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Janelle.. According to the doctors estimation, I will be 11 weeks and a few days when I gets the ultrasound done. That said, I guess our baby should be bigger than a prune. I was just curious, however, the main thing is the heartbeat :)

Angel.. We get to look at the screen. The last time I went with my friend, they had a few minutes with just her and then called me in. So I am imagining it will be the same, I am fine with it, as long as db do get to come in :) db said he needs to hear the heartbeat but I do not think you can hear it with the ultrasound.
Will you know your results during the ultrasound?

I have been losing alot of hair everyday. If I did not have colour in my hair, I would be able to donate it. Anyone else experience this?
According to posts on babycenter, it sounds normal, that it's hormonal and looks like it will go away within six months. But I'm no medical expert. I suggest you talk to your doctor and see what he says. Hopefully he's a great doctor and not one that's full of bs or full of himself. I've heard of those far too many times.
Ok wanted to pop in and say yes i am alive lol. my days are all messed up....my memory is shot and i have done a lot of bone head things lately....sigh.... i will comment on as much as i can remember forgive me ahead of time lol.

angel-i can not wait for that scan! i wish you all the luck on the possibility of a new job! and that was so sweet how you told your dh about the baby. and i would say i wish you felt better but it is all GREAT signs!

aspe- here in the states every time i had a scan they would blast the heart beat for me to hear and i got print off of pictures every time to. those days need to hurry up!

Nicole-when will you hear about your jeep? that is so nice dh sent you surprise gifts! also have you heard anything from your mom? i hope that pain gets better for ya and if you can try and alternate ibprophen with the tynol might help out more. i cant take ibprophen due to the fact i am HIGHLY allergic and would die from it lol...who ever heard of such a thing from ibprophen?!

Janelle- so sorry i have ben MIA just so tired and worked out lol....i wish you didnt have so much pain with this one just be prepared for a very head strong little girl sounds like she already likes to give you trouble.

Misty- for sure weigh the pros and cons of when to deliver but honestly most babies lungs are done by 36weeks or earlier and the amino is just an insurance thing. i wanted to deliver jamison 38 weeks bc of my complications but my dr said i would have to have an amnio bc the insurance company would want proof the baby was readyif that makes sense? so happy is doing awesome!

Grace-how are this on your end? did you ever post that pic?

AFM- omg my memory has left the building....all day yesterday i kept thinking it was monday not wednesday.....on tuesday i was suppose to write a note for joshua to ride the bus to my moms bc it was the first day for the other for school so josh was going to get them off the bus to figure out for sure what time it got here and then got get josh from my moms. well i forgot to send the note and so joshua had to wait for josh to come get him about an hour after school got out....i felt so terrible i am such a bad mom....

as for ovulating this month not sure if i even did. i never had a real strong surge this month all though i did have fertile cm from saturday till monday night/tuesday morning. we dtd sunday and tuesday so we will see. although i am already cramping this morning so i am thinking no go this month.....i am just exhuasted from everything and thinking after this class finishes in a few weeks i am taking a break for a while..

good news i got my 25cent raise and got personal time now so that is a bonus! dont know about the rest of information bc HR is out till tuesday.

work is nuts...i am exhuasted and i need a vacation!!!!!!!
Angel - I'm both excited AND nervous!! I want this next 4 weeks to hurry and be over with. Tho I have a feeling it will be 6 weeks that I'll have to go. Janelle says I have to think positive tho so I'm gonna try.

Good luck on the jobs!! What happens next? Or when do you find out who made it through?

Interviews are scheduled for the 12th April so hopefully I'll hear before the Easter break if I've made the cut. Fingers crossed!
Aspe they normally tell you then and there. Unfortunately as I've been in this position so many times, this is my 8th pregnancy that I know of I'll pretty much know myself as soon as I see the screen too.

Ultrasounds are usually taken by either midwives or the gynae doctors themselves. If I'm correct my rmc should be conducting it as I'm under his sole care, not just under the clinic and all the doctors there.

I feel sick thinking about it....
Janelle - Looking back, I can't remember what I was drinking/eating/etc while nursing... I do know going back to work hurt my supply gradually because I had trouble with letting down with pumping and it'd work less and less often... and also around 6 months she started STTN and that hurt it more. So will need to decide how long I want to 'last' this time to figure out if I need to tackle that stuff or let it happen again. Bfing was such a stressful/hard thing for me... I really wanted to do it for Siena's sake, but was hard on my sanity and my marriage... very isolating and demanding... especially on top of working... I longed to split the nursing duties with my hubby so he could 'suffer' with me! Awful mentality, I know! The other dat, I was googling possible anxiety meds I might be able to take while nursing...

And yeah I always wanted a girl... so I was totally thrilled that I was able to 'make' one! Not selfish thought at all!!

Man, you sure are dealing with a lot of pain, ugh!!!! Sounds like you are using a flax pillow? I've read you can use those to help with mastitis too.

Hey Aspe!

Angel - I get the no energy thing... we all do!! When I am low energy, I might be able to type a lot, but my memory/focus tends to be lacking, so hard to respond to what other people wrote... so I might update my personal journal, but just stalk other journals and not write in them. And yeah, I had to remind my dr on multiple visits that we were going by my o date and not LMP date. He kept forgetting and he was ok with using o date! Because yeah made a big difference, like a week. Yes that is a scary scan because so early so its hard to know what you'll see... scan date needs to hurry up and get here!!!

Misty - Yay for normal weight and for being head down!!! So lungs aren't mature at 37 weeks, then? Yeh I know when dr was worried about how mcuh Siena would weigh and her head size... when he suggested maybe inducing at 39, I went from being against inducing to saying yes immediately, ha. At that point, you're like so ready to get that baby out! Tough decision when thinking about when to induce!

Oh my gained a pound. Ha that’s a drop in the bucket for me!! :) Hmm I wonder if all that meant he was head down... because that's me too.
Good luck Angel!! Sounds like you have a good chance!!

Krissy! You poor thing! You are so overworked its unreal!!! You are not a bad mom but a busy mom!!! Hopefully you can get a moment to breathe after classes are over! You need some more down time to relax. Yay for more money and time!!

Aspe - you'll get to see more than I saw at my first scan, that's for sure! Better that its 11 weeks so you'll get to actually see something. I couldn't even hear a heartbeat because we went so early!
Oh and according to Janelle's link... think my baby's back is facing away from my back... and head down... I wa feeling kicks of some sort low down as I read the signs... I guess if head was down there, couldn't have been arms flailing that low... and hiccups were high up when I got them. Come on baby, turn! But I still have time.
Oh lizzy!! ihad a nagging feeling i missed some one sorry!!! oh and i am doing ok......brain is just shot lol.

got all three kids set up with a new dentist next wednesday good thing my kids like the dentist...they are weird lmao!

tomorrow is my day "off" but we got lots of running around to do while kids are at school and i got lts of work to do for this class i am behind on yet again just no motivation....i got to the point as long as i pass the class i am happy and that is not my normal standards. about to get the kids moving they get on the bus in an hour.
Ok some new pics you can sort of see my new hair in it much shorter!

First one is of me and avarie she is becoming my minni me she will be 5 on april 18th!

then me and jamison he is 3 1/2 now

and then my little big man joshua he is 6 1/2 now!


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I put avaries star wars angry bird princess laya ( I have idea how to spell her name lol) so she wanted me to do her hair the same way.


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Yay for the pics! Adorbs!!! Did Avarie always look like you?? I am hoping Siena resembles me eventually!
Thanks Lizzy! and yes i have a TON of hair!!! enough for two people literally!!!!

oh and ava looked JUST like josh when she was younger it is only the last few months as she is hitting 5 that i notice she looks more like me....having the same nose helps BUT she def has josh's skin coloring...joshua on the other hand is as white as me!
My DH was more of a 'looker' as a kid and teen... and I guess I 'caught up' in my 20s and now he's balding... but I do hope Siena gets his looks to make her life easier growing up! But can't help but also wish she was a mini-me... but man did I look awkward with bad teeth and bad skin etc etc... so hoping she gets some of me, but not all of me!! Esp because yeah I have skin that burns easily and we live in Alabama!
i know what you mean about wanting them to look good and i am very lucky they are cuties but we were both cute kids jus have to make sure they dont end up with a weight issues.
Morning ladies!

Nicole, The doctor said that if it gets really bad he will induce me early.

Angel, I asked my doctor about the belt and he had no idea what I was talking about, neither did the idiot chiropractor. I will look online and see if I can find one and order it ASAP.

Aspe, you could be losing you hair due to increased hormones. That happened to me at the beginning of this pregnancy. My hair is long though, so it was more noticeable for me. It should slow down once you hit your 12 week mark, but no promises.

Libby, I know I had a breastpump that worked really well after I first had Samuel, then it started to suck, unfortunately it "broke" and I was "forced" to get a new one. I got a Medela pump in style double pump. It boggled my mind how much milk I was able to get with just a different pump! The other one was labeled a piece of shit and thrown in the trash. Someone just told me, you can't make liquid, if you're not drinking liquid. Which made sense at the time. I know the fenugreek really helped as well. I'm hoping this time is easier than last. I blame my shortness in supply on Samuel's first pediatrician. He was a grumpy asshole! But I had to see him because I was on medicaid. Before we knew Samuel had GERD the old grump told me that I was OVER feeding Samuel and to cut my feeding short. Well, because of this my body stopped producing enough milk. This time around, if the same thing happens, which I hoping it doesn't, I will pump after I feed the baby to keep my supply up. I had another doctor tell me Samuel was allergic to my breast milk and to stop breastfeeding. Being a first time mom and having no idea what the hell was wrong with my kid or what to do to fix him, I believed these doctors. It was then I went to see my pediatrician and Samuel was fixed. But it was too late, my milk had dried up. When I think about it it really depresses me, but I'm just glad I got through it and Samuel is healthy now. He is allergic to dairy though.

Krissy, :friends: You can't count yourself out, until the witch shows. I thought for sure I was out, when I was in fact pregnant. I really hope this is your month. I saw a quote the other day, that reminded me of you. "An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great" I think you should definitely take a break from school. I know Dan isn't taking any summer classes, which I am grateful for because I think I might lose my mind with Samuel and a new baby.
OH, I LOVE THE PICTURES!!!! I can really see in your face that you've lost weight! Keep it up, you sexy bitch, you! I see Josh in Ava, I see you as well, but I see Josh. I'm hoping Sara looking like Dan. He was the cutest baby. Looked just like his Mom. I'm really hoping she gets Dan's eyes...
Janelle - I have considered a belt since this baby is low... but hadnt gotten one. Weird that drs etc don’t know about it! amazon definitely has them. I have the same pump... someone who recently got AF said her supply lessened... so might have correlated with that bc bcp kickstarted AF and that was about when supply was having issues... but also about when I'd stopped Siena's night feedings with her STTN. Forget if I've said this on here or not. Sorry if repeating! Oh man on your bad drs!! Mine wasn't any help... I barely even asked him for help... I relied on info from lactation consultants because only ones that knew anything.
Angel, is it a special belt just for SPD or is it just a normal support belt?

Libby, I was so excited to hear that you don't get a period the time you're breastfeeding, but I'm that rare person that gets a not stop flow when on the depo shot, I had a period for an entire year!!! NON STOP!!! So, shocker!! I got my period as soon as Samuel was born and it was like clock work, every 28 days. I was so bummed. Maybe this time I wont get one, but I'm not holding my breath. Thinking about doing the whole Mirena after Sara is born, but not sure.

Any of you ladies think about what you're going to do for birth control after baby is born, if you're going to do birth control?
Welcome back Krissy!

My pain is still every 3-4 hours. It's 90% on my left side. Any movement hurts. I would take Ibuprofen except it is said to be a "no no" during pregnancy especially rd trimester due to birth defects and other complications. The hopsital in NY gave me 800 mg Ibuprofen pills to take after she was born. I took them pretty regularly as long s I remembered to eat something beforehand.

I'll have to look at that link Janelle because I have no clue how this baby is positioned. A friend of mine said she got 2 of her babies to turn by being on all fours in a warm bath. She said she did it near 35 weeks so it kinda hurt and made her queezy but got her out of a C-section.

Misty- Jealous of the 1 pound. I'm trying to stay under a pound gaiend every week. I'm not cutting calories but upping my walking a little bit.

Aspe-I hope so badly that this is a healthy baby you have in there.

Grace- How are you? Are your ears okay?

Blueberri-Hi, how is your DB? Have you Skyped with him yet?

PDX-Where are you?

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