A home for EVERYONE!

Yeah that was me Janelle. My son never turned so thats why we did C-section for him. I have heard form about 3 women that having the baby manually turned was very painful. I'm on my 5th day of mild naughty poopies. The first 2 days were really bad but now its nothing to complain about. If it goes on past Friday though I will ask if OB wants me to take Immodium again. I now have my sling, nursing pillow, and nursing cover for this baby! Just waiting on the carseat cover. Our Jeep is getting towed out of the auction lot today to be appraised sometime before next Monday. So on Tuesday we will know if we need to find a new car or not.

DH wants me to take one online summer class so I'll have to register for that in 2 weeks. It'll cost me a good $350 including textbooks but since I'll have 8 weeks to pay it off it should work out well. Then I'll take an online class in the fall and in the spring and probably take my Chemistry class either over the summer or fall. This'll be interesting with a full house and getting a part-time job next March.

Hope you all are having a good day. Baby is moving all over. I was hoping for a nap but DH was online so of course he had me calling 4-5 different places. Now my daughter is awake. Hoping I can at least rest for 30 minutes while she plays in her room.
Yea, I don't know what I'm going to do if this baby doesn't turn. She feels like she's in a different position since I'm having more pressure and pelvic pain, but I can't tell. I don't get anymore high kicks or jabs like I was before. They are all low kicks and jabs, which is the weirdest feeling if you ask me. I know a lot of doctors don't like to turn babies just because it can hurt your baby a number of ways. I do know that my doctor does it though, because the few friends that have had it done, he's done it. Maybe it depends on the doctor? I'm not going to worry about it until I'm closer to my due date though.

Nicole, when you go in for your ultrasound on the 8th I think you said, are you going to get an "accidental" peek-a-boo shot? I'm still saying girl. Someone HAS to join me and balance out all these boys.
I'm hoping for an "accidental gender reveal". I think if it does happen I might just not tell DH until the baby is born. LOL Well Amber is having a girl and maybe Aspe is having a girl. I know, its still like 4 boys to 3 girls if Aspe does have a girl. I just really want a boy!
Amber's having a girl?!?! I didn't know that!! Wish she would pop on every once in awhile and give us an update. I wonder how she's been lately. Wonder if her nausea has lightened up any. Oh well. I guess you're right. Aspe could very well have a girl as well as Angel. Someone needs to join me in team pink and soon!

So, is it safe to say you will be requesting an "accidental gender reveal"?
FACT: Worst movie to watch when you're pregnant and hormonal. Beaches. :cry:

I could barely handle Beaches before I was even thinking about pregnancy. Don't know how you picked yourself up after watching it pregnant.
Mornin ya'll! Just put my feet up (top of computer, on a folded towel, under my desk!) and I'm drinking some coffee and I'm in good spirits!

I have issues sleeping most nights. But, for me, its not trouble falling asleep. It's STAYING asleep. I'll wake up a ton to roll over etc and sleep so lightly that when DH wakes, I do too... he is not a great sleeper. Past couple days, he's been up before 5am. Oh geez. So I have too!

Janelle - I hope Misty got some 'shut up'... haha love the typo. And you would have peed on the ground by the truck?? Even with people around?? We were pulled up to the loading area for the boats, so there may or may not have been a truck right next to us at any given moment lol. Oh my oh my... you are sure dealing with a LOT this pregnancy, sighhhh!!! I am soo hoping it all goes away when you have the baby!! We will be crossing all our fingers and toes for that! Had no idea you could get varicose veins THERE. Yeah, I would not judge you at ALL for inducing early! Talk to your dr about it and let us know what is said. When's your next appt??

Also, I know this is so bad... but completely unlike last pregnancy, I find myself eating less for dinner if I was bad at lunch... or less at lunch if I was bad at breakfast, etc. Like I want to make up for the excess calories/fat I consumed. I know this is bad. I'm not supposed to diet. But I do know I've gained anyway and baby is actually bigger than dr wants... so maybe I'm just eating less because I am actually listening to my hunger cues and body is saying 'uh you ate like a 1000 calorie breakfast... you can eat light for lunch thank you!' Or so I'm hoping. Just so different from first pregnancy because I ate a lot more. But I also gained more than the dr wanted and had the mentality that I could eat more because once I wasn't prego, I'd have to go back to dieting and crap anyway. I'll make sure I'm still gaining enough at my next appt, but think I'm right on track.

Nicole - What sling did you buy? I have an ergo that I loved and I bought the newborn insert so will try it... but wanting a sling so baby can easily nurse and sleep etc. I got my udder cover and stuff from that site you gave the coupon for... I am determined to TRY and nurse in public this time around... but I will need ya'll for courage when the time comes as I am very self-conscious and modest!!! But if I can get better about it, versus nursing in cramped bathroom stalls and spare bedrooms... I will have an easier time with nursing and will help my sanity!!

Oh and Nicole... do YOU want to take an online summer class? You just said your DH wants you to. Or are you still trying to get excited about it? And wow I wish I could rest for 30 min while Siena played in her room... think that might come with being a SAHM... Siena is pretty needy with the time she has with me... by the end of the wknd, she starts to get more independent and makes me wonder if I'd actually have a chance to get BORED if I had her all day every day versus just busy nonstop like it seems like I am when I'm home with her now!
I'm hoping my baby has turned before next scan. Not really doing anything to turn him. Dr didn't seem concerned yet. I get pelvic pressure... but could still be his feet kickin me there. I feel him all over.. on my sides, pelvis, high up! High up is like technically higher than my ribs, but never under my ribs so doesn't hurt. I must stick out more than most people?? Bc never had issues with either baby kicking my ribs? Not really even sure what that'd feel like. I have to poke around to FIND my ribs while sitting, as my bump rises while sitting and is higher than my ribs... but yeah.

And, Nicole, I would TOTALLY find out the gender and just not say since DH wants a surprise. And yeah seems like you might be able to tell anyway at the scan whether or not they tell you. I hope you get your boy!! I would have loved a girl, looking back. Because I know I love Siena so much and have a blast doing girl things. But a boy will be fun because all so different and new and DH will be THRILLED bc he'll have a mini me like I do. This boy is going to be sooo into football, golf, hunting, fishing, all things BOY. Or so I'm hoping. So I can keep Siena girly like me, lol.

And, ha, yea Beaches is emotional!!!!

p.s. have told myself I can't use my credit card online at ALL for now... veryjane.com is stealing all my money, haha!
Hi girls. Well I did get some shut up (lmao janelle) yesterday but last night was a no go as usual. I'm the same way, Libby, I have no problem falling asleep.. it's staying asleep. I toss and turn and have to get up to pee at least 4 times a night. Last night my sugars were low, down to 56, so was up eating glucose tablets in the middle of the night.

What is this sling and udder cover you guys are talking about? More newfangled gadgets they didn't have when I was pregnant a hundred years ago? lol

Ultrasound today to see how big Tyler is. Also can't wait to see what position he's in. I can't figure it out cuz I have movement up, down and sides! Appt is at 3:30 my time. This day needs to go by quickly! I'm anxious!
I will request to see what gender the baby is but sometimes they dont even ask. It wont be the same lady I had the last 2 times because this office has one of their own so I dont have to go to the hospital for it. The lady is Russian and has a strong accent that I can only 60% understand.

I told DH that I might find it harder to get motivated if its an online class because I'm already at home so much but it'll be better for breastfeeding so I"m okay with it. He told me to try and take a class that interests me this summer and I can do the not so interesting ones in fall or spring. I looked into the ChildCare certificate they have. If I go for just an aide it'll be 2 (6 credit) semesters. To be a nanny, you have to do 30 credits and to fully work in a daycare as a teacher or higher up you have to do 35 credits. I actually like going to school so 35 would be okay except with all I have at home it'd take me another 2 years to get the 35 credits. Plus, part of that 35 credits is a 6-week long internship which makes me really nervous.

Looks like hip pain is here to stay. Wthout Tylenol I cant function. Even lreaning forward or side to side hurts so bad. DH says I have a high pain tolerance so that shows how bad the pain must be if I cant manage without medicine.

I bought the a neutral (greenish blue) sling from sevenslings.com. I got the same deal as on all the other things and just had to pay shipping. I'll see if I can find the code.
Um wow. Permanent frown on my face and my stomach is in knots. I don't know her in person, but my heart is breaking for aknqtpie. I'm still in shock after reading her last journal post. Her dh died in a car crash? What? It's inconceivable. Like there they were, ttcing.... and now... everything... lost. Wow. Really adds perspective. My heart breaks for her!!!!!!!!!
Oh and Libby, I understand not breastfeeding in public. I am very private and modest too. I hate breastfeeding in a bathroom though. If we are at someone's house they usually understand and will let me use a kids or spare bedroom but have had to breastfeed in a public bathroom at DH's battalion headquarters a few times and it was so cramped and smelled funny.
ok i need to get my mind thinking about happier thoughts. was in such a good mood and now i feel like I might puke. wow life can change in an instant.

sling... soft carrier to carry the baby. lots of kinds! the cover... its a kind of nursing cover so you're not showin your boobs to the world while nursing heh. and, Misty, interested to see Tyler's position because yeah same as me as far as feeling him everywhere.

ok nicole sounds like he's trying to help you get interested in finishing school, so that's good since you want to also. I need that motivation from my DH! And yeah I'm going to look at this discount store in town on my lunch for a sling... there's one I've had my eye one but would rather not pay full price since I have a carrier already. Getting hard to justify all these purchases to DH!
Morning ladies.

Alright! Sorry, about the type-o. Apparently I can't type or text straight anymore these days. I don't know what the hell the problem is. Oh well, you ladies got my point.

Grace, I grew up watching that movie a million times, I still cry when I see it. It's rough when you're pregnant though. Happy 31 weeks!!! How are you feeling?

Misty, can't wait to see how big your mister man is today!!! 5.2!! That was my guess right? I'm sticking with it.

Libby, You would be surprised the things I do in public. I have no shame. If I gotta pee and there are people around, I announce I gotta pee and for them not to look! I mean, I would never go and squat in time square and pee, but when you gotta go, you gotta go! Not too sure I could squat and pee right now during this pregnancy. I have a hard enough time peeing in those little cups at the doctors office with out getting it everywhere. My balance is so off.

Nicole, at least your husband is telling you to get your schooling done. I have to wait until Dan is done with school to go back. I'm not too upset though because I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, but for financial reasons and playing it safe, we're going to wait until Dan is done with school. No idea when that will be though. He's taking forever and still doesn't know what he wants to be!

As for Breastfeeding in public HA, I never had that problem with Samuel. I either fed him before we left or when we got back. When we were at friends houses, I just used a receiving blanket to cover myself. I would tuck a corner under my bra strap and then I was in the clear. I do have a beanie that Dan's grandma knitted me for those who have a problem with breastfeeding in public, for Sara to wear. It looks like a boob. I have no problem with people breastfeeding in public though. I find it natural and I just don't look.
Yeah ok they need to make those cups BIGGER at the dr's office!! Every time, I'm all nervous I'll miss getting any into the little thing!! And it’s a mess, ha! And yup I have seen a baby in a boobie beanie, lol. I wish I felt more comfortable with people nursing in public... wish it wasn't considered abnormal! I think if I lived somewhere else, would be so much easier!
Libby, hahaha. I can't see the cup! So I have to listen for it.

Hahahahhahaha, Maybe that is why I have no shame. I grew up in a city of sin. All sorts of freaks and weirdos around here. It's all normal to me.
Good day ladies,

Misty.. Anxious to hear about your little man :)

Libby.. That is so sad about the lady you spoke about. It is crazy how fast your life can change

Angel.. Glad you and your dh are enjoying it now together :)

Nicole.. Hope your jeep do not have much damage

Janelle.. Hope you are feeling better today :)

Krissy.. Where are you?

So I have my ultrasound next week, my gynecologist appointment the beginning of April, and then my next monthly appointment later that same week.
So I ordered $100 worth of stuff for breastfeeding (bottles, steam bags, special soap, storagr bags, and hands free bustier) today. Got DH's permission since we still have $1100 in the bank. Also since we still have quite a bit of money I convinced DH to let me order Jerusha's birthday presents today so I can put them under the stairs. Next month will be tighter on money so thats why now is the time.

I am glad he wants me to go back to school. His ultimate reason for leaving the Army is that he wants to be a nurse and hopefully live in TN before he turns 35 and he doesnt see that happening with another 4-5 years in the Army.

Ok, Jerusha is asleep so now is laundry time, tidy up the lvinig room time, and time for mommy to eat.
Haha yea I have to try and push over my stomach to see... well ok now that I think about it, I lean forward real far to see the pee cup! But that makes aiming harder! So I may have to listen for it too next time!

Aspe, yay for your scan next week! You have gotta be excited!!!

Nicole - I need to pull out all my baby stuff to see what I'm lacking. I know I have bfing stuff left over from last time... and won't need the stuff until later on most likely. Doubt I do much pumping in the early days. Presents... we have some from Xmas we didn't give Siena bc she got too much stuff! And then have helped some relatives pick out things... so will see what she gets from everyone else at her party this Saturday (!!!!) and maybe pick up some more stuff after that. But I get her stuff all the time, so we'll see. Whenever she starts being really into something, like Elmo or Minnie Mouse etc... we'll end up getting something for her at the store!

And TN weather will be nice! I would love to live in or around Nashville, but not in the cards for us since DH has a family business in his home town and I have a govt job in neighboring town... we both are stuck where we are even if we hadn't met! Although I 'could' have moved to another installation... just more work than it was worth.

OH and major SCORE on my lunch hour... got a queen air mattress with good reviews on Amazon ($140) at a local store for $60!! They are discounted due to excess from dept stores etc, then even cheaper if they've been sitting on the shelf awhile. Woo woo! There was another mattress normally $200 that I could have gotten for $100 but had some bad reviews so I got nervous. Although normally I'd think the pricier one was better because more bells n whistles... yay for smartphones to tell me whats what!
Libby.. We are excited, but so nervous. We need to see a heartbeat, to help us ease a little.

Great deal. I love deals lol

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