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Thanks Grace! How's your morning going? I am in good spirits... woke up feeling good today and in a good mood... DH was pleased! I was actually affectionate and sweet with him which I think is kinda rare these days!
Glad all is well Libby!! Can't wait to see your 4D pics!!

Hi grace!! How are u these days?
Glad to here Sprout is just fine Libby! My OB has given me the go ahead to do the kick count starting today. My blood pressure was pretty low yesterday and i dont know why. It is normally around 105/52 but yesterday was 97/52.

Well DH is ticked because my female OB is one of only two female OBs who assist with VBAC's since the 3rd female OB is really an obstetric surgeon, which means that there is only a 25% chance that this baby will be delivered by a female OB if I go into labor naturally or by induction.

Does anyone know at what point they start talking about C-sections if the baby is not head down? I'm thinking if the baby is still head up (baby was transverse breech yesterday) at my 32 week ultrasound that they will start talking about it. I think that is how it went with my son. And then they checked at every appointment afterwards to see his position and did an ultrasound the morning of the C-section to verify that C-section was necessary.
Nicole, hmm hope your blood pressure goes back to normal. wonder if that was a fluke or not. But I guess you still passed the glucose test, right?

Not sure on the head down thing. I know I waited for it to happen and then hoped she'd stay that way.. but my dr never got concerned.
I haven't gotten the call yet. She said they would call either way about my glucose test. I should get the call by Friday afternoon.
I'm ok, Libby. Just not interested whatsoever in being at work. I need a nap!! I can't wait til I can be comfortable so I can sleep again!!
Morning ladies. I was super busy yesterday and forgot to update you all on the jackass chiropractor. Krissy, sorry I didn't text, I was bitching to Dan and once I remembered, it was too late and knew you would be sleeping. Forgive me.

Alright, so as soon as we got to the doctors office they made us watch this movie. ALL OF US. So, we went in this little room and watched a totally pointless movie which you could tell was a sales pitch. I could see why they would want Dan to watch it, so that he could think in the back of his mind, "Oh maybe that is why xyz is happening to me... I need to have my neck adjusted" Well, we're smarter than that. So, Dan left the room with Samuel and headed to the play area and I stayed while my doctor and some little minion came in to talk with me. They went on and on how they want me to come in 3 times a week for 2 weeks and then 2 times a week for 4 weeks. It was then I was like, okay this guy doesn't give a crap what so ever. He was running on and on about how he wanted to adjust our baby after she was born. That made me really uneasy. He believes my hip is jacked up because my neck was out of alignment. Whatever. I let him talk out of his ass before I asked him if he cracks to adjust at all. He said no. So, after his long lecture with ridiculously big words that I've never heard of, we went into the "special" room to be adjusted. Minion following close behind me. I flat out told him that after my adjustment I felt no relief what so ever and he went on and on about I will feel a difference once my neck is in alignment. I found it odd, how at the last adjustment he told me, my neck was straight and didn't need adjusting, but at this appointment without even looking at my neck, told me it needed adjusted. Anyway, I lay on the table and he does these weird things with my legs and does his "adjustments" to my hips, then cracks my back from top to bottom, that felt nice...I wont argue that. Then he tells me my neck needs adjusted, so he lays me on this table on my side. It's the kind of table that clicks up and when he presses down, it falls down, well it makes this HUGE CLANG! when it falls. It was like putting your head in a giant bell and having someone ring it. I had the worst headache afterwards! It was awful!!! So, after doing all this adjusting I had to go to a dark area and sit in a chair and "rest". Minion followed me there and just glared at me. He made me really uncomfortable. ANYWAY, while I was resting they have this TV on that is pretty much just trying to sell you chiropractic stuff. Like one of the things it said was if your child is getting sick all the time, they have a poor immune system and need a spinal adjustment. I laughed out loud when I read that. I'll be sure to tell the mother who is feeding her child crap food full of processed sugars and bullshit that her child is sick all the time because his back must be out of alignment. So, after my rest and glare down with creepy creeperton, I had to go back and get checked. Doctor said my pelvis was straight and in alignment. He was then lecturing me that I need to bring in my prenatal pills next appointment. Almost like a demand. So, I told him I had an appointment with my doctor on Friday and I wanted to speak with him first. I could tell that irritated him, but I didn't give a shit. This is where I got really pissed off. I asked him if he thought a support belt would help with my hip pain. I know they sell some that help with your hips. He said he didn't know anything about support belts and had never heard of any that help with hip pain. THEN I asked him if he could suggest anything to help with my pain and he said, "drink lots of water and walk more. You're not walking enough" I saw red. Obviously this guy missed the reason why I was in his office in the first place. I can't walk because my hip is jacked up, ass face! So, I didn't wait to hear what else he said. I grabbed my things and walked out. That's like telling someone if you drive with a flat tire it will eventually fix it's self and not ruin your rims. UGH!!

Either way, hip hurts more today, than it did yesterday, must be that fancy pants neck adjustment he did. I did some research on youtube with websters technique and hip adjustments when you're pregnant and I saw plenty of women who get CRACKED when they are pregnant, so I'm going to wait... AS LONG AS I CAN, then look for a chiropractor that will actually adjust my hip rather than doing this new age stuff that isn't working for me. I understand that it must work for some women, and I try to be an optimistic person, but it's not working for me. It feels like it's making it worse and I'm not going to invest all my time in money into something that might not help in the end.

So, I was in a pretty bad mood last night. We went grocery shopping then Dan took us out to eat at a sit down restaurant, because I was too tired to cook. It was nice. Samuel enjoyed it because he got a balloon. Then we came home watch half of Saturday's SNL episode and went to bed. I woke up in the night with hip pain and was so upset and butt hurt. I took some tylenol this morning and I'm just going to take it easy. I don't having anything that I need to do today.

Sara has been moving so much lately, I feel movement at the top of my belly as well as the bottom at the same time. It's the weirdest feeling I've ever felt. She's been jabbing and moving her limbs across my stomach, which feels super painful to me. I hate when she does that. Makes me wonder if she's getting ready to turn.

Sorry, for the Me, me, me post. Just need a rant as well as update you ladies. :)
Wow, he is definitely not someone you want to see while pregnant. I'm glad you walked out on him. I hate when they try to sell you stuff even though you are 90% certain its bullcrap that you dont need. I'm glad you know that that stuff doesnt work for you now so you can save money to go to someone who will actually give a crap about you. I have never heard of any chirppractor wnting to do adjustments on babies until they were 6 months. Sounds way too dangerous!
I KNOW!! He was talking about how babies who have the cord wrapped around their neck, they need an adjustment. It makes no sense to me, because babies are so limber when they are born, they can't even hold up their heads, why the hell would they need an adjustment?!
Misty - I get not wanting to work... that's me! Full from lunch and tired from walking on my lunch and ready to nap! But no nap today...

Janelle - oh man what a day! Yeah he sounds like a total quack!! I say wait and then if you want to try again, use the guy your DH uses and likes. Ugh and yea from the times I've used it, Tylenol seems like a waste of time... told my dr that yesterday!

When they were prepping me for the NST, girl had issues locating the baby's heart beat because he was moving so much... and apparently his heart moved from my right to my left while she was trying to do all that... didn't realize they could move that much without it feeling like that big ol rolling motion.. I didn't even feel it!
I wouldnt let a chiropractor even touch my child until they were able to crawl because one slip of the wrists and...I dont even want to say what all could happen.
I'm excited because I was able to go online and setup a savings account for travel money for DH for when he comes home later in the year! It has most of our Tax money in it right now and I plan to add $600 to it every month, depending on bills of course.
So I read that second pregnancies and beyond, you carry lower bc ab muscles etc aren't as strong after your first, so you drop sooner. Makes more sense than the theory most people tell me that you just carry lower when its a boy. Anyway, anyone else dealing with the issues of carrying low lately? Besides the pain between my legs... now I'm noticing something I hadn't expected... my uterus is in the way of closing my legs?? The part that'd I guess be considered below your waistline.... if I had a waist. I guess with Siena, she was high so I still wore my shirts down to the same place as pre-pregnancy... and now I'm finding my shirt is lower in front than in back to cover my bump. And this leg problem, heh. If I want to sit up in my chair at work, I have to spread out my legs or deal with the pressure of my uterus sitting on my legs. So weird since didn't have this last time. Anyway, I'm rambling.. will be interesting to see how this works in third tri.
Wow Janelle!! Now I REALLY don't know how u left without punching him in his crooked face!! U are in enough pain, he shouldn't be making it even worse. I was so hoping a chiropractor would help u!!

Libby - amen sista on the low baby and belly in way of closing legs. I'm so with u!! Matter of fact I have to sit with my legs open so now when I stand up its like my hip is out of place and I have to hobble a few steps to get it back! I thought the same thing... how am I going to make it 9 more weeks when he grows the most??? Oddly at the same time I feel like he pushes up into my lungs and its harder for me to breath. How could both issues be happening? Short torso maybe...
Misty, LOL I had Samuel there with me. ;)

Libby, my belly seems to lower in a way where it sticks out more at the bottom... if that makes any sense. I know what you mean though, about it feeling like you can't cross your legs, but for me I think it's more or less my hips and pelvis are spreading. I don't know though.

AFM, I gave Samuel a hair cut today. All I have to say is I'm glad I only have to cut one kids hair. His hair grows so fast and instead of laying flat, it fluffs up, so it just looks funny when it gets longer. He screams more and more with every haircut. I finally just strapped him down in the highchair that we never use and had at it.
Hi ladies!

Janelle - That chhiropractor is a complete nut. I would have called him out on all of his crap.

Hi everyone.

AFM - Baby finally moved up and now I'm feeling him a lot more. He stretches out during meetings and i convince myself that everyone can see my lopsided belly. LOL.
Grace, I would have but it wouldn't have gotten me anywhere. I would have just lowered myself to his level. Plus, I don't like my son seeing that side of me.

I had a braxton hicks contraction earlier today that left me with more bulge on the right side than the left. It looked funny. All I wanted to know was if it was a butt, a back, or a head. I could feel something on the right side as well, but there was definitely more on the left side. Have any of your coworkers said anything to you?

29 weeks tomorrow!!!
Janelle.. I am with the other girls - I bet it was hard not to tell him what you were really thinking. However, like you said, you did not want to expose your child to that.

I get nauseous throughout the day. Like now, I do not feel the best.
Aspe, I went through that! I remember a time I was cooking dinner and had to just walk away to get sick. Dan had to finish cooking it. It will get better. That's a good symptom! I'm so excited for you. :)

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