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Krissy...:hugs: I can't believe the :witch: arrived early, I'm gutted and raging for you :hugs:. I have heard that cycles can reduce but only really from your late 30s:shrug:. I think your LP is the shorter part of your cycle? There are tests you can get done to check out your egg quality and reserve, AMH test I think it's called. Have you had this done? Or any other hormone tests during your cycle to check levels? You might just need a boost of progesterone after ovulation honey so please keep strong :hugs::hugs::hugs:. You cannot deny what your heart wants, it's what keeps driving us all on this journey :flower:

Aspe... My ticker is by my LMP (1st February) making me 5weeks and 1 day. However, I know I didnt ovulate until the 19th Feb so in reality I am praying that I am measuring at least 4 days earlier at 4 weeks 4days :wacko:. I'm purely keeping my ticker to LMP for psychological reasons at this stage :wacko::blush::haha:

If you ovulated on 23rd/24th Jan your due date should be around the 16th October so you are 8 weeks 3 days, by LMP based on a normal cycle due on the 10th October so you are calculated by normal methods at 9 weeks 2 days. Does that make sense? I go with LMP until a scan dates me xo

Hi Blueberri!!!! How are you?

HisGrace... I'm ok thanks, having a little wobble this evening but just trying to get on with it. I made the mistake of going onto the pregnancy tracker on FF and it said I was 32+6 and due on the 28th April :cry:. I'd forgotten to blooming remove it after my MC in September :cry:

Janelle... not up to much this weekend. I'm now out of work so I can plan my days a little easier for a while:happydance:. Kyan had a sleep in this morning and didnt wake until 8am, which was great on one hand, but on the other he then didnt want an afternoon nap so I've been on the go all day. Needless to say he went to bed early :winkwink:

Army... glad to read you are feeling better:flower:

Hi to anybody I have missed xo
Hi all, took my 31 week bump pic. I made sure to wear the same tshirt to see comparisons and to me I don't look much different than the last! The first pic is 23 weeks, the 2nd is 27 weeks and the 3rd is 31 weeks.


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Misty!!! Your bump is growing so cute! He really is sitting low I see.
Misty, you are a little rounder but not much bigger. Still very cute! I will take mine on Monday. I dont expect any change in the last 3 weeks though.

Had a good time out to dinner with family. I got a gift card to Target and some stuff from Bath & Body Works. I'm worn out. I did a lot of laundry today. Back is a little sore.
Angel.. Thanks for trying to explain it to me, however, I am still a bit confused. What I did draw from it though, is that I should be more than 6 weeks. This is correct, right? Lol

Misty.. Nice bump :)

Is it normal to already be showing this early?
Aspe, I think you are getting confused and counting actual date from date of conception? That would make you 6 weeks 4 days, but in the world of medicine they also take into account the first two weeks of you cycle, ie a standard 2 weeks before you ovulate so that makes you 8 weeks and 4 days for hospitals etc. I know it's confusing right?

This is a good link to try both ways - https://lilypie.com/due_date_calculator.php

Try the LMP and then above it there's a link for a conception calendar.

And you're probably not really showing yet, sorry to disappoint. Major bloating goes with the territory in the first trimester. I remember I couldnt fit into any of my trousers and then at about 12-14 weeks it all fell off and I was left with a very small pregnancy bump that only I could really tell, and all my clothes fitted again, for a while:winkwink:

Angel.. Thanks for trying to explain it to me, however, I am still a bit confused. What I did draw from it though, is that I should be more than 6 weeks. This is correct, right? Lol

Misty.. Nice bump :)

Is it normal to already be showing this early?
Krissy, I hope you are ok honey. I forgot to ask you, have you tried using Instead or Angel Cups? They are meant to be used for menstrual flow but many ladies, including me use them to keep DH's :spermy: in there for up to 12 hours after :sex:. I swear it's either those, or a combination of those and the agnus castus that helps me conceive now. I went from not conceiving in 6YEARS to conceiving 6 times with them since I started using them in 2010. I'm hoping that's why I am falling pregnant so easily now, and not because of poor quality eggs not being selective which :spermy: join the party :winkwink:.

Seriously, they may be worth a shot? xoxo
Well its my birthday so I"m ordering pizza. Dishes can wait til tomorrow. I've been sore all over my back and abdomen since about 11 a.m. I cant wait for bedtime tonight. Oh and one of my church friends who was due 2 days ago is at the hospital for delivery! Going to call and make sure they are accepting visitors (dont want to go if she is still in labor) tomorrow afternoon. I dont know what they are having so I bought a neutral set of thermal receiving blankets and a neutral baby rattle. Now just have to find a bag. Oh, and I volunteered to help with some stuff for y SIL's bridal shower in 13 days. I hope they dont ask too much of me especially if I dont have my car back by then. Now I have to chec out their registry to figure out what to buy for the shower (not spending more than $35) and what to buy for the wedding gift (not spending more than $55).
Did I ever mention how much I hate the change in time in spring? Means I have to work that much harder to keep Jerusha and myself awake another 90 minutes in order to Skype with Josh.

I ordered a lot of pizza so I w2ont have to do much cooking for the next 2 days. Decided not to go to the baby shower of another girl in my Sunday School group. All the ladies from church are invited so I'm sure she'll get more than enough things because anywhere from 40-90 women usually show up with gifts and money for baby showers.Also, I dont think I'll have the energy and I still wont have my car until probably Friday or next Monday. I'm praying they dont charge me $400/ a day for the Jeep being in the impound lot for a month!
Thanks ladies for all the hugs and thoughts and love!

Angel-i didnt have my levels checked during my cycles or anything like that but i had a complete blood work up done recently and all the things like my thyroid and and what not are normal. And since i have gotten pregnant twice in the last year they dont consider anything wrong unless i dont get pregnant for one full year of trying. with the first mc they said what usually happens is two sperm fertilize the egg so that is what causes the blighted ovum and in the second case it just happens. also like janelle and misty have pointed out to me this is really my first month trying and npnt so i know it can just take time. i am just impatient lol. the only thing i am adding this month is trying a different vitamin, temping (maybe if i can figure it out lol) and the opk again. also making dh bd every other day starting at cd10 till like cd 20 see if he can keep up lol.

beside you lovely ladies i am lucky in my profession i work with a lot of women and few of them i have become really close to and right now are giving me great support they are all rooting for me to.

misty i love your bump!!!! and yes i agree mr tyler had dropped down. dont get discourged with it not being as big bc that just means when you have him you will be skinner than when you started like i did with jamie it was great lol.

aspe- eh stop driving your self crazy with trying to figure out your edd. i agree with angel on what she figured out but in the end just wait till your u/s. its great canada has universal health care but damn they need to speed things up lol.

nicole- happy late bday!!! and i hope they wouldnt charge you seeing it wasnt your fault any of that happened that way!

maria hi and thank you!!!

Janelle-hi sweety!!! i have i told you how much i love you you old dirty man? hahahaha

Grace- thanks again-i know its just this nagging feeling like i KNOW i am suppose to have another baby i dream about it all the time and every time it is another little boy (probably cuz that is what i secretly want lol love my daughter but dang one girl is good enough for me!) i know god has a plan for us and i shouldnt question it and that he only give us what we can handle...but i tell you what he must think i am one strong person bc i have been through so much stuff in my almost 28 years(yeah i feel old saying that) than most i know. some days it is a real struggle to keep the faith but then i think back to some specail things that have happen to me and that reminds me why god knows what he is doing. example for me is little mister jamison. after i had avarie i knew i wanted more kids still but i wanted to wait a while. avarie and joshua are 19monts apart in age and i had a boy and girl and i just wanted to enjoy them. so i was on bc and i got pregnant for jamie when ava was 8months old. i honestly can say i was devestated. (sounds so weird now considering my situation) i cried for so long bc i couldnt imagine having another baby soon. but not long after i found out i was pregnant we found out that my grandma was terminal with cancer. my dad had already lost his dad a 4 years before that so i knew it was going to be so hard him to loose his mom to. my grandma died when i was 6 months pregnant and it was bad for my dad really heartbreaking BUT he had my pregnancy to focus on after she died and was so excited when jamison was born and to boot jamie looked identical to my dad!!! it was sureal to say the least. my dad was tickled pinked that finaly one of his grand kids looked just like him. to this day jamison and my dad have a very special bond. so i know in my heart even though i didnt think i was ready for another baby jamison needed to be born to get my dad through one of the toughest times in his life. i even had dream about a month before jamie was born and my grandma was holding a little baby boy in her arms and she said to me i am keeping him safe till he comes to you. and she asked how my dad was and when i told her he was doing ok she said good i worry about him. that was the only dream i have ever had of my grandma since she passed.

ok sorry for the rambling but i truely feel blessed when i think of all that has happened. i have a good feeling i wil have my baby one day i just hope in the next few months lol...

sorry if i missed anybody! i got to take my butt to bed so i can enjoy my kids in the morning before i go to work.
So I normally dont sleep well due to pregnancy bladder but onight I'm super irritated for being up because my dog (jack russell) has decided he wanted to whine for the last 40 minutes. Luckily he hasnt woken up my daughter or else I might put his kennel outside.
Good morning ladies? i am surprised to not see anyone else on yet. i took joshua to school this morning then ment to only doze for a half hour and fell asleep off and on for 2 hours opps now got to try and get stuff done before work...yuck!!!
Morning ladies! Sorry I was MIA yesterday.

Nicole, Hope you had a fun birthday and was able to enjoy it!

Krissy, You know I love you! You have to see all the good that has happened in the past year that WOULD NOT had Josh not quit his job and you changed path. You've lost weight. You live in an amazing home, not a crammed apartment. You and Josh aren't fighting as much! (that's a BIG ONE) You guys are going on dates!! You got a job and completed more CNA hours, which in turn has helped you move forward career wise. You're on your way to Oprah rich! ;) You got to spend more time with your parents and your kids got to as well. Which is always fun for kids and grandparents. You're getting in some good practice baby making and ENJOYING IT rather than it just being a chore. I'm seriously believe that you're going to get your rainbow baby! I got that feeling in my gut. It might happen over night, in a month, in a year, but the silver lining, and the point of the story is IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN in due time. You can't force it, but until then we are ALL going to be here for you to cheer you on and pick you up when you need a shoulder to cry on (or if someone telepathically knocked you down with a hug--just saying) :friends:

Grace, how are you feeling lately?? I had some serious contractions last night, it was a nightmare.

Aspe, Don't stress about your EDD. It's just "estimated" they will change it once you have an ultrasound. If they did checked your beta levels that could give you an estimation, but it's about the same as LMP. They changed my due date by a few days when I had my ultrasound, then I had my 20 week one and the baby was measuring 1 week ahead of schedule, but the doctor said he wasn't going to change my date. Now she is measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule, still no change though. I'm kind of relieved she is measuring ahead though, because if I have to deliver her early due to this SPD, I wont worry so much.

Angel, how are you feeling these days? Still so over the moon, flip your foot, pee my pants, shoot rainbows out my bum excited for you!!!

Hi to all the other ladies!

AFM, I thought for sure this baby was going to arrive last night. I woke up with some serious contractions that were all over the place. TMI I didn't know if I was going to throw up or poop. I was sweating and in some serious pain. I just walked laps around my house in the dark with my eyes closed because I wanted to go back to sleep dammit! Finally after an hour and a half, I was so pooped that I just fell asleep. The walking seemed to help. I don't know what was going on. For all I know it could have been my MIL's cooking, but it was a nightmare and I don't want to have to go through that again unless I'm in a hospital dilated! Another weird thing TMI- Dan and I were able to have sex yesterday afternoon, which was the first time in quite awhile. We don't have much sex because it hurts my pelvis too much, but we were able to bust a move yesterday, but after the big O, I had the WORSE contraction, I was frozen in bed, any movement was killer. Once I was able to move I stood up super quick and just rocked my hips back and forth. I remember when I was pregnant with Samuel I would have braxton hicks after the big O, but never full on contractions. This was across your belly, around your back, down your legs painful contractions. Freaked me out. I'm not having sex ANYMORE, until I'm 35 weeks.

I will post a bump picture with in the next couple of days. I have to find my other "bump pictures" to add it to. I'm not sure my bump has changed much in the last 5 weeks, but I can't tell until it's next to the others in comparison.
Wow Janelle on losing weight! Wish that were me, ha! But oh dear on dropping a grand at the hospital!!! Is that to cover costs not covered by insurance??? Woohoo on Dan being your personl masseuse!!! And Samuel being an angel again! How'd the baby shopping go??

Oh dear wow!! Contractions already!!! Yeah sounds like dtding brought it on!!!! How are you feeling now???

Grace - Oh dear on dr suggesting a C section... sigh!! My dr warned me last time that Siena might be 'too big' and we induced at 39 weeks. And then she was smaller than predicted. Bah! I got an extra ultrasound later on to see if she was still growing too fast and she'd slowed down so they werent 'as' worried though. Just would have liked another scan right before so we knew for sure! And, geez, they can't base size of LMP! My LMP is a week off from real due date since I o'd later. I made SURE to stress that to my dr!! Because he kept using LMP due date at first and of course I was measuring wrong due to that. Now I am right on schedule with my o date being used.

Aspe - I ate Subway at least 3 times a week during my pregnancy... and then like a year later my friend was prego and told me they don't heat the meat long enough to kill listeria. And also read not to eat deli salads bc can't guarantee they washed the veggies enough, yet have had salads a TON. And never an issue. So, yeah try and follow guidelines.. but these are guidelines... I'm sure people DO get listeria... just seems like I've never heard of anyone with it? And I apparently lucked out? Oh and never followed hot dog rule. But its not like I eat those a lot. Also, I still eat Subway... but just not almost every day like last time, ha. But man it was the only way I managed to not double my weight lol! The chicken or meatballs are cooked. But I always got roast beef or turkey. Also, I show FAAAAAST. My stomach is my problem area anyway.. smaller elsewhere but stomach bloats easy etc and that’s where I gain weight. Well during pregnancy seems to be no different. I show wellll before 12 weeks... not long after I get my bfp.. some sometime around 6 weeks probably. But yeah its bloating.

Nicole - My dr is stingy... I didn't make an afternoon glucose appt because he said I'd have to fast! So its first thing when they open... which is really late compared to when I Start work and it’s a 2 hours test... which means might as well take an entire day of vacation for this stupid thing sigh! Also, I woke up drenched the other night if that helps? But I don't get up to pee.

Happy belated bday Nicole!!

Krissy - Oh man I didn’t realize periods can go haywire as we approach 30! I'm 31... and I did have a freakout or 2 while TTCing due to period not being on schedule and I was 30... but hadn't been off bcp long so chalked it up to that. I know you are disappointed, sigh! Not faiR!!!!!! You really want your last baby and I hate that you feel like you might have to stop trying. It's hard to go through TTCing and have the bfns... we're rooting for you!!!!

Misty! Yay for the bump pic! Reminds me I should take one... I am lazy! Yeah looks low like mine!
Posted in my journal earlier... and then all the catch up in here... pooped from typing!! But yeah had a good wknd! And big dr appt tomorrow! 2 hour glucose and 4d scan! If HE turned into a SHE, I will not be happy!

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