A home for EVERYONE!

Misty, I don't know about your hospital, but when I went and preregistered this time, they just pulled up my old info from when I had Samuel. I had a different name and address and they just changed it. So, they might be able to do the same with you. You can call before hand and ask them. Also, I remember Samuel was born under my last name because we weren't married, but when we filed for his birth certificate weeks later we changed it to Dan's last name. I'm not sure if it was because I was on medicaid or what, but it didn't seem that difficult. SOOOOOOOO, if anything, you can always preregister now, get hitched a few days later or what not, go get a new SS card another day(they will give you the piece of paper stating you changed your name and SS#) and BOOM! You're set. Might take an afternoon. You can't get a new license until you have the actual card though. At least that's how it works here in NV. That piece of paper should be enough to have Tyler though. Then you can wait a week or two after you have him to file for his SS# and birth certificate. Which, during that time you can get your new license. :)

The nurse is right. Braxton hicks CAN put you into labor. Don't just ignore them. Write down every time you think or you know you have one and take that to the Dr. tomorrow. If they are consistent, he might want to check you to make sure you are dilating. When they hooked me up to the pitocin drip, the first contractions were just braxton hicks and I was a real smart ass and requested that the nurse up the dose because I wasn't feeling real contractions. About 2 hours later I wish I had shut my mouth because I was having real contractions.

I'm guessing Tyler is going to weigh 5lbs 2oz. I can't believe you're almost 33 weeks. Only 2-4 more to go. HAHA .....just kidding.
Misty- DH and I agreed that the fair thing to do would be to have a non-relative but close female friend in the delivery room with me so neither of the grandmas get offended. Stephanie Marino will take me to the hopsital and will be the only person other than hospital staff allowed in the room until after the baby is born. She is practically a second mom to both me and DH. Dh's parents will be in charge of taking care of Jerusha until baby and I are released from the hospital.

My guess on Tyler's weight is 4 lbs 12 ounces.
Nicole, what happens if something happens to your friend and she isn't able to be at the hospital that day? I had 3 people in the delivery room with me when I had Samuel. Couldn't you just have all 3? Just curious, you can tell me to shut up if you want... :)
If she is unable (because she is sick or injured) my in-laws will tyake me to the hospital but I have no clue who will be in the room with me. Maybe no one.
Misty - I don't think it would be a problem for you to pre-regiter under your old name. I'm sure they deal with name changes all the time.

Nicole - I hope your friend can make it. I've never given birth but it would seem to be difficult to do all alone.

Janelle - How are you feeling today? Is your hip pain going away?

Libby, Angel, Aspe, Krissy - Where are you? Hope you're all doing well.
Grace- I am doing good thanks! DAy off woooohoooo!!!! how are you and the baby?

Nicole- i hope you dont end up in the position where you are alone....has your mom gotten back to you yet?

Misty- nope it was no big deal to change my name at the hospitals. i just showed my id and that was that! for here in MI what i had to do for my name change was show my marriage certificate first at SS office to get my new card and the wait 24hrs before going to get my new ID so that it would be in the system that i applied for my new SSN card. but then it was changing my name everywhere else that sucked! but happy mister tyler is doing so well.

janelle-i think my dr said unless my belly was measureing 3 weeks ahead they wouldnt do extra ultrasounds. i think with josh some where between 32-34 weeks is when i got a another and somewhere like that with ava to. with jamison i was 32 weeks and that is when they found the extra fluid but i was measuring like 4 weeks ahead and by the end they stopped measureing my belly at 35weeks i was 52cm lmao...but that was also bc i was getting an ultrasound every week. so you are looking great and doing great hit me up later day off!!!

Aspe-how are you doing?

Angel- good morning! oh i wanted to ask you if you guys celebrate St.Patricks day over there or is it just a holiday americans made up? forgive me if that sounds stupid lol

Lizzy-how are you doing sweety?????

AFM-day off!!!! oh did i tell ya'll that jamie and ava are headed to preschool!!! i got them into headstart hopefully starting the begining of next week!!! i go friday to finish the paper work so excited!! i think i want them in the morning gives me some time to get stuff done and i would still have 2 hrs with them before work. so that means shopping for a back pack and shoes for jamie ava needs new dress shoes....oh and all 3 need new underwear lol.

oh and getting my hair did before work tomorrow not sure what colors i want. my whole body hurts! so needed today off and i am so freaking tired still its sucks. ok got stuff to get done....

oh misty tonight is taco night lol!!
Morning ladies!

Nicole, I hope your friend is able to make it. I don't think I would enjoy being in labor much if I had to do it alone.

Grace, I'm feeling okay. Yesterday sucked. I've decided the part that I hate most about my day is when I have to go to bed. I can't get comfortable and my belly is always hurting. Last night sometime in my sleep, my hip went back into place. All I remember was it was painful and I was half asleep, but I'm relieved this morning, because it doesn't hurt at all. Might even get some walking in while it's working right. How are you feeling?

Krissy, I'm not too worried about measuring ahead. I would rather measure ahead than behind. I'm just slightly ahead, so it doesn't bother me. I go in next Friday, so we'll see how it goes. I wouldn't mind another ultrasound, nor would I protest it. We're suppose to get a 3D ultrasound when I'm 34 weeks, but I'm just not sure if I want to do it. We have to pay out of pocket for it and it's $190. I'm trying to decided if I also want to do a belly cast. I did one with Samuel, but eh.... I'm just not sure.
I'm good. I took a sick day because I wasn't feeling well, but I feel better now. Instead of going in for half a day I decided to just stay home and relax. Baby seems to be doing fine he's wiggling around in there now. It always makes me feel better to feel him moving. I think my husband may be ready to discuss names. I took a peek at his list and we only have one name in common (Josiah). He says that he can't picture a grown man with that name. I keep telling him he was a king in the Bible. How can that not sound like a grown up name. Anyway, I think that's probably what we'll end up going with, but I'm not going to push him on it.

Janelle, we're 30 weeks today!!! 10 weeks til due date. Any feelings on if you'll go earlier or later? I haven't a clue.
Grace, I love the name! When he gets older he could always go by Joe. You tell your husband my best friend is named Michael and he still goes by Mikey. :) EVERYONE calls him Mikey. LOL that's just his name.

As for going early, after last night I really wouldn't doubt it. I was having some serious braxton hicks around 6ish when Dan was at school, then when he got home I took a bath and that helped a lot. I kept getting these weird twinges in my back, but it could have been anything. I kinda hope I do go early only because I'm so uncomfortable at night! Misty thinks I'm going before her. Only time will tell. My belly feels so large already. I fear getting any bigger..

Good to read you're feeling better. Happy 30 weeks! It's gone by so quick. Before your know it, your little guy will be here squeezing your finger. :)
I totally understand where you're coming from on the fearing getting any bigger. I read last week or maybe the week before that baby's weight will double or triple by the due date and I just stared at my stomach thinking, "how in the world will he double (or triple) in there without me getting huge."
LMAO, the funny thing was I really didn't think I got that much bigger from my 25 week picture, but once I put it up for the comparison, I was like HOLY CRAP!!! I was shocked even more to see I only gained 2 lbs. That just seems unreal!
Happy 30 weeks janelle and grace!! I do think Janelle will go before me but I was having tons of bh contractions yesterday too. Today I haven't. Janelle, think we're trying to shoot for the same day or something? Lol I have another nst tomorrow so we'll see what the monitors say about contractions.

Grace glad you're feeling better and good decision on just staying home and relaxing. I giggled at your looking at your belly comment and him doubling weight. I'll find out in a week how big my baby boy is!

Janelle and Krissy, thx for the info on the name changing at hospital. I'll prbly do it sooner cuz I'm anxious to be prepared! Btw Krissy I forgot to give u kudos on the weight loss. Good job!!

Nicole, I would be very sad to have to give birth all alone. Even more sad that that's what my husband wished of me. My oldest daughter already said she will definitely need her mommy whenever she had a baby. She'd kick her hubby out before me! Lol
I'll talk to DH about a backup plan but I"m not holding much hope. This coming Monday is my next appointment but nothing exciting for me. I'll ask about how late she will allow me to travel. Nothing from my mom yet. I definitely think this baby is breech in some way still because I keep feeling something about 2 inches long near my left hip. I guess we will wait and see if that changes in the next 4 weeks. Are NST just for women with GD or breech babies? I know I had them at 36,37, and 38 weeks with my son. We got to sit in the chair and watch George of the Jungle. It was actually kinda nice since Josh was right beside me. We didnt get to do any of that with my daughter because of paperwork issues I didnt get in to see the OB until I was just about 38 weeks and then 3 days later she was born.
Hey been playing catch up at work. Only reason I'm taking a break is because day is nearing an end and waiting on emails back from people.

Janelle - Can't believe you only gained 2 pounds in nearly 5 weeks!! I hope that happens to me! Oh and haha I needed tights to wear with a dress for wedding I went to last wknd... since it wasn't a mat dress so kinda SHORT with my bump! Well, didn’t have any maternity tights, so snipped them open at the tummy to make them work! Ha we make do! And so crazy that you've already had contractions!! And yeah I had Siena in the pack n play by my bed when she was a newborn. Easiest. And we had a bassinet we could transport around the house... so she'd fall asleep in that and I'd tote her off to the bedroom when she was down for the night and not move her to the pack n play until after her first night nursing... to try to limit DH's exposure to her crying since he had to get up for work (she'd be loud for awhile while trying to get her to sleep for the night). This time I'm going to try co sleeper attached to the bed. Similar, but don't have to sit up and bend over, etc. Think it'll be an easier transition after feedings so maybe less likely she'll wake back up.

Angel - Sorry you were down... hope things are improving?

Grace - Yay on having some BH! It's comforting because you know things are going as expected. And yeah DH and I have started talking names too... Noah is on our lists... so we might have a Bible name too!

Krissy - Wow on the 39 pounds!!! That is some serious weight loss!!! Amazing that you lost all that weight and hadn't even been 'trying'! Sucks that you missed out on sleep ugh!!! But hey now you have today off yay! And preschool, whoa! Sounds like you are looking forward to it... woohoo!!

Misty - Yeah my baby is breech too, but dr wasn’t concerned. I'm almost 28 weeks... so sounds like your baby is a bit bigger since Sprout was 2 lbs 15 ounces. And oh boy on all the name change stuff... that stuff was a pain for me! I had a deadline too because got married maybe a month or so before our honeymoon... had to leave passport with my old name but changed everything else. But I didn’t need EVERYTHING changed by the trip. Sounds like Janelle is 'in the know' about that stuff though! I had tons and tons of BH so I don't think much of them. But yeah everyone is different!

Nicole - Hope DH agrees to a back up plan! And yeah now I'm thinking about having an assigned day each week that Siena goes to In-laws like you... right now, its just here and there as I need it or when MIL is wanting her (well, always wants her, but tries to limit her asking!). She was gone last weekend so asked if she could keep her one day this week so I said sure.
Happy 30 weeks to Janelle and Grace!
Nicole, I'm sure it will all work out. I think this time around it's just going to be Dan and I while I have the baby. I wouldn't mind Dan's mom in the room with me. If she says she wants to be, I wont deny her entry, but that will be her choice.

Do your parents and in laws get along? Just curious.

Misty, it would be interesting if we had our babies on the same day. Would your baby be late or would mine be early? My goal is 5 more weeks. Then she can come whenever she wants! But, just to be safe... better pack your bag and leave it by the door. :) I feel the itch of nesting in my bones. I'm going to start going crazy here in the next few days. I can feel it!

Krissy, think I'm going to join you with Taco night. Sounds like a good idea. Simple. Easy. Why the hell not!
Libby Tyler was only 2 oz more so not much bigger! And where are our pics of Sprout????
And my journal post about my appt yesterday... didn't post right after because we had a big day... after the appt (we brought Siena), we picked up lunch and took the boat out... Siena freaked out partway through due to lack of a nap, then passed out in my arms (NEVER HAPPENS).. we got back to car and got home and I got dinner ready while she finished her nap in the car. Etc. I'm always making sure we're home for naps and bedtime, so didn't recognize the signs when she started pitching a fit due to tiredness while on the boat. She was screaming and throwing her head back and not listening to me at all... I freaked out! But I calmed down after she passed out. And then it was kinda nice! Hadn't held a sleeping baby in ages!

Waiting to hear back about glucose test results. Assuming they are fine. Oh but yeah I was concerned while doing it because last time the empty stomach did not work well... with the sugar drink and the blood draws ugh. I was so shaky and crap afterward. Well, this time was worse! After drink and first blood draw, dr did the ultrasound... well, partway through I'm feeling woozy/sick and he stops and sits me up. I get a cool washcloth... try to get my bearings.. DH's holding me in case I faint. Then I think I'm ok and lean back onto the upright seat... so I'm slightly leaning while sitting. And then the feeling comes on again and worse and I'm saying to DH to get ready I know I'm going to faint any second... dr gets me water... HALLALEUah! Because yeah couldn't even have WATER during the stupid fast, except sips. That helps. And I'm eventually able to lie back down to finish the scan but basically yeah most of the scan was awful because didn't feel 100% until over an hour later. Hate that stupid test!! At one point, I was sooo ucky feeling that I was WANTING to faint to get it over with!

DH has the scan results and pictures and dvd at work... so not sure on the numbers... I know baby is like 2 lbs 15 ounces right now... 75 percentile... since femur length is usually wrong, hard to tell on height... but weight and head size were on the larger size. I think head was 90 something percent like with Siena. But this baby had a bigger abdomen, so looks like he might be chunkier/bigger? So hard to tell. I was just glad to seee him! Once again, looks like I will get an extra scan closer to the birth though... to see if we need to induce since this baby looks like he'll be big like Siena. And I'd figured he was smaller because I'd been able to gain less so far! Guess not!
Libby Tyler was only 2 oz more so not much bigger! And where are our pics of Sprout????

Oh only 2 more?? Oh ok so your baby will give me a clue maybe then on my baby's possible weight!
Awe, libby that sounds terrible! Why did you have to do your glucose test on an empty stomach? Glad that it's over with!

I looked on my calendar thing and it said that your baby's weight is average for 28 weeks. So, try to keep optimistic. :)

Dang, I want to know how big my baby is now. I want an ultrasound! Maybe I will get the 3D one in 4 weeks.

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