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So, I just read in my pregnancy book that your second baby is usually (but not always) bigger than your first. I know my brother was bigger than my sister, and Dan was bigger than his brother. To the ladies that had more than one baby, was your second bigger than your first?

I was researching it online and I found a lady that had two 10 lb babies and a 12 lb baby-- NATURALLY!!! Just reading that made my vagina twitch in pain. (((shivers)))
Janelle, It was totally true for me. My son was only 8 lbs exactly and then my daughter was 9 lbs 1 ounce. I gained 43 lbs with each of them. Hoping this baby is closer to 8 lbs than 9!
Hi everyone!

Nicole - Please remember that per the Bible, you are to submit to your husband as he submits to God. If he's not submitting to God in his decision making then his decisions could be having a lasting impact on you and your children. Please don't let him beat you down with one part of that scripture without accounting for his own part. You want the whole marriage to be under God's perfect will. Off my soapbox now, I hope you're feeling better now.

Misty - Glad your scan went well. Could you feel the contraction or were you just able to tell based on the monitors?

Janelle - My bump buddy! I have an appt tomorrow too. I have a ton of questions for her since we decided to go hospital instead of birthing center.

Libby - How are you?

Hi Krissy, Angel, and Aspe. :wave:

I hope I didn't miss anyone.
Janelle - I'm NOT the statistic. My first was 7lbs 8-1/oz and my second was 7lbs 1-1/2oz. I was induced both times cuz they were overdue tho not by much.

Grace - I wasn't sure if it was contractions I was feeling or if the tightening was baby pushing out against my belly or something. So I did feel it, just wasn't positive it WAS contractions. It was nice to be able to know it was!
Well I got up to go pee a few minutes ago because I couldnt sleep and after I had finished I had a very sharp stabbing pain like someone had shoved a knife up my lady parts and was twisting it. Any ideas?

Well ladies, I am now scared that that email I sent to my mom has damaged our relationship beyond repair. I am 90% sure she has read it by now but she hasnt replied, called, or texted me which she usually does in order to clarify the situation/try to change my mind. I hope I'm wrong.
Hey Army, I'm sorry to read that you are being put into such a predicament by your DH. I really cant comment as only you two really know how your relationship is based but what I can say is that in my general opinion, and this doesnt cover all men but a LOT of them, they do tend to be more selfish and self-centred than most females. I think they just have different genes which predisposes them to think ignorantly and narrow mindedly a lot of the time. This opinion stems from not only my relationships but also my observations as most of my friends are men and I used to work in a male dominated environment. Now dont get me wrong, most do not do it on purpose, it just seems to be an inbuilt trait. However, what I seem to be reading about your DH is that he is being consciously awkward and quite vindictive which is extremely arrogant of him. Family are family and while the saying goes we cant choose family and there may be personality clashes they are still family.

Does he realise the pressure and stress this situation is putting you under? To be honest I tend to avoid things as well to keep the peace but I would be making it clear that you understand his opinion but you love your family and they will be in your lives to some extent and he needs to accept that. He doesnt need to have contact with them but you do so I would be saying I'll not mention them but he needs to respect that you need and will have contact with them as well.

And I so agree with HisGrace, his actions are very un-Christian like, remind him he should be 'treating others as he would like to be treated himself'.

You sound really stressed and this is not good for you, your baby or the rest of the family. Have you any option to ring your mum, or is it too expensive?

I hope you find your keys and debit card, try to relax for 10 minutes and then take a coordinated approach to the search :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Good morning everybody else!!!! xo
Well I got up to go pee a few minutes ago because I couldnt sleep and after I had finished I had a very sharp stabbing pain like someone had shoved a knife up my lady parts and was twisting it. Any ideas?

Well ladies, I am now scared that that email I sent to my mom has damaged our relationship beyond repair. I am 90% sure she has read it by now but she hasnt replied, called, or texted me which she usually does in order to clarify the situation/try to change my mind. I hope I'm wrong.

Maybe she hasn't read it yet. Or maybe she completely understands not traveling after 37 weeks so there is nothing to clarify. Try not to worry and just give her a call to make sure everything is okay between you.
Ok so i know i have been MIA for a while....sorry! I worked a 12hr shift wednesday so didnt get out till 3am then yesterday i slept till about an hour before i had to leave for work. I did get caught up last night but i was just too tired to respond sorry!

Ok here we goo......

Janelle- that sound JUST like the place i went to back in october but stopped going bc i thought it was stupid! I will say since i went there those few time i have no more migraines but that also be due to less stress...so who really knows? how is your next today? go see your family dr today if it is not better. i just wish you got some release from all your pain sorry! how is samuel being lately? still a little bugger? my jamison is TERRIBLE!!!!!! who and the bigger baby thing is true for me....well would have been if i went to my due dates lol. Joshua was 8lb10oz but he was like 10 days over cooked lol. Then Avarie was born 10 days early and was 8lbs 4oz so she would have been at least 9lb if i had went to my due date with her. Then Jamison was 8days early and was 8lb11oz and my dr said based on his growth rate, because i had a scan every week for the last 4-5weeks they had a pretty good idea how well he put weight on, EASILY 9 1/2-10lb baby. I did not have GB or anything like that we just make big babies lol. Of course i was 9lb even at birth and josh was 9lb6oz so i was doomed for biggens lol. i hope that helps!

Angel-congrats!!!!! i am so happy for you but once again i am left behind....honestly starting to feel like maybe i am only ment to have my 3 and i am being totally selfish wanting one more. That test looks BEAUTIFUL and i am sure it will be a sticky one! oh and for me at least i got strong positive early with Avarie but that boys i was much further along before i got my positive. We all know you want a healthy baby BUT....are you secretly hoping for a girl? oh and nicole is right this is a total no judgement place if you need to do a selfish post do it!

Hope-so nice to see you more regular even if I suck at it some times lol

Nicole Nicole Nicole.....*sigh* after reading what you wrote and then what everyone else wrote i will weigh in and that will be that...ok I agree with both grace and janelle- I know that in your relationship you practice obeying your husband and living by Gods word and that is wonderful you have that kind of faith BUT like grace said is he living his life by God's word to the fullest or picking and choosing what works for him? Love, faith, hope, kindness, forgiveness are all things the bible teaches us and it teaches us that God is the one who is to judge others and to punish them. To me it seems that your dh has placed judgement on your family (and they to him) and he is punishing them the only way he knows how and that is by keeping you from them. He knows that will hurt them but does he realize how much he is hurting you and your children by doing that? I can see your relationship with your mom means a lot to you or the fact she has not repsonded yet would not have affected you so much. You seems so stressed all the times and i hate to say it but afraid of what your dh will think and say. I know it is hard him being gone and you being pregnant with a toddler at home and that is why he should be making things easier on you not harder. I honestly dont know what i would do if josh wanted me to choose between him and my family but thank god i know he would NEVER but me in that position because honestly i dont think i could be with a man like that. In Janelles case um yeah i would know for sure i would pick josh if i had a crazy ass family. BUT my are supportive and loving and have been there for us so much. PLEASE think about what his wishes and commands are really doing to you and your family. other than them not really caring too much for dh is there any other reason why they are not good enough to him? i mean i have read plenty of here of what your family has done for you but yet he only wants to see that bad. he sounds very vengful and resentful. I really hope you can find some resolve in this soon because too much stress like this can put you in preterm labor or raise your BP and so on....please think of you and your baby and baby J. OK? we are here for support and sometimes it may come off like we are "attacking" your dh but you must remember we are only saying what we say because we care about you and your well being ok?

Misty-how are you my lovely lady i have missed you!

I am sure i am forgetting some one but forgive me going off little sleep lol

AFM- bfn for now i am 12 dpo still cramp still sore boobs, head ache, sinus crap, but in the end these could all mean aF which should be here sunday or monday....sigh...like i said above my faith in another baby is really starting to get low....

at leat today off work....
DH seems to think that even though I didnt mention him in the email that my mom could read between the lines and blame it all on him, wich is usually why she calls.

I took a long bath yesterday so that helped me relax a bit. Still havent found my debit card or my keys. Gonig to cancel my debit card on Monday if I dont find it by then. Going wedding make-up shopping with my SIL this afternoon and then tomorrow night we are all going out for dinner to celebrate my birthday which is on Sunday.

Baby seems to have the hiccups again and is pushing in both directions. I feel pressure on my pelvis and under my ribs as well.
Krissy- Dh has 2 other things against my parents:

1. They are not Christians and do not live by the same principles we do.

2. Shortly after our son Joshua was born we had a big misunderstanding. I ended up leaving the house with our son while he was a t work. I went to a friends house who he did not know. My parents and siblings came to see me. I told them how I interpretted the event and everyone there agreed that I should separate from Josh until our issues got worked out. My parents threw in divorce a few times. There were other misunderstandings too that I didnt tell them about but thats another topic entirely. So now Josh is afraid that they will find another reason to not support our marriage and will convince me to separate from him.
Nicole - :hugs: Just keep praying about everything. That's really all I can add. And as much as you can don't mention negative thibgs about your dh to your family and vice versa. Hopefully your baby can help bring everyone together. Do you have names picked out?
I dont tell my parents anything negative about my DH anymore. I havent for the last 6 months.

Argh...talk about stressed out! My dog just went outside and didnt come back. We have a neighbor that is only separated by a hedge that he can crawl through. He is out there and his collar doesnt have a tag on it!
nicole-i know how that feels i dont like to say negative things about my dh either bc our problems are ours. BUT please remember that not mater what it is not all right to be made to feel like you are being controlled and not an equal. i know you live dh decisions but i hope you actually discuss it out and ways the pros and cons together it is important he hears your side of things to. he must have FAITH in your love and relationship and know that if he is treating you right then you wont be swayed by others to leave him and even if you did leave him it would be because it is what you want not what others want.......i hope it all works out in the end for you....oh and the debit card thing...been there done that i am lucky enough i can just go to my bank and they print new ones off right then for me....a little mister monster likes to steal stuff from me lol
Ok, our friends across the street found the dog and brought him back. He is in his bed until after Jerusha's nap now.
He is insecure and jealous. He knows he has things to change for our relaitonship to work better as do I. His insecurity makes the thing with my parents all that more real to him I guess.
Ok so trying to make today productive....got to this house cleaned at some point...eh...

but i did get Ava set up for kindergarten round up yay!!!!! found out i can possible get a discount on entering the kids in sports through the city recreation department would make it only $5 a kid and up to three sports a year yay!

also seeing about getting ava back in preschool and possibly jamie so got to get that done before heading over to my moms to drop them off then date night if it kills me lmao!

talk to ya ll later happy friday!
Oh dear I hope baby #2 isn't bigger for me! Siena was big enough at 8 6!

Oh dear Nicole... hope you and your DH work through everything so both parties are happy... but yeah obviously we lean more toward YOU being happy! Glad the dog was found!

Hey Krissy, Grace, Angel... don't think I saw anyone else post today... but hello to everyone else too!

I have been working... a lot of people out so big boss has been coming to me about a lot of stuff, ugh!! But almost done for the day, yay! Have some plans for nursery stuff... whee I love making decor stuff!
Just wanted to send some big hugs to army, I hope things settle for you soon. Your love and faith in God and each other will resolve this in time xo
I feel horribly sick. Woke up from a nice nap. I am nauseous and dizzy with throwbbing pain in my lower back .I drank some juice and took Tylenol hoping it was my blood sugar. I did eat lunch before napping so I have some food in my system.

I just sent Jerusha away from the night because I dont have the feeling this is going to end soon so if I do throw up she wont get sick around me. Also even though I hate being away from her, mommy needs to destress.

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