A home for EVERYONE!

I had some storage bags and nursing pads leftover from last time but somehow I forgot to label that box right so it didnt make it back to IL with me.

Spaghetti is cooking, yummy!

And our savings deposit finally came out so we now have that put away! Yes!
I have a bunch of pumping a nursing stuff left over from Samuel. I really only needed the nursing pads for a few weeks. Seems like after that I didn't leak. Even when random kids would cry at the grocery store. My MIL bought a packaged medela starter kit for us from Target. I really didn't need it, but I guess it's better to have more than enough than not enough. I thought I gave away all of my medela bottles, but I saved them! Excited about that, though I don't think I used a single one when I was breastfeeding. The only brand Samuel would go for was Mam and Nuk. Hoping this baby is a little easier.

Nicole, did you talk to your doctor about SPD? The pain that you describe in your hips is kinda what mine was like early on. Oh, I feel bad for you if it gets worse. I would never wish this type of pain on anyone!!!

OH!!!! I wanted to tell you ladies. I was sure Sara was breeched after lots of movement and change in pressure, but after reading a few things on a website, I'm sure she is head down now. The "bump" that I feel at the top of my belly, if I push on it, I can feel her move along with pressure and that zinger pain on my cervix. I listened to her heart beat and it's super low on my belly, which is another sign. Also when she has the hiccups they are a lot lower where I can barely feel them now. She was squirming around a lot more this morning. Usually I only felt her kicking and poking on my left side, but now it's all on my right side. No idea what limbs they are. I don't have nearly as much rib pain/pressure like I had before either.

EEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!! Misty!!! You're having your appointment right now!

Aspe, I can't wait for your ultrasound. I'm so excited for you!
hahahahahahahah! JUST KIDDING!!! IGNORE ME!!! My computer likes to set my clock ahead 2 freakin' hours at random!!
Yeah I didn't leak after awhile either. I wondered if that was because I later had a supply issue... like would it be an indicator this time that I need to start trying ways to up my supply if I'm not a leaky mess?! I didn't 'let down' as easily as others, so that's why I didn't leak... my friend randomly lets down all the time. Siena had to work for it!!

I'll need to buy new pacifiers I guess. Hmm or can I reuse Siena's?

Ok sounds like bad news for me... all the signs about breech or not.. because yeah I did manage to feel hiccups finally.. and they were definitely NOT low down! Kicks and punches are all over the place though. Felt some sliding across my right side a bit ago... that’s more unusual for me!
Libby, were you drinking enough water? I wasn't drinking enough water when I was breast feeding and that made me almost dry up. I started chugging water and poppin' fenugreek and I started making enough milk to make a cow jealous!

Aspe, I'm here!!! How have you been feeling?? I've forgotten what its like to be early pregnant... I'm now in the "GET THIS THING OUT OF ME!!!!!" Stage...
Hi ladies, I'm feeling really yuk, which I'm very happy and content about but it means I have absolutely no energy to be able to do a long post :sleep:.

Things are ok here, I've had a manic two days completing two different 4 hours job selection assessments for 2 different jobs in the same organisation. It's really taken it out of me because I think I had to concentrate more on not being sick than actually completing the tasks! :wacko::haha:

I'm glad to read everybody is doing ok, Libby, sorry to read about your BnB friend, that must be so tough for her. :hugs:

Aspe, I have my scan next week too, what date is yours?

:kiss::hugs::kiss::hugs:to everybody.
Janelle.. I am alright. Just anxious for the ultrasound and to see how far along it says I am.
Hope you feels better and enjoys the rest of your pregnancy

Angel.. Mine is on Tuesday. You will probably know your results before I do because stuff takes a while here in Canada. Lol
Aspe, mine is on Thursday, no beta or other tests being done for me this time as far as I'm aware. It hasnt been suggested and if bean is very small I'm not going to get it as I know the prognosis. 10 days behind is my maximum for success as I ovulate slightly later my beans implant a little later, hospitals here always go by LMP:growlmad:

It will be the scary U/S to see what is going on and then I suppose we will go from there. They may want to do a couple of blood tests to make sure my medication is at the right level but to be honest I don't know what else they can do at this stage. We're all in mother nature's hands at the moment.

Can't wait to read your update, very excited for you!!!
Hi Angel! Yea for feeling poopy! I think during pregnancy it's the only time that you're excited when you feel under the weather. Happy to read you had a couple jobs as well. Is it like a temporary thing?

Aspe, Awe... you're so sweet! I hope you are able to enjoy this journey as well. It's true every pregnancy is different. This one is more of a bumpy ride than it was when I was pregnant with Samuel, but in the end it will all be worth it to hold a sweet healthy baby girl. I've wanted nothing more in life than to have a little girl. It kinda feels like a goal that I've met, if that makes any sense. I sort of feel proud of myself. If that doesn't sound too selfish.

Misty, you are NOW on your way to the doctor... My computer was being a smart ass and set the time to YOUR time. Got me all sorts of confused. Can't wait to hear what that little bugger weighs and to hear how much longer you have!!

Here is that website, if anyone is interested...
Aspe and Angel I can't wait for your ultrasounds next week!! Aspe, I hate that we have to wait on your gosh darn slow healthcare system though. Grrrr.. I'd think they'd be able to tell you right then what you're measuring and your due date, etc.

So had my ultrasound today, the tech measured him at 5lbs 4oz and the doctor came in and did a couple of his own measurements and said 5lbs 2oz. He didn't measure as much as the tech though. That still puts him right in normal range though so the doc gave me kudos for keeping my sugars in check. Might have something to do with the gallon of insulin I take twice a day!! Also Tyler is head down! Woohoo! Not that that couldn't change but hopefully not! The doctor said there's two options and we'll decide which one with my OB (this was the high risk dr today), I go back in 4 weeks (at 37 weeks) to do another ultrasound to check his weight again then I can either do an amnio to check for lung maturity then induce if mature or just wait until 39 weeks and induce then. Decisions decisions. Guess we'll see what my OB says tomorrow at my appt. High risk dr figures he'll be 8 lbs by 39 weeks. I'm leaning towards the 37 week amnio just to have him out sooner but I already know his lungs won't be mature and I'll have to wait anyway. I didn't think to ask if they wait a week and test again or what. On one hand 4 weeks sounds like it's so close and there's a light at the end of the tunnel! On the other hand, I'm ready for him to be out noooooooow so 4 weeks is foreverrrrrr!!!
Misty.. That would be great if the tech told me how far along they think I am. However, I heard they are not supposed to talk to you and answer any questions.

Glad your appointment went well. Glad Tyler is head down :)
When is your next appointment, the appointment you mentioned you would decide for 37 or 39 weeks?

I know this may be a weird question, but at my ultrasound, will our baby be the size of a pea (figuratively)?
Aspe but don't they know you have people anxiously waiting to know?? Lol Hopefully they don't wait long to give you results.

I wondered if Tyler had turned because I feel more in my lower belly. Like its harder to bend over, I have to sit with my legs spread open very ladylike lol and it kills my gut to get into my car lol. My next ultrasound appt is April 15.

According to the little food comparison ticker some have on here 6 weeks is the size of a pea, 7 weeks is a blueberry, 8 weeks is a raspberry and 9 weeks is a green olive.

One thing I forgot to mention I've now officially gained weight this pregnancy. I'm up 1 pound now. Darn it lol
Misty, I was born at 28 weeks and my lungs were mature. :) Samuel was born at 37 weeks and so many days and his lungs were mature. Think positive! More importantly, Tyler is right on schedule. WHOOP! WHOOP! ......and I WON! Just kidding! :haha:

Aspe, I've been to some techs that "can't" talk and some that just LOVE to talk. You wont know until you start asking them questions. Depending on how far along you are, your baby could be BIGGER than a pea. If I remember correctly, 8 weeks was a raspberry and there was a prune in there somewhere!
Well I'm glad he is still in the normal range Misty and head down too.

Janelle I will definitely bring it up with my OB next appt. At the moment I'm to the point of having to take Tylenol or a warm bath every 4 hours to manage the pain. Is yours mostly on one side? Mine is 90% on my left side. Does this affect when they would induce? I'll read up on it some more.

I'm excited because DH said he ordered special gifdts for us. 3 for me, 1 for new baby, and 1 for Jerusha! They should be here in a week according to him but I cant read the emails because its a surprise.

Tomorrow is another craft day. She loves it. She loves coloring and fingerpaints and stickers. I figured those 3 activities can hold her over for another 4 weeks and then we will make her big sister canvas bag and T-shirt together. Friday is going to the mall and trying to find a size 18 dress to have altered for me for the wedding and picking out a bridal shower gift for SIL. Saturday is the bridal shower and Sunday is church again. Tonight my goal is to get all the clean laundry folded and hopefully put away Jerusha's stuff tomorrow before her nap.
Nicole, No. It feels like someone took a wrecking ball and rammed it into my vagina/pelvis bone area. My outside hips feel like they are rubbing, like nothing is supporting them. Sitting for long periods of time on the hard floor really messes things up. Mostly on the sides and lower back area. Warm baths do help, as well as this thing Dan's aunt gave me. Its some pillow looking thing filled with rice I think. You put it in the microwave and warm it up. A heating pad helps a lot. I hate to say it, but if it is SPD, it's not going to get better. It only gets worse. My doctor was honest with me and didn't sugar coat it. LOL So, I'll be honest with you.
Did your dr. say f they would induce early due to SPD? Well the pain started up again just short of the 4 hour mark from when I last took Tylenol. Guess I'll have to add that to my medication list for my next appointment.
Hi Angel! Yea for feeling poopy! I think during pregnancy it's the only time that you're excited when you feel under the weather. Happy to read you had a couple jobs as well. Is it like a temporary thing?

They are initial selection assessments to get shortlisted to final interview Janelle for two different jobs in the same organisation. Many local authorities use them for middle/senior posts here to whittle out the weaker applicants who meet the personnel specification. It saves them basically having to conduct so many interviews and the tests allow them to get a better feel for competencies. A nervous hour and a half interview sometimes doesnt allow this. I actually quite enjoyed them, in both days we had to prepare a presentation in an hour and then also complete a written exercise in an hour, based on real life work situations. I felt so yukky yesterday morning I considered not going to the second one but I am so glad I did as I think I performed better at yesterday's than the one on the day before. The first day was for a Commercial Support role and yesterday's was for a Performance and Policy Analyst which is more up my street. The competition is really tough though, one of the other candidates yesterday missed out on the last opportunity advertised a few months ago, she got all the relevant interview feedback and already works in the organisation so has a bit of an advantage. I AM BETTER though :winkwink:

Aspe.... I cant believe that you dont get results there and there?!:growlmad: Do you not even get to look at the screen?

Janelle.... I think you did mention this but have you got one of those hip support belts that are meant to help with SPD? Here in the UK the midwives or doctors can prescribe them and crutches to help.

Army.... I hope you are feeling a bit better today?

MnJ.... great news about the scan:happydance::happydance:. Here's hoping the next few weeks go by quickly. Are you getting excited or nervous yet?

Oh still feeling pretty yuk here lol. I've actually got a free day to myself so I'm still in bed:winkwink:. I normally pick up late morning so I'm resting until then and then I'm going to go for a little run to help freshen me up. At the moment the thoughts of it is making me want to :sleep: but I know continuing to exercise will help keep me positive and my body fit to cope with things.

It will probably be a while before any of you are on so I'm away for another little :sleep: xo
Angel - I'm both excited AND nervous!! I want this next 4 weeks to hurry and be over with. Tho I have a feeling it will be 6 weeks that I'll have to go. Janelle says I have to think positive tho so I'm gonna try.

Good luck on the jobs!! What happens next? Or when do you find out who made it through?

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