A home for EVERYONE!

Janelle, wow a period for a year?!?! Wow! I have thought about Mirena... that's one that doesn't have hormones right? And you can remove when you want to have another kid? Might feel safer taking it... my dr was ok with me going back on regular bcp because he said my supply was fine so wouldn't be an issue.. but can't help wondering if it did matter. Also, would be nice not to have to worry about it! I did nuva ring for awhile in college... it was easy too.

Nicole - oh my sorry you are dealing with that pain! Sounds horrid!! Hope your dr can tell you what's going on!

Ugh full. Ate a chicken noodle soup with tons of veggies/water added... so stomach is stuffed. But now I'm craving dessert, ha! No room though! And feeling restless. Quiet here. Under 2 hours until I'm off for the day. No Siena tonight so my plans are wide open. I want to work on Sprout's room some... and get upstairs ready for my mom (coming tomorrow night)... stuff for Siena's party and guests mostly all packed, I just need to remember to pack tape and a pizza cutter. Will probably pick up the house a teeny bit. But won't put a ton of effort into that since its just my mom. Glad we aren't having the party at our house, phew.

Think DH is home right now... MIL said he had some things to do... wondering what things... guessing he's gotten obsessed with organizing the garage or something... versus cleaning the house for me, ha... I have learned not to have wishful thinking!!
So 3 other ladies have now told me that this hip pain I have sounds like the beginning of SPD. Great.

Janelle-As far as Birth control, I never get my period while breasdtfeeding. I usually dont get it til 6 weeks after I completely stop breastfeeding which by the 6 weeks point I'm usually already pregnant since we dont believe in using artificial birth control. I do try to breastfeed for at least 10 months though it hasnt worked out with the first 2 kiddos. We are leaving how many children we have up to God since we do want a large family anyways.
Oh and I looked at the link Jnelle put about fetal postion and based on 2 signs, my baby is still breech (most likely with their head under my ribs). Turn baby turn!
Angel, is it a special belt just for SPD or is it just a normal support belt?

Libby, I was so excited to hear that you don't get a period the time you're breastfeeding, but I'm that rare person that gets a not stop flow when on the depo shot, I had a period for an entire year!!! NON STOP!!! So, shocker!! I got my period as soon as Samuel was born and it was like clock work, every 28 days. I was so bummed. Maybe this time I wont get one, but I'm not holding my breath. Thinking about doing the whole Mirena after Sara is born, but not sure.

Any of you ladies think about what you're going to do for birth control after baby is born, if you're going to do birth control?

As far as I know it's one for spd. Two of my friends got them and crutches when they were pregnant. I never saw them though so I can't be 100% . I don't see how it would be the normal bump support though? I do recall one if them saying it felt like a pelvic girdle so I think it must be more substantial than a bump one.

Not sure if that's any help x
Hi Ladies! Misty sent me a msg again that I needed to ck in. I know, i'm a slacker. I got caught up last time and really needed to take a break so I didn't say anything to offend. My opinions and mouth can get me in trouble. Sorry.

Anyway, caught up again...i think.

Nicole, your hip pain doesn't sound like spd since not all around your pelvis/pubic bone, but that your SI joint may be out. Yep, it can be crazy painful depending on how far out it is. Glad to hear maybe your husband has settled down a bit in the past wk or so. Even tho he doesn't like that your parents aren't Christians he still needs to set a Godly example and not make you push them away but just be examples. Just like the wife or husband that has a spouse that may not be a believer...

Krissy- You are just crazy busy. Congrats on the weight loss, that is great!

Janelle- sorry you're in pain. I know how you feel. Just keep thinking you're almost there! Oh, remember reading about you painting. Have you tried the behr primer / paint in one? I love it and it saves so much time. I've tried other brands but didn't like them or they didn't work as well. Could save you a ton of time and work.

Grace- how are you? Don't remember seeing any really recent posts from you.

Libby- you are lucky to not feel like you are all cramped under your lungs/ribs. Don't worry about how baby is laying just yet. Even if he was in position it could all change. I think I saw on another thread about 'spinning babies' or something to the like.

For those of you worried, may be something to look up.

Misty- glad to hear your appt went well! You are so close....i'm very jealous! Sounds like your sugars have been doing better, except for being low sometimes. Can't win, can you?! Oh, thanks for checking in on me. Means a lot. :)

Aspe and Angel- Congrats! Your u/s's are coming up soon!

Hello Blueberri! Hope you are well!

Hmm, hopefully I didn't forget anyone. Sorry if I did.

Well, it's been 'interesting' around here, I guess you could say. A few wks ago my pain med came back out. Which is great, I can control the dose and not use as much if my pain isn't as bad and is safer. Unfortunately, it is also a med that will send you into withdrawal if used with another opiod. So, I had to come off the fentanyl with nothing else for my pain. It was horrible. The withdrawal was brutal and stressful on me and baby. Spent a wk not able to function. I'm happy it was done now than have the baby born with it in her system. Would have been in nicu for wks with withdrawals. In my search to find out how long it would last I saw someone had posted the withdrawal from heroin was easier. :/ I wish I would have known what it was going to be like, would have gone some other route of pain management. And fentanyl is on the list of 'safer' meds to use. Would hate to see the w/d for an abuser of it.

Anyway, got through that and then had about a wk before my glucose test. The 1 hr made me feel horrible and off for a few days. And then I failed it along with my iron being low. So I had to go for the 3 hr. It was all I could do to not get sick right away and kicked in an immediate migraine. After the first hr and blood draw I asked if I got sick if i'd have to start over and they said since the first hr was done i'd be ok. So, promptly got sick. Couldn't keep any water down either. After my 3 hrs, I still felt really off. I couldn't keep any water or food down. My mom ended up taking my daughter for 2 days. 2 days of keeping nothing down and another 3 of keeping no food down. So happy for my parents being in the medical field and I can just run fluids at home. At the end of 5 days, I still had a migraine. My pain meds weren't touching it. Finally back to just a bad h/a and migraine here and there. Oh, I still failed the 1 hr.....and barely passed the 2&3 hr draws. But they are just going to leave it alone. Thank God.

SPD has gotten much worse and with other joint instabilities i'm miserable. Basically stand, sit or lay on what I think will be the least painful spot and when it starts to throb beyond my tolerance I change positions.

I've been having contractions for a few months now. Not just BH. For the most part, just make me feel worse, but nothing i'd consider too serious yet. I was getting them a lot stronger and really close together the first few days after my 3 hr test and really thought i'd be in for the hospital or early delivery. Fortunately they seem to have gone back to less frequent and not as strong.

I'm sure I missed something. It's been a terribly rough road and i'm counting down to being done. Seems like I just keep cking off complications.....oh, and my stomach muscles have separated and still have the cyst. I'm so done being pregnant!

Pray that baby doesn't decide to make an early appearance- atleast not in the next week. Bring on Saturday....time for some warm sunny beaches in Cancun. Everyone thinks i'm crazy for still going. I have considered with all these problems it's probably not the best idea. Only reason I still am is bc of my parents. I have a dr and a nurse going with. IV supplies are packed and my mom has been in contact with some dr's my stepdad has gone to seminars with as a just in case. Hey, I have to take it easy....i can take it easy just as well on a nice warm beach as at home in the recliner (which is not nearly as fun and burr it's cold here). Not looking forward to the 3 hr flight, but atleast there are no connections to try and walk between.

Well, I think that's it. I'll prob try and ck in before we leave..
Krissy, those are great pics of you and the kids.

Nicole, maybe you need to see a chiropractor. I know the whole thing Janelle went through......i actually have both- one that does more of the muscle adjustments to the body, but she also does cranial adjustments- which is why I saw her in the first place and one that will crack. Just recently got into that one, since now baby is big enough that the cyst doesn't have the same room to twist as easily. Having my si joint back in place helped a ton. Didn't stay with the other pelvic instabilities that the chiro really can't control, but the best relief i've had in months and l'll take a few days over nothing.
Amber, :wohoo: :hugs: So happy to see that you've posted!!! I don't know how you do it! I can't even imagine being in your shoes. I feel like such a wimp after reading what your journey is like this pregnancy. That's awesome that your parents are in the medical field. I had a friend, well I've had a couple who have been heroin addicts. One in particular who I consider my brother, battled a heroin addiction for 7 years! He's clean now, but he was the one that I saw go through withdraws. It was the hardest and scariest thing that I ever had to witness and I'm not sure I could have the strength to go down that road again. I give you props for being able to stop taking fentanyl. That's amazing! With your SPD do you ever wake up in the night with your hips locked? I've had that the last couple of nights and it's terrible and sleeping with a pillow between makes it even worse. I know what you mean about sitting in positions that are "less painful" only to have to move and switch positions after a short while. I hope that your flight is a smooth one and you're not in too much pain when you land. When I flew to Florida and Ohio my pelvis was killing me between flights!!! As for painting, the walls are primed. Whoever lived here before smoked, so we prime everything with Killz primer just so the stains don't bleed through. I do want to get some sort of paint with primer just so I don't have to paint a crazy amount. I will look into it. Thank you.

Angel, I did some research awhile back (months ago) and found one website that had a fancy pregnancy support belt for I think SPD??? It looked like difficult underwear. LOL I have an appointment tomorrow with my dr. so I will talk to him about it more before I go an order a belt. I want to see how big my belly has gotten since seeing him last. I got on the scale this morning and still haven't gained any weight since my last appointment. :shrug:

Nicole, I would speak to your doctor before diagnosing yourself with SPD. My doctor asked me a bunch of questions and did a little poking before diagnosing me with SPD. I agree with Amber, if your hip is only hurting on one side, the baby could very well be favoring that side and your hip or sacrum joint could be out. if you push on your pelvic bone, like where your doctor checks to measure your fundus, does it hurt? That's where it feels like I got hit with a wrecking ball. That whole opening is messed up. I can feel it rub and shift when I move and walk. As for birth control, are you saying you're usually pregnant again within 6 weeks after having the baby? That 6 week point? You got me all confused. Also, do you think your baby has always been breeched? I swear I remember you saying baby was head down, I know it's early and they turn all over the place, so I wouldn't doubt that the baby will turn again.

Libby, I don't know if Mirena has hormones or not, but I'm interested in it. I read a little bit about it at my doctors office. I never tried nuvaring. I was always afraid it would fall out or something. Mirena can fall out or it can disappear into the unknown! just kidding. Apparently, you have to check some threads every month to make sure it's in right. I looked at the diagram and that seems like a pain in the butt to me. Plus you can get ovarian cysts. I just don't know what I want to do. I would do the pill again, but I can never remember to take it at the same time. Dan said he is up for the snip, but I don't want him to do that until we're sure we're done. I might have a mid life crisis in a few years and NEED another baby. LMAO. It will be when my memory is going and I can't remember all this pain and bitching. :haha: We'll most likely just stick to old fashion condoms.
Janelle, I wouldn't say anyone is a wimp in pregnancy! This is my body's way of telling me, no more! If we want more in the future it will be fostering to adoption. Just too much.

Yes, when I do sleep it takes me forever to move. Oh, the time M woke up and I jumped out of bed and about fell on my face. I either sleep mostly on my stomach or on my back. Little bit on my sides, but with my other pain, si on one side and cyst on the other, it just makes things worse. And oh my, to go to the bathroom....it hurts so bad to sit on the toilet. labor and delivery were my favorite parts of preg last time- once I got epidural I guess....but I am terrified with already having this pain this time. What's it going to be like after?! Eeek! It's like already having that post delivery pain only worse and it gets worse not better each day. Can't wait to be done! Then I think, 'but i'm going to miss feeling the baby move and knowing this will be the last.' Honestly, i'm to the point if my dr offered a c-section I would take it...take the cyst out at the same time and have a hysterectomy leaving only my left ovary (rt would come out with cyst) to keep some hormone balance. It honestly makes sense to me as I have a family history of cancer anyway, both my mom & grandma have had hysterectomies bc of it. So far my dr thinks he'll wait until my pp appt to see what the cyst is doing and then remove it if needed. :/

Definitely try the paint. Works great. Like our walls that I used it on, 1 coat and I was done. It's odd at first bc it is thicker. Better than a primer and then 2-3 coats of paint. But like I said the behr has been my favorite. Oh, and I did multiple rooms in a dark color and normally would have taken 4-5 gal for all of it and I only used 1 1/2. So you may not need as much as you think. Stay away from the paint/primer in ones that Ace sells. Tried their brand and another brand and they both were horrible.
Amber, I know where you're coming from I'm starting to get nervous about having this baby. Excited about the epidural, but afraid of what the after pain will be like. I will definitely be asking for pain meds though if it doesn't get better. I can't imagine pushing a baby through a broken hole and it not hurting. LOL I'll let you know how it goes!
Oh, janelle....have you had the privledge of bruising yet? I took m to an inflatables place one day. I knew I had way over done it and felt really beat up. Just the trama of all the walking caused bruising over my pubic bone. Felt like a baseball bat had been taken to me and looked like it after that. Fortunately, no more times like that.
Amber, no i haven't noticed any bruising, but I haven't been able to see my lady bits in quite awhile. This maybe TMI, but my husband keeps me groomed down there and he said that it all definitely looks painful. I have varicose veins all over down there that are pretty painful. I wonder if SPD has anything to do with those? I try to take it pretty easy and not walk a whole lot because I've learned that the more I do, the harder it is to do anything the next day. Some days are really good, others are terrible. Like last week I think sometime, I had enough energy and wasn't hurting too bad to really clean my house and nest. The next couple days were hell!! ...but I have a super clean and organized house that I've been able to keep that way, so I'm not entirely pissed at myself. Samuel helps me with the laundry and unloading the dishwasher. So, that's kind of nice. Even more so that he LOVES doing it. Hoping once this baby is born, if I'm still in pain he will help me out a lot.
I do have pelvic pain sometimes but its only like once a week compared to all day hip pain. I did get the lightening crotch feeling again last night. It was at 18 weeks when I said that this baby was head down. Remember, I had been to the ER for pelvic pressure because walking hurt so bad.

As far as birth control, 6 weeks after stopping breastfeeding is the 6 week point I'm talking about. With my son I got real sick and gave up breastfeeding due to illness and migraines at just short of 3 months and 4 weeks later we found out I was pregnant with our daughter. We got pregnant with the baby we lost almost exactly 4 weeks after I completely weaned our daughter. So yeah...its a cycle for us I guess but I'm perfectly fine with it.
nicole, i hate that zap feeling! I'm pretty sure for me its the baby poking at my cervix. I had some serious zaps while taking a bath tonight. It all happened when i leaned forward though. So makes sense its the baby poking. Maybe her head? If you don't mind me asking, do you use any form of birth control during the time you're breastfeeding?
Hi AMBER!!! you are such a tropper to go through so much to have this baby and girl enjoy cancun!!!! get some rays for my past ass lol! yes i am crazy busy and i am so cutting back in a few weeks!

Janelle- i had something called a Prenatal Cradle support belt while pregnant with jamie. i got a script from my dr for it so my insurance paid for it. it sort of kind of helped but not really. i forgot i actually sort of know what you are going through so yeah i guess did forget how much it hurt 4 yrs later lmao. i had that extra amniotic fluid and with him being so big all that weigh but so much pressure and pain in my pelvis there were days i could barely walk towards the end. then bc of going into preterm labor a few times and the pain added in there i was put on sort of like bedrest...basically they told me from 36 1/2 weeks on lay down as much as possible, no sex at all, and no traveling further than 20 min from the hospital. if it wasnt for my parents dont know what i would have done those last few weeks. now thinking about it i just remember being in so much freaking pain. and bc i had csections i was given the spinal and it was so nice not to feel a damn thing finally lol. after the fact i was given morphen till i could go on vicodin for pain control but i only took that for a week and i was fine. the recovery from surgery was better than the pain i felt while pregnant lol.

oh and bc discussion. after each of my pregnancies with the first two i went on low dose pills but then i got pregnant with jamie while on those pills so after him i went on Implanod which is the one that looks like a little stick that goes in your arm. i actually liked it because it was simple to be put in no checking nothing and if i did get pregnant while on it easy to remove since it was not in my uterus. it last for about 3 years but i took it out just after a yr bc we knew a few months after that we wanted to start trying for forth and final. after we finally have number four i will get my tubes tied. we have had a discussion about it and since i have csections just makes sense for me to get "fixed". also if god forbid we ever broke up i would never want to have a child with some one else and josh feels the same way. i know he would still have that option if he is not "fixed" but even if he did it is pretty easy to reverse a visectomy compared to a tubal reversal...so it is what it is. beside i dont want anymore after four and even #4 is proving to be difficult for us....

janelle-thanks for the kind words and i am always thinking of you guys to just so busy. i dont know these cramps are weird they got pretty bad on the way to work then i had lots of clear discharge maybe i am oing later than i thought????
nicole, i hate that zap feeling! I'm pretty sure for me its the baby poking at my cervix. I had some serious zaps while taking a bath tonight. It all happened when i leaned forward though. So makes sense its the baby poking. Maybe her head? If you don't mind me asking, do you use any form of birth control during the time you're breastfeeding?

Nope we dont. We even tried for 4 months (started when Jerusha was 4 months old) to get pregnant while breastfeeding because we wnted twins. Didnt happen. I dont think I ovulate AT ALL while I'm breastfeeding even if its only one feeding a day. Works for me!

Well I'm having more trouble sleeping now. Jerusha hasnt been sleeping well or for very long these past 2 days. She has a runny nose, cough, and today she had a low grade fever. I'll porbably give her some baby Tylenol tomorrow night to help her sleep better. If she gets a high fever she is definitely getting checked out though. I still dont have a pediatrician here for her but there are some that share the same building as my OB so I might just ask next time if they have any female pediatricians who are accepting and fill out the medical records request form then since her 24 month check-up will be in May.
Have any of you sarted packing your hospital bag yet? I'm going to do mine next Sunday while Jerusha is out of the house. I ordered some baby socks and miscellaneous baby items that will go in there. Still deciding what clothes of mine to put in there though.
Good morning i think......at least it is my day off but got ton to do! got to see if my stupid printer will work for me. still have to print off and send in my state taxes. got joshua off to school but still got to get me, the little ones and josh ready for the day. little ones have preschool and then once they are on the bus we are headed over to the community college for josh to get his assessment testing out of the way so we can decide what classes he is taking this summer. probably a couple of his core classes online hopefully so i can help him out more that way and an elective he needs. so excited he is so excited to do this he really needs to feel like he is doing better for himself.

nicole-i am not prego obviously lol...but with my other ones i had my bags backed for joshua around 36 weeks and since the other two were planned csections i just packed the day before. as far as clothes for myself the first day i was in their gowns bc of surgery but once they let me get up and shower i wore comfy pjs and went home in pjs with first two jamie i wore my the same outfit i wore to the hospital lot bigger on the way home since i went a whopping 232 down to 209 in a few days.

oh i feel like crap this pian between my sholder blades is so freaking bad!! i got to pick up some stuff for it today. josh had been trying to rub out the muscle the last few days but it hurts so bad for him to even touch it it sucks!!!!

ok check in later!
So what is everyone up to this TGIF and this weekend. me yeah busy lol....but this is my weekend to work a 12 on saturday then my normal 3 days after that...fun fun! and i got WIC appt on monday with jamie and then dentist for all 3 on wednesday...thank got wednesday is my day off!!!

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