! and yeah i went to court already today. after i testified for all of like 10min i got to sit in the court room and watch the other people...lmao it was so obvious how they were all rehearsed and coached on what to say (these being my BIL exgirlfriends friends and family) and obviously lieing...her mom ever admitted to lieing underoath the last time she was there...seriously? anyways he has to go back for one more day of testimony...i dont have to go but just might cuz the last person to go on the stand his is ex and i wanna see how she does since her mom and sister totally lost it up there being all angry and stuff. it is like one big joke to them all kind of annoying and pisses ya off!

anyways.....i am now being lazy need to do crap and go get joshua in an hour from school. so freaking tired to been up since 6:15...2 hours before i normally get up! oha dn can you say peeing? peed like 4 times at the court house. went to the bank peed there. peed as soon as i got home and for like the last 15 min been fighting the urge and i peed an hour ago and have not really drank anything....ugh
milk bread eggs cheese there a go run with it lol....um yeah i suck at those to!
don't like cheese. got local eggs yesterday. bread in the freezer from FIL. don't do milk, but it's on the list for Dan. I'm trying to eat foods that are cholesterol friendly because mine is so high. LOL So everything you mentioned is for Dan and Samuel, but I don't eat it. Well, except for bread, but even so I don't eat much of that.

Ugh, I'm seriously debating on cutting my hair. I hate waiting for it to dry. But right now, it's helping cover some unsightly back roll between my bra strap and the top of my maternity pants. Might hack it all off when the baby is born and I wont have any time to do it.
I was thinking, should I not be sleeping on my back and sides or is that only starting at a certain time?
Aspe - How long do they think it will take for you to get an ultrasound?

Libby - How did your appointment go? I'm praying for you.

Misty - I can't believe they did such a shoddy job on your floors. I hate dealing with that kinda stuff. I always hide out when workers come over, too.

Krissy, Janelle, and Maria - :hi:
I dont know if we can afford getting it professionally detailed but I will certainly be cleaning it real good myself (with a mask and gloves on) beofre our daughter goes back in it. I'm kinda at odds with myself though because part of me wants the Jep back and the other part wants the 2008 Ford Fusion with better MPG that we are looking at (the car payments would be $100 less a month and be for only 2 years instead of 3 more). I guess we will see.

Had my glucose testing done today. I hadnt eaten or dran anything in 2 hours so I chugged that cup down in 15 seconds. Those things always taste slightly carbonated to me but its probably just me. Took forever for my new female OB to get into my room though. Baby had the hiccups when she was finding the heartrate. Heartrate was 132 which is quite a bit lower than the last 5 times (in the 150s mostly). Next appt is exactly 2 weeks from today.

Any news Libby?
sleep however you want for as long as you can aspe! Id really kill to sleep on my belly again now! x
Janelle - I swore I wouldn't cut my hair this pregnancy like last time, but I did, ha. But I like it. :) Just gives me something to do later if I decide I want to grow it. But my hair is thin... so its better shorter anyway.

Aspe- Don't have to worry about side sleeping until later.

Nicole - Yeah now that you found a cheaper car that’s nice n newish, hard to go back! And my glucose test is next week, ick.

Now I know what the NST test is that people on here talk about... my dr did one... where they strap the monitors to your belly and monitor the baby's heart rate etc... and all's well! He's actually very active! Guessing he felt less active to me because I was sore all over, so not as noticeable... because yep he's good! And since he WAS moving before, just not as vigourously... I hadn't been concerned until dr wanted to see me. Glad THATS over with! Oh and his heart rate went all over the place... DH was watching it for me... anywhere from high 130s to low 150s, so mostly in the 140s.
Or maybe Sprout just decided to chill some after our big wknd, heh. But yeah thats cool. Now that I know he's ok, he can continue to not kick as hard! Next week, I get my 4d scan along with the glucose test.... woohoo! Asked my dr if they ever let the patient drink that stuff at home since you have to wait... and they do a TWO hour test... but he said no because while we're waiting, they'll do the scan. Seems like it'd be better to do the scan when not hopped up on sugar and nothing else... ha.

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