A home for EVERYONE!

Well I didnt have to pay impound fees after all. I just had to sign something saying I am releasing the car to my insurance company. I dont know but I hope that was the right thing to do. So now i guess I contact insurance, tell them, and see where it goes.

AFM- I slept pretty good last night only got up 2x to pee but my hips are killing me. I'm congested with a sore throat too. The congestion makes me sneeze and that hurts A LOT with how sore my hips are already. I'm glad that other than going to church today is a resting day for me. Now I've got to get Jerusha ready for church and manage to swallow down some Tylenol. Will do more personals later today.
I decided I cant go to church this morning. They can still take her but lifting her or even getting off the couch hurts my hips like none other. So I'm going to rest and take a warm bath once they take her to church.

Angel-When do you plan on telling your DH? My Dh says he can always tell when I'm pregnant because I will turn on a faucet and immediately have to pee.

Misty- Yay for seeing Tyler again in a few days! Are you to the point of peeing when you sneeze or cough yet? I got to that point about 5 days ago.

Janelle-Did you get the doors done? I'm hoping that if DH decides to get out of the army we can save up for a year and then replace our oven range and redo the flooring in our kitchen. We'll see how that idea goes over.

Aspe-How are you feeling? What are your symptoms?

Krissy-Sorry you didnt get much good sleep. I have been sleeping a little bit better but waking up with very very sore throats and a lot of nasal congestion along with upper back pain.

Grace-Where's your bump picture?

Libby-How is Siena doing? We went to a consignment sale with my MIL yesterday. I bought Jerusha some pretty dresses, a pair of shoes, and a LeapPad reader thing (the older type). She was trying to get me to let her play with it all day yesterday once she saw the bag but I dont know if the batteries still work so I will figure that out today while she is with the in-laws. DH has agreed to let me get her a baby doll set that comes with diapers and outfits and a diaper bag so that way she can learn what all mommy has to do for the new baby. My mom still isnt talking to me after hearing she wont be in the delivery room with me. My MIL is hurt too but she is taking it a lot better than my mom is. If she doesnt talk to me by this coming Saturday then I'll tell her that we arent going to visit her in April.
nicole good luck with all of that! i couldnt imagine having a talk like that.....that is for sure! i feel ya on the sore throat mine has been like that for almost a week now!

misty-i am no super woman just a very cranky one lmao! and tired.....ugh...but i am proud i am all cought up and so far staying caught up on school...house is another story lol. i wanna see that baby!!!!

afm-got the bday party today i am excited to go and show off my weight loss and new look. i will take pics before i leave and post them.

ok so when josh came to bed he asked me if i was ovulating lol...i said not today but pretty soon, i was cd9 last night....he goes well lets have a quicky at least lol....well a quicky turned to a lot more fun but he could not get full "excited" last night at all....he could not understand why so need less to say just turned into a whole lot of fooling around and a dead end lol....but all jokes a side he did say that his sugars felt low so he chugged a lot of 100% juice last night and now he has the poos so he wont be going with us tonight....he felt so bad about last night but i think he lack of "excitment" was due to his sugars being messed up...but we got a bd date tonight i told him i would put on the sexy stuff...so yeah he needs to stay in bed and feel better that is for sure!

ok got to moving we are leaving in a few hours and i got kids to feed and bathe and myself to get all dolled up.

peace out girl scouts!!!!
LOL Krissy, Sorry he couldnt get fully excited but glad you had some play time. Dh keeps talking about making a "home video" when he gets back. We will see if between 2 kids, 2 animals, cleaning, cooking, and college classes if I will have the energy. I'm glad you get to show off your new look today. I took Tylenol and my hips feel better but now I'm getting a headache. My nose is still very congested and so is Jerusha's.

Excited to go to my SIL's briday shower on Saturday but I havent decided what to get her yet. I dont wnt to spend over $35 on her bridal shower gift since I'm planning on spending close to $60 on her wedding gift.

The ground was finally soft enough for me to get the dog's tie-out chain secured so he is spending a good hour outside today (it is sunny and close to 50 degrees outside) while I do laundry and organize my clothes. I will now have 2 totes full of pre-pregnancy clothes and one tote full of my smaller pregnancy clothes. Also have to hang up my shoe organzier and pick up Jerusha's bedroom. Good thing I dont have plans til about 5:30 so I can also get an hour long nap in somewhere.
Nicole - Yeah, sounds like things would really change a lot if DH changed job paths! Unless you were wanting to go back to work, I'd hate it for you... but maybe the change will be nice? I would love to have the option to stay home to try it out.. my DH thinks I'd get bored, but how do you know until you try it? Grr. Oh and I hear you on being congested... that's been me for over a week now. Does tylenol help with the pain at all? Told my dr it didn't seem to help much, but he didn't care...

HAHA on the peeing when water gets turned on!! I CONSTANTLY gripe about that to my DH!! Oh my all the places I've peed BESIDES the toilet this pregnancy lol due to closest toilet being occupied... shower, bath, sink, etc... not sure if anyone wants to hear about what happened when I got desperate in the car the other week...

Glad that you went to a consignment shop, Nicole! Those are the best! Although have to be mindful of the prices and brands... some places are more pricey due to brands but some just because they can be. I love finding used toys too! Oh and we got Siena a vtech or leapfrog something rather over the wknd... picked it up so MIL's sister would have something to get Siena for her bday. Hope they like them! And the baby doll... oh my Siena is soooooo into dolls. So MIL bought her this doll online that has a potty etc... wanting to help Siena get interested in potty training! But the doll was huge! So just keeping the doll potty. Think she also got her a diaper bag.

Oh and MIL told me NOT to bring a gift to a wedding I went to the other wknd since we'd given a gift at the shower... apparently that counts and don't need another gift??? I trusted her judgement because she's been to a million weddings, but I dunno!

Angel - I can see you not wanting to get your DH's hopes up, but wish he knew so he could be there to support you!

Misty - I am starting to get to where I want the baby out also... but not super anxious quite yet.

Krissy - IS your DH diabetic? He seems MUCH more interested in your cycle than my DH! Mine acts like babies just happen whether or not you time sex right!
Krissy? Pics??

afm - Feelin a bit bitchy today... hobblin due to moving around more this wknd... but thats ok bc was fun. Weather was AWESOME, Siena had tons of fun, and I'm sure being more active was good for me too. Had an outdoor photo sesssion and Siena seemed to enjoy it! She's older now so the photo thing is getting easier! And took the boat out which was funnnn. That's something I can do sitting down, so easier to manage. Mmmmm... and got to rock Siena to sleep on the boat and hold her asleep till we got back to the car.... THAT is a dream! Makes me want to go again so that can happen again! :)
Oh yeah I TOTALLY wanna hear the desperate in the car story, Libby!!! Lmao spill it!!

I wish work weeks went by as fast as the weekends!! I'm soooo tired!! I really need a good night's sleep. This insomnia crap is for the freakin birds!! My countdown is to 37 weeks then idc how it happens but I will be desperate to have Tyler in my arms and NOT in my body!! I love you, baby boy, but I need to be comfortable and able to breath again!! I also need u to be healthy. :) Two more days til we see him again and see how much he's grown!
Libby... glad you had a lovely weekend, I'm jealous.

Army.... yeah to no impound fees! Have you got the new keys etc sorted yet?

Krissy... looking forward to seeing pics, I love new looks.

Janelle... how are you? I hope you are feeling ok x

HisGrace, Misty, Aspe and everybody else :flower:

AFM... Well ladies, DH now knows:winkwink::happydance:. We were having a cuddle last night and he was asking me how I was feeling about losing my job and the whole situation etc etc. He then came off with the comment that we have each other and Kyan and it was just such a perfect moment to add in 'and maybe another'. His look was priceless, it took him a moment to process things so I took the opportunity to get him to agree no moaning or stressing me about the timing as I'm under enough stress thinking about it all. He agreed and then he had a big grin on his face :happydance:. I am relieved I dont have to hide things any more especially as I'm beginning to feel symptoms really hitting, all I want to do this morning is :sleep: or :sick:.

I am glad I hid it for a couple of weeks, it allowed me to get used to the idea and over my first milestone, 6 weeks was a MC milestone last year.
Yeah insomnia is a pain! I was just griping this morning to DH about it... he was awake early too... but at least he slept last night! My insomnia starts around 2 or so... and I griped that if it's my body prepping me to get less sleep with a newborn, well, 5-6 hours of sleep was a DREAM when I finally was able to get it with Siena... so it's not really practice! So might as well be able to sleep for a full 8 hours thanks!!!!

Angel - praying for you! Glad you have some support now!! I know its easier in a way to keep it to yourself, but it will be so good to have DH there for you now!
ok desperate in the car story...

So hmm couple weekends ago, we had gone boating in our lil beat up rusty 'new to us' boat. No roof, so obviously no bathroom either. I needed to pee, so DH was looking for a place to stop along the river, but then we ran aground in the middle of the river, so had to get unstuck etc... anyway, then we decided to turn around and head back. While DH was loading the boat, I was in the drivers seat waiting to drive the truck up to a parking spot on DH's command... and Siena was standing in the passenger seat goofing off. Well, then the urge to pee came back (oops I'd forgot and so had DH), this time with a VENGENCE!! I saw a building nearby, but knew I couldn't make it... especially since I had Siena and DH was occupied and what if they didnt HAVE a bathroom? NExt thing I know, I've dumped DH's gatorade out of his plastic tumbler, crouched in the drivers seat, gotten my lady bits uncovered, and I'm PEEING IN THE CUP!!!! It all happened so fast... it was that or pee in his seat! Then I got VERY NERVOUS because I thought I'd overflow the glass!!! Luckily, I didn't.... dumped it and told DH he 'might' not want to use his cup... we got some laughs outta that one!
just prayed no one knew what I was doing... no we were NOT alone in that parking lot lol... but everything happened out of sight I think!
Libby, I burst out laughing at your toilet mishap, he he, who would of thought a cup would have come in so handy!!!

At least you didnt end up in a puddle on the floor...
Haha! That's awesome Libby!! Good thing you're so little. I'd never be able to squat in the seat of a car to pee! I think my biggest worry would have been my aim into the cup lol. Was Siena wondering what in the world you were doing?

Angel, glad your hubby knows now!! :)
true!! actually his seats are fabric, so would have soaked through!!! and no room to move to the floor! oh dear yeah not sure what I would have done if not for that big cup!!!

Tired... but unlike with Siena, its not like I could sleep in even if I stayed home since now our household is much livlier in the mornings.. although sleeping in until Siena wakes up is still 1.5 hours more... seems like I have insomia and then feel like I could sleep GREAT by the time morning comes and drat time to get up!

Guess I will go to the restroom to get up... and go visit with a co worker before sitting back down to help wake up. Over 150 today on the scale... eek hate hitting the round numbers where you enter a new 'hundredth's place' or whatever. 140 was annoying too. Oh dear 160 with last pregnancy was awful. Onward and UPward I go!
Haha! That's awesome Libby!! Good thing you're so little. I'd never be able to squat in the seat of a car to pee! I think my biggest worry would have been my aim into the cup lol. Was Siena wondering what in the world you were doing?

Angel, glad your hubby knows now!! :)

ha yeah i wasnt sure if i could fit into a squat... but when desperate, you make it work i guess! i had a split second to think oh dear i wonder how sore this contortionist move is going to make me later... but thats about all the time I had! And yeah I was soooooooo nervous I would miss the cup or leak around it... never done that before! Easier for guys!!! But there was no way to wait and no way to know for sure if I was 'making it' into the cup until afterward! Ha!
p.s. if I EVER see a prego woman peeing on the ground in the wide-open in public, I vow to not judge her because that was my second option!!!!!
LOL Libby, loved your story. I have done that several times with my past pregnancies. That is why DH almost always gets the largest plastic cup they have at McDonalds and leaves it on the car floor once he is done with it. He finds it hilarious too but he understands how sensitive my senses are when pregnant.

Havent got the keys yet. I signed the paperwork which basically put the next move into my insurance company's hands. So I'm about to call and see what they are going to do next. Then call the local community college to see how many classes I would need to finish my Assocaite's degree. If you are wondering, yes that does mean that DH has decided to get out of the Army next March and so he wants me to take online classes this fall and next summer if I want I can go for a certificate program. He will be going to school next fall in order to get into a Bachelor's Nursing Program. As a reward for working part-time (I will need to find a job in March) and finishing my Associate's degree, DH and I will go to 6 Flags with possibly another couple and have fun (though I'm doubting it'll be much fun for DH since he hates heights). Then hopefully in 2015 we will go as a family to TN for a short vacation. We still hope to eveentually but we have about $5000 to put into this little house before we can be ready to sell it.

Ok, off to make phone calls.

Oh, Angel, glad your DH is happy about being pregnant. I hope it is a healthy and easy 9 months for you! I will be praying.
Ok Nicole I feel better knowing you have had to do that too in the car!!!! Hadn't even considered PLANNING for it to happen again! Oh dear! Now I think I might need to do that!

I wonder if insurance will send someone out to look at your car. You'd think they'd want you yo go get an estimate for any repairs needed... unless Jeep is in same condition??

Oh wow so you ARE going to start working again! I have THREE classes left for my masters... and no idea when I will finish, sigh. Just seems impossible now! Last class I took... I was finishing it up, luckily had done everything I needed because had Siena before class was over! But yeah was harddd even without having a baby yet sigh. School is hard! I applaud anyone that does it with kids... esp if it’s the mama... I see guys having it easier bc the kid work just piles onto us then! What kind of job will you get after getting your degree?
Libby - That is absolutely hilarious. Glad you have good aim. As for 150, that's great. I was in the 160's before I even got preggers. At 183 now so I'm just wondering if I'll hit 200 before he gets here.

Angel - Glad you found the right moment to tell DH. :) And glad he's excited about it. I'm praying for you.

Krissy, Misty, Janelle, Nicole - :hi: I hope I didnt miss anyone.

AFM - We were running late to the rodeo so I didnt have time for a bump pic. I'm at the doctors office now. I may try and sneak in a pic before the doctor gets here. We have narrowed the list of names down to six. LOL. Let's see how this goes.
Hey Grace, Libby, Misty, Janelle, Nicole, Angel. Hope you all are well today. :hugs: <3

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