A home for EVERYONE!

Yeah, I would suggest kinda planning for that to happen again Libby.

So I just got done on the phone with USAA, I updated them that the vehicle has been recovered. According to the records the vehicle has been in an accident and the front bumper is completely missing. They cotnacted the auction lot and are waiting to hear back if the police have put a hold on it. If not, they will contact me to see if I have a repair shop in mind where I can have keys made and have the inspection done. Then they will determine if its still drivable and go from there.

I requested my transcripts from the local community college and so I should have those in 3-5 days so I can see what coruses I need because registration begins in 3 weeks. Luckily we have plenty of money to pay for the classes. DH wants me to try taking 2 online courses this fall and I can go for an Early Childhood Educator certificate next year if I choose. Libby, as far as a job, I will probably just get a retail cashier job until I get a certficate and after that I will be certified to work in a daycare center or early learning center I think.

Ok, Grace. Dont rush the picture. I was over 150 at my last appointment Libby and I have another appointment today at 1:45 p.m. I'm hoping I havent gained more than 3 lbs. By now my goal is to stay under 175 by the time the baby comes.

I'm officially no longer an eggplant, yay! Oh, and (TMI) I have had a mild version of the naughty poopies for 4 days now. Ugh...btw, is Kanicky even on BnB anymore? I mean its been like 4 months since she has posted. I hope she is alright. Time to let the dog out for some air and fold some laundry.
Grace let us know what happens at your appt!!

Hi Blueberri!!
It wasnt an OB appt. I have an ear infection nothing major. Next OB appt is Friday.
Oh! Well that sucks. Ironically I'm wondering if I'm working on an ear infection in my right ear. Need to have the dr look at it at my appt Thursday.
Grace - yeah you might be able to stay under 200 if you gain a pound a week. I'm not sure how I'll be... my friend who was super good and had tons of willpower in her pregnancy and only gained 25 pounds or so.. said she gained FAST in third tri, sigh! And I was hoping I'd be able to gain slower because I read people eat less bc stomach full of baby and tired. We shall see!

Good luck and have fun at the dr! oh nevermind ear stuff ugh. That doesn’t sound good at all!! I can't stand ear pain with sinuses etc... it’s the pits!! Been dealing with that with allergies/sinuses but its calmed now.

Hey blueberry!

Nicole - In my experience with car damage, we would get multiple quotes... then give the highest quote to the insurance! You might get to pocket a bit of money if insurance mails you a check versus if they pay the repair people directly... we have done that! Oh and how fun it would be to get to work with little kids!!

Oh and I weigh more at the dr... different scale, wearing clothes, late in the day. Not even trying to remember what the dr says I weigh lol. Just trying not to gain more than 30 and no clue how fast I'll be gaining now that I'm in the third tri! Yay for being a squash!! I want that!! Guess that will be me on Friday then!
Wonder when it changes to a picture of a WHALE like I feel?? Lol
haha! yeah today i'm right there with you!! doesnt help that i'm wearing a shirt my mom got me... its maternity but fits worse than regular shirts because it tents out past my bump versus being tight at the bottom, which makes me feel so HUGE! Grr! NEver wearing this again!
Well I have officially gained 26 pounds so far. I'm at 156. Doctors office says 158.4 but I took off 2 pounds for clothes. Doctor says to up my salt and water intake since my blood pressure is going down with each appointment still. Doctor says absolutely no going to IN past April 20th (sorry mom). Next appointment is set for Monday April 8th. Get my growth ultrasound then! They will check the position as well. If baby is breech at that appointment they will schedule a 36 week ultrasound to check position and asfter that its scheduling a C-section is baby is still breech. She said she wouldnt even offer to turn the baby manually since it is painful and since I already have scar tissue from my first C-section. Well thats all for now.
DAMMIT! Angel, I wanted to ask you a question, but in the middle of typing it my computer restarted and I forgot. MY LUCK!

Anyway! Angel, I wanted to know if Saint Patrick's day was as big a holiday in Ireland as it is here in the states? I heard the other day that Saint Patrick wasn't even from Ireland, he was from Britain. It may be a stupid question, but I'm curious. A bunch of people drink green beer and get ridiculous here where I live, not sure if they do the same in Ireland. I always grew up eating Corned beef and Cabbage with carrots and potatoes for dinner on Saint Patrick's Day as well. Do you do the same? I have to admit, I think that is one meal I definitely miss being vegetarian. I remember craving it early on in my pregnancy. Anywho, what are some St. Patty's day traditions that you celebrate, if you celebrate?

Hey Janelle, I almost forgot to answer this. Ireland is MAD on St Paddy's Day (as it is affectionately known here :winkwink:). The south of Ireland has always celebrated it, green beer, parades, ginger and green wigs, a LOT of drunk partying:drunk:. In the north of Ireland, where I live it is now the same, although this only really got a lot of support after the Peace Process after the Troubles here. As the day is connected to religion (isnt it always) and mainly seen as having Catholic origins and celebrations it wasnt particularly celebrated a lot in the 70s, 80s and early 90s in Northern Ireland due to the fear of intimidation and violence that it could attract from opposite terrorist organisations I think :growlmad::cry:.

I'm glad to say that that now all seems behind us and all sections of the community see it as a great excuse to party, and most also get it off work as it's an official Bank Holiday :winkwink::thumbup:.

And the reason it's so big in the States I'm sure you all know stems from the Irish influx with immigration after the potato famine. I think the statistic is something unbelievable like over 10% of white Americans come from Irish descendency? I do remember reading it as nearer 30% in one history book :wacko:

Top of the morning to ya :kiss:
Oh and the diet you describe is a regular here, whether it's St Paddy's or not. Except in our house we dont really do the corned beef, I love it in sandwiches but DH hates it full stop.
I'm seriously going to lose my mind if I don't get some sleep soon. I can't keep going like this!! I was awake every hour on the hour last night. I can't get comfortable, I can't breath, I have to pee constantly. I feel like death every morning and fall asleep at my desk all day at work. Right now I'm nauseous I'm so freakin tired. Something's gotta give!!!!
Nicole - oh good idea on taking off 2 pounds for clothes! When I go in next week, I KNOW I won't agree with the dr's scale.. haha I sometimes argue with the dr about it! But its clothes and being late and the day that makes it worse! I try to dress 'light'! Even more water?? Ugh! Interesting also more salt. Well, now you know you can't go to IN so that solves that. Breech... at least a couple of us have breech babies... we may have to look into what you do to try and get them to move!

Angel - Yup, I have Irish background! But gets diluted more and more with each generation... Siena is barely Irish... but may still end up with my fair skin, we'll see!

Misty - Oh no on the lack of sleep!! It IS ridiculous, isn't it?! I rolled over last night and felt like someone had stabbed me... harddd to be so careful about not pulling muscles etc in half-sleep state! So then I got up to pee since I'd woken up anyway. Gah. I try so hard not to close my eyes at my desk... if I was in my own office, though, I'd totally be napping! Really wanted fast food and coffee this morning, but was running late.... so water and a protein bar it is... which is what I needed to do anyway but ehhh no fun and doesn't help wake me up!
I was sitting on the couch crying cuz I feel like such crap which makes my nose even stuffier and breathing even MORE difficult. Jake said I should call in so I can get some sleep. I debated cuz would I even be ABLE to sleep?? Plus I'm super busy at work and would feel SO guilty about calling in. I'm not hungry but I have to eat cuz I have to take insulin. I know I can't sit thru a whole day of work so I did what I haven't done in a couple years... I called in sick. Now I'm crying cuz I feel guilty for calling in!! I'm totally losing my mind...
I know last pregnancy I'd call in... and then after having Siena too... but found if I had to wake up and then try to go back to sleep, I still felt like crap all day. Only worked for me if I planned on sleeping in the night before, for some reason!! I think I'd rather take off early and nap in the afternoon? But you don't know until after! Just depends on the person. Also, for some, once they go in, they don't leave, so then you end up working a whole day ugh! Me, I don't need to be taking off time if I can help it because need to save it... so I need to try and come in and see how long I can make it... but yeah would totally take off more if I could!!!!
We're finding out today, I think, about furlough... anyone been keeping up with all that sequestration stuff in the news? Well, it affects me for sure. Will probably be going down to 4 day workweeks by May... which is stressing a lot of people out! What's funny is I actually LIKE it! Means I get to work less the last month at work and first month back at work... and already taking off some leave without pay anyway while on mat leave, so doesn't affect those 3 months! Dh, though, is NOT thrilled with me getting 20% pay cut right before we have a baby... he does the bills!
The best way I have heard of getting the baby to turn is not an idea I like in my head but I will definitely try it. I known a few woemn who have success with it. You sit in a warm bath and put something cold (like ice pack or bag of frozen peas on top of your bump. Baby is supposed to notice the temperature turn so that their head is closer to the warmth. Other than that I have to research ways women have tried.
oh, in theory, that sounds like it might work!! ooo but yeah i can see why you don't want to do it!! I wonder how long you have to keep it iced!
Hi ladies!

Misty, sorry to read you aren't getting much sleep. I've been taking baths at night to help calm me down and relax me. About an hour before bed time I sit down and read a little too. That seems to help calm my mind. I know what you mean about not being comfortable though. I'm there and I can't wait to have this baby out! I hope you got some shut up at least. :hugs:

Nicole, not sure, but I think it was you that mentions turning of the baby? I know Samuel didn't turn until he was 30 something weeks. I've had a few friends who have had the baby turned manually by the doctor and neither said it was painful, it just felt really weird. I'm sure with csection scar tissue that could be a different story. Naughty poopies. Been there as well! I'm still there! I'm not complaining though. I like being able to poop. I eat those fiber chewables, oatmeal, and activia yogurt though. SO, I would be shocked after all that I still couldn't poop. I drink lost of water and peppermint tea as well.

Libby, You crack me up! You're more modest that me. I would have just peed on the ground. LOL There have been a few times I've used the men's bathroom during this pregnancy only because the line has been to long for the ladies room. Men don't seem to mind. I think they understand and are more than willing to let me go before them. I don't watch much of the news, so I have no idea what's going on.

Angel, thanks for responding to me. That's awesome you guys have so much fun! My In-laws said they had a blast when they were there. Must have, because they've been their twice now! I'm so jealous.

Hi to all the other ladies!!!

AFM, I had a complete melt down the other night. I woke up in so much pain. I tried sleeping with a pillow between my legs to help with my hip pain and I woke up with my hips locked. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced! I woke up Dan in tears and just sobbed about how scared I was about having this baby. I'm afraid that because of this spd and my jacked up pelvis, it's going to hurt me even more pushing her out. I told Dan that I'm seriously considering a csection because of this. I did some research on the internet and read that it can go both ways. Some women has instant relief of pain, others are in pain the rest of their lives. I even read that women are on disability because of spd! That's insane! Either way, that's not going to be me!!! I'm thinking positive and refuse to loose this battle. I've got 9 weeks left and I don't think I will make it that long if I have the choice, but I'm going to try my hardest! On top of the hip pain, I've got horrible varicose veins in my perineum area. I can't see it, but I can feel it! It's so freakin' painful. I had them with Samuel and they went away after I had him. I asked Dan to look at it and tell me what it looked like and the look on his face was enough to run for the hills. He said it looks painful. My boobs are so swollen. They've been sore lately, but I never realized how big they've gotten until I took a picture of Samuel sleeping on my chest yesterday! I can't even imagine what this babies are going to look like when my milk comes in. I seriously can't help but be a little depressed lately. It's depressing to be depressed. I hate it!

OH! and someone mentioned something about weight gain and what not in the third trimester???? I have only gained 2 lbs since being 25 weeks. I'm eating a lot too. Well, maybe not a lot, but frequently. I eat every 2 hours. I read in my pregnancy book the other night that you don't want to cut calories AT ALL during your last trimester because it can stunt your babies growth and can really hurt your baby AND you and because of that, you might have to deliver your baby early, which is never a good thing if baby isn't ready to come out. So eat up ladies! It's better to gain a littler extra weight and have a healthy baby than to worry about your figure and possibly put your baby's health in jeopardy.

Alright, I'm off to take a nap. Hope you're all enjoying your day!

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