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Janelle get the ultrasound!!!! There, decision made. :). Oh and u are definitely having her early. No way am I gonna be late!!!!! No no no!
Thanks Janelle! Yeah last time dr was concerned with Siena's size and she ended up coming out smaller than predicted. So I'm not terribly concerned... but I can see getting nervous and deciding to induce if dr suggests it... when I'm really wanting to not do that now. But your patience decreases and then its so close to the due date and you hear you can have the baby sooner... and I gave in. But yeah, knowing she wasn't as big as they thought... makes me think maybe not a concern. The head will be the deciding factor probably. Because its big like hers was/is.
My parents and in-laws get along usually. I guess it depends on if a controversial subject somes up. Like if my mom wants to take my daughter out shopping and in-laws arent sure if they want to let her because I told them to watch her until I'm released. I'm not worried about my mom wanting to take Jerusha to my house for bed those few nights because my mom will probably stay in the hosptial room with me overnight once the baby is born.

Well I'm 90% sure I had another BH contraction about an hour ago. My back started hurting and as soon as I stood up I had aLOT of pelvic pressure (about 2x as much as usual). I also felt like I was constipated even though I had already had my bowel movement for the day (sorry tmi). The pelvic pressure lasted about 30 seconds.
Quiet today! How is everyone??? I was super busy yesterday at work and then in bed after work... DH was 'in charge'... had him pick up Siena and feed her too! Felt so nice! So all I did was lie in bed and entertain her when she'd come to my room! Then we both put her down to sleep together... and he came in to help right away versus coming in after I've already done half the 'work'. Tonight, MIL has Siena, so will attempt to drag myself to the store for some needed items... allergies kicking my butt so would like to do nothing again tonight!
Good day ladies,

Krissy.. That is an amazing amount of weight loss. Way to go :)

Janelle.. Beautiful, stunning bump pictures :)

Misty.. So the big day is March 29 (wedding)?

I have my ultrasound appointment. It is for March 29. My db and I will not rest until we see a heartbeat. I keep thinking about blighted ovum.
So I have to call the police department and tell the lady that I lost my keys and may be able to have a locksmith make a new one tomorrow but they will need access to the car to make sure it works.

Going to the bank today to withdraw the money that it will cost to make the key, then to PetCo to get a cable for my dog since his chain tie-out wont work with the ground being so hard, and then I have to go to the library, apply for a library card, and then print out new insurance cards along with a few other things so I can get into the impound lot tomorrow for the locksmith. Until then I'm at home, eating a greek yogurt and folding laundry.
Nicole.. I know here, if you lost your key, you can go to the dealership and get a new key for small fee.
Morning ladies, it has been super quiet lately!

Libby, I hate allergies! Luckily, mine haven't been so bad lately. I did hear on the new that they expect allergy season to be really bad where I live because it's getting warm early. Yesterday was 77!! That's unheard of in March! I keep telling Dan that he needs to turn the sprinklers on, but he's lagging. I'm hoping the weather stays nice. We're going to be replacing our back sliding glass door with a set of french doors, and our bedroom set of french doors (that Dan broke) with a new set. I would like to do it, when the weather is nice, just in case we HAVE to leave a set out over night... Not looking forward to that though.. This weekend would be perfect, but I can only see getting one set done.

Aspe, Thanks! Can't wait to see your bump pictures! Don't think anything but baby! I'm sure you've got a super healthy strong baby growing inside of you. I know it's hard to stay optimistic after all that you've been through. I will admit I struggled after my miscarriages constantly thinking something was going to go wrong, but it just creates unneeded stress. So, try to think positive and keep your chin up! The 29th isn't that far away at all! I can't wait!! How are you feeling other wise?

Nicole, how frustrating not being able to find your keys! I remember a time I lived in Vegas and I lost my keys somewhere in my apartment. I was so upset and frustrated. Even when I moved out of the apartment I didn't find them, it was like they just disappeared. So, I know how that feels. Hope you can find a locksmith to help you and it's not a headache. Did you ever find your debit card? Today is laundry day for us as well. Luckily, we only have a load or two to do, so it shouldn't be that much work.

AFM, I wish I could take something to help me sleep comfortably at night. I'm constantly tossing and turning because my stomach is too freakin' big and it's hard to get comfortable. If I sleep on my side, it feels like it's stretching and it hurts. I tried putting a pillow underneath, but that is so not comfortable to sleep like that all night! I can sleep on my stomach/side still, but the slightest move and I get these terrible ligament pains. On my back and I can't breath. I've even tried sleeping at an incline and I wake up with sore ribs. I never complained this much when I was pregnant with Samuel!!! I feel like such a wimp!! I swear, if it's not one thing it's something else. Just ignore me, I'm a whiny wimp venting.
Nicole.. I know here, if you lost your key, you can go to the dealership and get a new key for small fee.

That'd be nice if the dealership we bought it from wasnt in NY and I'm in IL. By the time they could get the keys here to me I'd have to pay another $250 in impound fees when I'm already going to have pay $1000+.
Morning ladies, it has been super quiet lately!

Libby, I hate allergies! Luckily, mine haven't been so bad lately. I did hear on the new that they expect allergy season to be really bad where I live because it's getting warm early. Yesterday was 77!! That's unheard of in March! I keep telling Dan that he needs to turn the sprinklers on, but he's lagging. I'm hoping the weather stays nice. We're going to be replacing our back sliding glass door with a set of french doors, and our bedroom set of french doors (that Dan broke) with a new set. I would like to do it, when the weather is nice, just in case we HAVE to leave a set out over night... Not looking forward to that though.. This weekend would be perfect, but I can only see getting one set done.

Aspe, Thanks! Can't wait to see your bump pictures! Don't think anything but baby! I'm sure you've got a super healthy strong baby growing inside of you. I know it's hard to stay optimistic after all that you've been through. I will admit I struggled after my miscarriages constantly thinking something was going to go wrong, but it just creates unneeded stress. So, try to think positive and keep your chin up! The 29th isn't that far away at all! I can't wait!! How are you feeling other wise?

Nicole, how frustrating not being able to find your keys! I remember a time I lived in Vegas and I lost my keys somewhere in my apartment. I was so upset and frustrated. Even when I moved out of the apartment I didn't find them, it was like they just disappeared. So, I know how that feels. Hope you can find a locksmith to help you and it's not a headache. Did you ever find your debit card? Today is laundry day for us as well. Luckily, we only have a load or two to do, so it shouldn't be that much work.

AFM, I wish I could take something to help me sleep comfortably at night. I'm constantly tossing and turning because my stomach is too freakin' big and it's hard to get comfortable. If I sleep on my side, it feels like it's stretching and it hurts. I tried putting a pillow underneath, but that is so not comfortable to sleep like that all night! I can sleep on my stomach/side still, but the slightest move and I get these terrible ligament pains. On my back and I can't breath. I've even tried sleeping at an incline and I wake up with sore ribs. I never complained this much when I was pregnant with Samuel!!! I feel like such a wimp!! I swear, if it's not one thing it's something else. Just ignore me, I'm a whiny wimp venting.

Janelle-I am horrible at keeping track of keys but now I have a hook next to my front door that Jerusha cant reach. As far as sleeping, I toss and turn too besides the fact that I get up to pee 3-4x a night. I try laying on each side and eventually turn back to my left side to sleep. The worst part is turning my brain off because it wasnts to go over finances and my To Do list for the next day.
Hey there Aspe. How are you feeling today? Mar 29... first stages are the most worrisome and time goes so slow... try to plan some stuff between now and then to help time go by faster??

Nicole - Man, all that stuff is such a pain!! Hate that for you! All doable, but the sort of errands I REALLY hate. Good luck and hope it all goes smoothly!!!

Janelle - Yeah DH said I'm probably suffering because its been warmer lately here and there, funky weather. I have loved the warm, but yeah now not so much! But it'll be 60s for 2 days, then get down to 20s at night and then couple days of low 50s, etc. All over the place. So no grass watering here yet! And I understand the pain you're in at night! Not there yet but I know how awful third tri was with Siena! For me, it was mostly my hips. Right now, I'm putting a mat pillow behind me and up through my legs. And eventually there will be a pillow in front of me too so that I can lean into it to sorta be able to stomach sleep (with pillow as padding)... and then if its like last time, I'll start piling them under my hip... which means rest of my body too to level me out... so it'll be like a cloud cocoon haha.

Oh but I totally woke up on my back this morning. Whoops. I think because last night I was watching tv in bed and trying to lie on my right side some instead of my left, since baby is breech. I have this idea that since I always sleep on my left side, he's wanting his head up and his feet under him to push up. Hmm that theory would mean I really should be sleeping upside down then... :)
Nicole.. I think you said you had a jeep, so try to jeep dealership where you are now just to see.
Already did Aspe. It ws always busy. So now I'm trying to figure out if my car insurance will pay for towing and impound fees so I can get the car towed to my house today so it wont be taken to the auction lot. The locksmith can have a new key ready to program for it tomorrow afternoon.
Correction: my ultrasound is on March 26, not 29
Ok mil texted me a pic until I get them back from Dhhttps://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e10/libbyam2003/1B352445-D3C2-45B5-978A-0B4EB9C7B0F5-3504-000008BABF590D4E.jpg
Aspe glad you got your appt!! I'll be anxiously awaiting the 26th!! Can't wait for u to see your little peanut (that's what it will look like) and to find out for sure how far I are.
Well, I can't sleep. It's past 11 o'clock and you would think with everything that I did today, i would be pooped. Nope. I'm nesting. All I want to do it get stuff done! I got every room in the house, clean and organized. Got the house sparkly and wiped down, cleaned both bathrooms, AND got all the laundry done. I EVEN VACUUMED! Now, for some reason, all I want to do is paint the kitchen. I have this itching urge to just get it done. I even sat in bed and went through the ways I could paint what needed to be primed still all in an order where I could use just one roller. WTF IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!

We ordered our new doors today as well. Did I tell you ladies that we're getting new french doors? We have an 8 foot giant HEAVY sliding glass door that is in our dining/kitchen area that leads out to the outback patio. I hate that thing. Who the heck needs an 8 foot door anyhow? Either way, we're replacing it with a 8 foot 4 section french patio door. Then the french doors that are in our bedroom that lead to the outside patio are going to be replaced with a new set as well. It was cheaper to buy both sets and have them delivered, than to just purchase the set for our room and have them install it. Isn't that stupid? So, Dan's Dad is going to install them for us. Hopefully it's easier than anything we've tried to tackle so far!

So, I've set that up to be taken care of on the 30th of this month. That's the only day Dan's Dad is free and I don't want these doors just sitting around at my house waiting to get broken, because my luck, that would happen!

Libby, I wake up on my back all the time. I don't freak out like I did when I was pregnant with Samuel, only because the baby moves a lot. I'll take what ever sleep I can get now a days! A cloud cocoon sounds so comfortable right now. I've noticed that I can lay pretty comfortably on our couch... I might have to start camping out here, just so I can get some shut eye. LOOOOOOVE the pictures of your little man btw! Makes me envious that I have to wait so long for my ultrasound. Hopefully there is still some room to see my baby by the time I have mine.

Aspe, 26th is way better than the 29th. Much closer, which excites me even more! I hope you are excited. I remember when I went in to see the heartbeat with this pregnancy, I think everyone in the room held their breath. Then I saw it. The most beautiful flicker AND IT WAS SO FAST!!! Can't wait to hear the good news and see the pictures if they give you one. REQUEST ONE! You tell them, you are part of a forum of crazy hormonal pregnant women and they all want to see your itty bitty baby ...or babies. ;)

Nicole, I hope you're able to figure out the car situation in a not so stressful way before the last minute. That sounds like such a pain in the ass!

Angel, where have you gone? You worry me when you disappear. I understand this thread moves at a quick pace, but I need an angel update!!! :hugs: I hope things are going well for you.

Grace, where is your bump? I'm requesting a bump picture. As Samuel would say nicely, "May I. Have some. Bump picture. Please." That's how he asks nicely. Oh yea, I've been meaning to ask you, did you run into your new friend lately at church?

Misty, 33 weeks!!! That baby is going to be here before you know it!!! OH, I'm so excited!!!

:Wave: to all the other ladies!! Miss seeing your updates. Hope all is well and you're enjoying your time.

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